WPSM Poster Sem III

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18 e juni, 13-16 / Lisbeth Birgersson
I det tredje seminariet utgr vi ifrn Lisbeth Birgersson A Civic Approach to Facilities Management for Small Enterprise ett bidrag till Works Life 2000 - Space Design for Production and work, en workshop som genomfrdes i Brussel 2-21 of April 1998. Lisbeth skulle ocks vilja ta upp ngra resonemang ur sin avhandling Att bygga mening och rum: - resonemanget om Gemeinschaft och Gesellschaft som en xeringsbild (inspirerat av Johan Asplund), s 59 - resonemanget om 2 olika grundlggande handlingsprinciper, s 195 - 199. Om ni inte har tillgng till avhandlingen fr ni hra av er. Marie Strid 031-7722481 / marie.strid@chalmers.se Chalmers Arkitektur Sven Hultins gata 6 41296 Gteborg Henric Benesch 0730-346460 / benesch@chalmers.se Room 2244 Vi tnker att de hr seminarierna r arbetsseminarier. Det hr betyder att man grna fr formulera frgor och spr i frvg och i anknytning till freliggande material och som man vill prva. Vi kommer ocks att fra noggranna anteckningar vilka vi skickar ut till deltagarna fr ytterliggare kommentarer och utvikningar. Frhoppningen r att en sdan kollektiv process kan mynna ut i nya spr, i artiklar, papers och ev anskningar men ocks vara en viktig del i en CVA-publikation. Du hittar grundtexten p; CONTACT: W WHERE: www.chalmers.se/arch/SV/aktuellt/kalendarium/when-people-still-matter Upplgget r enligt fljande: 1) Lisbeth Birgersson brjar med att introducera sin text och diskussionen i sitt sammanhang. 2) Vi gr en runda dr alla kommenterar texten och diskussionen utifrn hans eller hennes bakgrund och eventuellt introducerar ngra spr eller funderingar. 3) Vi fortstter med en gemensam ppen diskussion.

In the wake of movements of the 60s and 70s researchers within the eld of architecture turned their focus on the interplay between individuals, organisation and space, as temporal dynamic processes situated within particular socio-economical contexts. Within a framework of work and production new socio-spatial processes where researched and developed. Today the strategic question is what can we retrospectively learn from this pioneering work and how can we build upon these experiences in order to be better prepared for what lies ahead?

In the Centre for Healthcare Architectures Seminar-series 2012, we have invited some pioneers in this eld in order to together revisit, re-read and re-think these settings, writings and propositions. Our ambition is strategic and constructive. We start with the international symposium and publication Industrial Architecture and Engineering Design - When People Matter, published and held in 1989, from which we also borrowed this years title.

The questions we are asking and which we would like to invite you discuss with us are: - What was valid then and what is valid today? - What was ruled out then but ought to be picked up again? - Why was this research relevant then and why might it be relevant today?


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