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Work Package 4 Model and algorithm development Deliverable D4.

Simulation models for areas and buildings

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: Deliverable : Final : 18/03/2013 : Public : IREC,TUC,IFTEC,DEE : D4.1_Simulation Models.pdf

Project Ref. Number Project Start Date Project Duration Website

: ICT PSP 297290 : 01/03/2012 : 36 months :

Project founded by the European Commission under the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013)

Deliverable D4.1 Simulation models for areas and buildings

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Draft Draft Draft 1st review 2nd review Final version

Resp. Partner
P3 (TUC) P3 (TUC) P3(TUC),P4 (IREC) P3 (TUC) P11 (DEE) P3 (TUC)

8/09/2012 10/12/2012 15/02/2013 25/02/2013 06/03/2013 18/03/2013

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Deliverable D4.1 Simulation models for areas and buildings

Table of Contents
Acronyms ...............................................................................................................................5 Table of figures .......................................................................................................................6 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................8 1.1 1.2 2 Objectives of Work Package 4 Model and algorithm development ....................8 Content of deliverable D4.1 Simulation models for areas and buildings ..........10

Selection of systems to be modelled .............................................................................11 2.1 Key Performance Indicators for selected solution sets.......................................11

Modelling methodology/ strategy followed ..................................................................13 3.1 Solution set: Air Handling Units .........................................................................13
Algorithm selection.............................................................................................. 13 Algorithm development ....................................................................................... 13

3.1.1 3.1.2


Solution set: Data centres cooling system ........................................................15

Algorithm selection.............................................................................................. 15 Algorithm development ....................................................................................... 15

3.2.1 3.2.2


Solution Set: Geothermal system ......................................................................18

Algorithm selection.............................................................................................. 18 Algorithm development ....................................................................................... 18

3.3.1 3.3.2


Solution Set: Artificial lighting ...........................................................................20

Algorithm selection.............................................................................................. 20 Algorithm development ....................................................................................... 20

3.4.1 3.4.2

Simulation results .........................................................................................................28 4.1 Solution Set: Air Handling Units .........................................................................28
Air Handling Unit: Hospital of Chania (SGH) ......................................................... 28 Air Handling Unit: Hospital of Mollet (HML) ......................................................... 34 Air Handling Unit: Hospital Virgen de las Nieves (HVN) ........................................ 39 Air Handling Unit: HVN AHU with free cooling control ......................................... 46

4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4

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Deliverable D4.1 Simulation models for areas and buildings


Solution Set: Data centres cooling system ........................................................50

Data centres cooling system: Hospital of Ancona ................................................ 50 Data centres cooling system: Hospital Virgen de las Nieves ................................. 55

4.2.1 4.2.2


Solution Set: Geothermal system ......................................................................60

Geothermal system: Hospital of Mollet................................................................ 60



Solution Set: Lighting system .............................................................................62

Lighting system: Hospital of Ancona..................................................................... 62 Lighting system: Hospital of Chania...................................................................... 75

4.4.1 4.4.2

5 6

Conclusions ...................................................................................................................89 References ....................................................................................................................90

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Deliverable D4.1 Simulation models for areas and buildings

AOR: Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Ospedali Riuniti Umberto AHU: Air Handling Unit BCVTB: Building Controls Virtual Test Bed BOC: Building optimization control CFD: Computational fluid dynamics CIE: Commission International de l'Eclairage COP: Coefficient of performance EN: European Standard (Norm) EPW: Energy plus weather file GUI: Graphical user interface HVN: Hospital Virgen de las Nieves HML: Hospital de Mollet HP: Heat pump IES: Illuminating Engineering Society IT: Information Technologies KPI: Key performance indicator OA: Outdoor air SGH: Saint George Hospital VFD: Variable frequency Drive VSD: Variable Speed Drive

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Deliverable D4.1 Simulation models for areas and buildings

Table of figures
Figure 1: Description of Tasks for WP4 9 Figure 2: Modelling Buildings with selected systems 9 Figure 3: Conceptual schema AHU models 14 Figure 4: Conceptual schema HVN Data Centre model 16 Figure 5: Conceptual schema AOR Data Centre model 17 Figure 6: Conceptual schema Geothermal system model 19 Figure 7: Schematic description of the development of the necessary geometry in Radiance 21 Figure 8: Visualised example of types of materials and geometry [3] 22 Figure 9: Screenshot of the Colour Picker for Radiance [8] 22 Figure 10: Example of lighting fixture with distribution data [11] 24 Figure 11: Image of doctor's office showing the desk where light measurement should be made in SGH. 25 Figure 12: Methodology followed in Radiance for every simulation 26 Figure 13: Geometry of the simplified building model in SGH. 28 Figure 14: Selected areas of the simplified building model in SGH. 29 Figure 15: SGH AHU model. TRNSYS Simulation Studio project 30 Figure 16: SGH AHU model (Macro details Fan coil). TRNSYS Simulation Studio project 30 Figure 17: Heating and cooling energy use in the fan coil units in zones 05, 13, and 18 of SGH. 34 Figure 18: Geometry of the surgery room in HML 35 Figure 19: HML AHU model. TRNSYS Simulation Studio project 36 Figure 20: HML AHU model. Preliminary results. 39 Figure 21: Geometry of the building model in HVN. Modelled area (served by AHU) and relevant shading elements 40 Figure 22: Geometry of the building model in HVN. Modelled area (served by AHU). Closer view 40 Figure 23: Schematic of the multizone AHU in HVN surgery rooms 41 Figure 24: HVN AHU model (surgery rooms). TRNSYS Simulation Studio project 42 Figure 25: HVN macros AHU model (HVN surgery rooms). TRNSYS Simulation Studio project 42 Figure 26: Geometry of the building model in HVN. Modelled area (served by AHU) and relevant shading elements 46 Figure 27: Geometry of the building model in HVN. Modelled area (served by AHU). Closer look 46 Figure 28: HVN AHU model (waiting rooms). TRNSYS Simulation Studio project 47 Figure 29: HVN AHU with free cooling model. Preliminary results 50 Figure 30: Geometry of the Data Centre room in AOR 51 Figure 31: AOR Data Centre model. TRNSYS Simulation Studio project 52 Figure 32: AOR Data Centre model. Preliminary results 55 Figure 33: HVN data centre Racks and AHU lay out (source, HVN control system) 56 Figure 34: Geometry of the Data Centre room in HVN (note the purple surfaces correspond to the shading of the hospital itself) 56
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Deliverable D4.1 Simulation models for areas and buildings

Figure 35: Geometry of the Data Centre room in HVN view from below (supply and return plenums) 57 Figure 36: Schematic of the cooling plant and AHUs in the HVN data centre 58 Figure 37: HVN Data Centre model. TRNSYS Simulation Studio project 58 Figure 38: Photograph of AOR from Google Earth and View of AOR as designed in Google Sketch-Up 63 Figure 39: Photographs from the oncology department of the AOR 63 Figure 40: View of the oncology department with the selected rooms for modelling 64 Figure 41: View of the haematology department with the selected rooms for modelling 64 Figure 42: Geometry of AOR showing shading from the building 65 Figure 43: Images from the archives in the Oncology department 67 Figure 44: Images from the patients waiting room in the oncology department 68 Figure 45: Images from the nurses room in the Haematology department 69 Figure 46: Illuminance levels for the rooms of oncology department oriented North-East. 70 Figure 47: Illuminance levels for the rooms of oncology department oriented South-West. 71 Figure 48: Illuminance levels in the selected rooms of the haematology department 72 Figure 49: Illuminance levels (lux) in Archives of oncology department in AOR for the 2 nd week of the year 73 Figure 50: South view of the hospital from Google Earth 75 Figure 51: South-East view of SGH designed in Sketch Up 76 Figure 52: South-East view of SGH showing internal walls of paediatric department 76 Figure 53: Top view of the paediatric department showing internal walls 77 Figure 54: Paediatric department with the selected rooms for testing the solution sets 77 Figure 55: Internal and outside view outside of the doctor's office in SGH paediatric department 78 Figure 56: View of the patient's room in the paediatric department in SGH 78 Figure 57: Visual representation of the selected rooms at 09:00 1/1 80 Figure 58: Visual representation of the selected rooms at 11:00 1/1 81 Figure 59: Visual representation of the selected rooms at 13:00 1/1 82 Figure 60: Visual representation of the selected rooms at 15:00 1/1 83 Figure 61: Simulated values of illuminance (lux) in patients room over a year 84 Figure 62: Simulated values of illuminance (lux) in doctors office over a year 85 Figure 63: Simulated values of illuminance (lux) in doctors rest room over a year 86 Figure 64: Indoor and outdoor illuminance for the 1st week of the year 87

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Deliverable D4.1 Simulation models for areas and buildings

1 Introduction
1.1 Objectives of Work Package 4 Model and algorithm development

Work Package 4 Model and algorithm development is focusing on the development of the necessary models and control algorithms for the solution sets selected in the framework of Work Package 2: Pilots solution set data analysis. Work package 4 started on Month 5 of the project and lasts until Month 24 of the project. Work Package 4 is divided in four tasks of equal significance as they can be seen in Figure 1. In task 4.1: Model development, involved partners develop models using selected simulation software for the systems identified as solution sets, in order to test the control algorithms which will be developed in task 4.3: BOC Algorithm development . Current deliverable D4.1 presents the results of the modelling work. In task 4.2: Development of models identification algorithms selected systems are modelled using soft-computing techniques in order to reduce their complexity and the required computational time. Finally, in task 4.4: Safety features involved partners will develop the necessary techniques to allow the users of the Web-EMCS of the hospital to manually override the control commands sent by the controllers and to provide optimal thermal comfort. Thus, an extra feature is installed for assuring reduced energy consumption and maximum indoor comfort. The objectives of WP4: Model and algorithm development are the following: - To create software models. - To test control algorithm optimization. - To simulate new solution sets before test. - To develop new algorithms. - To assist the implementation of solution sets. - To guarantee the maintenance phase.

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Deliverable D4.1 Simulation models for areas and buildings

Figure 1: Description of Tasks for WP4

Through WP4: Model and algorithm development it is expected to apply the optimum control algorithm over a specified predictive horizon in order to achieve 15% reduction of energy consumption in the selected systems. It was agreed that systems selected as solutions sets should be modelled within their area of influence. For example the selected air handling units will be modelled with the areas they affect as seen in Figure 2. Applying this methodology for modelling it can be assured that the control which will be developed in Task 4.3: BOC algorithm development will work as a closed loop controller reducing the unwanted error.

Figure 2: Modelling Buildings with selected systems Page 9 of 91

Deliverable D4.1 Simulation models for areas and buildings

1.2 Content of deliverable D4.1 Simulation models for areas and buildings
The purpose of this deliverable is to present the followed strategy and modelling methodology for the selected systems. The developed models will be used to simulate the current usage and control of the selected solution sets and test the holistic control algorithms from Task 4.3: BOC algorithm development. Although tasks 4.1: Model development and task 4.2: Development of models identification algorithms looks similar due to repeated simulation of the same solution sets it can be said that the achieved redundancy reduces the possibility of compromising the progress of WP4. Furthermore in Task 4.2 the validation of the developed models will be implemented due to the fact that the data will be available from Month 14 that corresponds with the period of the Task 4.2 development. Chapter number 2 links deliverable D4.1: Simulation models for areas and buildings and deliverable D2.2: Energy saving solution set description . Final solution sets that have been selected in the framework of Work Package 2 are briefly presented and described in table form since they are described thoroughly in Deliverable 2.2. Chapter number 3 analyses for each solution set, presented in Chapter 2, the possible software available for modelling and identifies the most appropriate to use. Further on, the development process of the model is presented in figures and described by steps presenting important parameters that affect the results of the simulation. Chapter number 4 presents the results of the simulations. For each pilot hospital, simulations have been conducted for the pre-mentioned solution sets following the methodology presented in Chapter 3. The inputs of the programs and their sources are presented and necessary assumptions are referenced. Finally, the outputs of the simulations are presented and will be validated with measurements from the systems when they are available.

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