Alternatives Voices & Issues: An Introduction History and Development of Media (Print, Audio, Visual)

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Lecture 1:
Alternatives Voices & Issues: An Introduction History and development of media (print, audio, visual)

Lecture 1:
Alternatives Voices & Issues: An Introduction History and development of media (print, audio, visual)
The Introduction: The History The Dynamics of Mass Media The right to know and access to the media Media and public trust


The History of Media

Johannes Gutenberg, 1440s Movable Type Print Machine Print out of Bibles Newspaper printing - steam power pressing machines Magazines miniaturization of book with short stories Books

Wireless Communication invented exitence of Morse signal 1887 Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian inventor, proved the feasibility of radio communication 1895 WWI to spread news about the to the citizen Used for information dissemination Evolve as source of entertainment

Film projection Lumire brothers 18th Century Film strips by Eastman Kodak TV invented by Philo Farnsworth 1927, radio with picture Convergence of all the early media in to one device to disseminate content to audience



Media History
Penny Press Yellow Journalism

Public Relations
Ivy Lee's Declarations of Principles Public and organization mutual understanding

Branding Creating promotion and visual production


The Dynamics of Mass Media

Influence on religion and belief Challenge of cross-culture communication Global access and threat

Culture & Mass Media

The Dynamics of Mass Media

Challenge of cross-culture communication
Clyde Kluckhohn , an American anthropologist (1905-60), more 160 definition of culture.
Culture as a communicable knowledge Collective history of a society

All definition core ability to communicate knowledge, history, styles and symbol of a society along with means and method by itself. Culture, learn and share among others and passed down to another generation. Mutual way of thinking and behaving, reinforced and regulated by commonly acceptable community or groups of people, eg; parent, society leaders or government and more. The more social group the more critical and challenging like in the USA Media play a big role to inculcate the values of cultures, by its content.


The Dynamics of Mass Media

Influence on religion and belief Not able to appreciate the impact on culture and society without considering the domination religion and belief system influence perception and consumption of mass media content.
USA population of Christian 75%, all agree to support to the idea of Secularism ( the separation of religion from political or civic affairs). However its not support by all govt , religious leaders. Middle East, Islamic culture have different ideology and do not support Secularism.

Unfortunately, mass media do not always fine cross culture communication have the common ground Media technologies enables people to communicate and knowing other culture seems easier Continual movement towards Global Village by Marshal McLuhan

The Dynamics of Mass Media

Global access and threat Worldwide digitally delivered broadcast TV and radio, the internet and digital infrastructure of mass-distributed publishing (combined) to form information transportation system in the Digital Age. Inconsistently regulated or not regulated Proves it is difficult to regulate and enforce the Internet content and its audience and users.
Viruses, created by antisocial, anti government internet groups know as BLACK HACKERS.

Legal system is an effort to create laws and enforcement resources relevant to digital content.
Extremist group such as Al-Qaeda use internet to recruit new members. Chinas cyber attack on Google in 2009 Internet new avenue to commit crime, eg: fraud, identity theft and etc


Media Content Flow

Channel of communication & source of information



Audience Output Feedback Media Input Other Sources: Public

The Right To Know And Access To The Media


The Right To Know And Access To The Media

The Truth Investigation


Other Resources

The Right To Know And Access To The Media

Media is powerful
Individual Group; society, institutions or authorities

Individuals has gain over media messages when they gain a status quo (keep the things the way they presently are) in an organization/ society or anti-status quo (refuse of been compromise). Is there any limitation on the access of media?


The Right To Know And Access To The Media

What is 'Right to Know' Day History of 'Right to Know' Around the world, September 28th is celebrated as International 'Right to Know' Day. 2002 in Sofia, Bulgaria, an international meeting of access to information advocates who proposed that September 28th be dedicated to the promotion of freedom of information worldwide. 'Right to Know' Day celebrates the right of individuals to access information held by public bodies and marks the benefits of transparent, accessible government.

The Right To Know And Access To The Media

These ten principles are: Access to information is a right of everyone. Access is the rule secrecy is the exception. The right applies to all public bodies. Making requests should be simple, speedy, and free. Officials have a duty to assist requesters. Refusals must be justified. The public interest takes precedence over secrecy. Everyone has the right to appeal an adverse decision. Public bodies should pro-actively publish core information. The right should be guaranteed by an independent body.


The Right To Know And Access To The Media

Media and Public Trust


Media and Public Trust

Mainstream media is govern by the financial supporter;
Malaysia media govern by the Ministry of Information

Media credibility
Should we trust what they said and showed? Why should we trust these media? Is there any doubt about it?

Public are always hunger for credible news, media plays a big role to feed them the new with out being bias. Hutchins news model , Hutchins Commission emphasizes on truthfulness and understanding.
Refers to facts accuracy remain essential, but fact did not count for much unless they contributed to understanding

Media and Public Trust

News and media serve as watch dog function in in life. The First Amendment to the US Constitution which bars government from interfering with the press. Journalist to hold position in public trust honest and responsible to the electorate by reporting on government activities and including shortcomings Sometime unfavorable news may comes from the media that may tarnish a person, organization or county. News may be bias and reporting confusing situation against certain parties. Journalist are also the facilitators of change around us but they are not advocates



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