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Organogenesis A. Development of organs and organ systems B.

Ectodermal derivatives Neural tube derivatives neural plate forms neural tube first. Neural tube differentiates into: o Brain presencephalon, mesencephalon, rhombencephalon o Posterior pituitary galnd o Optic vesicles o Spinal cord o Motor nerves (that originate in the ventral portion of the neural tube and innervate muscles. Neural crest derivatives these cells migrate throughout the body. o Sensory nerves and ganglia receive impulses from sense organs o Adrenal medulla (inner part of adrenal gland) o Autonomic ganglia (control involuntary activities) o Pigment cells in the body except for pigmented retinal cells, which are derived from the neural tube o Cartilages in voice box and head o Some ectodermal muscles Epidermal derivatives surface epiderm after neural tube and neural crest cells drop below the surface o Those derived from epidermal thickenings placodes, as some head nerves, lens, olfactory structures, inner ear, taste buds. o Remainder of epidermis, as outer skin, hair, nails, anterior pituitary. Mesodermal derivatives

o Epimere is divided into: Myotome forms back muscles Dermatome dorsal dermis Scleratome vertebral column o Mesomere gives rise to kidneys, gonads o Stopomere? Somatic limb buds, outer peritoneuro Splanchnic guut muscles, heart and blood vessels Endodermal derivatives endoderm surrounds gut cavity. Derivatives are structures derived from mesoderm either from the gut tube or outpocketings from the tube. Examples: o Foregut becomes stomach and duodenum o Outpocket and a ventral outpocket; liver arise from the ventral wall posterior to the outpocket that gives rise to the trachea. o Anterior region of the hindgut forms part of the large intestine; posterior region forms the cloaca (which gives rise to the urinary bladder, urethra, rectum)

SENSORY ORGANS (ECTODERM DERIVATIVE) A. Introduction sensory receptors are hypersensitive, intermediary structures located between the environment and CNS. Each receptor responds to one kind of stimulus. Photoreceptors respond to visible radiation Chemoreceptors respond to dissolved chemicals Mechanoreceptors respond to touch or pressure Thermoreceptors respond to temperature Statoreceptors respond to changes in body position Phonoreceptors respond to vibrations

B. Development Sensory receptors develop from ectoderm ;origin is epidermal ectoderm, neural ectoderm, neural crest cells. Maybe a combination of these. Often, mesoderm combines with the ectodermal cells. Many of these structure begin their development as placodes, plate shaped thickenings on epidermal ectoderms. o Olfactory sacs the thickened epidermal ectoderm located anterior to the neural plate forms this o Lens Optic vesicle contract the epidermis and induces it to thicken lens placode forms lens. o Ear an auditory placodes lateral to the hindbrain gives rise to the ear. Other methods of classification o Types of receptors based location General sensory organ receptors located over the general body area. Two divisions: Free nerve endings. Common. Peripheralprocesses of sensory nerve end in a splay of swellings invade epidermis at the end of the 3rd months. Example: pain endings, hair cells of the organ of corti. Lamellated corpuscles with land organisms, sensory organs became encapsulated. Each nerve fiber consists of a nerve ending wrapped with connective tissue. Example: tactile corpuscles of meisner (touch), pacinian corpuscle (tension + pressure), tendon bundles (tension + stretch). Organs of special senses connected in special areas of the body + react to very specific stimuli. Example: sight, hearing and equilibrium. o Types of receptors based o function/ association Exteroreceptors receptor that receive information about the external environment. Proprioreceptors located in striated muscles and tendons. Interoreceptors associated with internal organs. Taste buds

o They develop from neuromasts, modified epithelial cells. Example: fish. Materials dissolved in water stimulate the exposed ends of cells; therefore taste buds on fish are chemoreceptors. o During their evolution, taste buds lost heir generalized distribution over the body and became localized. EYE A. Souces of eye development. The materials of the eye come from 3 sources: Optic nerve and retina are derivatives of the forebrain Lens arises from the surface ectoderm of the head Accessory tunics differentiate from adjacent mesenchyme B. Summary of events of eye development Contact between the roof of the archenteron (the notochord) and the eyecup rudiments on the neural plate (prospective neural tube) cause the eyecup rudiments to develop into the optic vesicles. (diagram 1)

Optic vesicles develop as lateral outgrowths of the posterior portion of the forebrain Optic vesicles touch the prospective lens ectorderm. Contact causes optic vesicles to form the eye cups. Eye cups consist of an outer pigmented layer and an inner sensory (neural) retina. Previous interactions of the lens forming ectoderm with: o Forgut endoderm and with o Propective heart mesoderm Maintains lens forming competence of pros. Lens ectoderm. The lens actually forms only after the lens forming ectoderm touches the tip of the optic vesicle. The lens forming epidermis thickens, folds, and undergoes cellular rearrangement to form the lens. Lens and optic cups contact the epidermis and mesenchyme. This induces the formation of the cornea. The choroid coat and sclera (outer coats of the eye) develop from mesenchyme around the eyeball. Iris (which regulates the pupil size) develops from the rim of the optic cup.

Selected events in eye development (diagram 2)

C. optic vesicles Early development, projections from the forebrain push toward the skin ectoderm. These are the optic vesicles. Each contains a cavity (optical) which is continuous with the cavity of the brain (prosocoel). Optic vesicles are attached to the brain by optic stalks. (diagram 3)

Due to invagination, a double layered optic cup is formed. From the beginning, the optic cup is imperfect because of a notch in its double well. this defect occurs due to invagination involving the underside of the cup. This defect is the optic or choroid fissure. (diagram 4)

At first, the wall of the optic vesicle is only one cell thick. However, the cells of the indented wall of the optic cup undergoes mitosis and becomes the retina, photosensitive lining of the eye. The edge of the cup represent the border of the iris, the circular opening into the cup is the pupil. The layers of the optic cup show two regions: o Thicker pars optica, which is the nerous portion that lines most of the cup. o Thinner pars cacca, am insensitive zone bordering the rim of the cup/ The line of demarcation between these two makes a wavy circle, the ora serrata No one knows exactly what causes the o.v. to form from the brain wall. The archenteron roof does induce the neural tube to differentiate into many components including the o.v. specific genes in o.v. are activated and form RNA messages that code proteins. The process by which o.v. evaginate to form cups may involve cytoplasmic microtubules and microfilaments that change the shape of the cells. Expansion of the o.v. appears to be aided by the accumulation of fluid in the brain ventricles, which are continuous with the o.v. O.v. appear to differentiate as a result of touching the surface ectoderm. Summary o.v. evaginate from the brain wall. After contact with the pros. Lens (surface ectoderm), the single layered o.v. become pushed in, cupshaped. The inner layer of the cup becomes the neural (sensory retina; the outer layer becomes the pigmented retina. D. lens

Nerve ectoderm induces epid. O.v. ecto. To thicken lens placodes invagination lens vesicles lens. The o.v. is the inducer. At the time of introduction, one observes a decrease in cytoplasmic acidity and in the no. Of ribosomes in the o.v. At the same time, there is an increase in cytoplasmic acidity and in the no. of ribosomes in the lens forming ectoderm. Also if the o.v. is removed before it reaches lens forming epidermis, no normal or defective lens forms. If the lens placode is removed surrounding epidermal cells move into the mpty space and develop into a secondd lens placode when they come into contact with the o.v. It is possible for lenses to form without induction by the o.v. However, most of these lenses are not normal. After the lens placode is induced, it reassembles to form a lens vesicle. It occupies a position in the pupil of the iris. Once the lens separates from the overlying ectoderm, it further differentiates. Cells of the inner portion of the

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