Thesun 2009-07-06 Page02 Probe Into North Korean Bank Accounts Here

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2 theSun | MONDAY JULY 6 2009

news without borders

Probe into North Korean Nik Aziz prepared to meet

Najib over debate proposal
KOTA BARU: PAS spiritual
leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz
for a debate with Umno was
not new.

bank accounts here

Nik Mat is ready to meet Prime “We have been wanting to
Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul debate with Umno since PAS’s
Razak to discuss the proposed inception in 1951,” he said.
debate between them. He said his invitation to the
The Kelantan mentri besar debate was made following
said the meeting, however, a police report lodged by
SEOUL: The US pointman for sanctions on siles and their launch would mark was not a pre-condition for the Umno Youth claiming
North Korea was to hold talks in Malaysia an escalation of military moves by the debate but more towards that Nik Aziz’s ceramah was
yesterday, possibly on links banks have to the the North, which has fired several discussing its guideline. seditious as he likened Umno
North’s finances, while a report said Pyongyang non-ballistic, short-range missile Speaking to reporters at the to communism and deviant
may have shot mid-range missiles in a series since the May 25 nuclear test. Sultan Ismail Petra Airport on teachings.
fired on Saturday. Impoverished North Korea is his return from Kuala Lumpur, Nik Aziz said there would
North Korea launched seven ballistic mis- barred by United Nations resolu- Nik Aziz said the official letter be no end to the standoff
siles, South Korea’s defence ministry said, in tions from firing ballistic missiles inviting the Najib to the debate between PAS and Umno if the
an act of defiance towards the United States on such as the Scud, which defence had already been sent. two parties did not come face-
its Independence Day, further stoking regional officials said were designed by the “We have not received any to-face in a debate.
tensions already high due to Pyongyang’s North to target US allies South Korea response yet,” he said. “I just want to ask two
nuclear test in May. and Japan. Asked to comment on things – why reject Islam
The launches came as the US cracked down Japan is considering introducing claims that the debate invita- and embrace nationalism,
on firms suspected of helping the North in its a new ground-based missile defence tion was to divert attention and what is wrong with the
trade in arms and missiles. system to complement interceptors from the collapse of the policy implemented by PAS,
The US may have found several bank ac- it currently has, the Japanese daily proposed unity government especially in Kelantan,” he said.
counts in Malaysia suspected of belonging to Mainichi reported. talks, Nik Aziz said the call – Bernama
North Korea and may freeze them as part of The UN resolution, which was
the crackdown, Yonhap reported, citing an passed June 12, bans the export of all
unidentified source in Washington. weapons by North Korea. It also bans
US ambassador Philip Goldberg, the US all financial transactions with North
coordinator for the implementation of UN Se- Korea that could contribute to its nuclear or
curity Council Resolution 1874, would discuss ballistic missile programmes.
the banks with officials in Malaysia, the source Goldberg went to Beijing last week for talks
said. with Chinese officials on enforcing UN sanc-
The North appears to have fired three mid- tions. The help of China, the North’s biggest
range Rodong missiles, which can hit all of trade partner and benefactor, is essential for
South Korea and most of Japan, and four Scud enforcing sanctions, experts said.
missiles, which can strike most of South Korea, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Qin
Yonhap news agency quoted a South Korean Gang said in a statement yesterday regarding
official as saying. the missile launches: “China has taken note
The officials said the missiles flew about of this situation and hopes all sides will show
450km and it will take a few days to confirm restraint and together maintain the peace and
what was fired. stability of the region.” Russia has made a
The Scud and Rodong are both ballistic mis- similar comment. – Reuters

Ong joins protest against state govt

by Giam Say Khoon we do not know how much rental the state government is collecting, and what is its stand
on agreeing to the driving range which is for
KUALA LUMPUR: MCA president Datuk commercial purpose and not for the people.”
Seri Ong Tee Keat yesterday joined more Ong questioned the state government’s
than 100 residents in Taman Maju Jaya and silence on the commercialised land and its
Taman Cheras Indah to protest against the action against the NGOs.
Selangor government’s policy to take over He said although the state had said the
“illegal” community centres. community centres would be managed by its
After meeting residents at the Yayasan Bakti residents’ committee after the takeover, the
Nusa community centre here, Ong said since committee is not a registered body and does
the Pakatan Rakyat government took power not have locus standi on the matter.
15 months ago, the people had yet to see any He said the decision of the state had an-
policy decisions that were beneficial to them, gered the people and if it continues to do so,
especially in facing the economic downturn. such a “tyrannical” government will fall.
“I have received a lot of complaints from It was reported that the Ampang Jaya
the public, especially the NGOs, that their Municipal Council (MPAJ) had announced
community centres which were built and in May that it would be taking over five com-
managed with their own money or allocation munity centres managed by the Bakti Nusa
from the federal government, are being taken Malaysia Foundation, on a directive from the
over by the state government. Mentri Besar’s Office demanding the centres
“The previous (Barisan Nasional) state be returned to the council.
government had agreed in black and white It was reported that 90% of community and
that NGOs will manage the premises, but un- multi-purpose halls in Selangor, built on land
fortunately the current administration wants belonging to the land office and constructed
to take them all back. by the previous Selangor administration, have
“Where was Pakatan Rakyat when the been returned to the respective local councils.
NGOs needed its help?” Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibra-
Ong pointed out that the community cen- him said the move was to ensure the centres
tres were places where the residents could are managed by the local council and used for
gather for various activities. activities which benefit the community.
He lamented that the state government had On the claim that MCA is using the com-
agreed to turn a green lung in Pandan Perdana munity centres as its offices, Ong said the
into a driving range, which it had been protest- party was renting part of the centres as its
ing against when it was the opposition. offices but vacated them after finding new
“It was done without transparency because office premises.

Murugiah: I’m still PPP president

GEORGE TOWN: Although the Registrar of Socie- meeting with 120 Penang branch leaders.
ties (ROS) has yet to make known the results of He maintained that he was elected as presi-
its investigations into the People’s Progressive dent by two-thirds of the branch leaders in the
Party’s leadership controversy, Deputy Minister party.
in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk T. “I believe the ROS has completed its investiga-
Murugiah continues to visit branches in various tions but has yet to announce its decision,” he
states as the party president. said, adding he will accept whatever decision
“I am confident I will lead the party so I the ROS makes.
am now meeting with all the branch leaders On the controversial Kampung Lorong Buah
of various states in my capacity as PPP presi- Pala issue, Murugiah said the federal government
dent,” he said at a press conference before will see what it can do to help the residents.

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