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HISTORICAL SETTING The letter to the Romans was written in Corinth toward the end of Pauls third missionary journey. Paul had collected and was about to deliver an offering for the Jerusalem church (Romans 15:25-27; 1 Corinthians 16:3-5; 2 Corinthians 8). Paul had never visited Rome. After his visit there, he desired to move on to Spain (15:22-33). Paul had recently worked through severe problems with the Corinthian church (cf. 1 and 2 Corinthians). And it was from Corinth that he wrote his letter to the Romans a letter which described the power of the gospel and the problems of human pride and the weakness of the flesh. The city of Rome was founded in 753 B.C. on the Tiber River at a ford that was indispensable for traveling between northern and southern Italy. The ridges surrounding the Tiber River valley provided hilltop fortifications for times of attack. In Pauls day, Rome had a population of approximately one million (the largest city in the world) and was the political hub of the vast Roman Empire. The church at Rome was not founded by Paul. Perhaps some Jews and proselytes from Rome who were in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:10) became believers and carried the gospel back to their city. The church was predominately Gentile (Romans 1:5-6, 13; 11:13; 15:15-16), yet Pauls frequent quotations from the Old Testament and other references indicate that believing Jews would also read his letter (2:17). AUTHOR The Pauline authorship of Romans is almost universally accepted. Internal evidence of authorship abounds (1:1; 15:25; 16:3). The external testimony of the church fathers, who quote Romans, among whom are Clement, Ignatius, Polycarp, and Justin, confirms the view that Paul was the author. The actual writing of the letter was done by Tertius, the secretary to whom Paul dictated the letter (16:22). PAUL AS TENTMAKER AND PHARISEE Paul was a strict Pharisee of the tribe of Benjamin (Philippians 3:5). Although he was born in Tarsus, he was educated in Jerusalem under Gamaliel (Acts 22:3). He was born in Tarsus with the privilege of Roman citizenship (Acts 22:28). Paul was a tentmaker by trade and used that craft to support himself while ministering in Corinth on his second missionary journey (Acts 18:1-3). Paul may have been a member of the Sanhedrin (Acts 26:10) and was so zealous for his Jewish faith that he persecuted the church (Acts 26:9-11; Philippians 3:6). Paul was first mentioned as Saul at the stoning of Stephen (Acts 8:1); an execution with which he was in hearty agreement (Acts 26:10). PAULS CONVERSION Pauls conversion took place on the road from Jerusalem to Damascus (Acts 9:1 -7), probably in A.D. 35. He remained in Damascus witnessing to the deity of Jesus in the Jewish synagogues (Acts 9:20). When it was learned that the Jews were plotting to kill Paul, he escaped from the city (Acts 9:25) and lived in Arabia for several years (Galatians 1:17).

PAULS EARLY MINISTRY After revisiting Damascus, Paul went to Jerusalem where he visited with Peter and preached to the Hellenistic, or Grecian, Jews (Acts 9:26-29; Galatians 1:18-20). Threatened in Jerusalem, Paul went to Tarsus (Acts 9:30) and visited the regions of Syria and Cilicia (Galatians 1:21). Later while Barnabas was ministering in Antioch, he invited Paul to join him (Acts 11:25). The two ministered together for an entire year at Antioch (Acts 11:26). During the famine predicted by Agabus (Acts 11:28), Paul and Barnabas took relief aid from Antioch to the believers in Jerusalem (Acts 11:30). Paul and Barnabas then returned to Antioch, taking John Mark with them (Acts 12:25). PAULS MISSIONARY JOURNEYS Pauls three missionary journeys all began at Antioch. His first journey (Acts 1314), from A.D. 48 to 49, was followed by another visit to Jerusalem (Acts 15). The second journey lasted from A.D. 50 to 52, and the third from A.D. 53 to 57. It was following Pauls third expedition that he was arrested in Jerusalem (Acts 21:27-36) and then imprisoned in Caesarea for two years (Acts 23:2326:32) from A.D. 57 to 59. Having appealed to Caesar (Acts 25:11), Paul was transferred to Rome where he was confined for approximately two years (Acts 28:30-31). After two years in Rome, Paul was released, apparently because no Jews had appeared to bring a charge against him (cf. Philippians 1:19, 25; 2:24). Paul then went east through Ephesus, where he left Timothy (1 Timothy 1:3), and then to Colosse (Philemon 1:22). From there he proceeded to Macedonia where he wrote his first letter to Timothy (1 Timothy 1:3). Paul may have at that time realized his desire to journey to Spain (Romans 15:28; 1 Clement 5:7). Paul again journeyed east and visited Crete (Titus 1:5), where he left Titus to set the church in order and appoint elders in A.D. 66. Paul wrote Titus concerning his responsibilities just before he journeyed from Asia Minor (2 Timothy 4:13, 20) to Nicopolis, where he spent the winter of A.D. 66/67 (Titus 3:12). Having spent spring and autumn in Macedonia and Greece (1 Timothy 1:4; 2 Timothy 4:20), Paul was arrested a second time and brought to Rome, where he was martyred in the spring of A.D. 68 (see the Date section below). DATE Early church fathers such as Clement of Rome, Eusebius, and Dionysius of Corinth generally support the second arrest of Paul and his martyrdom sometime near the end of Neros persecutions. The date for Pauls death is based on early church tradition and is not certain. The letter was probably written from Corinth around A.D. 57. PURPOSE The letter to the Romans was designed to pave the way for Pauls visit to Rome by giving a straightforward presentation of the gospel. But the goal was not the conversion of the readers. They were already Christians. The goal was to show the implications of the gospel for Christians who mixed ethnic bigotry, fleshly works, and stubborn pride with the pure word of redemption in Christ alone. Paul desired

to wean his readers away from self-sufficiency with its source in human achievement and pride, whether religious or secular. The goal was to bring the readers to the point of being living and acceptable sacrifices to God (Romans 12:1-2). GEOGRAPHY AND ITS IMPORTANCE At the time Paul wrote this letter to Rome from Corinth, he planned to return to Jerusalem, with an offering for the Christians there. After his journey to Jerusalem he planned to set out for Rome and possibly Spain. The letter to the Romans outlined Pauls beliefs about Jesus Christ so that the readers would be informed about him when he finally arrived. GUIDING CONCEPTS Pauls letter to the Romans is often viewed as a formal presentation of Christian doctrine, as if in it Paul organized his beliefs in a timeless way, untouched by the usual problems and debates with his readers found in all the rest of his writings. On the contrary, Romans throbs with real-life needs and carries the still glowing heat of Pauls most recent problems with the Corinthian church. Paul had spent three years of his third missionary journey (A.D. 53 57) ministering in Ephesus. After the riot in Ephesus (Acts 19:23-41), Paul departed for Greece and spent three months there (Acts 20:2-3) before his departure for Jerusalem with the contribution for the saints (Romans 15:25-26). Paul spent a good part of those three months in Corinth and wrote his letter to the Romans from that city. This is clear from his reference to Gaius in 16:23 and 1 Corinthians 1:14. Pauls recommendation of Phoebe from Cenchrea, the eastern seaport of Corinth, is another indication that Corinth was the place of writing (Romans 16:1). Perhaps Phoebe carried the letter to Rome. Pauls letters to the Corinthians provide the best immediate background to the problems and the passion behind his letter to the Romans. The Corinthians had problems with pride and arrogance (1 Corinthians 4:5-6; 2 Corinthians 3:5-6, 15-16; 11:21-22). And they were not sure they needed to believe in a physical resurrection (see 1 Corinthians 15; 2 Corinthians 5 concerning the resurrection and the nature of flesh). Compare that with the problems of arrogance spoken of in Romans 11:18, 20, 25; 12:3, 16. Romans also dealt with the problem of causing other Christians to stumble (cf. Romans 14 with 1 Corinthians 8). Romans is not an abstract formal presentation of doctrine. It is a throbbing presentation of the impact of Jesus Christ on the most cherished but fatal presuppositions of Jew and Gentile alike. BIBLE-WIDE CONCEPTS (THE NATURE OF GOD) Paul recounts a number of Gods characteristics and brings Gods character directly to bear on the Romans needs. God is the Creator. As Creator he is free to act upon and within his creation. He makes the rules for his creatures, not the other way around (Romans 1:20, 25; 4:17; 8:18-23; 9:19-21). God is also just. This characteristic of God is crucial at several points in the letter (for example, see 2:11; 3:3-4, 25-26; 9:6, 14, 19; 11:1-2) and is supported by numerous Old Testament quotations. God is completely righteous. Paul used the Old Testament to show how God has always been righteous (for example, see Romans 3:21; and 3:4).

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