AYP Greenheart Club Quick Reference Guide

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AYP Greenheart Club Quick Reference Guide

This document holds important program information about the following: Greenheart Club Greenheart Trips Greenheart Essay Contest Local Coordinator Greenheart Projects

Phone and Email Prompts:

Whenever communicating students, LCs, host families, partners, or high schools please ask them the following questions. When talking to students please ask and share: Are you receiving Greenheart Club emails? Have you signed up for the Greenheart Club in your CCI Greenheart online account? Consider going on a Greenheart trip to Hawaii, the East Coast, or Southern California. Consider writing a 2-3 page essay for the Greenheart Club essay contest or encourage your classmates to write an essay and earn $500 grant to do a Greenheart project at your high school. More information can be found in the Greenheart Club for High School Students section of the CCI Greenheart website.

When talking to LCs please ask and share: Do you know you can earn up to 2 conference points and $500 in funding for organizing a volunteer activity for your exchange students and their classmates? Have all your students signed up for the Greenheart Club in their CCI Greenheart online accounts? Did you know the Greenheart Club offers an essay contest to CCI Greenheart exchange students and their U.S. classmates to earn a $500 grant to do a Greenheart project in your high school? This is a great talking point when working on maintaining relationships with your current High Schools. Please share with your students that CCI Greenheart is offering trips to Hawaii, the East Coast and the West Coast. When talking to host families, sending partners, high school representatives please ask and share: Did you know CCI Greenheart encourages and recognizes our exchange students for volunteering in their host communities, through the Greenheart Club? Is your CCI Greenheart student volunteering for the Greenheart Club? Do you know that CCI Greenheart offers service and tourist trips for both exchange and American high school students to Hawaii, the East and West Coasts? Please encourage your student and their classmates to write a 2-3 page essay for the Greenheart Club to earn a $500 grant to do a Greenheart project in their high school. More

Created 12/5/11 Updated 09/20/13

AYP Greenheart Club Quick Reference Guide

information can be found in the Greenheart Club High School Student section of the CCI Greenheart website.

Greenheart Club Program Basics

Greenheart Club
If students are not receiving Greenheart Club emails: Please record their current email address and send it to Molly so she can update their email in the database or please update it yourself if you know how. If a student needs their login information or doesnt know how to log their hours: Let Molly know who the student is and she will send the student their login information or send the information if you know how to reset the account. You can also share the GHC Log Your Hours document: http://www.cci-exchange.com/uploadedfiles/Greenheart/GHC%20log%20your%20hours%2013-14.pdf The Basics: CCI Greenheart exchange students are encouraged to get involved in their host communities by volunteering for social or environmental causes while living in the USA. This is a great way to meet people and have fun and give back to their community that is hosting them. When a student volunteers and logs hours in their CCI Greenheart online account they can earn awards. Awards for students: Students can earn the following incentives for volunteering and logging their hours: 5+ hours: Greenheart Certificate 25+ hours: Greenheart Club t-shirt 75+ hours: Eligible for Eco-Weekend Trip in Chicago+ 100+ hours: Feature in blog and CCI Greenheart newsletter Eco-Weekend trip in Chicago Winners: grant to do a Greenheart project in home country++

+ Top two grant students and top two AYP students will be selected based on essay and recommendation ++ Students must submit a project proposal for approval before receiving funds Important Deadlines: March 31, 2014 is the hours deadline to be considered for the Chicago winner weekend. Winner weekend will be held TBD (typically early May).

Created 12/5/11 Updated 09/20/13

AYP Greenheart Club Quick Reference Guide

First Semester students awards will be mailed out at the end of December. Second Semester and Academic year students awards will be mailed out end of April/first week of May.

Share this information with the following link: http://www.cciexchange.com/greenhearthighschool.aspx

Greenheart Trips
Greenheart Trips are open to all CCI Greenheart Exchange students, American High school students, and even exchange students from other organizations! Spring Break 2014: Oahu, Hawaii Trip Includes: The program fee covers 7 nights accommodation, all meals, transportation to and from airport and to all included activities, and admission fees for planned outings, which include: Catamaran cruise Environmental Volunteering Polynesian Cultural Center Visit Pearl Harbor Surfing Snorkeling Hikes Campfire Trip Details: When:

Trip 1: March 16th to March 22nd, 2014 Trip 2: April 6th-April 12th, 2014 Program fee: $1050 (Program fee does not include airfare or personal expenses such as additional activities, souvenirs, snacks, and incidentals.) For more information Email: greenheart-ayp@cci-exchange.org Phone: Toll-free (800) 634-4771 Deadline for applications: th Trip 1: February 4 2014 th Trip 2: February 15 , 2014

Southern California Adventure: San Diego and Los Angeles Trip Includes: The program fee covers 7 nights accommodation, all meals, transportation to and from airport and to all included activities, and admission fees for planned outings, which include: In San Diego: High Ropes Course Campfire San Diego Zoo Environmental Volunteering

Created 12/5/11 Updated 09/20/13

AYP Greenheart Club Quick Reference Guide

In Los Angeles: Hollywood and the sights Santa Monica Pier Beach Time Volunteer Project

Trip Details: When: June 8 to June 15, 2014 Program fee: $1250 (Program fee does not include airfare or personal expenses such as additional activities, souvenirs, snacks, and incidentals.) For more information Email: greenheart-ayp@cci-exchange.org Phone: Toll-free (800) 634-4771 Deadline for applications: April 12, 2014 East Coat Adventure: New York and Washington D.C Trip Includes: The program fee covers 7 nights accommodation, all meals, transportation to and from airport and to all included activities, and admission fees for planned outings, which include: Washington DC: Canoeing adventure Campfire Visit White House and monuments Advocate for cultural exchange at U.S. Capitol New York City: Visit Times Square and tour the boroughs Statue of Liberty and Empire State Building Volunteer in Harlem See a Broadway Musical Trip Details: st th When: June 1 to June 8 , 2014 Program fee: $1250 (Program fee does not include airfare or personal expenses such as additional activities, souvenirs, snacks, and incidentals.) For more information Email: greenheart-ayp@cci-exchange.org Phone: Toll-free (800) 634-4771 Deadline for applications: April 12, 2014

A note on applications: Space is limited to 20 students per trip. A students spot is only reserved once they have paid the $150 deposit and submitted the application and signed waiver.

Created 12/5/11 Updated 09/20/13

AYP Greenheart Club Quick Reference Guide

Share the link to the inquiry form if a student wants to attend the trip: http://www.cciexchange.com/greenheart/springbreakinquiry.aspx All of this information can be shared with this link: http://www.cciexchange.com/greenheart/springbreak/trips.aspx

Greenheart Essay Contest

Winning Essay earns $500 grant to do a Greenheart project for your school! Open to all high school students where CCI Greenheart exchange students are placed, including CCI Greenheart exchange students 2-3 page typed essay responding to the prompt: o In 2-3 pages, reflect on and describe a specific volunteer experience you have had. Explain why you think volunteerism is important throughout the world and in your community. How has your volunteer experience helped shaped your understanding of the significance of volunteering? Lastly, how do you hope to ensure volunteerism plays the role you want it to throughout the world and at home? Entries are to be submitted to greenheart@cci-exchange.org no later than March 1, 2014* Winners will be announced mid-March, and the Greenheart school project needs to be completed by the end of the school year. Please share this flier with interested parties: Yet to be made

Local Coordinator Greenheart Projects

Local Coordinators (LC) are encouraged to participate in Greenheart by organizing environmental or social service projects for their students and can receive funding up to $250 for the project. LCs are also eligible to receive up to two conference points for projects that meet the criteria below. Students may log the hours spent participating in LC Greenheart Projects for their Greenheart Club hours! LC projects are a great way for students to give back to the community that is hosting them and to get the CCI Greenheart name out there. Also for LCs to get to know their exchange students better. LC Greenheart Project Criteria: 1. Environmental or social service action, where the volunteer activity is clearly benefitting an environmental or social cause. 2. There should be a clear educational component for the exchange students. An expert can explain the organization or the importance of the volunteer action, or the LC could even organize a debriefing conversation or writing exercise for students. Partner with established non-profit or public service organization for the project. Organizations like Habitat for Humanity, State Parks, or the Sierra Club are great


Created 12/5/11 Updated 09/20/13

AYP Greenheart Club Quick Reference Guide

examples because LCs can develop a relationship with them by setting up an annual event and maintaining a presence in the community. 4. Involve the Local High School. Whether LCs invite a group from the high school to volunteer with them like the Key Club or National Honor Society OR LCs can do a volunteer project at the high school like a food drive, recycling program, or plant trees.

Guidelines to earn 2 points:

Guidelines to earn 1 point:

Projects that do not earn points and that are not considered Greenheart projects include:

Points are awarded at CCI Greenhearts discretion.

Meet all criteria listed above. Have 6 or more participants with at least 3 exchange students. Have an educational component but only involve one of the two required parties. For example the project might work with an established organization but not include the high school or vice versa. Typically involves less than 3 exchange students Projects that do not earn points lack environmental and social volunteering and an educational component. Examples of unacceptable Greenheart projects include: CCI Greenheart promotional events Working concessions at high school sports event Overnight stays Cultural field trips.

A note on funding: We typically fund: snacks or lunch for volunteer participants typically no more than $5 a person per meal light materials for projects, like gloves or trash bags

Created 12/5/11 Updated 09/20/13

AYP Greenheart Club Quick Reference Guide

We do not fund: Gasoline Mileage overnight stays in hotels large construction projects No project will be awarded more than $250 dollars in funding. When requesting funds please be very specific on the total amount needed and describe clearly what the money will go towards. Funds are awarded on a reimbursement basis so please send us all related receipts. Consideration may be made in special circumstances for requests for advanced funding. LC Greenheart Project Requirements: 1. LCs must submit a Project proposal: greenheart-project-proposal-form-for-local-coordinators (The proposal is due 30 days prior to the project to be eligible for funding or 2 weeks prior to be eligible for points) 2. Complete the project and take pictures. 3. Once the project is complete LCs must submit the following to receive points and reimbursement: Project evaluation: http://greenheartclub.org/resources/greenheart-project-final-evaluation Photos and/or video of the event If funding was requested: Copies of your receipts within two weeks of completion of the project. CCI Greenheart will reimburse you after we have received the evaluation and receipts. Consideration may be made in special circumstances for requests for advance funding. If an LC is not sure their project meets the criteria they can email greenheart@cci-exchange.org for help. All of this information can be found here http://greenheartclub.org/resources/project-proposalcriteria.

Created 12/5/11 Updated 09/20/13

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