Health and Illness Answer-8

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Health and Illness

1. Of the following statements, which is most true of health and illness? a. Health and illness are same for all people b. Health and illness are individually defined by each person c. People with acute illnesses are actually healthy d. People with chronic illnesses have poor health beliefs. Answer: The correct answer is B. Each person defines health and illness individually, based on number of factors 2. Of the following terms, which would be defined as a disease? a. excess fluid volume b. risk for infection c. rheumatoid arthritis d. altered body image Answer: The correct answer is C. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease. 3. Your neighbor, Alan, asks you to come over because he has a high temperature, feels awful and did not go to work. What stage of illness behavior is Alan exhibiting? a. experiencing symptoms b. assuming the sick role c. assuming a dependent role d. achieving recovery and rehabilitation Answer: The correct answer is b. When people assume the sick role, they define themselves as ill, seek validation of this experience from others, and give up normal activities 4. Of the following characteristics, which one is not a part of chronic illness? a. permanent change in body structure or function b. self-treatment that relieves symptoms c. long period of treatment and care d. often has remissions and exacerbations Answer: The correct answer is B. Acute illness are often self-treated to relief symptoms. 5. The agent-host-environment model of health and illness is based on the concept of: a. risk factors b. infectious diseases c. behaviors to promote health d. stages of illness Answer: The correct answer is A. The interaction of the agent-host-environment creates risk factors that increase the probability of disease.

6. What do both the health-illness continuum and the high-level wellness models demonstrate? a. illness as a fixed point in time b. the importance of family c. wellness as a passive state d. health as a constantly changing state Answer: The correct answer is D. Both these models view health as a dynamic (constantly changing state). 7. Following the birth of his first child and after reading about the long-term effects of nicotine, John decides to stop smoking. This behavior change is most likely based on Johns perceptions of all but one of the following. Which one is not true? a. his susceptibility to lung cancer b. how serious lung cancer would be c. what benefits his stopping smoking will have d. personal choice and economic factors Answer: The correct answer is D. 8. Of the following clinic patients, which one is most likely to have annual breast examinations and mammograms based on the physical human dimension? a. Jane, because her best-friend had a benign breast lump removed b. Sarah, who lives in a low-income neighborhood c. Tricia, who has a family history of breast cancer d. Nancy, because her family encourages regular physical examinations Answer: the correct answer is C. A family history of breast cancer is a major risk factor. 9. You are asked to teach a group of preschool parents about poison control in the home. This activity is an example of what level of preventive care? a. lowest b. tertiary c. primary d. secondary Answer: the correct answer is C. Teaching poison control in the home is an example of primary preventive care. 10. As a nurse, you follow the guidelines for a healthy lifestyle. How can this promote health in others? a. by being a role model for healthy behaviors b. by not requiring sick days from work c. by never exposing others to any type of illness d. by not being overweight Answer: The correct response is A. Good personal health enables the nurse to serve as a role model for patients and families.

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