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theSun | TUESDAY JULY 7 2009 5

news without borders

Abdul Hamid retires after two terms Kit Siang now rules out
SENATE president Tan Sri Dr Abdul
Hamid Pawanteh, who retired yester-
it was time to do so, he said
it was up to the politicians
very exciting time,” he said
on completing his two
Cheng Teik
day after having chaired sittings of the and leaders to decide. terms. VETERAN DAP leader Lim Kit Buddhist centre controversy, the
House for six years, said the senate is On veteran DAP Abdul Hamid, who Siang has ruled out the possibility sale of pork in the Alor Star market,
more assertive now than it was when leader and Ipoh Timur was also a former Perlis of the party recruiting former Ger- and temple demolitions.
he took office. MP Lim Kit Siang’s criti- mentri besar and MP, akan vice-president Dr Goh Cheng » form a committee headed by Goh
Speaking to newsmen, Abdul cism that the ruling party said the Westminister- Teik to lead a committee to resolve to resolve the abbatoir problem;
Hamid (pix), 65, said he felt a sense of had used the senate as a style parliamentary the pig abattoir issue in Kedah. and
satisfaction that this new assertive- political garbage dump for system practised here A day after he made the propos- » create a Pakatan Rakyat trouble-
ness would help the senate in its role politicians who were not would take a long time to al, the Ipoh Timur MP backtracked shooting state mechanism to resolve
of ensuring checks and balances. elected to parliament, Abdul evolve and develop. “For the on it when met at the parliament all emerging issues in Kedah.
“The senate does not have much Hamid said: “We can have a past 50 years, this system has lobby yesterday. On whether he had met with
power under the Constitution but it cynical or realistic view of things; I served us well. The bottom line is “We are dealing with this Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Seri
is given the opportunity to ensure no would choose to be realistic in saying that except for the May 13 incident, (pig abattoir) problem now. Why Azizan Abdul Razak, Lim said he
carelessness or oversights occur in the there is definitely a role that the sen- this system has seen peace and stabil- would you want to talk about was still waiting for an appoint-
law-making process,” he said. ate can play in upholding a system of ity maintained.” another issue?” he asked in response ment to discuss with him issues
Abdul Hamid, who was sworn in checks and balances by being more His parting advice to senators was to a question on the DAP enlisting the relating to the PR and the state.
as senate president in 2003, said that assertive. that they be mindful of the rule of law, services of Goh – a former deputy “This is not just about the pig
although the Constitution allows for “My only regret at leaving is that abide by the Standing Orders and not agriculture minister with experience abattoir. It is about the people,
the direct election of senators, this has the senate now has representatives go overboard during debates to ensure in dealing with pig abattoirs. about who voted for PR and who
never been practised. Asked whether of both sides; I believe it will be a that issues were properly highlighted. On Sunday, Lim proposed a feels that they are being marginal-
three-point formula to resolve the ised. It is a time bomb that cannot
Kedah crisis after the state DAP be wrapped up, an issue that must
Giam Say Khoon at the Dewan Negara yesterday decided to pull out of the state be dealt with,” he said.
government: Lim said he had asked the DAP
» resolve outstanding complaints central leadership not to decide on

A DAP senator
ceremony, said the state gov-
ernment was confident these by Kedahans such as a 50% housing the matter until he had met with
high-achieving and outstand- quota for bumiputras, the Kedah Azizan.
ing individuals would be able
to represent Penang’s interests
and speak up for the people.
“We are proud to have Park System (SLKE).
“It would give users more

after 43 years
Tunku Abdul Aziz as our
senator because we have
aspirations as to what a sena-
briefs payment options besides using
coins,” he said in reply to Senator
tor should be – he should have Tan Sri Tee Hock Seng.
wisdom, a lot of experience, Tee had asked if the ministry
and most important of all, an Don’t use names would review or scrap the SLKE
as its implementation in commer-
AFTER 43 years, the DAP Abdul Aziz is the founder
impeccable sense of integrity. of banned groups, cial and housing areas had raised
We think Tunku Abdul Aziz fits
finally has a senator. Party of Transparency International: that bill perfectly,” Lim said. media told objections and inconvenienced
vice-chairman Tunku Abdul Malaysia and was special Veteran DAP leader and Ipoh THE media should not use the the public. – Bernama
Aziz Ibrahim took his oath and adviser to the United Nations Timur MP Lim Kit Siang also names of banned organisations in
was sworn in yesterday on the secretary-general in 2006. congratulated Abdul Aziz on his their reports, Deputy Home Minister Adequate supply
first day of the senate sitting. The senate also saw the appointment and said it marked Datuk Abu Seman Yusop told the of ST 15 rice
When met at the parliament swearing in of two other PR a new milestone in the party’s senate.
lobby, Abdul Aziz said it was a senators – PAS’s Mumtaz 43-year political struggle. “Their names should not be used THE supply of Super Tempatan (ST
great moment for him to be the Mohd Nawi from Kelantan, He also urged reform in the as they have already been declared 15) rice for the low income group
Lim with is adequate, Deputy Agriculture and
DAP’s first senator and that he who is being reappointed to senate, saying it had been used Abdul Aziz illegal,” he said in reply to a sup-
was looking forward to work- represent the state, as well as as a political “garbage dump” plementary question from Senator Agro-Based Industry Minister Datuk
(left) and Rohani Abdul Karim said.
ing with other Pakatan Rakyat PKR’s Mustafa Kamal Mohd by the Barisan Nasional for Mustafa Datuk Azian Osman who wanted to
senators. Yusoff from Penang. politicians who were not know the status of the name “Paka- She said 75,106.48 tonnes of the
Kamal. grain were distributed in the market
“As a result of this new ap- Penang Chief Minister Lim elected to parliament. tan Rakyat” used by the opposition
pointment, we believe we will Guan Eng, who attended the coalition and whether the names of monthly, and claims that there was
be able to do a bit more to pro- oath-taking banned organisation could be used, inadequate supply were untrue.
mote good causes in our including by the media. Price controls for rice were
parliamentary system,” Abu Seman said the ministry introduced in 1998. As a result of
he said. would take note of the matter. a shortage of supply last year, the
“I would like to thank Earlier, answering Azian’s ques- government adopted several meas-
my colleagues in the tion on the number of banned org- ures including subsidising millers by
DAP for their support anisations, he named two – Hindraf RM800 per tonne for ST 15 under a
and encouragement … It and Darul Arqam – which were pro- first phase from Sept 1, 2008 until
is like first day at school. nounced illegal under the Societies March 31 this year.
As a new boy, there is a Act 1966 (Act 335). – Bernama Changes were made to reduce
lot to learn and I intend subsidy leakages under phase two
to spend the first day just from April 1 to Sept 20, 2009, includ-
watching and listening.”
MEPS for parking ing reducing the subsidy to RM750
Abdul Aziz also said he THE Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) per tonne, and limiting production
appreciated the Penang is planning to implement a car to 24 Bernas mills and 45 bumiputra
government’s confidence in park payment system using the mills under a central buying scheme,

him, the state assembly and Malaysian Electronic Payment Rohani said. “The rice is distributed
Penangites for nominating System (MEPS) application which monthly by sector such as super-
him to represent the state. is available on most ATM cards. markets, bumiputra wholesalers,

“I will certainly do my Deputy Federal Territories private wholesalers, government

best to promote Penang’s Minister Datuk M. Saravanan said contracts and direct sale to Bernas,”
interests in the Dewan MEPS was an alternative mode of said in reply to Senator Muhamad
Negara,” he said. payment for the Electronic Car Yusof Husin. – Bernama

Malay leadership indisputable, says Khairy ‘Thaksin slipped into M’sia’

BANGKOK: Former Thai prime to escape,” he said.
UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin Khairy, who is Barisan Nasional, minister-turned-fugitive Thak- However, he did not provide
says that although Malay supremacy
(ketuanan Melayu) or Malay dominance
the BN Youth chief
and MP for Rembau, Press Digest Umno also plays the
lead role.”
sin Shinawatra was spotted in
Malaysia recently, but escaped
any information on when the
alleged incident took place.
does not exist in Malaysia, Malay leader- spoke on the public by Kong See Hoh While not denying before he could be arrested by According to Thaworn,
ship is an indisputable fact.
perception that the that there were still authorities there, Thai Deputy Thaksin later left for Fiji.
It is a Malay-led leadership whether displeasure of non- Malays who contin- Interior Minister Thaworn Sen- The policeman-turned
it is in the Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Malays at the concept ued to advocate the nian claimed yesterday. telecommunication billionaire
Rakyat, he said, adding that even if the PR of Malay dominance was a factor in the concept of Malay dominance, he said Thaworn told reporters in ruled the country from 2001 to
comes to power at the federal level, the BN’s loss of support in the last general these people needed to change their the southern province of Pattani 2005 before he was ousted in a
prime minister will still be Malay. election. mindset and the way in which they put that Thai Embassy officials had military coup on Sept 19, 2006
Khairy said the so-called concept of “I don’t think the so-called concept of things across. informed Malaysian authorities while he was attending the UN
ketuanan Melayu is outdated and no Malay supremacy or Malay dominance “The model we must stress is a Malay that Thaksin was staying at the General Assembly.
longer exists. can continue to exist in the present leadership forged by sincere cooperation Shangri-La Hotel. He came back briefly last
In an interview with Sin Chew Daily, Malaysian society; but if you talk of a (between the BN partners). “Thai officials informed year, after his allies won the
he stressed that the BN-governed Malay- Malay leadership, it is an indisputable “Similarly, Pakatan Rakyat is led by Malaysian authorities about December, 2007 general elec-
sia was not dominated by Malays but “led fact. (Datuk Seri) Anwar (Ibrahim). He is Thaksin’s presence there. tion, but remained in exile
by Malays under the true spirit of coop- “Even in Pakatan Rakyat, when they the parliamentary opposition leader. I “Somehow, Thaksin man- to escape the two-year jail
eration between partners (component want to nominate a prime minister, the believe PR will also accept a Malay prime aged to get wind of the im- imposed on him for abuse of
parties)”. choice would definitely be a Malay. In minister.” pending arrest and managed power. – Bernama

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