Thesun 2009-07-08 Page03 Ministry Ready To Face Mitigation Stage

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theSun | WEDNESDAY JULY 8 2009 3

news without borders

H1N1 statistics
(as of 8am, July 7)

» New cases: 34 Dr M tells

Ministry ready to face (Malaysians 24, Indonesians 5,
Australians 3, American 1, Danish 1)

» Imported cases: 22
» Local transmissions: 12
docs to be
mitigation stage
by Karen Arukesamy medical care and treatment; and about
» Total no. of cases: 468
(335 discharged, 133 under quarantine)

» World total: 95,528

(44 deaths from 134 countries)
to country
by Hemananthani Sivanandam » non-medical intervention – personal hygiene, 10% of the
quarantine, social distancing, risk communication population KUALA LUMPUR: Former prime minister
PETALING JAYA: In the wake of the fast-spreading and travel restriction; and is affected, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad says future
A(H1N1) virus which has raised global concerns, the » for service sectors like security, water supply, there will doctors should be loyal to the nation and
question now is how various sectors can respond power supply, transportation, telecommunication not be adequate medical services to treat every- serve in the country’s medical industry
to the pandemic to migitate its effects. and other essential services to have business conti- one,” he said. as it is important for national develop-
According to reports, influenza pandemics have nuity plans to protect their staff. Malaysia has not officially imposed travel restric- ment.
occurred every 20 to 30 years around the world: “The new strain is a mix of human, avian and tions to or from the infected countries although WHO At a dialogue with students from
in 1918, the Spanish flu pandemic known as H1N1 swine genes and is transmitted from human to hu- has declared the pandemic is in phase six. International Medical University (IMU)
caused some 40 to 50 million deaths globally; in man, and everyone is at risk because of the absence “In the mitigation stage, the aim will be to reduce yesterday, Mahathir said there should
1957, the Asian flu/H2N2 caused of immunity,” he said. morbidity and mortality, to slow the spread of dis- be a sense of loyalty among future
about a million deaths; and He said the containment phase approach in ease although it cannot be controlled completely, doctors as they were “helped” by the
the Hongkong flu/H3N2 of Malaysia is effective but the and to minimise disruption to essential services,” country.
1968 recorded a similar Health Ministry is ready to he said. “We live, grow up and enjoy life in this
casualty. INFLUENZA A(H1N1) HOTLINE During this stage, there will still be disease country so we should ask ourselves how
face the mitigation stage if
“The influenza virus » 03-88810200/300 the need arises. surveillance conducted to identify the area of the we became successful, how we become
can keep changing and, “The transition from outbreak, look out for clustering whether in particu- educated and qualified,” he said.
after a certain period, it
» 03-88834414/415 lar communities, schools or groups. Mahathir said Malaysia spends mil-
containment to mitigation
will develop into a new phase is when there is “We would then establish the extent of spread lions to develop some of the best minds
virus. Because of this, in 1995, clear evidence of beginning to see whether the outbreak has only affected one of the country but some of these talented
the World Health Organisation (WHO) called on all of widespread community transmission where there street or others as well, or in a school whether only people are often enticed by offers from
the countries to develop a pandemic prepared- are a number of unlinked cases with no known epi- one classroom is affected or several others as well,” other countries.
ness plan,” the Health Ministry’s Disease Control demiological link to any known case,” he said. he said “We give education to millions of our
Division director, Datuk Dr Hasan Abd Rahman, said “It is a shared responsibility and we should not Husna Yusop reports from Putrajaya: There children and out of these millions, you
yesterday. wait for the pandemic to impact everyone before were 34 new cases reported in the 24 hours as at have a few really good ones,” he said.
Malaysia came up with the National Influenza we act.” 8am yesterday compared with 75 on Monday. “But suddenly others come along and
Pandemic Preparedness Plan (NIPPP) in 2005 and Hasan said about 80% of Malaysia’s cases are Of these, 22 were imported cases and the rest whisk them away. I think they should pay
implemented it the following year. imported but this may change if there is an outbreak local transmissions, Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow us for those we have invested in.”
Hasan said the pandemic can be tackled in vari- in the country. Tiong Lai said. The former premier, who is also a
ous ways, such as: “The aim now is to delay the spread of the virus Altogether, there were 468 accumulated cases qualified medical doctor, has always
» medical intervention – antiviral drugs, vaccine, in the community because if there is an outbreak – 355 imported and 133 local, he said. been critical of western countries rob-
bing the best minds from developing
He said people are often enticed by

No fixing the high pay they receive in different


He said it was acceptable for people

of marks to study abroad but they should rethink

their decision about staying abroad
permanently as they should be loyal to

in USIM, their nation.

“If you think you owe the people
who helped you, then I don’t think you
says ministry will leave the country so easily,” said

by Tan Yi Liang

PETALING JAYA: An investigation into allega-

tions of marks-fixing at Universiti Sains Islam
Malaysia (USIM) by former law lecturer Yasmin
Norhazleena Bahari Md Noor found no proof of
her claims, said the Higher Education Ministry.
In a statement issued yesterday to refute
hearing on
Yasmin’s claims, the ministry’s director-gen-
eral, Radin Umar Radin Sohadi, said: “USIM
has proved there was no marks-fixing in its
July 17
investigations, and the allegations of such a KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court yester-
practice are wholly untrue”. day fixed July 17 to hear the applications
“The statement by the minister of higher Liow gets by nine religious councils to intervene
education (on June 25) that marks-fixing is
Only 2% of Malaysians give blood
his blood in the Roman Catholic Church’s fresh
wholly unacceptable is true,” it said. pressure application for a judicial review over the
It pointed out that a thorough examination checked in usage of the word “Allah” in its weekly
was conducted by the ministry after receiving the mobile publication.
Yasmin’s complaints in June last year. by Husna Yusop throughout Malaysia hads increased by 4% last year to 527,898 units from 507,808 units blood Justice Lau Bee Lan also set the same
“After receiving the first complaint on June donation date in chambers for mention of the
10, 2008, the Ministry of Higher Education in 2007.
PUTRAJAYA: Only about 2% of Malaysians are Of this, 76.1% was collected through vehicle judicial review application, which was to
began an investigation into the matter, evaluat-
blood donors, less than half the World Health mobile units. yesterday. have been heard yesterday.
ing the manner in which exam scripts were
Organisation’s (WHO) target of 5% donors With the blood donation vehicle, he said, Looking on The intervernors were seven state
evaluated and whether there was injustice to
among the population of a particular country. the ministry expects more donors to come is Zuraidah. religious councils from Perak, Tereng-
the complainant,” it said.
However, this does not pose a problem, forward as the facilities were available on ganu, Penang, Selangor, Kedah, Johor
The Public Complaints Bureau had also
investigated the matter, and decided no further said Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, board. and Malacca, the Malaysian Gurdwaras
action was required, it said. as there is adequate supply in the blood bank Liow said several government hospitals Council and the Malaysia Chinese Muslim
The statement said USIM has clear internal at present. such as Kuala Lumpur, Serdang, Selayang, Association.
rules and procedures in the marking of exam “Blood can only be stored for 42 days. Ampang, Kajang, Sungai Buloh and Putrajaya On Feb 16, the titular Roman Catholic
scripts and grading students. There is no point overshooting it too high, Hospitals, as well as 130 private hospitals, Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Tan Sri
“The USIM system of assessing and marking otherwise we have to phase it out,” he told a obtained blood from the blood centre. Murphy Pakiam, filed a fresh application
exams has clear policies and procedures. Every press conference yesterday. “The amount of blood collected by the for a judicial review after the 2008 judicial
exam decision is discussed and examined at “Whenever we are short of blood, we centre last year was 130,925 units while review application had become academic
the undergraduate examiners committee quickly move our unit out and collect more. 60,678 units have been collected in the first as the permit for the Herald publication
meeting at faculty level, before being brought So far, we have no problem maintaining supply five months this year,” he said. Jackson’s for the period Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2008, had
to the university senate for validation or re-ex- in our blood bank. Malaysians are ever willing “About 400 to 500 units of blood are used expired.
amination if there is any doubt to its fairness,” to come forward to donate blood. daily, and the centre has to mobilise at least
mother In the application, Pakiam, as pub-
it said. “Five percent is the recommended per- five mobile units around the country every loses lisher of the Herald, named the Home
The ministry also said USIM had received centage. It is just a yardstick, and it is not day.” control Ministry and government of Malaysia as
MS ISO 9001:2000 accreditation from Sirim, necessary to achieve that because at 2% we According to NCB Holdings director respondents in his action for a declara-
which proves USIM has clear and transparent have enough.” Datuk Zuraidah Atan, the bus, which costs
of estate tion that the decision of the respondents
systems for its examinations,” it said. Earlier, Liow received a bus from NCB Hold- RM440,000, is designed to have a waiting pg 8 dated Jan 7, 2009, prohibiting him from
USIM’s public relations office said the mat- ings Bhd. It is the first mobile blood donation area, an interview area, four beds, pantry, using the word “Allah” in the Herald-The
ter had been settled and it was “no longer an vehicle for the National Blood Centre. equipment cabinets and refrigerator for blood Catholic Weekly is illegal. – Bernama
issue”. He said the amount of blood collected storage.

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