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The Value of Sensitive Points : Ruth Brummund, Dipl Psych: Hamburger Schule: Uranische Astrologie
T he Value of Sensitive Points Ruth Brummund, Dipl Psych Translation f rom German by L Blake Finley, M.A. Linguistics

NOT E: It has come to the translator's attention that the textual content of some of the original articles sent or posted by Ms Brummund f rom/in Germany have been altered af ter the translator received the text translated below. T he f ollowing text is a translation of the content of the article as it appeared on the date indicated at the end of this translated text, and does not include translation of any alterations that may have been made in the German original since that date. [Here, Ms Brummund elucidates the problems of working routinely with Sensitive Points, and why they have been abandoned in standard Uranian Astrology practice today.] S ensitive points (as well as planetary sums) based on what I have seen of them in practical application, have generally proven to simply lead the astrologer astray f rom the main theme under study. To understand the reasoning behind this, let's consider the f ollowing: 1) T here are 4620 possible sensitive points in any given chart, using the planets and points we work with, and also 253 possible planetary sums if we add those as well. In searching f or a pertinent sensitive point, we would of ten be seeking only 1 among 4169 other possibly relevant sensitive points 2) During our studies, we learn that all midpoints in a given axis must be considered in order to interpret the overall picture in a well-rounded manner. T he same principle should theref ore logically apply to sensitive points. T heir ef f ect is simultaneous and derived f rom their dormant combined potential in the natal chart. T heref ore, like all other conf igurations, the potential of their impact must lie within the radix chart. (ed. Consider the level of complexity this would involve in interpretation.) 3) Each chart accounts f or a personality as described by the 22.5 listing, sorted sequentially, of what is at hand f or the individual in this lif etime. For example, we look to the planetary combination of Node.Venus.Jupiter f or a f ortunate love relationship, and this can express in three dif f erent sensitive point conf igurations: NO+VE-JU NO+JU-VE VE+JU-NO T hese lie at various positions within the circle of the chart. In an example, NO+VE-JU is at 1145' Gemini. Converted into 22.5 notation, this sensitive point lies at 04:15 along with other f actors and midpoints within orb of that degree and minute. T he same applies to planetary sums, if we continue to experiment with those. If

we however just study midpoint axes with the 90 dial, we can set the pointer to the NO/VE axis and then look f or points ref lecting Jupiter. T he answers we f ind are determined by how we state our questions in the language of the planets. For inf ormation on love relationships per se, we f irst look to the NO/VE axis, and then note whether Jupiter, or even Saturn, Neptune, Hades, or Admetos are somehow conf igured with it. However, as usual, it is always those planets bound with the personal points that are the most decisive indicators. If we want to know about happiness in love, we look to the VE/JU axis to see if there are strong indicators involving the Lunar Node, Cupido, or the Ascendant. NO/JU primarily indicates relationships where money might be involved. T his is f urther investigated to see if love might also be involved in these situations. With the axes involving these 3 f actors alone, we have access to a number of answers to questions relating to f ortunate love relationships. 4) For assessment in retrospect, or metagnosis, quite a dif f erent process f rom prognosis or prediction, it is rather easy to work with sensitive points, since we already know the manif est qualities of the previous event we are seeking to verif y. (ed.: while in prognosis, there are a number of possible manif estations of any given planetary combination, determined by previous experience, environmental opportunities, degree of courage or persistence, state of health, degree of conscious awareness, etc., including both environmental and psychological variables. Experienced German Uranian Astrologers are generally more aware of this, while anglophone Uranians have f requently tended to parrot the older Lef eldt-era texts, implying that results are f ixed and monodimensional.) Prognosis, or prediction is another situation altogether. If one seeks to answer the question about f ortunate love relationships at a certain time with the possible combinations of Node, Venus, and Jupiter, then it's a matter of chance if that specif ic concrete manif estation takes place -- as the combination of these 3 f actors could just as well manif est as simple enjoyment or pleasure due to benef icial contacts, income f rom congenial associates, benef icial sympathy f rom contact, or success through artistic connections. 5) Although Hermann Lef eldt wrote that "sums indicate the inner core while midpoints indicate the outer manif estations", we f ind this to contradict the overall results shown in our work today. His assertion would seem to indicate that midpoints are not an indicator of an individual's character. His argument might have been convincing, had he been oriented toward study of inner human character; however his writings and admitted philosophy clearly indicate that he was more f ocused on observation of external f actors and expressions. Within the context of a natal planets, an additional unoccupied point the the natal chart can only f ind expression through an outside f actor. T his external f actor could be a planet f rom the chart of another person, or a f actor triggered by new conf igurations f ormed due to locality changes and thus af f ected by interpersonal or other environmental f actors. In addition, I have f ound that Sensitive Points are not only bothersome to calcuate, but they are moreover unnecessary in our chart work. T he greatest hazards in using them are their excessive overlaps with each other and their mere verif ication of what is already indicated via proper work with midpoint structures. All these considerations have led me to discontinue the use of Sensitive Points in my work. Prioritization and limitation of the vast storehouse of Hamburg School techniques is essential if we are to maintain perspective. [For examples illustrating this point, read "Sensitive Points, Sums, and Midpoints". T he Special Uranian Astrology program, designed in cooperation between Ruth Brummund and Blake Finley, dispenses with ineffective historical techniques and focuses on those techniques which have proven their value via recent testing and research. T he Special Uranian program includes the text of the Brummund Rulebook. For more information, click here. URANIAN


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