New Test Series-Iii: Sunil Mokati

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Duration: 2.00 hours 100 Max Marks:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

This question paper contains 40 objective type questions. Q. 1 to 40 carry 2 marks each. Q. 41 to 50 are common data based or linked question. In case of wrong answer 0.5 marks will be deducted. Using HP pencil, darken the appropriate double under each digit of your registration number and the letters corresponding to your paper code. Calculator is allowed in the examination hall. Charts, graph sheets or tables are NOT allowed in the examination hall Rough work can be done on the question paper itself. Additionally blank pages are given at the end of the question paper for work.

Sunil mokati

CENTRE - LIC BUILDING, 3rd FLOOR, CIVIL LINES, SAGAR (M.P.) Mob.: 9753030576, 9907039445, 9981779766, 9893319142

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Identify the drug which is not used in the treatment of malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum (a) Artemisinin (b) Primaquine (c) Quinine (d) Mefloquine Hydrogen deuterium discharge lamp is used in (a) IR spectrophotometer (b) Polarometer (c) UV spectrophotometer (d) GLC Eseramine, 8-norphysostigmine and eseroline are main constituents of (a) Calabar bean (b) Periwinkle (c) Chhotachand (d) Crow-fig Infra-red light can be detected by (a) Photographically (b) Electrically (c) Thermoconductivity (d) Photoelectric cells Alkaloids are not precipitated by (a) Mayers reagent (b) Dragandroff reagent (c) Picric acid (d) Millons reagent Cyclophosphamide an anticancer agent acts as (a) Alkylating agent before metabolism (b) Alkylating agent after metabolism (c) Phosphorylating agent after metabolism (d) DNA intercalating agent The HLB value of antifoaming agent is in the range of (a) 6-9 (b) 1-3 (c) 15-18 (d) 8-16 The most serious adverse effect of Amphotericin B is (a) Renal damage (b) Fever (c) Thrombophlebitis (d) Loss of hearing Tropane alkaloids are not present in (a) Datura stramonium (b) Erythroxylum coca (c) Lobelia inflate (d) Duboisia myoporoides A UV visible spectrophotometer does not contain (a) Monochrometer and detector (b) Thermocouple (c) Amplifier and recording device (d) Source of light and filter Select the antimalarial drug act by inhibiting plasmodial dihydrofolate reductase (a) Chloroguanide (b) Chloroquine (c) Primaquine (d) Halofantrine When wavelength of a radiation is 5 , the value of wave number (cm-1) is (a) 40000 (b) 30000 0 (c) 2000 (d) 10000 Cephalin is converted into emetine by (a) Methylation of phenolic C (8) carboxyl (b) Methylation of phenolic C (6) hydroxyl group group (c) Hydration of ethylene C (8) group (d) Oxidation of methyl C (8) group Artemisinin contains the following group in its structure (a) An endoperoxide (b) An exoperoxide (c) An epoxide (d) An acid hydrazide Pellagra occurs due to deficiency of 2

14. 15.
Sunil mokati

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20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.


(a) Riboflavin (b) Pyridoxine (c) Pantothenic acid (d) Niacin Select the structural analoge/antimetabolite: cytotoxic immunosuppressive drug (a) Vincristine (b) Cyclophosphamide (c) Azathioprine (d) Cyclosporine Energy required for various transition is in the following order (a) - * > - * > n - * > n - * (b) - * > n - * > n - * > - * (c) - * > n - * > - * > n - * (d) n - * > n - * > - * > - * Mechanism of cellular resistance to polyfunctional alkylating drugs is (a) Reduced production of glutathione (b) Decreased DNA repair capability (c) Increased permeability of the drug (d) None of the above The powdered drug gives emerald green color with bromine water and dilute ammonia solution. This test is used for identification of (a) Cinchona (b) Cancer tree (c) Deadly night shade leaf (d) Chhotachand UV spectroscopy is suitable for the identification of (a) Fatty acids (b) Compound with isolated double bond (c) Saturated alkanes (d) ,- unsaturated carbonyl compound Which of the following chemotherapy drug is likely to be toxic to gonads (a) Adriamycin (b) Vinblastine (c) Paclitaxel (d) Procarbazine In UV spectroscopy, thechanges in electronic energy is always associated with changes in (a) Rotational energy (b) Vibrational, Rotational and Translational (c) Vibrational and Rotational energy (d) Any of the above The seeds of a plant which is known as clearing nuts contain diaboline. The plant is (a) Strychnos nuxblenda (b) Strychnos wallichiana (c) Strychnos potatorum (d) Strychnos ignatii max of 2,4-hexadiene is (a) 211 nm (b) 227 nm (c) 230 nm (d) 243 nm The stomata present in vinca is (a) Anisocytic type (b) Anomocytic type (c) Paracytic type (d) Diacytic type Most common route for administration of anticancer drug Melphalan (Alkeran) (a) Oral (b) Intravenous (c) Intramuscular (d) All The starting material for the synthesis of thiotepa, an alkylating agent is (a) Chloropropane and aziridine (b) Trichlorophosphine sulfide and aziridine (c) Trichlorophosphine sulfide and dimethylamine (d) Trichlorophosphine sulfide and ethylene diamine Teclozan, chlorbetamide and chlorphenoxamide, are the luminal amoebicides belongs to the following category (a) Dichloroacetamide (b) Hydroxyquinolines (c) Nitrothiazole salicylamide (d). Benzylamine derivatives 3

Sunil mokati

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Cisplatin is an anticancer agent. Chemically it is (a) Cis-diamine monochloroplatinum (b) Trans-diamine dichloroplatinum (c) Cis-diamine dichloroplatinum (d) Cis-diamine trichloroplatinum Intensity is expressed in terms of (a) Absorbance (b) Wave number (c) Wavelength (d) Frequency The drug exhibit Nitrosourea with minimal bone marrow suppression and effective in treating pancreatic, islet cell carcinoma (a) Lomustine (b) Carmustine (c) Streptozocine (d) Procarbazine The number of vibrational degree of freedom of ethane is (a) 12 (b) 20 (c) 15 (b) 18 Choice of drug in treating autoimmune hemolytic anemia is (a) Cyclosporine (b) Rho(D) immune globulin (c) Cyclophosphamide + factor XIII (d) Prednisone Which of the following factors determine antimalarials agent efficacy (a) Species (b) Life-cycle stage-dependencies (c) Both (d) None Which of the following agent is used in hypertension (a) Opium (b) Sarpagandha (c) Belladonna (d) Nux vomica Substance that mechanically enhance the hardness of the skin by precipitating proteins without penetrating cells is called (a) Adsorbants (b) Astringents (b) Emollients (d) Demulcents Contraindications to chloroquine therapy include (a) Patients with retinal/visual field (b) Patients predisposed to porphyria abnormalities (c) Both (d) Patients with renal insufficiency Rauwolfia contains not less than (a) 0.02% of alkaloids (b) 0.25 of alkaloids (c) 2.4% of alkaloids (d) o.14% of alkaloids Combination of allopurinol with this anticancer drug can cause an increase in toxicity (a) 6-thioguanine (b) 6-mercaptopurine (c) flurouracil (5-FU) (d) azatadine Alkyl substitution in an alkene cause the following effect (a) Hypochromic shift (b) Bathochromic shift (c) Hypsochtomic shift (d) Hyperchromic shift Linked question Which one of the following drugs is prescribed for the treatment of Philadelphia chromosome positive patients with Chronic myeloid Leukemia (a) Pentostatin (b) Methotrexate (c) Imatinib (d) L - Asparaginase The pharmacological activity of above drug is mainly due to inhibition of activity of (a) Tyrosine kinase (b) Protein kinase C (c) Ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase (d) Dihydrofolate reductase Data For 43-44 A compound X with molecular formula C2H4O exhibits a strong absorption band at 1730 cm-1 in 4

Sunil mokati

43. 44.

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IR spectrum. On reduction it is converted into Y which shows a strong band at 3640 cm-1 Assign the band in X to (a) CH3 (b) C = C (c) C = O (d) CH2 C=O The strong band in Y is due to (a) -C-C (b) -C-O-C(c) =CH2 (d) -OH Data For 45-46 Calculate the max for the following compounds. Base value for benzaldehyde in ethanol is 250 nm max of p-bromobenzaldehyde in nm is (a) 265 (b) 275 (c) 255 (d) 260 max of o-bromobenzaldehyde in nm is (a) 275 (b) 255 (c) 265 (d) 260 Data For 47-48 One of the plant have leaf which is unequal at base with acute apex and glabrous lamina. The margin of leaf is entire but in some cases sinuated. Corolla is thin, acuminate, triangular to circular in shape. Flowers are funnel shaped with pedicel which is never erect. The plant is (a) Cinchona (b) Thorn apple (c) Datura Camptotheca The main alkaloid present in above drug is (a) Atropine (b) Hyoscine (c) Hyoscymine (d) Quinine Linked question The choice of drug against Tape Wprms infection is (a) Pyrantel (b) Praziquental (c) Mebendazole (d) Ivermectin The mechanism of action of the above drug involve (a) Inhibition of polymerization of protein (b) Develop spastic paralysis by activating -tubulin of the parasite nicotinic receptor in the worm (c) Devlop paralysis due to leakage of (d) Develop tonic paralysis by acting intracellular Ca++ in the parasite through glutamate gated Cl- channel

Sunil mokati

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