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Kalkulus dan Aljabar Linier (4 sks) Jurusan Sistem Informasi FTIF ITS 2013
Materi : SPL sd Invers Matriks Kelas : D Sifat : Take Home



1. After taking nutrition class, a big Sabrinas Mac and Cheese fan decides to improve the levels of protein and fiber in her favourite lunch by adding broccoli and canned chicken. The nutritional information for the foods referred to are given in the table.

If she wants to limit her lunch to 400 calories but get 30 g of protein and 10 g of fiber, what proportions of servings of Mac and Cheese, broccoli, and chicken should she use ? She found that there was too much broccoli in the proportion from previous plan, so she decided to switch from classical Mac and Cheese to Sabrinas Whole Wheat Shells and White Cheddar. What proportions of servings of each food should she use to meet the same goals as in previous plan ? (Hint : Set up matrix and vector that gives the amount of calories, protein, and fiber contained in a mixture of servings) 2. Three neighbors have backyard vegetable gardens. Neighbor A grows tomatoes, neighbor B grows corn, and neighbor C grows lettuce. They agree to divide their crops among themselves as follows: A gets of the tomatoes, 1/3 of the corn, and of the lettuce. B gets 1/3 of the tomatoes, 1/3 of the corn, and of the lettuce. C gets 1/6 of the tomatoes, 1/3 of the corn, and of the lettuce. What prices should the neighbors assign to their respective crops if the equilibrium condition of a closed economy is to be satisfied, and if the lowest-priced crop is to have a price of $100?

Equilibrium prices : total outputs of various sectors in such a way that the income of each sector exactly balances its expenses (Hint : Row reduce the augmented matrix) 3. Urban planners and traffic engineers monitor the pattern of traffic flow in a grid of city streets. Electrical engineers calculate current flow through electrical circuits. An economists analyse the distribution of products from manufacturers to consumers through a network of wholesalers and retailers. A basic assumption of network flow is that the total flow into the network equals the total flow out of the network and the total flow into a junction equals the total flow out the junction. The network in Figure shows the traffic flow in downtown England during a typical early afternoon. Determine the general flow pattern for the network. Assuming that the flow must be in the directions indicated, find the minimum flows in the branches denoted by x2, x3, x4, and x5. (Hint : Write equations that describe the flow and then find the general solution of the system.)

4. Write a matrix equation that determines the loop currents ! No need to find the solution. A voltage source such as battery forces a current of electrons to flow through the network. When the current passes through a resistor (such as a lightbulb), some of the voltage is used up by Ohms law : V = RI (V : voltage in volts, R : resistance in ohms, I : current flow in amperes). Current flow in a loop is governed by the Kirchhoffs Voltage Law : The algebraic sum of the loop of the RI voltage drops in one direction around a loop equals the algebraic sum of the voltage sources in the same direction around the loop.

5. Chemical equations describe the quantities of subtances consumed and produced by chemical reactions. For instance, Alka-Seltzer contains sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and Citric Acid (H3C6H5O7). When a tablet is dissolved in water, the following reaction produces sodium citrate, water, and carbon dioxide (gas) :

To balance this equation, a chemist must find whole numbers x1,,xn such that the total numbers of atoms on the left match the corresponding numbers of atoms on the right (because atoms are neither destroyed nor created in the reaction). Balance the chemical equations above using the vector equation approach !

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