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theSun | MONDAY JULY 6 2009 5

news without borders


Federal govt must bear promises
led to ‘High
acquisition cost, says CM
GEORGE TOWN: Penang is prepared Lim said the 2.6ha “High Chapar- help the villagers to focus on pressuring
GEORGE TOWN: The Kampung Buah Pala
to invoke the Land Acquisition Act to ral” costs many times more than the the federal government, BN and Koh or “High Chaparral” issue has become mired in
resolve the Kampung Buah Pala issue reported RM30 million and there was to help pay for the land acquisition to controversy because of promises made by politi-
but the federal government must bear no way the state government could af- “undo the damage the previous state cians, says land law expert and academician
the cost. ford the acquisition cost. government had inflicted”. Prof Salleh Buang.
Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said “We are caught in a bind here. On calls by the residents that he go He said the politicians, mainly from DAP,
he would be writing to the Prime Whether we agree or not, we still have down to the ground to meet them, Lim had made promises to the villagers from the
Minister and his predecessor Tan Sri to accept the Federal Court’s decision said: “I am willing to meet only the beginning that they will resolve the issue for
Dr Koh Tsu Koon, who is also Minister that the land belongs to the developer,” residents, nobody else ... not when they Susilo the residents.
in the Prime Minister’s Department, to he said. bring in outsiders or other parties.” holds “They made the promises during the gen-
ask the federal government to bear the Lim said the focus of the whole issue He said the state government would eral election and now, when they are unable to
acquisition cost so that the villagers can should train on the culprits who caused ensure that the developer pay the aces as fulfil their promises, the residents are enraged
remain there. the mess in the first place, “not the cur- RM200,000 compensation to each of the Indonesia because this can be termed as a breach of trust,”
“If you want us to use our powers to rent administration which is trying its residents and if the developer refuses to goes to he told theSun in a phone interview.
acquire the land, we can do it but we best to help the residents. do so, “we will take action”. On a legal point of view, Salleh said: “The
cannot afford to pay for it. So if the fed- “We don’t understand why so many The Kampung Buah Pala issue has polls law is very clear and the legal position of the
eral government is willing to pay, we parties who are trying to help them do been in the news in recent weeks and pg 7 land owner, which is the developer, is very
will gladly do it,” he told reporters after not see that all these are caused by the about 23 households have refused to strong at this point. The Federal Court’s deci-
a meeting with Hindraf representatives previous Barisan Nasional (BN) gov- move out and want the state govern- sion to allow the legal land owner to take vacant
led by V. Ganabatirau in the chief min- ernment and not us.” ment to intervene and allow them to possession of the land without compensation is
ister’s Komtar office. He urged those who really want to remain “squatting” on the land. strictly according to the land law.
“The land may be previously categorised as
a vested crown for housing trust before it was
alienated and reverted to the federal govern-
ment but the residents still do not have any right
to the land under the land law.

Koh tells
“The previous owner, Helen Margeret
Brown, made a gratuitous promise to settle
them there all those years ago but this promise

Guan Eng to
does not give them locus standi on the land.
“The residents do not have any legal position
to stand on at all as under the law, they do not

act like CM
have any right to the land. However, all this
commotion now is due to a breach of trust by
the politicians who promised them a solution
and not a legal matter. They are only demand-
KUALA LUMPUR: Minister in the ing for the politicians to fulfil their promises.”
Prime Minister’s Department Tan Sri Salleh suggested that the only way for the
Dr Koh Tsu Koon says Penang Chief state government to resolve the whole issue
Minister Lim Guan Eng should act like a now was to find the residents an alternative
CM and solve the problems on the island place to reside.
himself, especially that concerning the “Like any good state government that cares
Kampung Buah Pala or High Chaparral for the welfare of its people, the only avenue is
villagers’ problems. resettlement since it cannot do anything about
He said Lim and his DAP party had the land being taken back by its legal owner.”
promised a lot of things for the villag- The Kampung Buah Pala community of 41
ers in the last general election, “so they households was served with the writ of posses-
should fulfil their promises”. sion last Thursday morning and they have until
“Usually, he would push away prob- Aug 2 to vacate the land.
lems which he could not resolve to the The land owner and developer, Nusmetro
federal government or blame the previ- Ventures (P) Sdn Bhd, had said they will come
ous Barisan Nasional government. He in with bulldozers after that to clear the land as
must remember, he has been a CM for the planned development project for the land is
quite some time, more than 16 months, way behind schedule.
and he still wants to blame others. The developer is also not offering any more
“Resolve it. That’s why I don’t want compensation to the residents.
to fight with him. He should focus his organised by the Kuala Lumpur Federal Pala to enable 23 squatter families facing Koh with the In the meantime, Deputy Chief Minister I
attention and energy on resolving the Territory Wanita Gerakan yesterday. eviction to continue living there. children at Mansor Othman and Deputy Chief Minister II
problems in Penang as a Penang CM, not Koh was asked to comment on Lim’s Koh said he did not want to say much the Fiesta Prof Dr P. Ramasamy have asked the residents
as an opposition leader,” he told report- statement asking the federal government about the issue as he did not want to Satu Hati to be patient while they try to seek an amicable
ers at the Fiesta Satu Hati programme to acquire the land in Kampung Buah fight with Lim through the media. programme. solution to the matter.

Stop the blame game and deliver

those who keep flogging a dead horse. report by PricewaterhouseCoopers The ongoing land issue in Kampung Municipal Council (MPPP)’s inability to

Comment Opposition politicians, especially

DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang, have been
Advisory Services Sdn Bhd.
But Lim is still dissatisfied and is
Buah Pala (dubbed Penang’s High
Chaparral) is a case in point. The land
resolve the problem of traffic diversion
and location of giant garbage bins near
by Ng Kee Seng relentless in their attacks on Transport continuing his attacks. Surely, he does use was converted by the BN govern- a row of double-storey houses. Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat and not expect Ong to be both judge and ment and sold to property developer Lereng Wira and the MPPP insist on
the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) issue. executioner on the PKFZ issue? Nusmetro Ventures Sdn Bhd without locating Vista Gambir’s main entrance
Desperado, why don’t you come to The Chinese media are having a field Or is master politician Lim trying to the residents’ knowledge. But land is a at the narrow lanes of a row of residen-
your senses? day publishing Lim’s statements with divert attention from the growing woes state matter. tial double-storey link houses instead
You been out ridin’ fences for so long impunity. of DAP and its standing in the Pakatan Guan Eng can continue to point his of diverting traffic out to the main road
now The PKFZ was hatched during the Rakyat? Or could Lim be worried about finger at the BN for all the woes that – Jalan Yeap Chor Ee. The condominium
Oh, you’re a hard one tenure of former MCA president and the performance and growing integrity will naturally surface daily or weekly. block’s giant garbage bins are also sited
I know that you got your reasons transport minister Tun Dr Ling Liong of Ong, the only MCA MP in Selangor to After all, the BN had ruled Penang for barely 20m from the row of houses.
These things that are pleasin’ you Sik. Ling was succeeded by then MCA be re-elected amid the March 8, 2008 decades and is thus responsible for the The residents complained to the
Can hurt you somehow …. deputy president Tan Sri Chan Kong political tsunami. many boo-boos. But Guan Eng must MPPP, executive councillor Chow Kon
Choy, who failed to reveal PKFZ’s bal- While on the subject of performance, remember that the people elected him Yeow and Guan Eng. Nothing happened
Desperado, oh, you ain’t gettin no looning costs. how is Lim’s son, Guan Eng, delivering to govern, not just blame. and the affected residents have been
younger After Ong took over the ministry and as Penang chief minister in terms of A stone’s throw from High Chaparral left to seek legal redress.
Your pain and your hunger, they’re elected MCA president last August, he good governance? is the 144-unit Vista Gambir Condomini- On Thursday night, another property
drivin’ you home promised transparency and initiated Penangites say developers are um block developed by Lereng Wira Sdn development issue “cracked up”, involv-
And freedom, oh freedom well, that’s an independent probe into PKFZ’s ac- “king” in the state because most are Bhd. The project was “forced down the ing the construction of the controversial
just some people talkin’ counts. In doing so, he rattled many linked to the Barisan Nasional (BN). But throat” of the then Gerakan-led state super condominium project on Gurney
Your prison is walking through this quarters, risking a political backlash the DAP-led state government, which government to facilitate the federal-pro- Drive by Hunza Properties Bhd.
world all alone … from those with direct or indirect inter- has ruled for more than a year now, posed Penang Outer Ring Road. Thus, Don’t be surprised that Guan Eng
ests in the controversial project. has little to show by way of effecting Bukit Gambir residents realised the and the state government will again
THE lyrics from The Eagles song Des- But, the bottom line is, Ong has de- change or that it will make the differ- futility of opposing the project. point their fingers at the “BN-approved”
perado best describe the actions of livered. He fought to get the cabinet’s ence in the public delivery system to But what frustrates them is the project. Perhaps, this time it’s better to
some seasoned politicians, especially approval to make public the PKFZ audit help resolve societal woes. state government and Penang Island talk less and deliver.

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