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Micah 6:9

(Special Edition)

1 SR 95, 96 THE SHEPHERDS ROD The Spirit of Prophecy says in Patriarchs and Prophets, page 251, that the rod of Moses was a symbol of Gods power. The shepherds rod: Power of God; the sheep: Gods people; the shepherds rod is an instrument which is used to catch sheep. The rod in this is an instrument which is used to catch people. What could it be? It can not be anything else but some wonderful, plain, clear-cutting Bible truth which could not be contradicted. When it is revealed, it will produce serpents (people), or converts, by reformation. But the Egyptians did the same also, for they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents, and perhaps more in number, for every man cast his rod, but they were counterfeit. Symbols of hypocrisy (untrue Christians); but Moses rod swallowed the rods of the Egyptians. Symbol of victory for true Israel. The result is opposition, but true Israel wins at last.
In Volume 5, page 696 we read: They did not really cause their rods to become serpents, but by magic, aided by the great deceiver, made them appear like serpents, to counterfeit the work of God. Symbol of an outward appearance of Christianity by Seventh-day Adventists. But one may say, What? Gods people symbolized by a serpent? Why not by sheep? If the meek and lowly Christ was symbolized by the brazen serpent in the wilderness which Moses raised up for the children of Israel to look upon, and be healed from bites of the fiery serpents, then Gods people could be symbolized by a serpent as well. If the rod would have turned into a sheep it would have spoiled the symbol, for the 144,000 are not to be sheep in the sheep-fold and cared for by an earthly shepherd, but the opposite. For this reason the serpent is used as a symbol, meaning wise; cannot be frightened (would not run away from anything: The opposite of sheep). They are to be filled with the Holy Spirit, proclaim the message and triumph with victory. And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men. And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many people as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep: Who, if he go through both treadeth down, and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver. Micah 5:7, 8. (1 SR 95, 96) Assuredly, this reading cannot be applied in the days of V.T. Houteff, that there were many counterfeit rods. For Inspiration declared: 2 TG 34:28, 29 The Shepherds Rod, the books that Inspiration so named and inspired its contents, being the only Rod in the world that can be heard speaking, the Lord commands that you should hear it, that you do not waste any time in deciding between the Rod literature and some other. For there is none other today than the Rod literature which God recommends you to hear. And when you hear the Rod, you will find yourself wrapped in the love of Christ and in the arms of God. Try it. (2 TG 34:28, 29) In the days of V.T. Houteff, there is only one Rod that speaking throughout the whole world. Obviously, therefore, the statement written in 1 SR 95, 96 is a prediction concerning the condition, the days we are living in. There are many different voices of the Rod sounding throughout the whole world. In view of this great confusion there is apparent difficulty to immediately determine who is right and who is wrong, according to 2 SR 90. Now, under Heavens own microscope the Spirit and the Word let us carefully examine the genuine Voice of the Rod to be solidly and securely footed through the weight of evidences. Let us read 3 Ans. 33 For the message in The Shepherds Rod, we simply give the credit to Whom it belongs. And if there be any who desire us to give it to ourselves, they do so, not because they love us or want to exalt us above themselves, but evidently because they are unwittingly echoing the voice from beneath, which hates God and the revelation of His Word, and which ever speaks only to tempt men to exalt themselves instead of God, thereby blindly deceiving themselves and leading others away from the truth, all because they chafe at bringing themselves under the rule of Christ now when He is taking the reins in His own hands.--Testimonies to Ministers, p. 300. (3 Ans. 33)

The voice of Inspiration definitely declared, that the original author of the Shepherds Rod is not V.T. Houteff, but the Holy Spirit. Let us read 4 TR 42 So today, in the antitype, the Lords voice crieth unto the city [church], and the man of wisdom [the teachable] shall see thy name: hear ye the rod, and Who hath appointed it. Mic. 6:9. And by a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved. Hos. 12:13. (4 TR 42) The man of wisdom mentioned in Micah 6:9, are those people who have a teachable spirit, according to our reading. Let us read 1 TG 27:7, 8 The Lord declares that His voice is crying to the city (to the church), and that the men of wisdom shall see the name, and shall hear the Rod and Him Who hath appointed It. Manifestly, this rod is capable of speaking and of being heard, thus the command Hear ye the Rod. So far as we know, the only rod that has ever spoken is THE SHEPHERDS ROD. Moreover, it was not the results of any studious searching of the Bible that the book was so named, the author was not familiar with this scripture, nor did he have any understanding of the book of Micah at the time the title Shepherds Rod was given to the book. I for one cannot overlook, neglect, or reject the Lords counsel in this matter. I must hear the Rod and Him Who has appointed It if I expect to have a home in His Kingdom. I cannot afford to do otherwise, God helping me, for He Himself declares that if I would know how to come before Him, what offering is acceptable to Him, how to do justly, how to love mercy and how to walk humbly before Him, I must hear the Rod that crieth unto the city. Now it is up to all of us individually to decide whether we should hear the voice of man or the Voice of Gods Rod. This is now everyones test, and it must be everyones concern, for one of these two voices -- the voice of men or the Voice of Gods Rod -- will determine everyones destiny either for eternal death or for eternal life. (1 TG 27:7, 8) In the days of V.T. Houteff, it is the Voice of the Rod versus the voice of anti-Rod. Whereas, in the days we are living in, it is the (Egyptian) rod versus Gods Rod. This is now everyones test, and it must be everyones concern, for one of these two voices the voice of the Egyptians rod or the Voice of Gods rod will determine everyones destiny either for eternal death or for eternal life. 1 Ans. 19 Never mind the other fellow, Brethren; you have barely enough time to look after yourself. And moreover, do not measure the Truth with the rod of man, but with the Rod of God: Hear ye the Rod, and [Him] Who hath appointed it (Mic. 6:9), urges the Lord. (1 Ans. 19) 3 Ans. 19-21 HAS THE WORK OF THE SHEPHERDS ROD A TYPE? Question No. 52: If The Shepherds Rod is correct that where there is no type, there is no truth, then where, may one ask, is the type of the work of the Rod, itself? Answer: In the Old Testament is brought to view a religious Movement which is an ensample, or type, of a counterpart in the New Testament. And just as God yesterday organized and led the one to emancipate His people from a cruel bondage to heathen masters, so also will He do with the other today. Likewise as He instructed the one, so will He instruct the other as to how to expect to be liberated and established in the land of their inheritance, the kingdom of freedom, peace, and plenty. In assurance of this, He declares: Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. 1 Cor. 10:11. And there shall be an highway for the remnant of His people, which shall be left, from Assyria, like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt. Isa. 11:16.

These scriptures plainly show that the Exodus Movement of old led by Moses through his shepherds rod, from Egypt to Canaan, points forward in type to the final deliverance of Gods people from their long servitude to the kingdom of this world, to freedom in the kingdom of God. Accordingly, this final and latter day Exodus Movement is to be led by the antitypical Shepherds Rod, and liberated from all earthly bonds--from sin and from sinners. But let it be remembered that the Exodus Movement, the type, was in two sections, the first section being led by Moses, and the second by Joshua, and that it was the last, the purified, section (that which grew up after the forty years wilderness wandering, and after all but two who were over twenty years of age when they left Egypt, had died) that possessed the land. The Movement led by the Rod today is the only Movement in Christendom fitting the type--the Israel of Joshuas day: like it, drawing its followers only from the parent Movement, and having as its threefold objective the deliverance of Gods people from bondage, the possession of the land, and the establishment of the kingdom. And just as the purified Israel of Joshuas day, the generation which survived the forty-year wilderness wanderings, inherited first the final leadership of the typical Exodus Movement, and then the land of promise, so the purified Israel today (the 144,000), the ones who survive the forty-year period of wandering from 1890-1930, and who escape the slaughter of Ezekiel 9, are to be promoted to the final leadership of the antitypical Exodus Movement, then to inherit the promised land, and to be citizens in the everlasting Kingdom. (3 Ans. 19-21) We should not however forget, that the original author of the Shepherds Rod is the Holy Spirit, and not V.T. Houteff. That Even the prophets who were favored with the special illumination of the Spirit did not fully comprehend the import of the revelations committed to them. The meaning was to be unfolded from age to age, as the people of God should need the instruction therein contained. (GC 344) 2 Ans. 78 Of necessity, any statements relative to a subject which is still out of sight in the unfolding of the Scroll, are made only in incidental terms of truth as it is at the time seen or commonly understood. And if the common understanding of these incidental statements be wrong, the writer cannot be held responsible for that which he has borrowed from others or seen but very dimly and therefore expressed very indefinitely. (2 Ans. 78) In 1 SR 110 implied clearly, that in 1930 antitypical Moses began to receive the Rod of God. Although the history repeats of Itself, but the antitypical fulfillment is on a much broader scale than in the original (14 TR 6). Therefore, the antitypical Rod of God being a message (not literal Rod) the entire period from 1929 up to 1955 must be the giving of the Rod. Or in other words the Rod was completely given, after the message of the SROD was completely written. The voice of Inspiration plainly declared, that this typological Movement is divided only into two sections. First led by Moses, and second led by Joshua. This portion of Truth, completely overthrows the idea, that there would be more than two prophets to follow after antitypical Moses (V.T. Houteff) died. Inspiration declared: 2 SR 255 This light being transmitted by marvels of typical events, is a clear manifestation that there is a type for every incident of vital interest to the church of God, which are the only positive proofs and clear explanations of divine providences. As there is no type for that which is false, teachers of theories without a typical representation for their claims of so-called Bible truths, and those who believe in them, are as the blind leading the blind. The types are worked out to expose the error and reveal the truth. The honest ones will shun the devil by embracing the facts, and by walking in the light. (2 SR 255) Through typological representation we can easily determine the true as well as the false movement. And since this typological Movement is being led by the Rod, there are only two prophets that had been appointed by God to take His Rod Moses and Joshua. The Holy Ghost which is the Divine Author of the Rod (3 Ans. 33, 62), appointed first antitypical Moses (V.T. Houteff), and then passed the Rod into the hands of antitypical Joshua. Therefore, those movements that recognized more than one prophet to follow after antitypical Moses (Houteff) died, must be erroneous, and can never be of God. Let us read

1 TG 7:12 What made one group eligible to cross the Jordan? -- It was their trust in God, knowing that He was their Chief Leader. They recognized Moses and Joshua as the ones through whom God was communicating with them. They did not look upon them as being anyone other than who they actually were. They were satisfied with their lot. They took orders as the orders were given. So it was that they were the only ones who entered into the land. (1 TG 7:12) It is clear as sunlight, that only those who recognized Moses and Joshua as the ones through whom God was communicating with them, had been able to enter the promised land. Heres our little diagram, to portray the typological events THE FIRST EXODUS THE TYPE
FIRST SECTION 1567 B.C. Moses was born 1527 B.C. Moses at the age of 40 attempted to deliver Israel. 1487 B.C. Moses at the age of 80 received the Rod of God. 1447 B.C. Moses at the age of 120 died. 1446 B.C. The Rod passed into the hands of Joshua. SECOND SECTION 1426 B.C. Gods people in the border of the promise land. 1425 B.C. Entered into the promise land.


40 40


Antitypical Moses Spiritually BORN.


SECOND SECTION 1995 A.D. Antitypical Moses died at the age of 120. 1996 A.D. The Rod of God passed into the hands of Antitypical Joshua. 2016 A.D. The 144,000 living saints completely sealed. 2017 A.D. The living saints stand on Mt. Zion with the Lamb.

1890 A.D. Antitypical Moses at the age of 40 attempted to deliver the Spiritual Israel.

1930 A.D. 1955 A.D. This entire period is the giving of the Rod typify Moses at the age of 80.




Let us read


1 TG 10:27 Since Zechariahs prophecy met only partial fulfillment in the days the Jews returned from Babylon to Jerusalem, and since his writings speak interchangeably of another such movement, the which is to be greater than the former, there is, therefore, no doubt but that the latter is the antitype of the former. Hence, the revival and reformation of Zechariahs time is to repeat in our time. The builders failure to continue with the work and to bring revival and reformation before Haggai and Zechariah were called to the prophetic office, and their success after God through the prophets took over, perfectly demonstrates that without the living Spirit of Prophecy in the midst no revival and reformation efforts can succeed, and that is why they all heretofore have failed. The type also perfectly demonstrates that since God has now risen from His holy habitation, and has taken

the reins in His Own hands, revival and reformation is sure to triumph. It is, therefore, useless to agitate revivals and reformations while one knows not what and how actually to revive or to reform. It is commendable to hold up the standard but it certainly is not in Gods order for one to work up something and to call it revival and reformation. In conclusion, let us summarize the two main points which our study of the afternoon has definitely made clear to us: (1) That a work and movement similar to those of Zechariahs day is successfully to bring revival and reformation among Gods people of today, that those who expect the promised blessings must whole-heartedly enter into it. (2) That without the living Spirit of Prophecy in our midst, there can be no success in any revival and reformation, and that the sooner we know it the quicker we shall achieve our goal. (1 TG 10:27) 1 TG 10:20 Then it was that the prophets Haggai and Zechariah were called to their prophetic office and commissioned to revive and to reorganize the builders for the deserted temple project. See Haggai 1:1 and Zechariah 1:1. The happy and surprising result was that within four short years the stately spiritual edifice was quickly finished, whereas all the previous and strenuous efforts of kings and people, covering a period of over thirty years, completely failed. (See Ezra 6:15). (1 TG 10:20)

The TYPE The Movement in the days of Zechariah

535 B.C.

March 3, 519 B.C.

March 3, 515 B.C.

1996 A.D.

October 3, 2012 A.D.

September 12, 2016 A.D.

The statement Covering a period of over thirty years, completely failed can never be applied in the days of Zechariah. For there were only three kings that made an effort to rebuild Jerusalem, by which the first king is king Cyrus, according to 1 TG 10:19. And that decree of Cyrus was carried out in 535 B.C. right after the 70 years Babylonian captivity, from 606 B.C 536 B.C. The SROD declared clearly that the 4 short years in which the temple completely finished ended at the sixth year of the reign of Darius Hystaspes on the third day of the month Adar (the twelfth month). (PK 596; 3 Ans. 47, 48)

521 B.C.
Darius Hystaspes began to reign.

519 B.C.
At the second year of Darius the work completely ceased. (1 TG 10:19)

March 3, 519 B.C.

The work resumed.

March 3, 515 B.C.

The spiritual edifice completely finished.

On March 3, 515 B.C. at the sixth year of Darius the work completely finished. (PK 596) With such absolute historical fact, it cannot be denied that from 535 B.C. at the decree of Cyrus up to 519 B.C. by which the work completely ceased there were 16 years. Therefore, the statement covering a period of over thirty years, completely failed cannot be applied in the days of Zechariah. The Divine Author of the SROD, the Holy Ghost permitted His servant to record the prediction that would occur in our days. That would be, after the knock-out blow, covering a period over thirty years to finish the sealing of the 144,000 all completely failed.

Upon this solid rock the structure of truth now in building will, as the reader can already see, withstand the most severe storm of both wind and rain. So let us, in proceeding to erect its superstructure, liberally utilize, without the slightest fear of the coming storm (which will demolish and sweep away everything standing on a sandy foundation), the material so freely given. You cannot afford, brethren, now that the light is come, to let slip from you the opportunity of breaking away from the theories of the rod of man herein discredited by the Spirit of Truth, and of placing your feet firmly on the solid foundation here established in their place by the testimony of Jesus Christ. From the weighty evidences here amassed, there is manifestly but one conclusion possible, there is only one genuine Rod which is of God, it is the Rod of antitypical Moses (V.T. Houteff), passed into the hands of antitypical Joshua. The same Spirit that inspired V.T. Houteff, transmitted to antitypical Joshua. 1 SC 13:2, 3 It would be well for all to read the entire chapter beginning on page 633 and closing on page 643, which gives a complete plan for the great, charitable, liberal, sacrificing, benevolent work of God which has never been done, as God designed it should be, and then ask yourselves the question, Is it now too late to do what God has said, because more than seventy years have passed since light came to us concerning it? If we say it is too late, then how shall we answer when those burning words of the Master Workman are spoken: For I was an hungered, and ye gave Me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave Me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took Me not in: naked, and ye clothed Me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited Me not. (Matt. 25:42, 43). Shall our answer to the Master be, we have been so busy raising our everlasting goals that we have turned our Christian help work over to the State and County, charitable, and to other less expensive institutions? In view of this sad neglect, which has brought a reproach upon the fair name of the S.D.A. church to which was given the blessed ministry of healing, along with the abundant light on practical religion as set forth so clearly in the inspired writings, should we not plan very definitely, in the fear of the Lord, to redeem the time by answering this long-neglected call, and step into the light on this great right arm of the Third Angels Message, revealing to the heavenly spectators, as well as to men, how the gospel is to be practiced by those who expect to be among those who are preparing to help give the Loud cry? (1 SC 13:2, 3) The statement declared because more than seventy years passed since light came to us concerning it, needs to be properly elucidated. If this statement would commence from the time Volume 1 Testimonies for the Church was written, it would be from 1866. (1T 630) Therefore, from 1866 up to 1935, when V.T. Houteff wrote the statement it would only be 69 years, does not exactly fits to the statement. The SROD declared clearly It would be well for all to read the entire chapter beginning of page 633 and closing on page 643, which gives a complete plan for the great charitable, liberal, sacrificing benevolent work of God. Therefore, such 70 years commence at that time. But the fact is, the statement does not exactly fits. It is still pointing forward to the days we are living in. Although if it would commence in 1859 then in 1935, it would be 76 years, perfectly typifies our movement, to serve as the groundwork. Heres a diagram.

1863 A.D. 1844 A.D.

Inspiration came to E.G. White The SDA church was completely organized.

On 2015 A.D., Gods true headquarters will be built on Lone Star State TEXAS.

1996 A.D.
Inspiration came.

2015 A.D.

1929 1930 A.D.

The 430 years ended.

1935 A.D.
Headquarters was built in Texas.

On 2015 A.D. Gods true headquarters will be built on TEXAS. 2010 A.D.
The 430 years ended as the fulfillment of 2 SR 275 on its primary phase.

2015 A.D.

1859 A.D.
The light of Systematic Benevolence came. (TM 522)

1935 A.D.

In 2011 A.D., the present Truth under the seventh seal began to unfold. 1935 A.D.
Now, let us read 5 SC 6-12:15 Still Preparing For The Evil To Come Just four years ago to the day from the present date of publication, The Symbolic Code went forth to its eagerly waiting readers with its first obituary notice, thus sorrowfully punctuating a year and a half of glad news bearing. Now as the tenth year of the message fleets on into the unreturning past, again in deepest bereavement, this time, for Brother Eugene Soper Lipsey, goes forth the Code, announcing that another of the faithful has gone to his rest inside Carmels own cemetery, solitarily in the woods, waiting for the resurrection morn. Again we are reminded that the righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come. [We as present truth believers should realize that the evil day spoken of in this scripture is now ten years nearer than when the truth concerning it was first made known to us] they shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his uprightness. [If we are to meet them, we must be wide awake, lest we be found among those who make a wide mouth, drawing out the tongue, and whom the Lord shall reprove by the words] Against whom do ye sport yourselves? against whom make ye a wide mouth, and draw out the tongue? are ye not children of transgression, a seed of falsehood? Isaiah 57:1, 2, 4. (5 SC 6-12:15) 5 TR 34 Fulfilled prophecies are seen therefore to be employed by the Scriptures only as groundwork for that part of prophecy which is yet to be fulfilled. (5 TR 34)

2011 A.D.

1929 A.D.

1939 A.D.

1949 A.D.

In 1939 A.D. Brother Eugene Soper Lipsey was died 10 years from 1929 when the message of the Rod came.

The statement is now ten years nearer does not exactly fits, became only as a groundwork.

One of the bonafide member of the Laymans Movement died on 2006 A.D., ten years since Inspiration came.

The statement is now (2006 A.D.) ten years nearer exactly fits on 2016 A.D. when the 144,000 completely sealed the winds released the EVIL TO COME.

1996 A.D.

2006 A.D.

2016 A.D.

In closing, let us read 6 TR 80 Therefore, brethren, settle it once and forever, that with the Lords help you will no longer be carried away by winds of doctrine that are created and driven by the spirit of error, not by the Spirit of Truth, but that you will always look for, and stand by, the Inspired Word of God -- the testimony of Jesus, delivered to you by the Spirit of Prophecy (Rev. 12:17; 19:10); that you will hear the rod, and Who hath appointed it. Micah 6:9. (6 TR 80) Micah 6:9, Thus 6 9 = 54.

February 1955 A.D.

V.T. Houteff died.

1999 A.D.

On Dec. 31, 1999 A.D. the latter part of the 20th century ended. Let us read 2 TG 39:13 And since this prophecy is now unfolded for the first time, Ezekiel, obviously, is especially figurative of this final effort of revival and reformation, of the effort after Ezekiel is through lying down and while he is up and active. Consequently, the same effort which Luther put forth in the sixteenth century is to be carried out in a greater way now in the twentieth century, for such is the prophets charge. (2 TG 39:13) To avoid the very elect, the 144,000 living saints of being deceived, the Almighty God bracketed the period of all antitypical Ezekiels arrival from 1500 (sixteenth century) up to 2000 A.D. (twentieth century). Remember, Aside from Ezekiel (Gods mouth piece). God delegates no other to be a watchman of the people. (1 TG 22:30). Obviously, therefore any claimant of Inspiration from 2000 A.D. upward must be spurious, can never be of God. Micah = 5 letters, plainly shows that the SROD message will be sounded in the period of the fifth call the 11th hour. Thus 5 6 9 = 270.

1755 A.D.
2 SR 219 Nov. 1, 1755, The Lisbon Earthquake.

2025 A.D
In 2025 A.D., the 7 Last Plagues begin to poured out there would be 270 years from 1755.

Micah 6:9 The LORDS voice crieth unto the city, and [the man of] wisdom shall see thy name: hear ye the rod, and who hath appointed it. Micah 6:9 contained 25 words.

1930 A.D.

1955 A.D.

Therefore through the number of words in Micah 6:9, predicted beforehand that the entire SRODs message will be completely written within 25 years.

Micah 6:9, contained 95 letters.

1915 A.D. E.G. White died

2010 A.D.

From 1915, it was predicted beforehand through the letters of Micah 6:9, that the first phase of the work of the Investigative judgment of the dead the blotting out of sins of the first five seals completely ended on the last day of Atonement for the Temple.

In May 19, 2011 A.D., the cases represented by the ALTAR, commence. Micah 6:9, contained 5 punctuations, 95 letters, and the word MICAH is 5 letters, and chapter 6 and verse 9, thus 5 + 95 + 5 + 6 + 9 = 120. Moses of old died at the age of 120 (Duet. 34:7). Therefore, the life of Moses is divided into three fortys. 1.) 1850 1890 First 40 2.) 1890 1930 Second 40 3.) 1955 1995 Third and last 40. In 1996 A.D., the Rod of God was taken from the hands of Moses, and God passed it to the hands of antitypical Joshua. The remaining 25 words of Micah 6:9 that had not been included, would represent from the baptism of Christs servant up to the end part of the 430 years mentioned in 2 SR 275 which is yet future there would be 25 years.

1986 A.D.

2011 A.D.

The 25 words of Micah 6:9, points out to the prediction of the unrolling of the scroll the present Truth under the last seal begun to unfold in 2011 A.D. 2 + 5 = 7 meaning complete, the seventh Seal.

5 punctuations 95 letters 25 words 5 letters the word Micah 6 6th chapter 9 verses 145. Inspiration declared that the annoyance of the infliction to the wounded head, continued only until 1870 A.D. (2 SR 96)

1870 A.D.

2015 A.D.

From 1870 A.D. up to 2015 A.D., there would be 145 years, the sealing message for the living saints completely ended on 2015 A.D.

1 + 4 + 5 = 10 denotes UNIVERSAL.

From Micah verses 6 up to 9, let us add. Verse 6 + verse 7 + verse 8 + verse 9 = 30. At the age of 30 the last antitypical Ezekiel was anointed. The SROD declared: 1 TR 11, 12 The Jewish nation, moreover, up to the time of Christ, had no light on this prophecy, and it appeared to them as too complicated to understand, and even unsafe for an ordinary mind to read. All this chapter appeared so obscure and full of mysteries, to the ancient Hebrews, that, as we learn from St. Jerome (Ep. ad Paulin.,) they suffered none to read it before they were thirty years old. Douay Version, footnote to Ezekiel 1:5. And having seen no light in this scripture until the present time, the Christian church has made little or no attempt to explain it. (1 TR 11, 12) Joseph was 30 years old when he became governor; Christ was 30 years of age when anointed (1 SR 106). See Numbers 4:3, 23, 35, 43, 47.

1966 A.D.
Antitypical Ezekiel was born.

1996 A.D.
In 1996 A.D., at the age of 30 antitypical Ezekiel was born. The same with Ezekiel of old, his call came at the age of 30. (Ezekiel 1:1; 1 TR 5)

Micah 6 verse 6 contained 28 words 2 8 = 16 Micah 6 verse 7 contained 36 words 3 6 = 18 Micah 6 verse 8 contained 32 words 3 2 = 6 Micah 6 verse 9 contained 25 words 2 5 = 10 50. Number 50 denotes the year of jubilee. Verse 6 contained 117 letters. 1 1 7 = 7 Verse 7 contained 142 letters. 1 4 2 = 8 Verse 8 contained 113 letters. 1 1 3 = 3 Verse 9 contained 95 letters. 9 5 = 45 63.

2028 2029 A.D. 1966 A.D.

Gods servant was born.

On 2028 A.D. 2029 A.D., the year of jubilee. Within this period of time Christs second visible coming would occur.

Let us add: 117 + 142 + 113 + 95 = 467. Thus, 4 6 7 = 168.

1844 A.D.

2012 A.D.

From 1844 up to 2012 there were 168 years. In October 3, 2012 A.D. the 4 short years begin and ended on Sept.12, 2016 A.D.

Micah chapter 6 6 (verse) 7 (verse) 8 (verse) = 2016. It would be in 2016 A.D. that those who hear the Rod (9 TR 62), the 144,000 living saints will be completely sealed. Let us read 1934 Tract 3 pg. 67 The Scriptures often employ mathematical means in defining existence of time, and number of years from one Biblical event to another. The number of days from the wave sheaf to the Pentecost was derived by multiplying 7 7, which equals 49. In like manner the number of years from one Jubilee to another was determined by multiplying the seven sabbatical years by seven, the sum of which is 49. Therefore, multiplication is a common Scriptural method of teaching truth. This subject to some may seem as strange as the thought of the earth revolving on its axis was to the inhabitants of another day. Nevertheless, incredible things often become plain facts. Hence, though we little know of the many Biblical numbers and their secret code of truth at the present time, they are not always to be dark elements to Gods people, for they must be there to discover and illuminate to our vision the sign posts on our way to the Holy City. Shall we not be thankful for every ray of light? Or shall we take a chance in the darkness? I will say in prayer: O send out Thy light and Thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto Thy holy hill, and to Thy tabernacles. (Ps. 43:3). (1934 Tract 3 pg. 67)


Chapter 1 = contained 16 verses, thus 1 + 6 = 7 Chapter 2 = contained 13 verses, thus 1 + 3 = 4 Chapter 3 = contained 12 verses, thus 1 + 2 = 3 Chapter 4 = contained 13 verses, thus 1 + 3 = 4 Chapter 5 = contained 15 verses, thus 1 + 5 = 6 Chapter 6 = contained 16 verses, thus 1 + 6 = 7 Chapter 7 = contained 20 verses, thus 2 + 0 = 2 28 + 105 + 33 28 + 105 + 33 = 166.

1844 A.D.

2010 A.D.

1850 A.D.
Antitypical Moses tries to deliver Spiritual Israel.

2016 - 2017 A.D.

Verse 1 contained 29 words. Verse 2 contained 27 words. Verse 3 contained 23 words. Verse 4 contained 30 words. Verse 5 contained 39 words. Verse 6 contained 35 words. Verse 7 contained 51 words. Verse 8 contained 25 words. Verse 9 contained 23 words. Verse 10 contained 21 words. Verse 11 contained 30 words. Verse 12 contained 21 words. Verse 13 contained 33 words. Verse 14 contained 20 words. Verse 15 contained 21 words. Verse 16 contained 24 words. 136, 452. Then, 4 5 2 = 40 Thus 1 + 3 + 6 = 10. Number 40 is symbolic, as well as number 10. If you will add 40 + 10 = 50 symbolize the jubilee. 40 10 = 400, denotes the 7 last plagues 400 days. (2 SR 252) 40 10 = 4 means globality. (2 SR 54) Verse (1) 29 words 2 9 = 18 Verse (2) 27 words 2 7 = 14 Verse (3) 23 words 2 3 = 6 Verse (4) 40 words 4 0 = 0 Verse (5) 39 words 3 9 = 27 Verse (6) 35 words 3 5 = 15 Verse (7) 51 words 5 1 = 5 Verse (8) 25 words 2 5 = 10 Verse (9) 23 words 2 3 = 6 Verse (10) 21 words 2 1 = 2 Verse (11) 30 words 3 0 = 0 Verse (12) 21 words 2 1 = 2 Verse (13) 33 words 3 3 = 9 Verse (14) 20 words 2 0 = 0 Verse (15) 21 words 2 1 = 2 Verse (16) 24 words 2 4 = 8 124.

1888 A.D.

2012 A.D.

From 1888 A.D., (the message of Righteousness by faith was rejected) there would be 124 years when the message came again in its fullness. Thus 124, 1 + 2 + 4 = 7, the present truth under the seventh seal unfolded.

The rest of the chapters will be fully dealt with the subject THE BOOK OF MICAH.

Yours in Christ Jesus,


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