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National, regional and international media companies (and media ownership)

Alternative media: Internet; newspapers; magazines; newsletters; books; documentaries and films


Newspapers & Magazines Radio & TV

Advertising & PR

Mainstream media

Characters: 1. Reach to mass audience 2. Mass production 3. Produce by big organization or institutions 4. Profit oriented 5. Controlled messages by the financer or government bodies.


The Star Newspaper Circulation up to 300,000 per day Majority owned by Malaysian Chinese Regional; 1. Start Metro: published daily in regional section i. Metro central ii. Metro north iii. Metro South east iv. Metro Perak 2. Star Sarawak 3. Star Penang Edition

Association (MCA)


The Wall

Street Journal The largest newspaper in The US circulation up to 2.1 million copies which include online newspaper. Published in New York by Dow Jones & Company a division of News Corp (owner) Asian and Europe edition
12 bureaus in the US 35 internationally; Canada, Latin America, Europe,

Middle East, Africa and Asia.


Newspaper chain character: 1. National dailies 2. Hometown dailies 3. Metropolitan dailies 4. Weekly Newspapers 5. Alternate and Minority newspapers


popular TV channels, news websites, from Reuters and CNN to Fox News and NDTV in India. Main concern by public is to know the truth. Some mainstream media do not reveal the truth because it has been filtered by the authorities



coverage of mainstream media nowadays are biased. Audience turn to alternative media to get the other side of stories. News such as 9/11. the new world orders , conspiracy theory by the Americans, mainstream media did not cover but alternative media does.


included in the agenda setting and propaganda or the organization. Manipulation instilled to make the public believe it is the truth.



is an open source of information sites such as, Google search engine and etc. Previously alternative media refer to media such as printed flyers, poster and street protest. Activist group use to use print manifestos and book on the matter concern. Print such as FactSheet5 Magazine, Zine Guide, Counterpoise, are among the members of Alternative Press Center



has focused on grey literature emanating from third world NGOs in environmental issues, justice, womens, indigenous, peace and liberation theology movement. Appear online increasingly since the year 2000. More and more radical group has immersed sharing their views using internet or online publishing.



such as Gay marriage have gained media coverage after few years of movement aspiring the mainstream media.

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