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God: Ace you are a new Angel Gabriel God: I am God

Acetr444 a son of the Highests Creators and Creatoresses Multiverses Universes Gods and Goddesses Creator ACETR4444 God Acetr444 and of Negrita Vine Planet Goddess and of the Titans and Titanesses Gods and Goddesses Chaos Gaia Eros Ouranos Oceanos Cronus Rhea Zeus Hera Planet Earth Sun Milky Way Galaxy Multiverses Universes Superman Gods Kratos Zeus Perseus and Olympian gods Devil Gods Mountain planet gods Hulk Gods Superman mangods Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur man Superman Captain Barbel mangods Lionman Lionwoman gods and goddesses Zeus and the Olympians Zeus Rhea Dwarf Olympian gods and goddesses Spiderman gods human gods and goddesses Mermaids Sirens goddesses Universias Anthropos Ialdabaoth YHWH Tzebaoth Sabaoth Allah Angel gods Michael Gabriel Lucifer Angel God Michael (Blue Aura and Armour gave Acetr444 his son a little giant blue magical arcane sword: Kuya Micael! Kuya Micael! Kuya Micael! Elder Brother Michael!) and Angel God Dwarf King JOD HE VAU HE (Acetr444 as Gabriel: Whats my name, father? Whats my name,father? GABRIEL!!!) and princes Michael Gabriel Lucifer and demon playing swords together in a dream of Acetr444. Creator of All Galzu Universes Multiverses my Father God ACETR444 Multiverses Universes Planet(/s) God and my Mother Negrita Vine Planet Goddess I saw in dream visions. The Gods and Goddesses incubused my father ACETR444 Planet God and my mother Negrita Vine Planet goddess to emanate me and I descended from higher hemisphere realms to this realm of Earth Milky Way Galaxy and this universe born me as their offspring son. LINEAGE? CHAOS GAIA EROS OURANOS OCEANOS CRONUS RHEA HADES POSEIDON ZEUS HERA ANTHROPOS EARTH: GREEK RELIGION! YOU ARE THE SON OF ZEUS AND HERA! (Earth to Ace through thunders and lightnings voices of God Goddess Earth)) EARTH to Acetr444: SANLISANLIBUTANG ANAK NAMIN YAN! (MULTIVERSES MULTIVERSES (UNIVERSES UNIVERSES) OFFSPRING OF US THAT!) CUPID HERE WHO ARE YOU? Acetr444: I am Gabriel. I am Acetr444. CUPID URANUS YAN! THAT IS CUPID URANUS! ANAK NAMIN YAN! OFFSPRING SONDAUGHTER (INFANT BABY TITAN GOD) OF OURS THAT! Earth to Ace: You are the son of Zeus and Hera!

Ace, through his parents God Zeus and Goddess Hera of Mount Olympus is the brother of Mars Ares, son of God Zeus and Goddess Hera, Mercury Hermes son of God Zeus and Goddess Maia, Venus Aphrodite, daughter of God Zeus and Goddess Dione, Pallas Athena Athene, daughter of God Zeus and Goddess Metis, Apollo Apollon son of God Zeus and Goddess Leto, Persephone son of God Zeus and Goddess, the Kharites daughters of Zeus with Aglaia, Euphrosyne, Thalia.). Demeter, Persephone son of God Zeus and Styx, of Helen of Troy Helene (lived in Sparta Southern Greece) daughter of God Zeus and Leda, Perseus (lived in Agrolis, Southern Greece), son of God Zeus and Danae Akheilos son of God Zeus and Lamia., Herakles Hercules Boiotian city of Thebes Central Greece), Ace son of God ACETR444 and Negrita Vine Planet Goddess Lineage? (offspring sondaughter of Chaos Gaia Eros Ouranos Oceanos Crons Rhea Zeus Hera Sphinx Anthropos Ialdabaoth YHWH Tzebaoth Sbaaoth Allah; Planet Earth B.C.
HELENE A Queen of Sparta (in Southern Greece), wife of Menelaus, who eloped to Troy with her lover Paris. She was a daughter of Zeus by Leda or the goddess Nemesis. HERAKLES (1) The greatest of the Greek heroes. He was born in the Boiotian city of Thebes (in Central Greece) to Alkmene who was seduced by Zeus in the form of her own husband. PERSEUS A Hero and later King of Argos then Mykenai (in the Argolis, Southern Greece). He was the son of Zeus and Danae. AKHEILOS A Lydian boy (Asia Minor), son of Zeus and Lamia, who contested with the goddess Aphrodite in beauty.

Ace as son of YHWH Tzebaoth Sabaoth I AM WHO AM Ruler of Tzebaoth Sabaoth Heaven God of Israel (God of prophet Moses, Israel )is brother of Saint Michael the Archangel Saint Gabriel the Archangel Saint Raphael the Archangel Saint Lucifer the Archangel Satanail, Adam and Eve (Aces brother and sister through YHWH and Earth) and their descendants Cain Abel Seth Henoch Angel Metatron King David of Israel King Solomon of Israel Joseph Mary Jesus Christ Yeshua Mshee-kah . Ace as son of Allah is brother of Jibril Mikhail and Israfil (Israfel).

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