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6 theSun | WEDNESDAY JULY 8 2009

news without borders

Ng accepts ‘property agent’ offer

by Maria J. Dass On Monday Mohd Khir dismissed the extravagance of Barisan Nasional the property and those who politician. Ng’s claim that the house was worth leaders. know the value of the lav- Property agents estimate
RM24 million, and said he had “Tok Guru (Kelantan Mentri Be- ish fittings which include expensive the price of land in that exclusive
SHAH ALAM: Sekinchan assem- secured a RM3.5 million loan from sar Datuk Nik Aziz Abdul Nik Mat) antiques, wood and carvings. neighbourhood is between RM110
blyman Ng Suee Lim is willing to HongKong Shanghai Bank to buy the has been mentri besar of Kelantan for On Monday when reporters asked and RM150 per sq ft.
become a property agent and take up land and the house. Documents from five terms and still lives in a modest to view the property to verify these Documents from the Selangor
an offer by former Selangor mentri the Selangor Land and Mines Office kampung house, but here you have claims, Mohd Khir refused, saying Land and Mines Department show
besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo show that the land alone on which a mentri besar who helmed Selangor “What for? This is my private prop- that Mohd Khir had purchased two
to “sell” his luxury home, dubbed the house is located is worth RM3.8 for eight years and amassed so much erty.” lots in the area in July and Septem-
“Istana Khir” million. of wealth that he can build a palace,” On Mohd Khir’s claim that he took ber 2007, and paid RM2.9 million
“I hope to get my appointment let- The Sungai Panjang state assem- said Ng. an RM3.5 million bank loan to buy and RM900,000 for 31,794sq feet and
ter [as property agent for Mohd Khir] blyman said if Ng was right about the Mohd Khir’s ownership of the the house, Ng said: “Based on my cal- 20,427sq ft respectively, which is way
and the keys to the house to make price then he was welcome to be his property was disclosed in blogs dur- culations, he would have a monthly below market price.
it official,” Ng said when met at the agent, sell the property and take 50% ing his bid to head Umno’s youth loan repayment of RM16,709.54 every The agents also said that the cost
state secretariat yesterday. He added of the earnings. wing at the party elections and annual month (calculated at 4% interest per of a house in the area depends on
that he had lined up three buyers When questioned about the tim- general meeting in March, a move annum) .” the built-up area and the quality of
who were willing to pay more than ing of the revelations, Ng said he had which he claimed was engineered by As state opposition leader and fittings in the house. With top quality
RM8 million upfront for the property been pursuing the matter for almost his political foes in Umno who col- assemblyman, the former mentri finishing, a home in that area can
even without looking at the finishings a year but “it is only now that I man- laborated with opposition leaders. besar earns only RM8,000, so how is cost up to RM500 per sq ft.
inside the house. aged to obtain documents to prove Asked if he stood by the claims it possible for him to pay this amount Using this as a benchmark, this
The Balinese-themed house is lo- that he owns the property”. He added that the land and house cost RM24 in addition to renting another house means that “Istana Khir” would cost
cated at the end of Jalan Suasa 7/1L, that the party will use this during million, Ng said: “I am confident of and maintaining this property? he RM13 million even if only half of its
just off the main road – Persiaran the Manek Urai state by-election this because the information comes asked, adding that he was ready to 52,221 sq feet was built up with the
Dato Menteri in Section 7 Shah Alam. campaign to show the people there from people who have worked on face any lawsuit from the Umno best quality fittings.

M’sians willing to State govt to lodge

pay RM700 to police report on ‘High
Indonesian maids
PETALING JAYA: Malaysians are willing to pay Indo-
nesian maids up to RM700 per month provided the
Chaparral’ land sale
cost of obtaining them can be reduced, a Malaysian by Himanshu Bhatt and priorities now were to “uncover
Trades Union Congress (MTUC) survey revealed. Giam Say Khoon the pernicious nature of the land
“The rationale is that the savings from the agency transfer” and to address the plight
fees can be utilised to pay the maids directly and of the residents who have been
also to look after their medical and other needs,” GEORGE TOWN: The Penang told to vacate by Aug 2.
said MTUC secretary-general G. Rajasegaran. government will lodge a police On Prime Minister Datuk Seri
“Employers now have to pay agency fees of be- report alleging the fraudulent sale Najib Abdul Razak’s assertion that
tween RM7,500 and RM8,000, which is exorbitant, of the Kampung Buah Pala land the federal government would not
and hence households can only afford to pay maids by the previous state executive get involved, Chief Minister Lim
between RM350 and RM450 to cover the cost.” council. Guan Eng said the prime minis-
He said the government should standardise the Deputy Chief Minister (II) ter may not have been properly
cost of obtaining Indonesian maids at RM3,000, to Prof Dr P. Ramasamay said the briefed on the matter.
enable them to be well paid and enjoy perks just report would be lodged very soon In KUALA LUMPUR, Koh
like workers in other sectors. Rajasegaran added following “new found evidence” lamented that DAP should be the
that both the Malaysian and Indonesian govern- questioning the legitimacy of the one responsible for the pledges it
ments should also set up a joint agency to specially transaction. made in the last general election
deal with the maids to cut the cost. “This is a commercial crime to the Kampung Buah Pala or
“This agency can be housed in the embassy, case. The evidence we are getting High Chaparral voters who are
should be a one-stop outfit where all issues pertain- shows some tentative grounds facing an eviction.
ing to maids can be dealt with.” that this is potentially another Koh, who is now Minister in
land scam.” the Prime Minister Department,
Ramasamy, who is the deputy said the DAP had made a very big
chairman of a special committee promise to the people in the 2008
to look into the transaction of the general election and now that it is
2.63ha site, said this after attend- in government, it should deliver
ing the first anniversary celebra- its promise.
tions of George Town’s World “They cannot ask us (former
Abdul Samah briefs Jelaing on the new police station. BERNAMAPIX Heritage Site listing by Unesco in Barisan Nasional state govern-
Town Hall here. ment) to deliver their broken
Police station for Chow Kit He said examination of state
documents showed there had
been two earlier bids for the land
promises. It is on the basis of the
promises that many had given
them the support, especially the
by Charles Ramendran will be the officer-in-charge of the Indian community and the Hin-
which were both rejected by the station (OCS).
previous Barisan Nasional (BN) draf movement,” he said.
He said although the station
executive council. Senator Koh clarified that
KUALA LUMPUR: After being had taken years to reopen, police
But then chief minister Tan Sri the land was allocated to the
closed down for more than five had maintained the security in the
area with regular crime prevention Dr Koh Tsu Koon later became cooperative to swap for a land
years, the Chow Kit police beat
operations and by stationing a interested in selling the land to owned by the cooperative for the
base on Lorong Haji Taib in the
mobile police beat van on Lorong “Koperasi Pegawai Kerajaan Neg- purpose of expanding the High
middle of the area known for its
Haji Taib. eri Pulau Pinang” (Penang Gov- Court building.
red light activities will reopen as a
station. “People come to this area often ernment Officers’ Co-operative) “We did not give the land
The beat base was vacated in for shopping. With the station we on grounds that the organisation cheap to a private developer. It
2004 after the owner sold the land. hope the social and drug problems was not motivated by profit. was given to the cooperative and
Three shoplots were developed on in the area can be further control- The exco approved the sale in to develop the land, the coopera-
the land. led or eradicated,” he said. August 2004 and July 2005. The tive needed to form a joint venture
Yesterday, Deputy Home Abdul Samah said the station cooperative went into an agree- with a private developer.
Minister Jelaing Mersat and Kuala will also have two temporary deten- ment with developer Nusmetro “This is a fact that Lim did
Lumpur deputy police chief SAC I tion cells. A CID team will also be Ventures (P) Sdn Bhd for the not mention as he keeps on tell-
Datuk Abdul Samah Mat visited the stationed there for quick response construction of a condominium ing only half truths. So I need to
three vacant shoplots, which will be in case of emergencies and for project called “The Oasis”. clarify to dispel the mispercep-
turned into the new police station. crime investigation purposes. Ramasamy stressed there tion that we gave land to private
Jelaing told reporter the fittings It is learnt that the shoplots will were questions about why the developer under my administra-
and other logistics for the station be rented for RM22,500 a month. cooperative had been given a tion,” he said.
are being carried out and will Home Minister Datuk Seri 50% discount over the price of “Some villagers had agreed
be completed by the end of the Hishammuddin Hussein, who RM6.4 million it was originally to move out but before we could
month. visited the area two weeks ago, offered and which was already settle it, the DAP came and
He said the station will be fully had said that finding a location or far below market value. The land intervened by making all kinds
operational by the middle of next building for the station was the is currently estimated to be worth of promises. The people believed
month, with 47 police personnel setback in setting it up and renting between RM30 to RM40 million. and supported them, so they have
headed by a chief inspector, who a shoplot would be considered. He said the committee’s to deliver. That’s all,” he said.

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