Analysis Web 2.0

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Web 2.0 is a new technology that humans have created to improve the system of communication and interaction, because the Education is an indispensable process for humans, it is for this reason that human beings always seek and create new ways to improve the teaching and learning process especially in education, meaning that web2.0 is an application used as a tool that includes a series of applications on Internet, such as social networks, wikis, folksonomies, virtual companies, blogs, online multiplayer and "mash-ups". All these applications have been created with the purpose of creating cyber interaction, giving rise to the communications, interaction, collaboration and content creation from users. Web 2'0 is a tool used by both educators and students, so that way they found four dimensions based on experiences. Two are generally social (collaboration and publication) and Two are cognitive (literacy and research), which are embedded in the teaching and learning system. This means that when Web 2.0 is used, it makes use of the search and creation of information, leading to blended learning: creating, evaluating, analyzing, Applying, understanding and remembering, because Web 2.0 can create personal pages like Blogs and join virtual communities like Facebook. For students Web 2.0 has come to improve the way we learn, because it is manifested as red as a meaning of social interaction and educational online games as digital learning resources, so that way students create a virtual world; ie an environment based on the use of computers or devices that offer Internet service, where students construct their own learning based on collaboration, socialization, creative production and distribution, enabling learning funnier and stress free. In conclusion it is considered that web 2.0 is a tool used by students in their learning, creating technology as a medium that goes hand to hand with the educational system. Some educators planning sessions in a virtual world such as Second Life focus on technical aspects (running classes on scripting, for example), or building and testing simulations. Others might exploit its creative or social aspects, or use Second Life to teach specific content (geology or geography, for instance) through discussion, demonstration or practical exercises. Other teachers and students might see Second Life itself as a cultural or technical phenomenon deserving of study. Some might simply regard the virtual world as a convenient location for a class meeting. (Carr, 2006) This means that the web 2.0 application is used as a channel between educators and students for educational interaction and transmission of educational information, this channel is known as virtual world since it allows teacher-student interaction in a virtual study groups online. (Noss, 2007)

By Sindi Granados

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