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Project Title: Operation kalinisan para sa kaayusan at kagandahan ng balagbag.

Programang pang kaayusan, kalinisan, kalusugan at para sa pagkakaisa ng Baranggay.

II. Situational Analysis: Lumampong Balagbag is a baranggay of the Philippine municipality Indang in the province Cavite in CALABARZON which is part of the Luzon group of islands. Lumampong Balagbag is one of the baranggays which are in the outlying area of Municipality Indang. The municipality Indang with a population of about 60,755 and its 36 barangays belong to the partly urban areas in the Philippines. While some of the baranggays developed modern urban structures, some others, especially those which are seated in the outlying areas, remained rural. By the end of 2007 Lumampong Balagbag had 941 residents. Based on observation, Sanitation is the leading health problem in Brgy. Lumampong -Balagbag. There are existing programs currently implemented by batch 5 of manila tytana college 4th year students in Baranggay Lumampong Balagbag related to this situation. And based on the community people another health problem is that the Health Center in Baranggay Lumampong Balagbag is not open even at the appointed scheduled time. They highly speaks for continuation of implementation of sanitation in the community.And another situation based from the other community people is that there are increasing number of flies because of some poultry farms and piggeries in nearby areas that dont clean their places that much leading to the increasing number of flies that travel to other areas. III. Proponent Agency IV. Community Health Provider Head Community Health Provider Committee Community people of Baranggay Lumampong Balagbag

Statement of Objectives: a) General To promote sanitation and cleanliness in the community and cooperation of the community people per district by means of collecting recyclable items per house in each district and segregating the biodegradable and non biodegradable. b) Specific To create a program in which the community will be in a competition to collect as many recyclable items they have at each home and will be weighed out weekly. Whichever district has the highest number of collected recyclables will win the competition that will be awarded by the batch 5 of manila tytana 4th year students.

To promote and to maintain the value of cleanliness which will be done while proceeding with the said program. To promote cooperation between the community people in helping each other clean their community. To promote clean environment by teaching the community proper ways of segregation and discipline in sanitation by conducting an orientation in the community. To promote education in the community regarding to sanitation by putting a sign in each purok teaching how the proper ways of sanitations and segregations Project Description


This is a two week activity with the core group leaders and members of the Community Health Provider in which there will be a collection of as many recyclable items they have at each home and will be weighed out weekly. Another, there will be an house to house orientation each purok in terms of proper ways of sanitations. And we will put a sign each garbage regarding in ways of proper sanitations and segregations.


Project justification:

To create a program in which the community will be collecting as many recyclable items they have at each home and will be weighed out. Also in this program we are promoting the value of cleanliness which will be done while proceeding with the said program. And also to promote cooperation between the community people in helping each other clean their community. Another we are promoting to maintain clean environment by teaching the community proper ways of segregation and discipline in sanitation by conducting an orientation and putting a signs in the community.


Beneficiaries of the project The Community people of Baranggay Lumampong Balagbag Venue Baranggay Lumampong-Balabag; District 1-7 Implementation Period Inclusive date August 5, 2013 Implementation plan/schedule:


Activity Collection of Recyclable items in houses per District

Time Frame Sept. 9, 2013Sept18, 2013

Resources Manpower: Core group leader : Mary Ann Inubio Community people MTC Community Health Provider members District Leaders

Expected outcome At the end of this activity, the client from the community people will be able to maintain a clean environment in the community and will apply the value of cooperation within the community and will be knowledgeable in proper ways of segregation and sanitation.

X. Budget Proposal Quantity SACK

Particulars 8

Unit Price 1000 pesos (Unit price pertains to the value of the resource per piece)



Evaluation Checked by: LLANTO,MA.REGINA L. Committee head

Prepared by: LLANTO, MA.REGINA L. Program head

Recommending Approval:

Approved By:

PIMINTEL, ABIGAIL Central Committee Head

BING HABOC, RN,MAN Community instructor

MILA, FENINAH NICOLE Central Committee Treasurer

Central Committee Auditor

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