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Combined cycle power plant

By Dr Aklilu Tesfamichael

Combined Power Plants

A combine power plant is a system consists of a gas turbine power plant ,Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG), generators, controls, and a steam turbine power plant.
The gas exit temperature should be above 120 C to prevent corrosion

Fig: combined power plant

More Ways to Increase Power plant Thermal Efficiency

A combined gas turbine based power plant is essentially an electrical power plant in which a gas turbine and a steam turbine are used in combination to achieve greater efficiency than would be possible independently. Since the increase in power output occurs without the input of additional heat, the overall thermal efficiency is increased.

Combined power plant efficiency

Fig: Schematic of Combined Cycle (CCGT) power plant.


Net power produced Q in

W net f LHV m

W Wnet, ST net,GT (50 60%) f LHV m

Combined heat and power or cogeneration efficiency

Industries often require both power and heating loads If the steam is used for heat (e.g. heating buildings, industrial process) then the plant would be referred to as a cogeneration plant or combined heat and power.


Heat recovred Q in

W Q net,GT HRSG (80 90%) f LHV m

Cooling load, as required by air conditioning and chilled water systems, may also be served by cogeneration systems.

Absorption chiller

Fig: Combined cooling and power

Chilled water

Fig: Energy Flow in Traditional Supply

Fig: Energy flow of typical Combined cooling heating power plant

Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)


Construction Phase: Heat Recovery Steam Generators

12/07/2 011

Construction Phase: Condenser

12/07/2 011

Combined Gas-Steam Power Plant

FIG: Combined gassteam power plant.

Binary Vapor Cycles

FIG: Mercurywater binary vapor cycle.

Example A simple steam power plant operates between pressures of 10 kPa and 4 MPa with a maximum temperature of 400C. The power output from the steam turbine is 100 MW. A gas turbine provides the energy to the boiler; it accepts air at 100 kPa and 25C, has a pressure ratio of 5, and a maximum temperature of 850C. The exhaust gases exit the boiler at 350 K. Determine the thermal efficiency of the combined Brayton-Rankine cycle.

End Thank you

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