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Pakistan is located in southwestern part of Asia, sharing its southwest border with Iran, Afghanistan to the west, China to the north, India is on the eastern border, and the southern border is the Arabian Sea. With more than 187 million people, Pakistan is the worlds sixth most populated country, and is home to the second largest population of Muslims behind Indonesia. It has large cities and small villages, preserved ruins of ancient civilizations, modern urban centers and the second highest mountain in the world - K2. Pakistans rich history dates back to the Bronze Age. Prior to becoming a sovereign nation in the 20th century, this region was ruled by various empires and dynasties. It is a country of many cultures that reflects its diverse history.

Pakistan has a rich cultural heritage going back more than five PakistanmeanslandofthepureinUrduandPersian. thousand years to the Indus Valley Civilization. One of the oldest known urban ruins in Pakistan is the former city Moenjodaro, which was developed in 3,000 BC. Over time, urban areas similar to Moenjodaro developed throughout the Indus River Valley area. These cities were built using utilities considered modern at the time, including water and sewage systems. After thousands of years, various invasions and cultures settled in Pakistan including the Persian Empire, the Indian Empire, the British Empire and Alexander the Greats Greek Empire. In contemporary times, Pakistan was part of India and ruled by the British East India Company. During the Partition of India in 1947, Pakistan was created and consisted of two states, East and West Pakistan. As a result of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, East Pakistan seceded from Pakistan and became Bangladesh. Following the Partition of India, relations between Pakistan and India have been tense and several military conflicts have occurred. Since 1956 Pakistan has been governed by a form of government known as an Islamic Republic.

Pakistan has four provinces: Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, and Punjab. The first largest city in Pakistan is Karachi, capital of the Sindh province. Karachi and its surrounding area are home to an estimated 22 million people. The city is located on the Arabian Sea, and is home to Pakistans shipping industry and large seaports. It was the capital of Pakistan before the construction of Islamabad and remains the hub of Pakistans financial sector. More than 56% of the Pakistani population resides in the Punjab Province. This Province is highly industrialized and its sophisticated irrigation systems contribute to a healthy agriculture sector. The KarachiisthelargestandmostpopulouscityinPakistan. capital of Punjab is Lahore, the countrys second largest city.

The capital of Pakistan is Islamabad. Located in the Islamabad Capital Territory, more than 1.7 million people currently reside in the city. Unlike other cities that grow over many years, Islamabad is fairly young, having just been developed after becoming the countrys capital city in 1960. Islamabad is considered a highly educated city, with at least 17 universities and a literacy rate of more than 80%.

Pakistan has two official languages: Urdu and English. Although Urdu is the countrys first official language, only about 7.5% of Pakistanis speak Urdu as their primary language. The majority of PakistanMonumentinthecapitalcityofIslamabadatnight. CCBY3.0ShahidRazzaq Pakistanis speak a language called Punjabi, which is used by the largest ethnic group in Pakistan, the Punjabis. English is spoken heavily in schools and government. Other regional languages spoken in Pakistan include Balochi, Pashto, Saraiki, and Sindhi.

Pakistan has three primary economic engines: agriculture, manufacturing, and service industries. Goods made in Pakistan such as textiles, rice, leather goods, carpets, and rugs are exported to countries all over the world. Approximately 50% of Pakistanis are employed in the service sector, which includes air and rail transportation, telecommunications, energy, and the military. In Pakistan, people use the Pakistani rupee to make purchases. The word rupee was formed from the Sanskrit word rup which means silver. Rupees come in both paper and coin form. The symbol for the rupee is Rs.

Pakistan has a variety of landscapes and climates ranging from the coastal areas of the Arabian Sea in the south to the mountains in the north. Pakistan is divided into three major geographic areas: the northern highlands; the Indus River valley; and the southern plateau. Pakistan is a desert country with predominately hot and dry climate in the southern regions. The northwestern parts of the country have a temperate climate and the temperatures can even get arctic in northern Pakistan. The Indus Valley region is prone to frequent earthquakes and major flooding during the monsoon season of July through September. On January 18, 2011, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake occurred in the southwest part of the country, damaging more than 200 homes.

CIA World Fact Book entry for Pakistan UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Pakistan Statistics TheTrangoTowersinnorthernPakistanaresomeof

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