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Working with Midpoints in the 22.5 Mode (16th Harmonic): Blake Finley, M.A.: Uranian Astrology: Ninety degree dial: Fourth harmonic: 4th harmonic: Sixteenth harmonic: 16th harmonic
Working with Midpoints in the 22.5 mode (16th harmonic) Blake Finley, M.A. Linguistics

BACKGROUND AND T HEORY A s Uranian Astrology has evolved, Master Uranian Astrologer Ruth Brummund has relayed and built upon the observation by her mentor, Ludwig Rudolph (1893-1982), taking special note of the power and signif icance of the 22.5 angle in the astrology chart. In this article, I will explain how Ruth Brummund has taught and explained the method of making 22.5-degree multiples (16th harmonic) rather than the earlier-popularized 90-degree multiples (4th harmonic) the central measuring ref erence in midpoint analysis. Ruth has made a special request f or me at this point to explain the 22.5 mode in greater detail, step-by-step, so that its central concept and its f unctions can be more readily understood and applied. First, you must understand the principles and f unction of the 90 dial bef ore any of this is likely to make sense. T heref ore, if you do not understand the 90 dial, you should proceed to f irst read the pertinent article by clicking here. What is the reason f or stepping up f rom the 4th harmonic to the 16th? ... T he answer is: greater precision and more detail. At the 16th harmonic, we begin to see details, more clearly indicated, that the antique astrological paradigms of houses and signs hinted at but didn't elucidate so clearly. Midpoints in the 16th harmonic measure the same astrological realities as traditional astrology, but approach them in a more precise and logical manner. T he overall process is in reality simply a matter of taking one step up to the next squared harmonic f rom 4 (as 4x4=16), and it can be rather easily done, according to the f ollowing methods. First, recall that the 90 dial is in essence the traditional 360 dial f olded over itself twice, so that: 00- 30 represent the 30 degrees of the Cardinal signs (AR,CE,LI,CP) 30- 60 represent the 30 degrees of the Fixed signs (TA,LE,SC,AQ), and 60- 90 represent the 30 degrees of the Mutable signs (GE,VI,SG,PI). T hese three basic principles are central to use of the 90 chart and traditional Hamburg Astrology and Cosmobiology. If you are just beginning study of midpoint astrological techniques, and/or are not f ully clear on how the 90 chart and dial are f ormatted and f unction, then you should return to the article on the 90 dial and

study it caref ully, now, as you need to understand where the 90 comes f rom and how it works bef ore the f ollowing will make sense. To return to the article on the 90 dial, click here. For those of you clearly f amiliar with the 90 dial and chart, we now proceed. First of all, we no longer work with a "22.5 dial", which would take us into another harmonic visually, where we might f ine-tune too much and lose perspective and connection with the core 1st harmonic and the basic zodiacal measurement system. Instead, we work with the 90 chart alone (with an appopriate 90 dial), f ind adequate inf ormation about 16th harmonic structures, minimize conf usion f rom "shif ting gears" between one visual harmonic and another, and streamline our work and study, without jumping f rom one device to another. T he ideal tool f or working in the 22.5 mode is the Special Uranian program by Aureas Sof tware, a program designed specif ically f or work with the newer and more evolved Uranian techniques, and including a remarkably clear, clean, and easy-to-use 90 chart with dial compatible with our 22.5-mode analysis, as well as 22.5 tables designed specif ically f or work with the newer Brummund Method of Uranian Astrology. First, I want to present an overview of the principles involved in working with the 22.5 mode, so we have a theoretical and practical understanding of where it comes f rom and how it works. T hen, I want to show how we can use the 90 dial to work in the 22.5 mode, or simply to verif y positions in the 22.5 mode. It is important to note here that, with this approach, 22.5-mode positions can be readily inserted into 90-dial work without any mathematical transf ormation or translation needed, thus making it f ar easier and readily convertible than work with 22.5 dials that too easily lead us to lose track of the original, core relationship to the 360 mode -- and at the same time give access to much greater detail in midpoint analysis. T he f ollowing examples will elucidate. First, let's return to the linear graph used to show the numeric correspondences in the 22.5 mode, as presented in the article on the 90 dial. It is recommended that you either print this lesson out so you can view the illustrations at appropriate points during reading, or have a 90 dial with you as you read, to see the correlations. v V 0 10 20 30 22.5 90 100 110 120 112.5 180 190 200 210 202.5 270 280 290 300 292.5 310 220 130 40 45 140 135 230 225 320 315 330 240 150 50 60 70 67.5 160 157.5 250 247.5 340 337.5 350 360 260 270 170 180 80 90 v

T he f our larger rows of numbers (0-90, 90-180, 180-270, 270-360) represent the transitional conversion phase f rom the 360 mode to the 90 mode; i.e. in a sense, f olding over the 360 continuum into 4 layers, where, as examples: 0 corresponds to 90 and 180 and 360, both in the table, and on the dial, and all have the same value in the 4th harmonic. 40 corresponds to 130, 220, and 310, both in the table, and on the dial, and all have the same value in the 4th harmonic. 70 corresponds to 160, 250, and 340, both in the table and on the dial, and all have the same value in the 4th harmonic. What this means is that: 90 (0 Cancer) is the same as 0 on the 90 dial, that 220 (10 Scorpio) is the same as 40 on the 90 dial, and that 340 (10 Pisces) is the same as 70 on the 90 dial. Now, just as 90 is the same as 0, f or all general practical purposes, in working in the 90 mode; and 220 is the same as 40; we can apply the same principle to work in the 22.5 mode, and we can do it with a 90 dial. Let's look again at the dial and graphic showing the 4th and 16th harmonic layers. Note that the additional 16th harmonic angles are shown in smaller print on the linear table, and on the 90 dial, they are at right angles to the central pointer axis (at 22.5 and 57.5 on the 90 dial). Ludwig Rudolph pointed out to Ruth Brummund that you "don't have to re-invent the wheel" and use a new 22.5 dial or chart, but simply take note of the midpoints on any given 90 axis, and then turn the dial sideways,

manually or visually, at a 90 angle, thus squaring the midpoint axis under study, and you see the remaining midpoints of the 22.5 axis. Once you realize how this works, it seems so simple. And yet it has deeply prof ound impact on the precision of midpoint readings. Note below that the 22.5 multiples f all in columns under the " V "s in the top line of the linear graphic, and we see that 22.5 is the same as 112.5, 202.5, and 292.5, etc, etc. What we have done here is to divide the 360 circle into 8 equal segments and then align them in layers. v V 0 10 20 30 22.5 90 100 110 120 112.5 180 190 200 210 202.5 270 280 290 300 292.5 310 220 130 40 45 140 135 230 225 320 315 330 240 150 50 60 70 67.5 160 157.5 250 247.5 340 337.5 350 360 260 270 170 180 80 90 v

So much f or the underlying mathematical principles. Let's look at the issue of practical application. To do this, it is usef ul to have the Special Uranian program (by Aureas) at hand and running. T he author is aware of no other program that will allow you to implement the f ollowing exercises with such f acility -- and it has been designed specif ically to do so. If you do not have the Special Uranian computer program, you can emulate these exercises in part with a good, clean, and legible 90 dial. Let's look at an example chart: that of T heosophist Alice Bailey. Her birth data are: 1880.Jun.16; 07h32 (am) Local Mean Time; Manchester, England, Great Britain. T he data are f rom the book "Sabian Symbols" by Marc Edmund Jones. Ms Bailey taught the ancient wisdom of the Tibetan Buddhist master Djwhal Khul in an attempt to elucidate the world condition and ideological climate during World War 2, and her lessons may be most pertinent again today. (Her book "Glamour: A World Illusion" is most enlightening. Note that her astrology methods were those of conservative astrologers of the 1940s and signif icantly dif f erent f rom what we are using here and now, while the core of her teachings, while also f iltered through the Z eitgeist of the 1940s, contain powerf ul lessons still to be learned by humanity, particularly about the nature and role of materialism in our lives and in our social and political institutions.) Alice Bailey 1880.Jun.16 07h32 LMT Manchester ENG

Af ter entering the af orementioned birth data, in the Special Uranian program, we can quickly pull up a chart of natal planetary and astrological point positions in 360, 90, and 22.5 mode via the "Natal--Uranian Data" f unction. We see the table at the lef t. T he f irst column shows longitudes in traditional zodiacal f ormat. T he f ourth column shows longitudes in 360 (1st harmonic) f ormat, where 0 Aries = 0; 0 Taurus = 30; 0 Gemini = 60, etc. T he third column shows longitudes in 90 f ormat. To readily convert 360 to 90 f ormat, we simply subtract 90 f rom degree number over 90 until we derived a number less than 90. Notice that in 360 notation, any number less than 90 is identical to the 90 notation. T he 90 dial converts these f or us automatically, as does the Special Uranian program. T he second column is where we f ind the 22.5 mode notation (i.e. 16th harmonic). Notice that the numeric values are identical to those of 90 and 360 notation whenever they are less than 22.5. T hus the MC is at 1928' in each harmonic notation. To convert 90 notation to 22.5 (22:30) notation, just we did when moving f rom 360 to 90, we go one step f urther and subtract 22.5 f rom any 90 notation greater than 22.5 until we derive a number less than 22.5. Now, this can be rather cumbersome to calculate, and theref ore we really need the computer program to f acilitate the process. However, we can take the time to calculate these manually, in which case the f ollowing conversion table developed by Ruth Brummund will f acilitate the process: Examples from the chart of Alice Bailey: Conversion to 22:30 mode Position of factors in 90 mode in 90 notation in 22.5 notation

0 to 22:30: Where the value is less than 22:30, it remains the same in 22:30 mode notation Moon = 00:31 Mercury = 11:06 00:31 11:06 00:31 11:06

22:31 to 45:00: Where the value is between 22:31 and 45:00, we subtract 22:30 Mars = 38:44 Saturn = 26:31 38:44 26:31 16:14 04:01

45:01 to 67:30: Where the value is between 45:01 and 67:30, we subtract 45 Uranus = 65:24 Pluto = 57:33 65:24 57:33 20:24 12:33

67:31 to 90:00: Where the value is between 67:31 and 90, we subtract 67:30 Sun = 85:29 Venus = 77:52 85:29 77:52 17:59 10:22

In summary, it can be said that when a notation in 90 mode is greater than 22.5, we simply keep subtracting 22.5 until we derive a value less than 22.5; and at that point, we have the value for use in 22.5 work. When converting f rom 360 to 90 mode, if a value is larger than 90, we keep subtracting 90 until we derive a number less than 90 (degrees). We can then insert that number into a 90 chart or table and derive identical results f or any planet of the same reduced value, as planets at the same degree in 90 notation are all at a 90multiple angle (traditionally called "square") to each other, or are conjunct. Likewise, when converting f rom 90 mode to 22.5 mode, if a value is larger than 22.5, we keep subtracting 22.5 until we derive a number less than 22.5 (degrees). We can then insert that number into a 90 chart or table and derive idential results f or any planet of the same reduced value, as planets at the same degree in 90 notation are all at a 22.5-multiple angle (traditionally called "semi-octile") to each other, or are conjunct. (Semi-octile designates half (semi) of oneeighth (octile), i.e. sixteenth harmonic.) APPLICAT ION What preceded was theoretical background, along with mathematical underpinnings. Now, let's look at practical application in work with the 22.5 mode using the 90 dial. We can insert a 22.5-position of a planet into a 90 chart and f ind 22.5 midpoints by looking f or midpoints along the main axis, and then f or midpoints at a right angle to the main axis. To illustrate, let's continue with Alice Bailey's chart. And let's f ind a planet where the notation in 360, 90, and 22.5 mode are each dif f erent. Since the original source of the chart data is not

specif ied, and we haven't rectif ied the chart, let's skip the MC and AS as we aren't sure they are precise. T he f irst planet we come to that is notated dif f erently in the 3 modes is Mars at 128:44 or 38:44 or 16:14. (For the mathematically interested: just by looking at these numbers together here, in context and in relation to each other, it should be clear which mode is which. 128:44 has to be in 360 notation, since it is greater than both 90 and 22.5. 38:44 has to be either 360 or 90 notation, since it is greater than 22.5. T hat leaves 16:14 in 22.5 notation.) Each of these def ines the longitude of Mars, notated in dif f erent harmonics. If we were to look at a 360 dial, and set the dial pointer to 128:44, we would f ind 38:44 (Mars in 90 notation) at a right angle, and thus could f ind 90 midpoints by noting the midpoints directly on the midpoint axis of 128:44, and then noting those on the 38:44 axis, which is at a right angle to 128:44. Likewise, we can f ollow the same principle with the 90 dial f or 22.5 work:

First, let's set the dial to 38:44, the longitude of Mars in 90 notation. Notice right away that if we look at a right angle to the smaller arrow at 22.5, we f ind 16:14, which is Mars in 22.5 notation. We could just as easily set the dial to 16:14 and f ind 38:44 at a right angle. Either way, we are able to derive the same results. (Unlike more traditional approaches, we generally do not make a distinction between 1st-, 4th-, and 16th- harmonics, as prioritization of importance of f actors proves that the nature of the planets and points themselves f ar outweigh the signif icance of the [signif icant] harmonic of their interrelationship.) To measure the midpoints at a right angle, we simply turn the dial at a right angle to Mars, or in the Special Uranian program, we can do this with two clicks of the mouse, and have the dial set almost instantaneously at a right angle, precisely 22.5 away f rom the previous setting, with no worries about wobbling dials, paper charts of f center, or the other obstacles to precision in manual paper-and-dial work. In the same manner as indicated f or Mars, any 22.5 notation can be inserted into the 90 chart, and the same results will be derived as when using the 90 notation, with this method. In the 21st Century Uranian Astrology e-group lessons, we will be working with the 22.5 mode. T hose interested in serious study of serious astrology, and not motivated by competing commercial interests, are welcome to join. Simply do a web-search f or "21st Century Uranian Astrology." -- San Francisco, 2004.May.10 T he most effective way to explore Uranian techniques is through use of the 'Special Uranian' program by Aureas Software of Paris. (Click here for further information.) To proceed to examples of the 90 dial in use, click here.

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