Student Age: Prade Ground Turns Saffron As Rss Chief

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JKENG/2012/41612 Vol. 2 No: 244







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4Says Jammu & Kashmir was an Indian state even before 1947 and will remain an integral Part of India. 4Instrument Of accession signed is complete, irreversible, irrevocable and unconditional.

Prade Ground turns Saffron as RSS Chief addresses more than 15000 Swayam Sevaks
Key Points of Bhagwat's Speech
4No comments against the integration of the state with the republic Of India will be tolerated. 4India- a culturally diverse country, so the way of coexistence has to be peacefully found out. 4Kashmir an integral part of India, those who have doubts can check history since the times of
Lalitaditya and can correct themselves. 4Citizens of the country can't do away with the responsibility, as national security is not only the issue of the security forces. 4Hindus are, by their very nature and their timeless civilization, liberals and large hearted. 4Sangh will never leave minorities in the state alone or migrate under political conspiracy. 4Recalled the saying of RabindraNath Tagore during Bengal partition in which he had
said that the path to Indian unity is through Hindu way of life.

PM meets Nawaz Sharif in New York; raises terrorism issue

RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat, Brig. Suchet Singh and other office bearers of Swayam Sevak Sang in Prarthana.

NEW YORK, SEP 29: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif today met here for the first time and discussed ways to normalise bilateral ties, in the grim backdrop of India's concerns over continued terrorism emanating from Pakistan. During the meeting on the sidelines of UN General Assembly, Singh raised the issue of terrorism

emanating from Pakistani soil and asked Islamabad to do more to curb the cross-border terrorism. External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid, National Security Advisor ShivshankarMenon and Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh were also present at the meeting. From Pakistani side, Sharif's Advisor on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz was among those who attended the 8Contd p2

Srinivasan re-elected BCCI chief, but cannot take charge

CHENNAI, SEP 29: A defiant NarayanaswamiSrinivasan was, as expected, elected unopposed the president of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) for a third year at its Annual General Meeting (AGM) here Sunday but he won't be able to take charge as per Supreme Court orders. Srinivasan, however, can only take charge after the Supreme Court rules on a petition filed by Cricket Association of Bihar (CAB) secretary AdityaVerma. The apex court will hear the case Monday. Srinivasan was the lone presidential candidate put forward by the South Zone, from where he got the proposer and the seconder. The AGM was also chaired by Srinivasan. Srinivasan told IANS that he was not taking charge as per the directions of the Supreme Court. "Leave me alone ... I don't want to comment anything today," Srinivasan said. Srinivasan categorically said he was not taking charge of the BCCI as per the instructions of the Supreme Court but has asked other office bearers to do so. "I have won unopposed but I am not taking charge. I have asked the new office bearers to take charge. I 8Contd p2

RSS volunteers performing the traditional exercise in Prade Ground, Jammu.


JAMMU, SEPT, 29: The RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat on Sunday addressed nearly fifteen thousand RSS volunteers at Parade ground,Jammu. In his address he touched upon various issues concerning recent political conditions and the socio-political scenario of Jammu and Kashmir. He lucidly brought to light the great legacy and culture of complex diversities that make this land a myriad land of cultural confluences. Meanwhile he sought to preserve the traditional Indian ethos and values. The responsibility of national Integration lies with the Hindus of the

country. He criticised the statement of the Chief Minister Omar Abdullah's statement that the acession of the state with rest of the country was unconditional, Mohan Bhagvat said that Jammu & Kashmir was an Indian State even before accesion and acceded to the Republic of India like other princely states, so there should be no confusion related to the territorial integrity of the country. He termed the accession as irreversible and irrevocable for all times to come. Sh. Bhagwat also made references to Hiranagar terror attack as well as the Kishtwar communal clashes. While pay-

ing profound tributes to the martyred Army Jawans, the slain policemen and the innocent citizens who lost their lives in the dastardly terror attack at Hiranagar and Samba. He maintained that it is not only Army's responsibility to safeguards our borders and defend our land from aggression, but all of us have to participate and contribute so as to ensure that no harm befalls our motherland. He further said that till we are alert and united, no one can harm us. Besides, he expressed the indebtedness of the nation as a whole towards the supreme sacrifices made army jawans . Giving a special reference to the

Kishtwar riots in his speech, he called it as a dirty political gimmick.He said that it was a design by the political forces operating within the system to displace Hindus from their land and usher in their idea of unhindered anti-national polity. This, he said, could be only countered by being ever vigilant and united. Shri Mohan Bhagwat sought to dispel the air of despondency by emphasizing upon the great legacy and culture that has been bequeathed to us by our great ancestors. Sh. Bhagwat also said that the present fissures and divisions that plague our society is a culture alien to us. It is a foreign infliction that we 8Contd p2

Modi addresses massive rally in Delhi: Slams VERDICT ON LALU IN FODDER SCAM CASE ON MONDAY top UPA leaders,'defends' Manmohan Singh
CHICAGO: Yoga guru Baba Ramdev today said that the BJP led by NarendraModi would return to power in the 2014 general elections. "It is 100 per cent certain that NarendraModi will win," Ramdev told reporters here after taking part in a rally marking September 28 as Swami Vivekananda Day in Illinois. "I see that India is ready for a revolution and change. In the election, Congress will get 100 seats, BJP and its alliance will get 250-300 seats. "I think a new history will be created in Indian politics in 2014," he said. On his recent detention at Heathrow airport in London, Ramdev alleged that the Government had conspired to frame him in a 8Contd p2


NEW DELHI: A fortnight after he was anointed as BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate, NarendraModi today relinquished the post of Election Campaign Committee Chief to which party President Rajnath Singh was appointed. Modi, who was declared the PM candidate by the party top brass on September 13, today proposed the name of Singh in the BJP Parliamentary Board meeting for the post of Election Campaign Committee Chief. "Modi proposed Rajnath Singh's name and it was accepted unanimously by all the Parliamentary Board members," BJP general secretary Ananth Kumar told reporters. Party leaders said this decision was on expected 8Contd p2

NEW DELHI, SEP 29: In his first rally here after being declared BJP's prime ministerial candidate, Gujarat chief minister NarendraModi launched a scathing attack on Congress for undermining Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's authority. Addressing the big rally Modi called Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi "shahzada" (prince). Modi said Rahul committed the sin of insulting the Prime Minister by calling the ordinance (protecting convicted lawmakers), passed by the

Cabinet, "nonsense". Modi said there is a fight between democracy and dynasty in the country. He asked the crowd if they would like to see the country being run by the whims of a "shahzada". "When you are treated like this 8Contd p2


Poking the UPA allies, Modi questioned, "Are you ready to work under the "shahzada", like the PM who has already made an announcement to this effect." Earlier, Modi started 8Contd p2

RANCHI, SEP 29: The judgment on RashtriyaJanata Dal chief Lalu Prasad in a fodder scam case will be delivered Monday. The multi-million animal husbandry department scam, popularly known as the fodder scam, accuses Lalu Prasad and Jagannath Mishra, both former chief ministers of Bihar, ministers from the department, two IAS officials and others, of fraudulent withdrawal of Rs.37.70 crore from Chaibasa district treasury of Jharkhand. Special CBI Judge P.K. Singh will pronounce the judgment in the case No. RC 20 A/96.Lalu Prasad's lawyer completed arguments in the case Sep 17. The verdict is crucial for Lalu Prasad and his future as a political leader since the central government ordinance that would have shielded tainted and convicted parliamentarians and legislators from disqualification has been put under scanner and is likely to be withdrawn. There were a total of 56 accused in the

case. But during the trial, seven accused died, two turned approver, one admitted to the crime and one was discharged. Judge P.K. Singh had fixed July 15 as the date of verdict, and asked the remaining 45 accused to be present in the court. Lalu Prasad moved the Jharkhand High Court and later the Supreme Court, seeking change of the judge in the case. Both the courts dismissed his petition, and directed him to complete argument in the case before the CBI court. Lalu Prasad quit the chief minister's post in 1997 when his name figured in the CBI investigations in the scam, which surfaced in 1996. Around 54 of the 61 cases were transferred to Jharkhand, after it was created as a separate state from Bihar in November 2000. Different CBI courts have passed judgments in more than 43 cases. Lalu Prasad and Jagannath Mishra are accused in five cases.


JAMMU: The J&K Public Service Commission today conducted the preliminary examination of the J&K Combined Competitive Examination - 2013 for 99 Gazetted posts in J&K Administrative Service, J&K Police Service and J&K Accounts Service. 25000 applications had been received and approximately 84% attendance was reported. The examination was 8Contd p2


JAMMU: All the transporters' organizations of the State have resolved to observe complete strike from Lakhanpur to LehLadakh on Monday (30th September) for seeking hike in the fare of public transport. All the buses, mini-buses, taxies, Tempo travellers, auto-rikshawsetc will remain off the road on Monday.


ROHIT SINGH RANA Two parallel happenings make a diverse scene. As Modi spoke from the heart to the people of the country in his Vikas rally at New Delhi, the mother was busy trying hard to remove the stains of the Prince after his Nonsense remarks against the Prime Minister and all the cabinet. Nonsense word is haunting Congress and the way its barb has been pricked with Modi style on the side of the oldest party in the country has seared the Rahul camp. Sonia in a rare departure of protocol at a function in Trivandrum, perhaps in tactical urgency, started her speech with a praise of the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Aimed to placate the old man who is busy readying himself, at the time of writing these lines, to put up a brave front across Nawaz Sharif, the mother is looking annoyed at the way his immature son scatters political shit with sleeves rolling up and the obvious 10 Janpath bravado. The stage for Modis power packed punches aimed at Congress misrule and First Familys omnipotent indulgence in power without responsibility, was set by Yuvrajs Nonsense plus tear apart remark. A political wily fox as the Gujarat Chief Minister lost no time to build a whole logical argument to put the Congress philosophy in the dust bin. The Nawaz Sharif statement of Dehati Aurat came handy and what the people saw in New Delhi was a brilliant speech, not heard since decades. A forceful speech makes sense with people, who came in droves to listen to a man, who is slowly seeping inside the minds of the people of the country. There is admirable quality in the BJP PM nominee. He makes the listener feel a part of his dreams, with his air of delicate humour and command on the Hindustani, he touches a chord. On the other side, Sonia Gandhi, despite coming to India in 1968 is still trying hard to learn to speak in Hindi without a written speech. Her Prince can speak, but that sounds unconvincing. How so ever hard work, the Rahul team may put in, ultimately he has to do something on his own. Till date he has proved to be rouge railway engine, which either declines to move or if ever moves tries to trample the rails below. Can such a locomotive haul a nation to prosperity is a pertinent question that Congress has to answer. Why is then he projected as the ultimate face of the future of India and the Congress or UPA. Rahul is unlucky too, because this time he has to confront a beast of a politician with great oratory skills and administrative ability behind in Modi. Further the muck and dirt that the UPA has scattered all over with corruption and non deliverance on almost all fronts, it is almost impossible for a yet immature and raw Prince to take on Modi. Reason why he has been shielded by the Congress, in case they lose, the blame will fall on the party, while the Family will retain the purity cloak full and intact. If the UPA manages to cobble together the necessary 272, then the Rahul engine will be brought in with much fanfare as if he only was

responsible for all the victory. Essentially it will not be a good prospect to see him becoming the PM for the time being. Having said so, Modi in Delhi has further matured. Calling upon the sensitivities of a population ripped apart with mal governance he has given a credible mantra of Nation First India First, since Jai Jawan Jai Kissan of Lal Bhadur Shastri. While he touched a whole range of issues there is an innately irrepressible urge in him to touch the raw nerve of the young people. Riding on a tech savvy, clean, honest image, he stormed Delhi with his wit, demeanor and verve. A sad point, in all this Modi optimism, the elder patriarch, Advani is still sulking and not coming to terms with reality. Yet having set an agenda of development, it is a long haul to 272 plus. Inner squabbles will have to be resolved. Huge rallies will have to be translated into votes and allies have to be won. It will be a road to misery and another spell of Congress misrule if Modi euphoria is not converted into votes on the D Day.


Buoyed by the speech of Nawaz Sharif in the UN General Assembly where he again raked the question of self determination for Kashmir, the United Jehad Council Chairperson Syed Sallah-uddin in a show of bravado, compared Kashmir to Palestine and said that if these two issues are resolved, peace will return to the world. Deceit and double speak is the hall mark of terrorists like Sallahu-ud-din, who have a very limited vision of the world. It starts from seventh century Arabia and ends in the same land, within the same time period. Beyond that is only illusion and Jahallia (Ignorance) all over. He forgets that Iraq and Iran cut each others throats for almost a decade. Taliban in Afghanistan wage war against own Muslim brothers. Pak Taliban and Hakkani group fight the Muslim soldiers of Pakistan. Basheer ul-Assads Muslim soldiers kill and gas their own population. Iraq is everyday ripped apart by bomb blasts and in Egypt Muslim Brotherhood supporters fight their own countrymen. People like Sallah-ud-din are ignorant of the ground realities in Kashmir. Dogras, Pandits, Shias, Paharis, Ladakhis, Gujjars in Jammu and Kashmir have rejected Kashmir issue. As the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has debunked Sharifs assertion and discarded Pakistans view point, what will hate mongers like Sallah-ud-din say? Better he returns to his village in Kashmir and tell people about the realities of Pakistan. That needs guts and those who like him indulge in killing innocents and unarmed, are called cowards and condemned to live in imaginary worlds far from reality. RANASAHIB

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vice-presidents are SnehBansal (Delhi) and Ravi Sawant (Mumbai). ArunJaitley paved the way for his Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA) secretary Bansal to move in while Sawant, Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) president, succeeds Niranjan Shah. Shukla replaces Vidarbha'sSudhirDabir. Jaitley and Shah, it is understood, did not want to be part of a set-up mired in controversies. Haryana secretary AnirudhChaudhary comes in as the new treasurer, replacing Sawant. Himachal's Anurag Thakur will continue as joint secretary. The Supreme Court Friday allowed the BCCI to go ahead with Sunday's AGM and the elections but restrained Srinivasan from taking charge even if he got re-elected. Srinivasan can only take charge after the Supreme Court rules on a petition filed by CAB, which is not recognised by the BCCI. The CAB had moved the Supreme Court last Monday seeking to restrain Srinivasan from getting re-elected for a third term on the ground that his son-in-law GurunathMeiyappan is facing a probe on the allegations of betting in the IPL. Srinivasan's name also figures among those charged by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in a corruption case involving YSR Congress party chief Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy. He thanked the rain God for respite from the heat that people normally face during this time of the year. Earlier Modi arrived at the venue in a helicopter, according to TV reports. There was a good turnout for NarendraModi's rally in Delhi despite heavy showers in the city. Assailing Sharif, Modi said that the Pakistani prime minister has no right to insult the Prime Minister of India. Pakistani PM had "no stature" before the PM of a nation of 1.25 billion (people), he added. Refering to the UPA government, Modi said, "We may have political differences, we may fight over policies, but that does not mean we will allow any other country to insult our Prime Minister." Modi then went on to take a dig at Manmohan Singh and wondered if he would be able to take a tough position when he meets Pakistani prime minister later in the day. "Please don't let down the kin of soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for the country," Modi said. Exhorting people to vote for the BJP, Modi said, "In 2014, India needs a dream team and not a dirty team." tions of Swami Vivekananda in Chicago and New Jersey and also visited Houston for a yoga event. He also commemorated the 120th anniversary of the famous address by Swami Vivekananda at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago on September 11, 1893.

ordinance on convicted MPs and MLAs. Kumar said the party appeals to the President of India not to sign the ordinance. The panel also discussed the voters' right to reject and said with it the matter of compulsory voting naturally comes to the fore. BJP demanded that an all-party meeting should be called to discuss this issue.

Prade Ground ...
need to get rid of. Hindus are, by their very nature and their timeless civilization, liberals and large hearted. RSS Chief repeatedly invoked reference to Hindu ancestry and laid great stress upon to carry on that legacy and tradition further. He emphasized that it is the responsibility of the Hindus to take country into the proper direction. Kashmir has been a part of India from centuries so there is no doubt about the territorial integrity of the country. It is pertinent to mention here that the goal of RSS is to inculcate and imbibe a sense of organizational spirit within an individual so that he becomes part of one big family that is Bharat Mata. In this context, RSS Chief recalled the saying of RabindraNath Tagore during Bengal partition in which he had said that the path to Indian unity is through Hindu way of life. This goal, maintained ShriBhagwat, could not be achieved as long as we did not remain united and bonded in brotherhood. He also laid importance upon the need for selfless and people with impeccable integrity and character to take upon themselves the mantle of leadership at micro level so the people could look towards them for guidance as an example.

He virtually rejected Sharif's demand for resolution of the Kashmir issue on the basis of UN Security Council resolutions, saying India favoured settlement of all issues on the basis of the Simla Agreement. "India is committed sincerely in resolving all issues with Pakistan, including the issue of Jammu and Kashmir, through bilateral dialogue on the basis of Simla Agreement," he said. India considers the UN resolutions as outdated. Singh said terrorism remained a grave threat to security and stability everywhere and extracts a heavy toll of innocent lives around the world. "State-sponsored cross-border terrorism is of particular concern to India, also on account of the fact that the epicentre of terrorism in our region is located in our neighbourhood in Pakistan."

Rajnath replaces ...

lines as Modi could not have run his own campaign. Kumar said since 20 sub-committees have already been formed under the Election Campaign Committee and these are headed by various senior leaders, it was only proper that Rajnath Singh be appointed to head the panel. While today's decision was taken without much ado, Modi's elevation as Election Campaign Committee Chief on June 9 at the BJP conclave in Goa had created a lot of heat. The decision on Modi was then taken despite reservations of senior leaders L K Advani and SushmaSwaraj. Advani had even quit all party posts in protest but took back his resignation after RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat intervened. JD(U), a key NDA ally for 17 years, had walked out of the coalition as it feared Modi's elevation would wean away its Muslim voters. The Parliamentary Board meeting today also discussed the

Woos UPA allies ...

his speech taking a dig at the Congress for running governments within governments, both at Delhi and at the Centre. In Delhi, there is a government of the mother and the government of the son, Modi said to cheers from the crowd. "At the national level there are even more governments within the government," he said, adding, each department had become a government in itself. "The UPA government is an alliance, but the allies are not together," Modi said and claimed that the coalition under AtalBihariVajpaee and LK Advani functioned smoothly.

Srinivasan re-elected ..
am awaiting the Supreme Court order. There are lot of things on me now," said Srinivasan. Senior board member Rajeev Shukla, who was elected one of the five vice-presidents, said Srinivasan was elected unopposed for a third year in office. "Mr. Srinivasan has been elected unopposed. The meeting was chaired by Srinivasan because in the last working committee meeting he was apprised that he can chair the meeting. He said he cannot take charge but asked other office bearers to take charge," Shukla said. Srinivasan also made sure that his loyalists also get important posts, but interim chief JagmohanDalmiya, who bailed out the Board during a crisis period, was left without any plum post. Dalmiya had to be satisfied with being only the chairman of the North East Development Committee. Baroda's Sanjay Patel, who diligently carried out the role of an interim secretary after the resignation of Sanjay Jagdale, will be the new full-time board secretary. Jagdale resigned in the wake of the spot-fixing and betting scandal in the Indian Premier League (IPL). Besides Shukla, who represents Uttar Pradesh, the other new

PSC conducts ..
conducted at 35 centres at Jammu and Srinagar. The examination consisted of objective type papers in General Studies and 22 optional subjects. This is the fifth consecutive exam being conducted by J&K PSC since 2009.

Modi will ...

foreign country. Ramdev is in the US to participate in the 150th birth anniversary celebra-

PM meets ...
meeting. The talks came days after twin terror strikes near Jammu that left 10 people dead, mostly security personnel, virtually threatening the highest-level meeting between the two sides. Singh, who was under pressure from opposition BJP to call off the meeting in the wake of attacks, went ahead with the talks, saying such strikes cannot derail the dialogue process. However, in a hard-hitting speech yesterday at the UN General Assembly, Singh asked Pakistan to shut down "terrorist machinery" on its soil while making it clear that there can "never, ever" be a compromise on the territorial integrity of India of which Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part.
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Modi addresses ...

at home, how will other countries respect you?" Modi said referring the reported "dehatiaurat" (village woman) barb at Prime Minister by Nawaz Sharif before journalists in New York.Targeting Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit, NarendraModi said she is the "most comfortably placed" chief minister in the country. For every failure Delhi CM blames some one else, NarendraModi said. He spoke of the CWG corruption scam and attacked the Delhi government. Modi claimed that the gathering for party's Delhi rally was unprecedented and thanked the party workers for the show of strength.

Bhalla lays foundation stone of Rs. 3.65 cr Health Centre Cum Multi Play Station: Bhalla
JAMMU, SEPT 29Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Culture Mr. Raman Bhalla on Sunday laid foundation stone of R e c re a t i o n -C u m - H e a l t h Centre (RCHC) and multi play station (MPS) for children here today at Channi Himmat, Sector-1. Involving an estimated cost of Rs. 3.65 crore, the RCHC and MPS is targeted to be completed in one year by Jammu and Kashmir Housing Board (JKHB). The RCHC complex would have two stories spread over a plinth area of 16348 sqft and facilities like Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Jacuzzi, Steam Bath, Sauna Bath, Community Hall, Party Hall and Restaurant Addressing the residents after laying the foundation stone, Bhalla advised the people to doe exercise and walk in the spare time by utilizing the recreational parks and recreation- cumhealth centre developed by the Government across cities and towns of the State for their well being. Commissioner Jammu Municipal Corporation Mr. Kiran Wattal, Vice Chairman Jammu Development Authority, Mr. Kuldeep Lal Khajuria, Managing Director JKHB Mr. Ram Pal Sharma besides other senior officers of JKHB were present on the occasion. Mr. Bhalla said sedentary life style was the major cause for ill health and daily exercise in the open spaces is the only solution to keep maladies like fat, diabetics, hyper tension and heart ailment at bay. He asked the JKHB to develop the place with modern line facilities like seating, walkway, irrigation, illumination and landscaping so that the morning and evening walkers could enjoy their spare time. He called upon the people to keep their surroundings hygienic and pollution free to maintain a healthy atmosphere and to leave better impression on the tourists visiting the state. Mr. Bhalla said that Government has geared up officers for retrieving State land from the land grabbers and prepared a comprehensive plan to utilize the retrieved land at various places for the construction of social infrastructure and Government assets. The Minister further said that after inauguration of the recreation cum health centre, the place would add to the beauty of the city, which is being developed as a major tourist attraction. Mr. Bhalla said that the proposed cable car project from Mahamaya to Bahu Fort and Mahamaya to Peer Kho besides development Tawi lake and restoration of pristine glory of Mubarak Mandi Heritage complex are some major projects coming up in the Jammu city.

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3.qxd 10/1/2013 6:20 PM Page 1



Conference on Women Empowerment in Panchayats

Governor emphasizes role of women in State's progress

SRINAGAR, SEPT 29 - The 2-day Conference on "Empowerment of Women in Panchayats: The Road Ahead", organized jointly by the Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi, and the University of Kashmir, concluded on Sunday afternoon. Mr. N. N. Vohra, Governor, was the Chief Guest at the concluding session of the Conference. Speaking on the occasion, the Governor observed that women have to play a vital role if the State has to achieve speedy progress and prosperity. He impressed upon the women Panchayat representatives to take keen interest in their new role and contribute in a big way for securing efficient implementation of welfare and development programmes in the villages. Quoting constitutional provisions in support of women empowerment and decentralization of powers, the Governor stressed the need for enlarging awareness among women Sarpanchs and Panchs so that they are fully aware of their rights and duties. He added that devolu-

G. A. Mir conducts extensive tour of hilly area of Kapran, takes stock of people's problems, dev needs
SRINAGAR, SEPT 29: Minister for Tourism Mr. Ghulam Ahmad Mir who is also local representative of Kapran, Dooru Constituency conducted extensive tour of hilly and remote areas and took stock of people's problems and developmental needs. The Minister issued on the spot instructions to the concerned officers to mitigate the genuine developmental needs of the people, besides to ensure the benefits of welfare schemes to the needy ones in the area. The Minister during the tour also visited Hingipora, Qamar and Rainchogund and gave patient hearing to the problems and developmental needs of the people assuring them for early redressal. The Minister also addressed a series of public meetings in the area. He said that the government has launched a massive programme of development in all the three regions of the state to provide basic needs of the people and also fulfilling the aspirations of the masses. Adding that implementation of flagship programmes have yielded good results across the State. Saying that the present coalition Government has set into motion a golden era of development, the Minister said that coming years will be a

tion of powers at the grassroots level is the key for securing balanced all round development. The Governor complimented the Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi, and the Kashmir University and their collaborators for organizing a Conference on an extremely important theme and hoped that both the institutions would join hands to organize more such programmes in the coming time. Prof. M. Aslam, Vice Chancellor, IGNOU, New Delhi, in his Valedictory Address, extensively spoke

about the varied aspects of women empowerment and the need for further strengthening Panchayati Raj Institutions in the State. Ms. Seema Khajuria, Additional Advocate General, J&K, dwelt on the constitutional aspects of the empowerment of women. Dr. George Mathew, Chairman, Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi, emphasized the need for ensuring adequate representation to women at all levels of Panchayati Raj Institutions in the State. He thanked the Governor for taking keen

interest in the empowerment of people and the functioning of Panchayati Raj Institutions. In his welcome address, Prof. Talat Ahmad, Vice Chancellor, Kashmir University, dwelt on the aims and objects of organizing this Conference. Prof. Nilofer Khan, Dean Students Welfare, Kashmir University, presented a Vote of Thanks. Heads of Departments, functionaries and resource persons from the Institute of Social Sciences and participants of the Conference were present on this occasion.

Bhalla lays foundation stone of Rs. 3.65 cr Health Centre Cum Multi Play Station: Bhalla
JAMMU, SEPT 29Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Culture Mr. Raman Bhalla on Sunday laid foundation stone of R e c r ea t i o n -C um -H e a l t h Centre (RCHC) and multi play station (MPS) for children here today at Channi Himmat, Sector-1. Involving an estimated cost of Rs. 3.65 crore, the RCHC and MPS is targeted to be completed in one year by Jammu and Kashmir Housing Board (JKHB). The RCHC complex would have two stories spread over a plinth area of 16348 sqft and facilities like Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Jacuzzi, Steam Bath, Sauna Bath, Community Hall, Party Hall and Restaurant Addressing the residents after laying the foundation stone, Bhalla advised the people to doe exercise and walk in the spare time by utilizing the recreational parks and recreation- cum-health centre developed by the Government across cities and towns of the State for their well being. Commissioner Jammu Municipal Corporation Mr.

turnaround in socio-economic transformation of the State. He said an unprecedented era of development and peace has dawned in the State during the current dispensation He said every possible resource is being mobilized and pooled to provide basic facilities to the people with focus on equitable opportunities of development and uniform justice to poor and backward areas. He said Government is abreast with the problems of the people and no stone will be left unturned to redress their grievances. The Minister said that people fastened their hopes with public representatives and asked the

Panches and Sarpanches to work sincerely for welfare and development of the people. The Minister reaffirmed that being the local representative equal development of all the areas was his priority and no injustice would be done to any area of the Constituency in the developmental front. He assured the people that all their genuine developmental needs would be carried out in a phased manner. He also impressed upon the officers to solve the people's genuine problems and developmental needs on priority. Tourism Minister said tourism is the backbone of States' economy and its

expansion was the priority of the government. He said tourism elevation means the prosperity of the whole State. "Tourism is not enemy of anybody but the friend all of us. We should cash it by accurate way for our prosperity", he asserted and appealed one and all to contribute a bit not linking tourism with politics and conflicts for the larger interest of the State. "The government would encourage private stakeholders for investment under tourism sector for creation of varied infrastructure facilities, for the purpose besides ensuring lacerative advances incentives up to Rs 1crore to them", he added.

Sagar tours old city, reviews Urs arrangements of Ossi Sahib

SRINAGAR, SEPT 29: Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Mr. Ali Mohammad Sagar conducted an extensive tour of old city Srinagar to oversee the status of various developmental initiatives undertaken by the government for the development of the city. He was accompanied by Commissioner, Srinagar Municipal Corporation, Dr. G. N. Qasba and other officers of the different departments. The Minister directed the officers to work in close coordination for ensuring timely completion of these projects, which would go a long way in ensuring the development of the Srinagar city on heritage pattern so that it comes up in the tourist map. "We have launched several developmental programmes for ensuring sustained development of the city so that it comes up as a model cities of the country, besides care is also being taken to preserve its unique heritage by developing certain parts of it on heritage pattern", the Minister maintained. He said that the state government is committed to make Srinagar city as a major tourist attraction, which would ensure boost in tourism activities and would go a long way in upliftment of the economic profile of people living in the area. The Minister while interacting with people of different localities said that the necessary instructions have already been passed to the officers for ensuring speedy completion of various projects. The Minister also visited the revered shine of Syed Ovais (Ossi Sahib) (RA) in the old city at Alikadal and reviewed the arrangements being put in place for the Urs festivities there. He also directed the Commissioner SMC and other concerned officers to maintain cleanliness, hygiene to ensure adequate supply power, water and other related things in the area so that devotees coming to pay their obeisance do not face any inconvenience. Later, he also visited the shrine of Hazrat Bul Bul Shah and paid obeisance there.

DM Shopian extends time period for recording statements upto 5th Oct
SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 29: According to District Magistrate Shopian, time period for interested persons who want their statements recorded/shared regarding the firing incident that occurred at Gagran, Shopian on 7th and 11th September 2013 before the District Magistrate Shopian (Enquiry officer) has been extended upto 5th of October 2013, excluding holidays. The interested persons can visit the office of District Magistrate Shopian (Enquiry Officer) between 11 am to 3 pm upto extended date.

Kiran Wattal, Vice Chairman Jammu Development Authority, Mr. Kuldeep Lal Khajuria, Managing Director JKHB Mr. Ram Pal Sharma besides other senior officers of JKHB were present on the occasion. Mr. Bhalla said sedentary life style was the major cause for ill health and daily exercise in the open spaces is the only solution to keep maladies like fat, diabetics, hyper tension and heart ailment at bay. He asked the JKHB to develop the place with modern line facilities like seating, walkway, irri-

gation, illumination and landscaping so that the morning and evening walkers could enjoy their spare time. He called upon the people to keep their surroundings hygienic and pollution free to maintain a healthy atmosphere and to leave better impression on the tourists visiting the state. Mr. Bhalla said that Government has geared up officers for retrieving State land from the land grabbers and prepared a comprehensive plan to utilize the retrieved land at various places for the construction

of social infrastructure and Government assets. The Minister further said that after inauguration of the recreation cum health centre, the place would add to the beauty of the city, which is being developed as a major tourist attraction. Mr. Bhalla said that the proposed cable car project from Mahamaya to Bahu Fort and Mahamaya to Peer Kho besides development Tawi lake and restoration of pristine glory of Mubarak Mandi Heritage complex are some major projects coming up in the Jammu city.

JAH pitches for result oriented dialogue on K-issue

NC rigged 1987 Assembly Elections

Justice taken for ride in 2006 infamous sex-scandal

SRINAGAR, SEP 29: Expressing satisfaction over the meeting between the premiers of India and Pakistan,politico-religious organization, Jammu Kashmir Jamiat-eAhalihadees (JAH) Sunday asked them to seek a permanent solution to all the problems plaguing the political and normal life in restive Jammu and Kashmir. Addressing a press conference in Srianagar, the organization said that Kashmir issue needs to be addressed at an earliest and this is only possible through meaningful dialogue. Kashmir has turned into a prison where every Kashmiri especially youth are being pushed to wall. Gross Human Rights Violations are taking place in every nook and corner of the Valley. Gool, Markundal and Shopian incidents are before us. Our youth are being harassed, arrested and sent to jails. We saw that how the killings in Shopain affected the normal life and business activities there, General Secretary JAH Dr. Abdul Lateef al Kandi said. Terming Kashmir as the root cause of all problems between India and Pakistan JAH said that there has to be a permanent solution to end all this. We see how much situation is tense on Line of Control. Ceasefire violations take place everyday from both the countries. People are being killed and it is all because of Kashmir issue, he said. While welcoming the court decision of awarding sentence to the culprits of Daminiwho succumbed to injuries after being gang raped in a moving bus in Delh,Dr. Abdul Lateef said that same kind of justice should prevail across all the states in India.

Syed Salhaudin had won with a big margin: Kabuli

SRINAGAR, SEP 29: Former National Conference leader and Member Parliament Abdul Rashid Kabuli Sunday revealed that being the election campaigner for NC during 1987 Assembly Elections he is witness to the fact how Chairman United Jihad Council, Syed Salahudin was forced to accept his defeat despite the fact he had won the Amirakadal seat with a big margin. Kabuli made these remarks during the press conference called by CPI (M) State Secretary Muhammad Yousf Tarigami at his Gupkar residence. I was election campaigner for National Conference that time and I know everything. I resented the actions of Dr Farooq Abdullah and resigned from Parliament membership. NC rigged the polls and gave few odd seats to Muslim United Front, he said adding NC candidates suffered defeat in most of the Constituencies. Abdul Rashid Kabuli said that in the making of Salahudin there is the hand of National Conference as this party tarnished the robust and sacred pillars of democracy by indulging in coercion and rigging. People lost faith in System after 1987 elections and situation in Kashmir Valley Changed. Youth took to gun and from last 23 years, people of Kashmir are suffering heavily. There is no accountability and might is right has become the order of the day, Kabuli said adding the recent revelations made by General V.K.Singh amply makes it clear how corruption has crept into our System.

Kishtwar communal violence

Civil Society Jammu releases its interim report

JAMMU, SEP 29: J&K Civil Society Jammu released its interim report on Kishtwar communal violence on Sunday. The report has termed Village Defense Committees (VDCs) as a big source of sense of security for the minorities in the hilly areas and particularly of Kishtwar, Doda and Ramban districts and has said that the Hindu minority community in Kishtwar is under serious threat of ethnic cleansing. The interim report was released by Ashwani Sharma, MLA, Shri Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, Human Rights Activist, Dr. Jitendra Singh, Intellectual and Columnist, Dineshwar Singh Jamwal, Civil Rights Activist and Sardar KCS Mehta, Educationist at Bahoo Plaza in Jammu. The report has claimed that government failed to protect the property and lives of Hindu minority. It said that the culprits responsible for violence should be punished as per law to instill confidence in the peace loving citizens of Kishtwar district. It said that irrespective of its political fall-out the Village Defense Committees should be strengthened further in the national interest. Civil Society Jammu in its report has castigated Chief Minister Omar Abdullah for not visiting Kishtwar even once after the eruption of communal violence in the town. This is a sorry state of affairs particularly when his deputy has been forced to resign under pressure. He is expected to pay a visit to the district and take cognizance of the complaints of the people against the government and resolve their concerns about security of their life,welfare and peaceful co-existence, the report reads. The report further states that the government has failed to provide any relief to the victims of the carnage which speaks volumes about the non-seriousness of the government and the administration.

NIMC recommends sealing of five ultrasound centres in Valley

SRINAGAR, SEPT 29: A central team comprising Dr V.S Salhotra, Deputy Commissioner, RCH, Mr. D.N Sahoo Under Secretary, PNDT, Adv. Varsha Deshpande, Dr Neelam Singh, Mr Sabu George and other members from NIMC, Govt. of India, New Delhi along with District Appropriate Authorities of District Srinagar, Budgam and Ganderbal inspected seven ultrasound centres located in these three Districts on 28th of September 2013. The NIMC team during their inspection of the ultrasound centres found a series of violations of provisions under PC&PNDT Act and the Rules framed their under. Based on these findings, the committee recommended sealing of five ultrasound centres located in these three districts. The Central Team has stressed upon the Appropriate Authorities of the State for strict enforcement of the PC&PNDT Act to address the steep decline in the Child Sex Ratio (C.S.R) throughout the State. The Team also impressed upon the District Appropriate Authorities of these three Districts to ensure compliance of recommendations of the Committee.

Governor inaugurates Safa Marwah Medical Centre

SRINAGAR, SEPT 29 - Mr. N. N. Vohra, Governor, inaugurated Safa Marwah Medical Centre at Iqbal Colony, Soura, here on Saturday evening. This 50-bedded multi-storey hospital will have both Outpatient and Impatient Departments. It is jointly owned by Dr. Farooq Ahmad Bhat and Dr. Nazira Farooq, a well known plastic surgeon and gynecologist, respectively, from Srinagar. Both of them had been working in Saudi Arabia for the past about 20 years. The Governor went around the different sections of the hospital and was briefed about the various diagnostic and treatment facilities which would be available at this newly set up medical centre. Briefing the Governor, Dr. Farooq Ahmad Bhat, Chairman of the Safa Marwah Medical Centre and

Soz promoting his son on the cost of State Exchequer: PDP

BARAMULLA, SEP 29: Peoples Democratic Party Sunday alleged that the present government on the behest of State Congress President Prof Saif-u-Din Soz is sidelining MLA Baramulla to promote his son in the constituency. PDP state secretary Javid Ahmed Beigh told CNS that on the directions of Soz inaugural plaque stone mentioning the names of Muzafar Hussain Beigh and former Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad were removed from District Hospital Baramulla. The drama of Soz was exposed today as Chief Minister Omar Abdullah did not address the gathering in Baramulla after inaugurating the the newly constructed building of 300-bedded district hospital Baramulla on Sunday. CM might have observed the situation on ground and might have realized folly on part of Health department, Javid Beigh said. He alleged that Soz is promoting his son on cost of state exchequer. We dont have any objection if he promotes his son but how come it is possible that the name of MLA Baramulla has been skipped from the inaugural plaque stone of district hospital Baramulla. Meanwhile, PDP workers assembled in front of DH Baramulla on Sunday to register a protest for not mentioning the name of MLA Muzafar Hussain Beigh on the plaque stone. However, they dispersed peacefully after the assurances given to them by Deputy Commissioner and SSP Baramulla that matter would be taken up with the Authorities.

Gaya Ge Kutthe Ha a new comedy play in Dogri featured in Natrangs Sunday Theatre Series
JAMMU: A new comedy play in Dogri, Gaya Ge Kutthe Ha staged here today at Natrang Studio Theatre in its weekly theatre series, Sunday Theatre. The play which carried many hilarious situations of day-to-day life was written by Chanchal Sharma and directed by Neeraj Kant. The play opens at the home of one middleclass couple where wife is anxiously waiting for her husband to come home as he had promised in the morning that he will take her to cinema in the evening but to her dismay he has not returned back even after the timing of the show is over. Natrang artists who performed in the play included Rahul Singh, Pawan Verma, Neha Sharma and Sakshi Parkash. The lights were operated by Uplaksh Singh Kotwal and the Music was scored by Anita Dhar. Sets were designed by Mohd. Yaseen and the show was coordinated by Sumeet Sharma.

Dr. Nazira Farooq, its Managing Director, stated that this hospital will provide facilities for general surgery, plastic surgery, gynaecology, dental services etc. The basement of the building has casualty, consultation chambers, dental clinic and diagnostic sections, while the ground, first and second floors have been kept for indoor patients. The third floor of the complex houses

operation theatres, recovery room, ICU, neonatology and labour rooms and the top floor of the building will have conference room and library, administrative section and medical records. They also informed the Governor about the arrangements made for the disposal of the hospital waste. The Governor congratulated Dr. Farooq Ahmad Bhat and Dr. Nazira Farooq for setting

up the hospital and hoped that more such initiatives would supplement the efforts of the State Government in providing quality healthcare services to all the people in the State. Prof. Showkat Ali Zargar, Director, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar, a number of medicos and prominent citizens, were present on this occasion.

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India beat Malaysia 3-0 to win Sultan of Johor Cup

JOHOR BAHRU: A dominant India triumphed in the 3rd Sultan of Johor Cup with a thumping 3-0 victory over hosts Malaysia in the title clash of the under-21 hockey tournament on Sunday. Amon Mirash Tirkey (22nd), Affan Yusof (52) and Manprret (64th) were the goal-scorers for India who made up for last year's defeat in the final against Germany. India were the deserving winners on a day when Malaysia failed to find the spark that had seen them make the final with relative ease. The visitors created a lot of opportunities and had an early chance in the 5th minute when Satbir Singh took a snap shot but it was padded away by Mohd Hafizuddin Othman. in the 22nd minute after a fine run on the left by Kothajit Singh whose cross came off the stick of Faiz Helmi and fell nicely for Tirkey to score. The Malaysian defenders were loose in their marking and that allowed Affan Yusof to move into the semi circle and his reverse stick hit went inches wide. India forced three consecutive penalty corners in the 35th minute but the Malaysian defenders held firm. However, they paid a heavy price as Muhammad Azri Hassan was yellow carded and Malaysia had to start the second half a man down. India forced two penalty corners in the 42nd and 45th minutes and off the second, Rohidas's drag flick was palmed out by Hafizuddin. Malaysia got their chance in the 47th minute when they were awarded a penalty corner. But Shahril Saabah was on the bench and a variation was used. Izad Hakimi had a slap shot that was saved by the keeper. Another penalty corner in the 52nd minute for Malaysia was kept out by India and from a counter attack, Ramandeep Singh outwitted Kavin Karthik for a clear run at goal. He relayed the ball to Yusof who scored easily to make it 2-0 for India. India created several chances and finally skipper Manpreet converted their eight penalty corner in the 64th minute to make it 3-0 as India sealed the title.

Sports activity plays vital role in overall development of the youth: Vikar
BANIHAL, SEPT 29: Shahraaz Volley Ball club Neel clinched the volley Ball Tournament at Government High school Nachilana here on Sunday. Minister of State for Technical Education, CA&PD, Power and Information, Vikar Rasool was the Chief Guest on the occasion. The Sports meet was organized by the Youth Services and Sports department Ramban in collaboration with local clubs. As many as 24 teams participated in the volleyball tournament besides a number of youth from different parts of the district also participated in various other disciplines included Tug of war and Stone lifting. In the Volley Ball Finals Shahraaz Volley Ball club Neel beat Sadabahar volley Ball club Pogal, 3-0. While speaking on the occasion Minister said that the sports activity plays vital role in the overall devel-

The initial forays gave India the confidence and they were awarded a penalty corner in the 13th minute but Amit Rohidas's attempt was charged down by Izad Hakimi Jamaluddin.

In a quick counter-attack, Mohd Syamim Yusof nearly scored after evading three defenders, but he sent his shot wide of the post, much to the relief of keeper Harjot Singh. India drew first blood

N Srinivasan elected unopposed, gets men of choice in BCCI

NEW DELHI: Brushing aside intense criticism and questions of probity, N Srinivasan was elected unopposed as BCCI President for a third year during the Board's AGM on Sunday even though he will not take charge till further orders from the Supreme Court. Srinivasan was the lone Presidential candidate put forward by the South Zone, from where he got the proposer and the seconder. The AGM asserted Srinivasan's supremacy in India's richest sporting body with not even a single voice of dissent being heard during the proceedings of the day. But he can resume his duties only after the Supreme Court gives its final verdict on the case filed against his candidature by the Cricket Association of Bihar secretary Aditya Verma. The choice of the various subcommittees bore ample testimony to Srinivasan's stranglehold on the organisation as all the executive functionaries as well as the heads of the important panels are perceived to be close to the Chennai strongman. Srinivasan's election was on expected lines despite the fact that he had his back against the wall on the issue of propriety after his son-in-law and Chennai Super Kings Team Principal Gurunath Meiyappan was charge-sheeted in the IPL betting and spotfixing scandal. Srinivasan's company India Cements owns Chennai Super Kings. In another important decision, Ranjib Biswal, the Odisha Cricket Association chief, was named the IPL chairman, a post left vacant by Rajiv Shukla, who decided to resign at the end of his tenure this year. Biswal, a former India under-19 captain and firstclass cricketer, was the manager of the Indian team during the 2011 World Cup triumph and was also a former chairman of the National Cricket Academy. Among other important positions, Sneh Bansal (north), Ravi Savant (west) and Rajiv Shukla(central) have replaced Arun Jaitley, Niranjan Shah and Sudhir Dabir as vicepresidents. Shivlal Yadav and Chitrak Mitra have retained their vicepresidency from south and east zone respectively. While Jaitley has relinquished his post owing to political commitments in view of the upcoming general elections, Shah and Dabir have been dumped for their perceived closeness to Srinivasan's adversaries Sharad Pawar and Shashank Manohar. Sanjay Patel and Anirudh Chaudhury have been named the BCCI Secretary and Treasurer respectively. These positions were laid vacant when Sanjay Jagdale and Ajay Shirke resigned in the aftermath of the IPL betting scandal.

RR vs PS: Perth Scorchers stutter against Rajasthan Royals

NEW DELHI: Perth Scorchers struggled as they lost wickets at regular intervals against Rajasthan Royals in Group 'A' match of the Champions League Twenty20 on Sunday. Royals pacer Kevon Cooper struck twice in one over as he removed Hilton Cartwright and Adam Voges to pile misery on Perth. Simon Katich and Adam Voges tried to revive Perth innings after losing openers in quick succession. Pravin Tambe broke the stand by removing Katich to put Rajasthan Royals on top. Earlier, Rajasthan Royals skipper Rahul Dravid won the toss and decided to field against lowly Perth at Sawai Mansingh Stadium in Jaipur. Royals look to continue their winning streak and inch closer to a place in the semifinal. The hosts have been impressive at Jaipur right through the CLT20 and have notched up two successive victories against the formidable Mumbai Indians and the Highveld Lions to top the group with eight points. The hosts are on a roll and have won 10 consecutive matches here, eight in the IPL 6 and two in the ongoing event. Thanks to coach Paddy Upton and skipper Rahul Dravid, they have been able to put the spot-fixing scandal behind them and have emerged as a stronglyknit and determined side. The conditions here make them even stronger as they have the options to meet the demands of the situation. The Jaipur wicket, acclaimed by many as one of the best cricketing pitches, has been their happy hunting ground.

opment of the youth. He said sports improves and maintains health and helps youth to think positive and contribute in their overall progress and progress of the society. Vikar appreciated the Youth Services and Sports department for organising the sports meet in the remote area of Nachilana and asked the District Youth Service and Sports officer to organise

a mega sports event in the area and other parts of the district also. He distributed trophy and certificates among the winners. Earlier, the Minister kick started a cricket tournament at Thither High school in which 32 teams from various districts are participating. The Minister announced that that the winners will be awarded with sports kits.

HI announces Rs 1 lakh each for U-21 squad

NEW DELHI: The Hockey India announced a cash prize of Rs 1 lakh for each member of the India U-21 team that won the Sultan of Johar Cup in Johar Bahru, Malaysia on Sunday. India beat Malaysia 3-0 to win the final of Sultan of Johor Cup. The support staff will also be awarded with a cash prize of Rs 50,000 each while Harjit Singh will get an additional cash award of Rs 100,000 for getting the Most Promising Player award. Also, HI will give a cash award of Rs. 1,00,000 to Indian women's team goalkeeper Savita who won the 'Best Goalkeeper' award in Asia Cup.

Yuvraj Singh set for comeback in India squad for Australia series

OV vs HL: Otago Volts beat Highveld Lions in a thrilling Super Over

JAIPUR: All-rounder Jimmy Neesham did the star turn with the bat and ball as Otago Volts beat Highveld Lions in the one-over eliminator in a thrilling group match to place themselves in a strong position for a semifinal berth in the Champions League Twenty20 on Sunday. Neesham first blasted a 25ball unbeaten 52 to rescue Otago from a precarious position to take his side to 167 for seven and tie the match. In the Super Over, the first in this edition of CLT20, he bowled a superb over to give Otago victory in an edge-of-the-seat thriller which saw fortunes fluctuating from one side to the other. The Lions, who are now knocked out of the tournament, looked like they would notch up their first win of the tournament when pacer Sohail Tanvir bowled a brilliant over to restrict Otago to just 13 runs in the Super Over at the Sawai Mansingh Stadium. The Lions also began the Super Over with a bang with Quinton de Kock, who smashed a brilliant unbeaten 109 in his side's innings earlier, hitting a four and a six in the first two deliveries of the one-over eliminator. They needed four runs from as may deliveries but stunningly lost the plot in the nerve-wrecking Super Over as Jean Symes was out in the fourth ball, leaving the Lions needing three from two balls and two from the last ball. Dwaine Pretorius was run out in the last ball, which overs to win the match before Neesham turned the match on its head. He struck a flurry of fours and sixes to take Otago near the target of 168 only to fumble in the last over. Otago needed just 11 runs from the last over but they could score just 10 from it, needing the match to be decided via one-over eliminator. Neesham hit a six in the first ball of the last over bowled by Tanvir and Otago needed just run-a-ball from the remaining five deliveries. But Neesham and Neil Wagner could get just four runs for the match to be decided by Super Over. Earlier, opener de Kock slammed a blistering unbeaten 109 to propel Highveld Lions to a challenging 167 for four. Wicketkeeper-batsman de Kock struck 10 fours and five sixes in his brilliant 63ball unbeaten knock. He shared 76 runs in 6.1 overs for the fourth wicket with Jean Symes (20 off 15 balls) after the Lions were reduced to 73 for three in the 12th over to set a challenging target. The South African side were 59 for one at the halfway mark but added another 108 runs from the next 10 overs with de Kock raining fours and sixes. He took 21 runs from Nick Beard in the 16th over with the help of a four and two sixes. For Otago, Beard was most successful bowler picking two wickets for 31 while James McMillan and Neil Wagner got a wicket apiece.

CHENNAI: Star batsman Yuvraj Singh is all set to make a comeback into India's limited overs squad following some good performances when the selectors meet on Monday to decide on the team for the lone T20 International as well as the first three ODIs. It is still not clear whether the selectors would choose a separate squad for the lone T20 International which will enable them to be flexible and include a few more players in both formats. While there would be few surprises in the Mahendra Singh Dhoni-led squad that has performed admirably winning the Champions Trophy and tri-series in the West Indies, the return of the stylish 31-year-old left-han-

der is all but certain. Yuvraj last played for India on January 27 against England at Dharamsala and was dropped subsequently due to a poor run of form. Having undergone a rigorous physical training in France, a fitter Yuvraj made his comeback into the competitive cricket with a bang scoring 123, 40 and 61 in three List A matches against the West Indies A followed by a quickfire 52 against the same opponent in a T20 game. He carried on with his good form in the Challenger Series where he scored 84 against India Red and a 29 in the final. According to reliable sources, the selection committee is impressed in the manner Yuvraj has scored.

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meant that the Lions were all out for 13 in the Super Over as Otago emerged victorious, their 15th T20 match win on the trot. With Sunday's win, Otago were on 10 points from three matches -- two wins and one

washed out game -- and they are now in a strong position to qualify for the semifinals. Chasing 168 for a win, Otago were placed at a precarious 103 for six at the end of 15 overs, needing 13 runs an over from the remaining five

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Rahul Gandhi has made a habit of dropping in on unsuspecting journalists. And each time he has done that, he has exploded a bombshell. In March this year, he told a gathering of hacks in Parliaments Central Hall that he was not interested in becoming Prime Minister. This was months after he had become Congress vice-president, a presumed precursor to his running for Prime Minister. On an unannounced visit to the Press Club of India in New Delhi on Friday, he roasted his own party and government for their decision to promulgate an ordinance aimed at preventing the disqualification of convicted lawmakers. He called the Representation of the People (Amendment and Validation) Ordinance, 2013, which has been cleared by the Union Cabinet, complete nonsense and a piece of paper to be torn up and thrown away. The potshots did not stop here. Rahul said he had got the party line from the Congresss communication chief Ajay Maken, which was that no political party was above making small compromises. But he, Rahul Gandhi, did not buy the line, and indeed, it was his personal opinion that corruption could not be fought through small compromises. Rahul said political parties, the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party included, needed to stop citing one anothers example to justify wrongdoings. Unexceptionable as this was, it came not from an Opposition rabble-rouser, but from the son of Sonia Gandhi. If Rahuls intention in lambasting his own government which he said had wrongly cleared the ordinance was to play the outsider, he has done it once too often. He cannot be both Congress vice-president and a rebel with unlimited licence to attack. If he thought the ordinance was nonsense, he should have spoken his mind at the outset, while it was still in the form of a bill in the Rajya Sabha. And the most effective forum for him to air his dissent would have been a party meeting and not a media conference. Intervention at that stage would have likely stopped the ordinance, whose objective has been questioned by the President, much to the governments discomfiture. The true mark of a leader is his capacity to speak his mind at the right time and place and speak it knowing the consequences. In the event, Rahul has left a mess in his wake. He has bypassed protocol and mocked at the party line, which from anyone else would have been treated as sacrilege. Worse, he has deeply embarrassed the Prime Minister, who was forced to take time out of his Washington visit to issue a statement indicating a rethink on the ordinance out of deference to Rahul. If the Congress vice-presidents outburst was meant to show hes the boss, he could have accomplished the mission with greater grace.


The terrorist siege of Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, which left at least 74 dead, including 62 civilians and more than 175 injured, is the handiwork of the Islamic militant group Al-Shabab which has acknowledged responsibility via Twitter. Kenya is no stranger to terrorist violence. Groups linked to Al-Shabaab have carried out many attacks in Kenya, and elsewhere in East Africa, over the past decade. The country is living with the fallout every day of what is happening in Somalia. Kenya shares a 400-mile border with Somalia, and has had to endure an overflow of refugees during the past two decades. Recognising a need to restore some stability to its neighbour, the Kenyan government hosted the internationally recognised Somali Transitional Federal Government, as well as European training facilities for Somali soldiers. Somalia, one of the poorest and most conflict-riven countries in the world, is often cited as an example of what political scientists refer to as a failed state. After the fall of long-time dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in January 1991, the countrys national government collapsed, and rival warlords and factions battled for supremacy. Al-Shabab, a radical offshoot of the Islamic Courts Union - the preeminent Islamist faction in the country during the early part of last decade - established itself in the mid-2000s and eventually became allied with al-Qaeda. Spurred by the 2006 Ethiopian incursion into Somalia to dislodge the Islamic Courts Union from the capital, Mogadishu, Al-Shabab rapidly gained support and expanded into new territory, wresting control over most of the southern part of the country. Uniqueness But like the Islamic Courts Union, AlShabab is a loose confederation of Islamist warlords and not a highly centralised organisation. Altogether it has approximately 5,000 dedicated fighters, as estimated by the United Nations Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea. After Ethiopia withdrew from Somalia in 2009, an African Union peacekeeping force stayed behind. This force, led by Ugandan troops, managed to provide some cover for the Transitional Federal Government to operate, but had to cede most of the south of the country to Al-Shabab. In mid-2012, Kenyan forces (nominally under the auspices of the African Union) began an offensive against Al-Shabab in the south of Somalia. The Kenyans restored the rule of the recognised government in several areas, including the important port town of Kismayo, Al-Shababs primary economic

Last week Somalian terrorists grabbed the centre stage of world attention through a daring strike in neighbouring Kenyas capital, killing, almost in a repeat of 26/11, nationals of several countries including India. Here is a chilling backdrop to one of the worst post-9/11 terrorist strikes
centre and political stronghold. Al-Shabab anger over its loss of territory and economic resources likely spurred the Westgate Mall attack. While the Westgate Mall siege was by far the most complex and ambitious terror attack Al-Shabab has staged within Kenya, more than two dozen smaller-scale grenade and small arms attacks linked to Al-Shabab have taken place there over the past two years. Waves of terror Kenyas deadliest terror attack, however, was the August 7, 1998 bombing of the US embassy in Nairobi. Carried out by an alQaeda cell, the coordinated attack against the American embassies in Kenya and Dar-es Salaam, Tanzania, killed a total of 234 people, 223 in Nairobi alone. Prior to the Kenyan intervention in Somalia, and with the exception of the 1998 embassy bombing, most high-level terror attacks within Kenya targeted Israelis or Israeli interests. In 1980, Arab terrorists bombed the Norfolk Hotel, killing 20 and injuring 80, in retaliation for Kenya allowing Israeli forces to refuel in the country during the 1976 hostage rescue at Entebbe Airport in Uganda. On November 28, 2002, Islamist radicals with ties to Somalia and al-Qaeda bombed the Israeli-owned Paradise Hotel in Mombasa, Kenya, killing 13 and injuring 80. At the same time, terrorists fired two shoulder-fired antiaircraft missiles at a Boeing 757 airliner in Kenya owned by Israel-based Arkia Airlines. The missiles failed to hit the plane, which continued on its flight to Israel. In December 2006, Ethiopia, with US backing, intervened to set up a Transitional Federal Government. But that move had the effect of catapulting the Al-Shabab, previously a mere fringe movement, into a full-blown insurgency. In 2008, alarmed by the prospect of Somalia deteriorating into an Afghanistan like cauldron of militancy, the United States, the UN, the African Union, the League of Arab States, and other actors endorsed the UN-sponsored Djibouti Peace Process. This led to the election of Shaykh Sharif Shaykh Ahmad, a moderate figure in the ICU, as president of the TFG. However, these efforts backfired. Al-Shabab and other hardliners quickly and successfully labelled Ahmad a Western puppet, and his appointment triggered the creation of a new fundamentalist Islamist group, Hisbul Islamiyya (HI), led by Shaykh Aweys, allied with Al-Shabab but with a more nationalist agenda. In January 2009, Ethiopian soldiers withdrew from Somalia, leaving behind African Union forces (AMISOM) to help protect the coalition government and enforce its authority. On May 7, the opposition rebels attacked and captured most of the capital of Mogadishu. AMISOM managed to halt the opposition forces and protect a few square kilometres of government buildings, now the only territory under TFG authority. In June 2009, the TFG government declared a state of emergency and requested immediate international support. The TFG is currently organising its last stand. Ethnic Somalis living in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, and Sudan--some reportedly recruited from refugee camps-have been trained abroad and most are now back in the capital waiting to fight. About 700 Ugandan and Burundian peacekeepers will reinforce the effort, and the United States is providing funding and some tactical support. A safe haven? On one hand, Somalia is a chaotic, poor, battle-weary Muslim country with no central government and a long, unguarded coastline. Its porous borders mean that individuals can enter without visas, and once inside the country, enjoy an almost complete lack of law enforcement. Somalia has long served as a passageway from Africa to the Middle East based on its coastal location on the Horn of Africa, just a boat ride away from Yemen. These aspects make Somalia a desirable haven for transnational terrorists, something al-Qaeda has tried to capitalise on before, and is trying again now. On the other hand, Somalia is different from other failed states in several ways. While it is roughly the size of Afghanistan, its landscape lacks Afghanistans many natural hiding places and does not offer the topographical haven of other states like Yemen. It is also a fiercely clan-oriented culture with an aversion to foreign presence of any kind, including Arab jehadi organisations. These factors were responsible for alQaedas failure in the 1990s, when it tried working closely with al-Ittihad Al-Islami (AIAI). Al-Qaeda was unable to root itself in Somalias clan system, and, according to former ambassador to Ethiopia David Shinn, overestimated the degree to which Somalis would become jihadists. The experience of the al-Qaeda operatives was so treacherous that Bruton says: U.S. intelligence officials came up with a verdict that Somalia was actually inoculated from foreign terrorist groups, that its just fundamentally inhospitable, that the clan system is so closed to foreigners that theres just no way that these groups can operate. Since the Ethiopian invasion, Al-Qaeda has seen a resurgent connection to the country, and HI and al-Shabab control most of the territory. However, experts disagree over whether Somalia could be the base for an international attack or whether the group will continue its domestic focus. However, a publication of the Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute investigated the credibility of the Shabab threat, stating that since the Ethiopian invasion, the groups rhetoric and behaviour have shifted ... reflecting an eagerness to strike internationally. It added that the group has made clear its desire and intention to strike beyond the borders of Somalia, and it currently has the means to prepare and execute such an attack. It is partners with and loyal to Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda in Somalia A US Senate report states that estimates of Al-Qaeda fighters in Somalia vary widely, from a low of twenty to a high of three hundred. Al-Shabab and Al-Qaeda appear to coordinate the administration of training camps in the south. According to Andre Le Sage from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Some of these are reserved for imparting basic ideological precepts and infantry skills to newly enlisted Somali militia members, while others provide more advanced training in explosives and assassination. However, other than training and funding, it is not clear what operational control or connection exists between the two organisations. The strongest tie between Al-Shabab and Al-Qaeda seems to be ideological. In September 2008, a senior Al-Shabab leader released a video in which he pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden and called for Muslim youth to come to Somalia. In February 2009, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Al-Qaedas second-in-command, released a video that began by praising Shabaabs seizure of the Somali town of Baidoa. The group will engage in jehad against the American-made government in the same way they engaged in jehad against the Ethiopians and the warlords before them, Zawahiri said. However, although Al-Qaeda appears to support Shababs jehad, its unclear whether Al-Shabab has ambitions beyond Somalia. The December 2008 International Crisis Group report labels the group a self-radicalising movement, whose aims are local and national. (John Balley is an international commentator on Islamic fundamentalism. This article was written exclusively for Saturday Special)


By ordering that voting machines in future should have an additional provision for voters to record a none-ofthe-above (NOTA) option to reject all candidates in the fray, the Supreme Court has ushered in a key electoral reform that has found favour in the past with the Election Commission of India and even the Law Commission. The idea of according to a negative vote the same sanctity and secrecy as a vote in favour of a particular candidate is indeed laudable in a parliamentary democracy. Advocates of electoral reforms have encouraged voters to make greater use of Rule 49-O, the provision by which one can record a no-vote option by signing a form in the presence of election officials, in the hope that a large number of such negative votes would induce political parties to field candidates known for their integrity. The verdict holds that the rule violates election law and the voters freedom of expression alike by denying voters who exercise that choice the required secrecy. The Court believes that the extra provision in the voting machines would promote free and fair elections, ensure greater voter participation and reduce bogus voting. In recent times, the Supreme Court has struck down a provision to prevent immediate disqualification of convicted legislators and, more controversially, barred those in custody from contesting elections. The NOTA ruling fills a significant lacuna in electoral law, and is a welcome addition to the series of decisions it has rendered to protect the integrity of our elections. A doubt arises as to what will happen if a very large percentage of voters go in for the no-vote option. Even a meagre turnout is considered good enough to declare a valid result now, but a heavy quantum of negative votes may affect the legitimacy of the election process. Perhaps, the EC could fix a limit beyond which the percentage of NOTA votes would entail re-polling. All this raises a question: why has Parliament left electoral reforms to the courts instead of deliberating over and passing appropriate laws? Thanks to an assertive EC, the potential for irregularities by the political class has been effectively kept under check, but this inherently adversarial relationship may have prevented the ushering in of sweeping reforms through legislation. There is no agreement on some reforms mooted by the Election Commission, such as making the framing of charges in serious criminal cases the basis for disqualification instead of conviction. Ranging from the need to check money power and paid news to the need for transparency in the funding of political parties, there are a host of issues that ought to be addressed through comprehensive legislation rather than ad hoc adjudication.



Ever since Hollywood immortalised the slain Americans through Black Hawk Down, this little failed nation in Africa has remained affixed to the collective consciousness of the worlds most powerful country. Now, more Americans are joining the jehad in Somalia for inexplicable reasons
In 1992, President George H.W. Bush sent US troops to Somalia to spearhead a UNbacked humanitarian mission to relieve famine. But the United States has kept its distance from Somalia since an October 1993 operation in pursuit of Somali warlord Muhammad Farah Aidid left eighteen US soldiers dead an episode dramatized in

the film Black Hawk Down. The death toll and graphic TV images of an American soldier being dragged through Mogadishu led the Clinton administration to withdraw US forces. However, the events of 9/11 brought renewed attention on the country. US Navy planes based in Oman have been flying reconnaissance missions over Somalia, and an international fleet is monitoring sea traffic. Meanwhile, the U.S. military has stationed an aircraft carrier and three other warships off the coast to patrol the waters, and in 2007 it began conducting targeted killings or air strikes on senior Al-Qaeda leaders within the country. On May 1, 2008, American war planes reportedly killed Aden Hashi Ayro, the former leader of Al-Shabaab. The US backs the TFG, and supplies weapons and support to the AMISOM forces. Under the Bush administration, the American military used long-range Tomahawk cruise missiles and AC-130 gunships to carry out strikes against terrorism suspects in Somalia. The military has learned from its experiences in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the Obama administration favors commando missions using special-ops forces to reduce collateral damage. For example, on September 14, 2009, the United States attacked Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, an al-Qaeda trainer of Shabaab forces and a ringleader responsible for the 2002 bombing of an Israeli hotel on the Kenyan coast. This targeted killing was conducted by commando forces operating from helicopters rather than by remotely operated missiles, and if occurred during broad daylight to ensure a zero civilian casualty count and to be sure of the missions success. Leaders of the nations largest Somali

READER SPACE Disappearing saffron fields

Dear Editor, Despite the claims of spending crores of rupees to improve Saffron production in the state, the lands meant for the cultivation are being blindly used for residential and commercial purposes. In Pampore, the region famous for saffron production in the valley, the vast expanse where it was grown has been shrinking with the space being filled up with colonies and households. In connivance with the corrupt revenue officials, saffron lands/property is being sold to people interested in building houses or complexes. It is an encroachment upon saffron fields and it is all happening in broad day light. When there would be no land left for growing saffron, where would those crores of rupees go? It has become imperative that the government take action against illegal use of land meant for saffron cultivation. AHMED KHAN Banihal


Dear Editor, This is regarding the derailed education system that we find in our state. Students pursue higher education without any idea as what to do with the degrees. Most of the students do not have a choice or preference for any particular field and they get admitted in colleges and then university because they do not find too many options. Career planning in J&K is one of the most neglected aspects during education. When large number of students ended up as graduates and post graduates but without employment, vocational training and technical education was thought to ease up the situation. But it has not contributed much as was thought earlier. Kashmir is without industries that would accommodate significant number of people with technical skills. The technical education provided by vocational institutes is not of the standard that would ensure a sound career for trainees outside the state. The government and educationists must consider the scenario we are facing and accordingly work out some plans. SANTOSH KUMAR SHIVNAGAR JAMMU

community say some of their young men are still being enticed to join the terror group that has claimed responsibility for the deadly mall attack in Kenya, despite a concentrated effort to shut off what authorities call a deadly pipeline of men and money. Six years have passed since SomaliAmerican fighters began leaving Minnesota to become part of al-Shabab. Now the Somali community is dismayed over reports that a few of its own might have been involved in the violence at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi. One thing I know is the fear is growing, said Abdirizak Bihi, whose nephew was among at least six men from Minnesota who have died in Somalia. More are presumed dead. Since 2007, at least 22 young men have left Minnesota to join Al-Shabab, including two who did so last summer. Unconfirmed reports that two more left earlier this month have deepened concerns. Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta said Tuesday that initial reports had suggested a British woman and two or three American citizens may have been involved in the attack. But neither Kenyan authorities nor the Minneapolis FBI office had any confirmation. Minnesotas Somali community, concentrated in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, includes people who fled the long civil war in their east African homeland and children born in the US. Many are now American citizens. The movement of Somalis whove come to be known as travelers remains a priority investigation for the Minneapolis office, FBI Special Agent Kyle Loven said. At least 18 men and three women have been charged in the ongoing Minnesota investigation. Some went to Somalia while others were accused of aiding the effort mainly by raising money. Seven men pleaded guilty to various charges. One man was convicted on terrorism-related charges last year. Two women were convicted in 2011 of being fundraisers for al-Shabab. A third woman pleaded guilty last month to lying to a grand jury. The other defendants remain at large, or are confirmed or presumed dead. Al-Shabab means The Youth in Arabic. The group uses a mixture of religion, nationalism and deception to lure young people, said Omar Jamal, a longtime local activist who now serves as the first secretary for the Somali mission to the United Nations. They misinform people, and they target young, impressionable kids, Jamal said. They literally brainwash them. Its a

very dangerous cult. Al-Shababs local recruitment efforts began in 2007 when small groups began discussing returning home to fight Ethiopian troops who entered Somalia to prop up a weak U.N.-backed government and were seen by many Somalis as foreign invaders. The recruiters aimed their appeal at the young mens patriotic and religious ideals. Ethiopian troops pulled out of Somalia in 2009, but al-Shabab kept up its fight for power. According to Valentina Soria, a security analyst with London-based IHS Janes, Al-Shabab has increasingly focused in the past three years on the recruitment of western nationals and members of the Somali diaspora in the U.S. and Europe to offset its declining domestic support. Anders Folk was an assistant US attorney in Minneapolis for several years of the recruiting investigation before leaving for private practice. Al-Shababs recruiting was at least as effective after the Ethiopians left as before, he said. Al Shababs recruiting technique was essentially a call to jihad, that this is a religious duty, Folk said. It was a call to jihad to come and fight. Internet videos are a major tool for the group. Many feature scenes of men with covered faces firing automatic weapons, marching or practicing martial arts, as well as images of dead bodies and religious documents. Some show English-speaking suicide bombers reciting last wills. The group often appeals to young men whove had trouble assimilating into American life, perhaps because they are unable to get a job, dropped out of school or got involved in gangs, Jamal said. He cited a recently released al-Shabab propaganda video that lauded three Minnesotan martyrs, including the American-born non-Somali Troy Kastigar, a convert to Islam. Smiling and laughing in the footage, Kastigar called his battle experiences the real Disneyland and urged other Muslims to come and take pleasure in this fun. He was killed in 2009 in Mogadishu, according to the video. The recruiters masquerade as people who are there for you at your lowest point, said Abdul Mohamed, a spokesman for Ka Joog, a Minneapolis-based nonprofit whose name means stay away, which works to provide positive alternatives for Somali youth through education, the arts and mentorship. Instead of shying away from this issue and letting it separate us, its best if we take it on headstrong and steadfast so in the future we can prevent it from happening, Mohamed said. At the end of the day, these kids are full of potential. (Senior writer, Brookings)

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NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 29,: A day after Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhis dramatic denunciation of the ordinance on convicted legislators, the expectation in the party was that it would be withdrawn at the first Cabinet meeting to be held after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh returns from abroad. If that happens, it will be read as a victory for Mr Gandhi, a senior functionary said, stressing it might embolden him to make more such interventions. It could also set the stage, party sources said, for fast-forwarding the generational change in the Congress, provided Mr Gandhi unlike on many occasions in the past maintains the momentum, leading from the front. The Prime Minister, on his part, Congress sources said, may be angry at the way his government was censured publicly by Mr Gandhi, but he is unlikely to make an issue of this because of the nature of the subject. It is not an issue, a Congress leader said, on which he would like to put in his papers, however upset he might be at the way he has been undermined; indeed, most people in the party feel his heart was not in it [the ordinance] but he went along with it as it was projected as something that would help the Congress in next years general election if the party tied up with Lalu Prasad Yadavs RJD. Mr. Yadav, government sources say, may be convicted on September 30 when a CBI court trying him in the

Rahuls intervention may herald generational change in party

fodder scam case in Ranchi pronounces its judgment. Meanwhile, the responses that came on Saturday from within the party are broadly indicative of a divide within the Congress, not necessarily on the content of the ordinance but on the challenge to the old guard. While many more among the younger members came forward to openly express their support for Mr. Gandhis views, a majority of senior Cabinet Ministers, especially those who had been fielded to defend the ordinance earlier this week, maintained a strategic silence. So if Minister of State Milind Deora and the partys Chief Whip Sandeep Dikshit had opposed the ordinance before Mr. Gandhi spoke out, they were now joined by Union Minister for Shipping G.K. Vasan, MoS (with independent charge) for Power Jyotiraditya Scindia and MoS for HRD Shashi Tharoor in expressing

Pro-Telangana leaders seek Sushma's help for early statehood

HYDERABAD,SEPTEMB ER 29: The Telangana Joint Action Committee (JAC) leaders on Sunday urged leader of opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj to help in early formation of separate Telangana. "BJP has played its role in separate Telangana being realised. We requested her (Sushma Swaraj) that BJP show some initiative in implementation (of Congress' announcement) as well. She responded positively. She agreed that Telangana state should be formed as early as possible. She said she would help in this regard," JAC chairman M Kodandaram told reporters here. BJP, which has been in the forefront of the separate Telangana struggle, is a constituent of the JAC. TRS and people's organisations like pro-Telangana unions of

support for Mr. Gandhis remarks. Among the old guard, apart from general secretary Digvijaya Singh and senior leader Anil Shastri, who had anticipated Mr. Gandhi, Union Petroleum Minister M. Veerappa Moily backed Mr Gandhi. It is learnt Mr. Moily opposed the ordinance in the Cabinet, too.Indeed, Mr. Gandhis outburst is now being framed by party

managers as the young and idealistic versus the old and cynical in the hope that it will help the Congress regain the political space it has conceded to the Opposition, as well as those who hope to benefit from what is being described as the protest vote. Even, it appears, if that entails making Dr. Singh look like a lameduck Prime Minister and Congress president Sonia Gandhi who was party to the decision on the ordinance a figment of the past.Senior party sources said the Congress leadership had drawn up a road map for a gradual transformation of the party, with Mr. Gandhi moving up slowly. But the party vice-presidents declaration of independence on Friday might force the leadership to make the generational shift apparent more quickly unless it is a flash in the pan.Structurally, however, the sources said, the scope for change is limited but Mr. Gandhi may be consulted more closely on policy matters. He could be invited to be part of the Congress Core Group so that henceforth he would have to take responsibility for key decisions.In January, when he became vice-president, it was expected that Mr. Gandhi would become a member of the Core Group but he did not, possibly because, party sources said, he could always detach himself from its decisions. However, this duality of being party number two and heir apparent and yet not taking responsibility for key decisions may not be a viable strategy any longer.

Andhra Pradesh government employees are other members of the JAC. Addressing a pro-Telangana public meeting organised by BJP at Mahabubnagar near here on Saturday, Sushma set December as the deadline for Congress to get the Bill to carve out the separate state

passed in Parliament or face the consequences. "Development could be immediately kick-started in Telangana if the Bill for creation of the new state is passed in winter session.... Congress would be "exposed" if it is not done," Swaraj said.

Clash at Meerut mahapanchayat in support of arrested BJP MLA Sangeet Som

MEERUT,SEPTEMBER 29: Villagers clashed with police on Sunday in Khera village here after defying prohibitory orders to hold a mahapanchayat against slapping of NSA on BJP MLA Sangeet Som in connection with the Muzaffarnagar violence. One person was injured in the clashes and nearly 60 people have been arrested, police said. The mahapanchayat was convened to protest the slapping of National Security Act (NSA) against BJP MLA Sangeet Som, they said. "One person was injured and 50-60 people have been arrested," Meerut divisional commissioner Manjit Singh said. The clashes broke out when rumours spread that some women were injured in caning by police at the venue, the village head said. Irate villagers started pelting stones on the police personnel deployed there, he said. Police fired warning shots in the air and used teargas to bring the situation under control. Some official vehicles were also damaged and set on fire by irate villagers, he said. The local administration had refused permission for the mahapanchayat, organized by Som's supported at Janata Inter College, and imposed prohibitory orders in the village. The district administration, had on Saturday, claimed after talks with leaders of the Mahapanchayat that they had agreed to postpone it.

Amend IPC for life term till death sans remission: Supreme Court
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 29: The Supreme Court has asked the Centre to amend the Indian Penal Code to provide for life imprisonment till death without any remission for heinous offences like child rape and murder which shock the collective conscience of society.Any murder would cause a shock to society but all murders may not cause revulsion in society. Certain murders shock the collective conscience of the court and community. Heinous rape of a minor followed by murder is one such instance of a crime which shocks and repulses the collective conscience of the community and the court we are of the view that such crimes, which shock the collective conscience of society by creating extreme revulsion in the minds of the people, are to be treated as the rarest of rare category, said a Bench of Justices C.K. Prasad and Kurian Joseph in its judgment in the case of rape of a child in Rajasthan. Writing the judgment, Justice Joseph said: Parliament is the collective conscience of the people. If it has mandated a minimum sentence for certain offences, the government being its delegate cannot interfere with the same in exercise of its power for remission or commutation. Neither Section 432 nor 433 of the Cr.PC hence contains a non-obstante provision. Therefore, the minimum sentence provided for any offence cannot be and shall not be remitted or commuted by the government in exercise of its power under Section 432 or 433 of the Cr.PC. Wherever the IPC or such penal statutes have provided for a minimum sentence for any offence, to that extent, the power of remission or commutation has to be read as restricted; otherwise, the whole purpose of punishment will be defeated and it will be a mockery of sentencing. The Bench said: We are of the view that it will do well in case a proper amendment under Section 53 [relating to punishments] of the IPC is provided, introducing one more category of punishment life imprisonment without commutation or remission. It noted that Justice V. S. Malimath, in his report on Reforms of the Criminal Justice System submitted in 2003, had made such a suggestion but so far no serious steps had been taken. In the instant case, the State was aggrieved over the Rajasthan High Court commuting to life imprisonment the death sentence, awarded by a sessions court, to Jamil Khan, who brutally raped the girl, who was under five, on December 23, 2002 and thereafter murdered her. He packed the body in a sack, put in a bag and abandoned it in a train. The State, in its appeal before

MPs seek PM's Pro-Telangana leaders seek intervention to Sushmas help for early Statehood The Telangana Joint Action Committee end harassment HYDERABAD: (JAC) leaders on Sunday urged Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj to help in early formation of separate Telangana.BJP has played its role in separate Telangana of IFS officer being realised. We requested her (Sushma Swaraj) that BJP
the Supreme Court, sought the death penalty for Khan. The Bench said though it was a planned crime, nine years had passed since his death sentence was substituted with life imprisonment. We are reluctantly of the view that it would not be just and proper to alter the sentence to death at this stage. [But] in future, in order to avoid such contingencies, cases where enhancement of life sentence to death is sought should be given due priority. Having regard to the facts and circumstances of the present case, we make it clear that in the event of the state invoking its powers of remission, the sentence under Section 376 of IPC [rape] shall not be remitted or commuted before seven years of imprisonment. In case there is any remission after 14 years, then imprisonment for a minimum of seven years under Section 376 shall follow and thereafter three years of rigorous imprisonment under Section 201 NEW DELHI: A group of MPs and an activists' outfit have demanded Prime Minister's intervention into the alleged harassment of an Indian Foreign Service officer, who had unearthed a forestry scam in Haryana involving top politicians. The MPs Basudev Acharia (CPM), Prabodh Panda (CPI), Kushal Tiwari (BSP), Rama Devi (BJP) have written letters to the Prime Minister seeking fixing of accountability on those harassing the officer and ordering a CBI probe into this. Sanjeev Chaturvedi, who is currently posted as the chief vigilance officer in the AIIMS on deputation was allegedly harassed by Haryana government for reportedly unearthing muticrore forestry scams preventing the destruction of a wildlife sanctuary in Haryana in 2010. In their letters, the MPs said that Congress president Sonia Gandhi had written to the government seeking "justice" for the officer but the personnel department had "misled" the PM and did the opposite. Executive director Anupam Jha of Transparency International India, in his letter to the Prime Minister, also echoed their views. show some initiative in implementation (of Congress announcement) as well. She responded positively. She agreed that Telangana State should be formed as early as possible. She said she would help in this regard, JAC chairman M. Kodandaram told reporters in Hyderabad. BJP, which has been in the forefront of the separate Telangana struggle, is a constituent of the JAC. Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) and peoples organisations like pro-Telangana unions of Andhra Pradesh government employees are other members of the JAC. Addressing a pro-Telangana public meeting organised by BJP at Mahabubnagar near Hyderabad on Saturday, Ms. Sushma set December as the deadline for Congress to get the Bill to carve out the separate State passed in Parliament or face the consequences. Development could be immediately kick-started in Telangana if the Bill for creation of the new state is passed in winter session.... Congress would be exposed if it is not done, Ms. Sushma said.

NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 29: A penthouse and lands worth over Rs 27 crore belonging to a former Uttar Pradesh MLA have been ordered to be seized as "proceeds of crime" by a special money laundering court here in connection with the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) scam. The assets of ex-Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) MLA from eastern UP's Deoria Ram Prasad Jaiswal include lands and immovable properties in his constituency, Varanasi, Mirzapur, Gorakhpur and a duplex penthouse in Ghaziabad's Indirapuram area. Jaiswal, considered a close aide of former state health minister Babu Singh Kushwaha, was arrested alongwith him by the CBI last year for alleged irregularities in the NRHM scheme that was being implemented in the state. The enforcement directorate (ED), through its zonal office in Lucknow, had slapped money laundering charges against Jaiswal and his son Shyam Sunder after taking cognizance of the CBI FIR registered in this case. Shyam Sunder was booked under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) in this case as he was officiating as a director of some companies which were receiving the alleged laundered funds sourced through bribes obtained in lieu of getting work done under the flagship health scheme of the central government. "Ram Prasad Jaiswal, who is accused of commission of scheduled offences and a receiver of bribe/commission, primarily cash, against allotment of contract under NRHM, has used his companies for parking of bribe money

Court attaches assets worth Rs 27 crore Jawan injured in attack by insurgents in Manipur IM PHA L,SEP TEM BER In a statement signed by 29: An Assam Rifles (AR) Bang Kim, the chief of the of former UP MLA in NRHM scam jawan was seriously injured publicity section of insurgent
when armed insurgents attacked an AR post at IndoMyanmar border in Manipur's Ukhrul district, the police said today. About 100 insurgents, who allegedly crossed IndoMyanmar international border, attacked the post of 44th AR Battalion (D-Coy) at Komkang area by opening fire from different directions while the jawans were participating in a drill last evening. A jawan was seriously injured, they said, adding that the exchange of fire between the two lasted for more than two hours. through paper based companies at Kolkata. "I carefully perused the CBI chargesheets... the detailed investigation carried out by the complainant (ED in this case) and the facts they have thrown up (against Jaiswal and his son). I am convinced that properties provisionally attached by the complainant, are, prima facie, involved in money laundering," K Raamamoorthy, acting chairman of the adjudicating authority of PMLA said in his latest order. The ED had provisionally attached these properties, with the total value of Rs 27,78,47,159, in March this year and armed with this order the agency will take the possession of these assets as they have been termed "proceeds of crime" by the court, which is a judicial authority for laundering crime cases. outfit Revolutionary People's Front (RPF), political wing of People's Liberation Army (PLA), the attack was carried out by 'tactical command' of the PLA. He said the attack was carried out with sophisticated weapons like RPG M-79 and others and claimed that all the PLA activists who took part in the attack have returned to their camp safely. Official reports from Ukhrul district said it was not yet known whether the insurgents crossed the international border or not after the attack.

Owners want bus in which Delhi student was gang-raped back on road
NEW DELHI: Pleading that livelihoods depend on it, owners of the white-coloured bus with black-tinted windows, in which the 23-year-old student was gang-raped on the night of December 16 last year, want it back on the roads. With a Delhi court pronouncing death for the four accused, the family of the bus owner, who is behind bars for submitting forged documents to get the vehicle's registration certificate, wants it back. The bus, with Yadav Travels painted on its body in bold, is currently parked outside the Saket police station in south Delhi. Most of its windows are smashed and the tyres have gone flat. The interiors are filled of cobwebs and dust. The once yellow curtains and red seats have turned black with dirt and grime. "We want the bus back. It was unfortunate that the gang rape took place inside it. But the livelihood of Dinesh's wife and two daughters depends on the bus," an uncle of Dinesh Yadav, who did not wish to be named, told IANS. Dinesh Yadav is the owner of the bus and is behind bars for forging its registration certificate. "As the trial in the case is over, we will apply to the court to get back the bus," the relative said. The relative said they will soon apply to the district court in Saket to seek its return.

Santa Cruz-Chembur Link Road to be ready by Dec Four Naxalites held in Chhattisgarh
MUMBAI, SEPTEMBER 29: Under construction for a decade, the much-delayed Santa Cruz-Chembur Link Road (SCLR) will finally be open for motorists by December. With the agencies involved in the execution of the work launching girders to connect the bridge above the railway tracks in Kurla in October-November, the project is expected to be completed by December."We plan to undertake launching of the girder scheme from October 20; it will take 21 days. If the railways approves our request for a block, work on the flyover can be completed by December," said Dilip Kawathakar, spokesperson for MMRDA, the nodal agency for project.As railway services cannot be stalled for this work, the agencies have sought a one-and-a-half hour block daily post-midnight when trains do not operate. The block has been sought for one-and-half hour every day.During this period, timings and schedule of a few mail/express trains arriving in Mumbai on the Central Railway will be revised.The 6.54-km-long SCLR comprises of a double-decker flyover with the top deck catering to traffic between Amar Mahal junction on Eastern Express Highway and Western Express Highway atVakola junction via Kalina. The lower deck will provide connectivity between Lokmanya Tilak Terminus, Kurla Diary in Nehru Nagar from Kalina.The doubledecker link road project, which is being implemented by the Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC), is part of the World Bank-funded Mumbai Urban Transport Project. Besides providing the crucial east-west connectivity, the SCLR thus save commute time between the eastern and western suburbs. Itwill also help decongest the existing stretch near SionCircle and Kalanagar as vehicles have to take a detour via Sion-Dharavi Link Road to go from Eastern Express Highway to Western Express Highway and vice-versa. A decade after the work began in 2003, the cost of the project has increased from an estimated Rs 115 crore to Rs 435 crore. The project has missed several deadlines due to poor execution, relief and rehabilitation-related issues, land acquisition and approval of drawings and designs for bridge from railways.To compliment the SCLR, the MMRDA has also drawn up plans to build two more flyovers as the traffic flow is expected to increase on the stretch between Kalina and CST road near Kurla.One flyover will come up between Bandra-Kurla and CST Road, while another be from Kalina University junction to CST bridge. The existing 40-mlong and 30-m-wide CST bridge will be remodelled and made 100m long and 45m wide. RAIPUR: Four Naxalites were arrested during a search operation in Maoist-hit Kanker district, police said on Sunday. The cadres were nabbed by a joint contingent of BSF (Border Security Force) and local police from a forest under Siksod police station limits of the district on Saturday, a senior police official said. A combing operation was being conducted by the security forces since Friday night in the Chhindbhat forest area, which is around 200km away from Raipur. On getting a tipoff about the presence of Naxalites, they rounded up the four, who admitted to being involved in the movement during interrogation, he said. Those arrested were identified as - Meghnath Dhruv (27), Piyar (23), Suklal (24) and Ramuram Usendi (30), he said. They were wanted in several cases under Arms Act, Explosive Substances Act, destroying public property and many other offences, the official said, adding that the four were being interrogated.

Mega Lok Adalat in Karur on November 23

KARUR, SEPTEMBER 29: Litigants could participate and resolve disputes at the mega Lok Adalat to be conducted here on November 23, according to District and Sessions Judge Jayasankaran. The mega Lok Adalat would provide the platform to resolve disputes pending even before the Supreme Court and the High Courts. Litigants must submit a petition for participation in the Lok Adalat through their counsel.On the stated day, orders would be passed after hearing both parties to the dispute. Cheque, hurt cases, bank accounts, hurt or injury in accidents, insurance, those involving levy of taxes by local bodies such as municipalities, TANGEDCO, Revenue Department, land acquisition and such other issues could be resolved through the Lok Adalat, Mr. Jayasankaran noted. No appeal would lie on any issue resolved through the Lok Adalat. Even the stamp duty paid by litigants for having pursued cases before regular courts would be returned if the issues were to be settled through the Lok Adalat, Mr. Jayasankaran added. Hence litigant public could make the best use of the mega Lok Adalat to be conducted here on November 23, he urged.

Tunda sent to 3-day police custody

NEW DELHI: A trial court on Saturday remanded suspected LeT bomb expert Abdul Karim Tunda in three-day police custody in connection with a 1997 blast case in which a woman was killed and several others were injured. Tunda, who was in police custody till Saturday in connection with a separate bomb blast case, was produced before chief metropolitan magistrate Amit Bansal, and special cellsought his three-day custodial interrogation. The police said a bomb had exploded at Bidan Pura, Delhi on October 26, 1997 resulting in the death of a woman. During the search, another live bomb was recovered and it was then defused. Various people, including some Pakistani and Bangladeshis, were held during the probe and they had disclosed about their involvements in various terror strikes in the country.

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THOUSANDS RALLY AGAINST Restoration of US ties need TAIWANS PRESIDENT MA YING-JEOU more than a phone call: Iran
TAIPEI, SEPTEMBER 29: Tens of thousands of Taiwanese were rallying on Sunday against President Ma Ying-jeou amid plummeting opinion polls and bipartisan anger over the wiretapping of legislators. Local television reports said about 50,000 protesters were gathered in front of the Presidential Office in downtown Taipei on Sunday to demand Mr. Ma step down over a host of issues, including economic management and a wiretapping scandal that has incurred the wrath of legislators across party lines. President Ma should get out so we can have a future, one group of protesters chanted. The protest by black-clad demonstrators brought together supporters of both main political parties and was the largest of several grass roots demonstrations on Sunday in the capital and the southern city of Kaohsiung. The protesters were demanding the abolition of the Special Investigation Division

(SID), a prosecutorial body whose wiretap data Mr. Ma used to demand the resignation of Legislative Speaker and party rival Wang Jin-pyng over alleged influence peddling. On Saturday, legislators across party lines attacked Mr. Ma and likened the SIDs

operations to the Watergate scandal. They demanded SID head Huang Shih-ming resign after Taipei District Court documents showed the division placed a wiretap on legislative communications for almost four months. Mr. Ma was comfortably reelected in 2012 on a platform

of improving economic ties with China, but the Wang-led legislature is delaying a key cross-strait economic agreement despite Mr. Mas Nationalists holding a majority in the chamber.

TEHRAN, SEPTEMBER 29: Iran sought on Sunday to calm hard-line worries over groundbreaking exchanges with Washington, saying a single phone conversation between the American and Iran Presidents is not a sign that relations with will be quickly restored. The comments by Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi appeared tailored to address Iranian factions, including the powerful Revolutionary Guard, that have grown uneasy over fast-paced outreach last week between the White House and President Hassan Rouhani, which was capped by a 15-minute call with President Barack Obama. Definitely, a history of high tensions between Tehran and Washington will not go back to normal relations due to a phone call, meeting or negotiation, Mr.

Araghchi was quoted by the semi-official Fars news agency as saying. Mr. Rouhani seeks to restart stalled talks over its nuclear programme in the hopes of easing U.S.-led sanctions. Iran, however, has not clarified what concessions it is willing to make with its nuclear programme in exchange. Mr. Araghchi also reiterated statements by Irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who said he no longer opposes direct talks with Washington but is not optimistic about the potential outcome. Ayatollah Khamenei appears to have given Mr. Rouhani authority to handle the nuclear talks with world powers, scheduled to resume in Geneva in two weeks, and seek possible broader contacts with the Obama administration. We never trust America

100 per cent, said Mr. Araghchi. And, in the future, we will remain on the same path. We will never trust them 100 per cent. The divisions over Mr. Rouhanis overtures were on display on Saturday when he returned from New York. Supporters welcomed him

with cheers, but a smaller pocket of protesters shouted insults. The U.S. and Iran broke ties after the 1979 Islamic Revolution when mobs stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. A total of 52 hostages were held for 444 days.

Peshawar bombed for the third time in a week

I S L A M A B A D , SEPTEMBER 29: For the third time in a week, Peshawar was brought to its knees, this time by a powerful 225-kg bomb in a car parked near a police station in the historic Qissa Khawani bazar, which killed over 30 persons and injured over 100 on Sunday. Reports of casualties are still coming in. Just as shops were opening at around 11 a.m., the crowds with many women and children were stunned as the bomb detonated causing another cylinder explosion in a nearby car, according to the police. The market was engulfed in thick black smoke as cars and shops caught fire while panic spread. For the third time this week Lady Reading hospital was confronted with an emergency situation though the government maintains there is enough space and medical personnel available for treating everyone. Police said the entire white Toyota car was fashioned into a bomb and a crater was formed at the site of the blast. Firefighters had to climb into the shops lining the road to douse fires and the whole area was in shambles. There were a number of handcart vendors on the road who would have been seriously affected, government sources said. The third blast comes after Pakistan Tehreeke-Insaf (PTI) chairperson suggested that the Taliban should be allowed to open an office in the country for talks for which he has been roundly criticized. PTI heads the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provincial government which is now under fire for its lack of security. Mr. Khan in a quick statement on Sunday strongly condemned the Peshawar blast and assured the nation, especially the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, that the culprits will be punished. Nothing justifies the killing of innocent people including women and children and this is against Islam, he said . It is unfortunate that some parties are again using this tragedy for political point scoring when all political forces should be together to bring peace to Pakistan, he pointed out. He has demanded that the PTI coalition government move on an emergency basis to bolster the Provincial security and intelligence setup.

Xi signals greater role 12 killed as Syria airstrike hits school: Activists for China in Afghanistan
BEIJING, SEPTEMBER 29: China has signalled its intention to play a greater diplomatic role in the lead-up to the 2014 withdrawal of U.S.-led NATO forces from Afghanistan, as the war-torn nations President, Hamid Karzai, held talks with the top Chinese leadership. Chinese President Xi Jinping told Mr. Karzai China was ready to deepen political, economic and security support as he described 2014 as a key year for the nations future. As a sign of its intent to play a leading diplomatic role in bringing countries in the region together, Mr. Xi said China had decided to host, next year, the fourth ministerial meeting of the Istanbul Conference, which was initiated by regional countries in 2011. Despite Mr. Xi signalling Chinas widening diplomatic ambitions, analysts say Beijing is, however, unlikely to significantly alter its cautious approach with regard to providing financial and security assistance in the near-term. The Chinese government on Saturday said it would provide a modest 200 million Yuan (around $32 million) grant to the Afghan government this year. The joint statement issued on Friday said China would provide assistance within the realm of its capabilities. Andrew Small of the German Marshall Funds Asia Program, who has extensively studied China-Afghan relations, said Beijing was likely to continue to move forward very carefully until its confident that theres a political and security environment in which it feels comfortable about expanding its economic presence. Even then, he told The Hindu, its not going to vastly increase aid or its security training. BEIRUT, SEPTEMBER 29: A Syrian government air raid struck a high school in a rebelheld city in the countrys north on Sunday, killing at least 12 people, most of them students, activists said. The airstrike took place in the city of Raqqa, which is located on the Euphrates and is the only provincial capital under rebel control in Syrias civil war, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. President Bashar Assads regime has relied heavily on its air force to strike oppositionheld areas, including Raqqa. The attack appeared to hit the yard in front of the school early Sunday morning, which is the first day of the work week at public schools in Syria. Observatory director Rami Abdul-Rahman said at least eight of the dead were students, and that the death toll is likely to rise because many of the wounded are in critical condi-

tion. Amateur videos posted online showed at least nine bodies, some of them missing limbs, lying on pockmarked-pavement strewn with rubble. At least four of the bodies appeared to be of young peo-

ple. Another video shows pools of blood on the ground and a concrete-block wall destroyed in the bombing. The videos appeared genuine and corresponded to other AP reporting of the events depicted.


Bank licences, an efficacy test for RBI: Mahapatra

CHENNAI, SEPTEMBER 29: Even as a debate is raging over the wisdom of allowing industrial and business houses to apply for new bank licences, the Executive Director of the Reserve Bank of India, B. Mahapatra, asserted that the apex bank would have to be extra vigilant in the evolving context. In his inaugural address at the National Institute of Bank Management Conclave on Implications of new bank licences in Pune on Saturday, he said the regulatory and supervisory effectiveness of the RBI would be tested in preventing the new banks promoted by industrial and business houses from self-dealing. In the context of new bank licensing, serious concerns have been raised on the issue of allowing industrial/business houses to own banks, he said. This would be a new experilending to and investments in promoter group entities, he pointed out. The RBI has also been vested with adequate powers through amendments to the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, to supervise these banks in a consolidated manner, he said. It is yet to be tested whether the ring-fence would work effectively or could be circumvented, he added. Given this, he felt the RBI must be extra vigilant to protect the interests of the depositors. Auction demand Mr. Mahapatra said fairness and transparency of the licensing process were no less important given the enthusiasm shown by corporates and others alike to get banking licence. There were even suggestions from certain quarters for auctioning of new bank licences, he pointed out. No doubt, banks are for public good.

DBS pegs Q1 CAD at 4 per cent on gold import surge

MUMBAI, SEPTEMBER 29: The current account deficit may have widened to 4 per cent of GDP in the first quarter due to a surge in gold imports and a deteriorated trade gap, a report said on Sunday. "Our estimates for a shortfall in the current account of about USD 23 billion, are close to 4 per cent of the gross domestic product. The reasons for the same are two--a sharp jump in gold imports and deterioration in the trade balance," a report by DBS Bank said. The RBI will release the June quarter current account deficit tomorrow. Government aims to contain current account 3.7 per cent of GDP for the entire fiscal. Meanwhile, a finance ministry official said: "Moderation in exports is likely to have pushed India's current account deficit for the first quarter of FY 2014 fiscal to about 5 per cent of Gross Domestic Product(GDP) as against 3.9 per cent in AprilJune 2012." For the April-June period this fiscal, exports were down by 1.41 per cent at USD 72.45 billion. However, imports during the period were up by 5.99 per cent at USD 122.6 billion. DBS said trade deficit rose 10 per cent to USD 51 billion in the April-June quarter, sig-

RBI ban on zero per cent schemes not really a dampener for festive sales
The news that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has banned 0% interest rate schemes on consumer durables is being perceived as a dampener ahead of the festive season. But is that really the case? Actually, no. Far from taking away a benefit, RBI has actually acted in your interest. Look deeper into the schemes and you would find that these are not as attractive as they sound. The money you save by not paying any interest actually gets hidden in the processing fee and other charges. 0% interest schemes Apart from regular household consumer goods such as refrigerators, washing machines and televisions, recently the 0% scheme was seen being offered even on mobile phones. In the advertisements, mobile manufacturers and banks advertise that there is no processing charge, but if you read the fine print of the scheme, you will find that banks have started charging a processing fee on select smartphone products and for select tenors. It varies from bank to bank and even store to store. Generally, the average processing charge is in the range of 1.00-8.75% on the principal amount for three months to nine months. So for a phone costing Rs.45,500, the processing charge can be as high as Rs.3,982 or 8.75%. Same is the case with televisions too. The processing fee is in the range of 1-8%. So if you want to buy a Sony LED television worth Rs.99,900 through a loan, it will cost you Rs.1,07,882, up Rs.7,992 or 8%.In this regard, the banking regulator stated: In the 0% EMI schemes offered on credit card outstandings, the interest element is often camouflaged and passed on to the customer in the form of processing fee. Since the very concept of 0% interest is non-existent and fair practice demands that the processing charge and interest rate charged should be kept uniform across product or segment wise, irrespective of the sourcing channel, such schemes only serve the purpose of alluring and exploiting vulnerable customers.

ment in India after nationalisation of commercial banks in 1969, he pointed out. Ring-fencing He, nevertheless, asserted that the new bank guidelines had adequate arrangements for

ring-fencing the financial services activities of the promoter groups from their non-financial (manufacturing/trading/others) activities. These guidelines had also addressed the issue of conflict of interests by prohibiting

Games and apps market to touch Rs 2,700 cr by 2016 in India

Mumbai, September 29: Mobile games and applications in India are expected to become a Rs. 2,700-crore market by 2016, driven by strong smartphone growth and expanding 3G user-base, a report by Avendus Capital said on Sunday. The digital content market (other than caller ringback tones) in India has been subscale due to large-scale piracy. Mobile Internet is opening the doors for large-scale monetisation of digital content through paid apps which is expected to grow to become a Rs. 2,000crore market in the next 3-4 years, Avendus Capital Executive Director and Head (Digital Media and Technology) Ashish Bhinde said. According to the report, smartphone users in India are expected to grow to 67 million this year and 382 million by 2016. Similarly, 3G subscriptions are also expected to rise from 11 million in 2011 to 56 million this year and touch 266 million by 2016, it added. More than 50 per cent of mobile Internet traffic and paid

Being penalized twice for single crime: RIL

NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 29: Reliance Industries has said it is being punished twice over - first by levy of a $1.78 billion penalty and then by being denied a gas price revision, for a single crime of not producing in line with projections that were not even contractual commitments. RIL and its partner BP plc on September 18 made a detailed presentation to oil minister M Veerappa Moily on issues around its main D1 and D3 fields in its eastern offshore KG-D6 block where output has fallen to less than a onefifth to 10 million standard cubic meters per day instead of rising to 80 mmscmd. Moily's ministry sees production not meeting stated targets are breach of contract and has levied $1.786 billion in penalty by way of disallowing cost incurred in past three fiscal. Also, it plans to deny RIL benefit of new price after the current $4.2 expires in April next year.

nalling a wider CAD, despite an anticipated pick-up in the service receipts. Trade deficit has been fuelled by high imports of gold and crude oil, contributing to the widening CAD, which touched an all-time high of 4.8 per cent of GDP, or USD 88.2 billion, in FY 2013. The DBS report said the country's financing ability was eroded due to significant outflow from the equity and debt markets since late-May caused by the fear of rollback of monthly asset purchases by the US Federal Reserve. "The FII equity inflows maintained strength in April-May before witnessing modest outflows in June. The debt counterpart, however, fared poorly as the scale of June 13 outflows reversed the

inflows seen in the prior eight months," the report said. The country, on net basis, registered outflows in the quarter, the DBS Bank report said. The offshore borrowings in the June quarter slowed significantly and are likely affected by rupee depreciation and financial uncertainties, the report said. The rupee depreciated nearly 9.5 per cent in the AprilJune quarter as FIIs pulled out money on concerns over early withdrawal of easy money policy by the US Fed. The report said the preferable non-debt creating flows, i.e. foreign investment flows in the meantime, fell 19 per cent. "Sign of renewed weakness in the CAD, despite being backward looking, could trigger worries," DBS Bank said.

CCI to probe high air fares for 5th time

NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 29: With air fares soaring again, fair trade watchdog CCI is gearing up for a fresh probe into possible cartelisation among airlines to jack up prices, and it wants to gather more details this time around. The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has already probed four times the alleged cartelisation among air carriers to jack up the fares, but could not find any clear evidence of cartel activities, CCI Chairman Ashok Chawla said. However, CCI has received a fresh complaint earlier this month from the Air Passengers Association of India (APAI), which has alleged that airlines were acting as cartels to push the ticket prices. Mr. Chawla said that CCI would need some more details to re-look at this cartelisation issue intensively and vigorously and the APAI would be asked for more details about the required information. We have looked into the issue of rising air fares four times already, and on all those occasions, we did not have find any clear evidence of cartel activities, Mr. Chawla said. Chennai-based APAI had approached CCI after a recent hike of as much as 25 per cent in air fares by most carriers. Mr. Chawla said that CCI would need more information from APAI to proceed further, as the price movements were found to be a function of supply and demand during its earlier probes. CCI chief said that this matter has been looked into again and again, because the upward and downward movements in ticket prices have indeed been found to be in tandem. At the same time, the prices had also been found to be moving in tandem with the forces of demand and supply, which is how a market should function and therefore no evidence could be seen of any cartelisation, he added. In the first week of September, all domestic carriers, hiked their respective fares by about 25 per cent after a steep rise in fuel prices. The hike was first announced by low-cost carrier SpiceJet and followed by other players like Jet, Air India, Indigo and GoAir followed suit. Earlier in July, Civil Aviation Minister Ajit Singh had also talked about an economic cell in his Ministry to monitor the pricing mechanism. The airfare monitoring cell is ready and will soon be commissioned under the aegis of the ministry. The economic cell would analyse data on tickets sold by airlines under different price buckets and make the information public to bring in transparency in airfare pricing.

content revenues come from smartphones, dominated by Google and Apple app stores. Google Play and Apple App store revenues are expected to cross Rs. 800 crore by 2016, the report said. While the average revenue per user for paid apps is expected to come down from Rs. 132 in 2012 to Rs. 78 in 2016, the growing 3G subscription base (11 million in 2011 to 266 million in 2016) will help the overall revenues from paid apps to touch Rs 2,065 crore. The report estimated the paid apps market in India to be worth about Rs 300 crore in 2012. Five categories that dominate

the Indian content landscape on mobile phones include cricket, music, news, video and games. Facebook, Google and Whatsapp lead in terms of time share, the report said. Feature phones with Internet capabilities will also help the apps and games ecosystem to grow. Feature phones will continue to play a key role as they continue to maintain a substantial market share. Indian players have a stronghold in this segment and the opportunities for them are in the area of (developing) hyper-local models like browser content, entertainment and m-commerce, the report said.


THIRUVANANTHAPURA M, SEPT 29: Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Sunday inaugurated the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Development Studies, a state-of-the-art research and training centre here. The centre would be run by the Kerala unit of the Congress party. Speaking on the occasion, the Congress president said Rajiv Gandhi would be proud of the institute, and also of the workers of the party here who had made the institute a reality. "This institute should see that it creates young leaders who will take the country forward in the 21st century. Apart from the research activities that this institute would take up, the centre should see that training is given to students to gain practical knowledge which will help the country," Gandhi said. She arrived at the airport here in the afternoon by a special flight, and took a helicopter some distance, before driving to the institute on the outskirts of the city.

Sonia inaugurates Rajiv Gandhi institute

Scouts and Guides National Integration Camp concludes at Boniyar

Governor for focusing on extra-curricular activities along with academics

SRINAGAR, SEPT 29 - Mr. N. N. Vohra, Governor, has underscored the high importance of extra-curricular activities along with focusing on academics for balanced personality development of youth for preparing them to successfully shoulder the future responsibilities of nation building. The Governor was addressing the concluding function of the week long National Integration Camp organized by the Bharat Scouts and Guides at Boniyar, Baramulla district, on Sunday in which about 500 Scouts and Guides from various parts of the country, including over 100 from Jammu and Kashmir, participated. Referring to the Scouts and Guides movement, the Governor observed that it is a very important activity which nurtures the spirit of discipline, camaraderie and brotherhood and strengthens national integration, adding that a much larger number of youth need to be brought under this movement. He observed that in J&K Scouting and Guiding has made tremendous progress in the past few years and many Scouts and Guides of the State won Rashtrapati Awards. He called upon all the stakeholders to continue with their efforts so that J&K emerges as a frontline State not on the occasion, said that India is a vast country with diverse cultures and is the best example of unity in diversity. He congratulated Bharat Scouts and Guides for organizing this Camp. In his welcome address, Mr. N. A. Khan, State Chief Commissioner, J&K State Bharat Scouts and Guides, gave details of the activities carried out by the Scouts and Guides during the Camp. He also spoke about the activities undertaken by his organization for the promotion of Scouts and Guides movement in the recent past and those planned for the coming months. Ms. Suman Lata Arora, Joint Director Guides, National Headquarters, Bharat Scouts and Guides, New Delhi, presented a Vote of Thanks. Mr. J. P. Singh, DIG Police, Baramulla; Brig. J. Sindhu, Brig. P. S. Gothra, Mr. G. A. Khawaja, Deputy Commissioner, Baramulla; Ms. Roma Wani, Senior Lady Vice President, J&K State Bharat Scouts and Guides; senior Civil, Police and Army officers, functionaries of the Scouts and Guides organization, prominent citizens and the Scouts and Guides were present on this occasion. The Scouts and Guides presented a composite cultural programme on this occasion.

only in the academic arena but also in sports and other extra-curricular activities. The Governor, who is Patron of the J&K State Bharat Scouts and Guides, gave away certificates to the Scouts and Guides who participated in the Camp. He also presented mementos to the civil, police and Army officers for their valuable support in successfully organizing this Camp

Earlier, the Governor went around the stalls put up by the Scouts and Guides of different States depicting culture, lifestyle and crafts of their States and evinced keen interest in the products on display. The Governor was presented a memento on this occasion, as a memorabilia of his visit to the Camp. Mr. Taj Mohi-ud-Din, Minister for Youth Services and Sports, speaking

"This institute should teach students to be leaders of tomorrow who provide solutions to be implemented. We need experts to improve the condition of the marginalised, and institutes like this one will help face the challenges of the future," Gandhi said. The research centre would be housed in a 40,000 sq ft building, with a library and a convention centre. The state party president would have the overall control of the institute. State Congress president Ramesh Chennithala said that the institute was a dream come true. "This is a tribute

to Rajiv Gandhi and the entire expense for building this institute has come from our party workers and the people of Kerala. We now wish the AICC gives us the necessary direction to take this institute to the national level," said Chennithala. Chief Minister Oommen Chandy said the institute will make every Congress worker happy, as it represented the fulfilment of Rajiv Gandhi's dream. Sonia Gandhi will Monday launch the Kerala government's zero-landless programme. She is set to meet senior leaders of the state unit of the party Sunday night.

Junior Grade Nurses accuse clerical staff of greed and lust

SRINAGAR, SEP 29: Scores of junior grade nurses Sunday alleged that on the pretext of their regularization of services, lower clerical staff in Civil Sectt are finding ways and means to exploit them. They said that the case of 53 migrant substitute junior grade/FMPHW nurses have been working for past 14 years in different associated hospitals in GMC Srinagar against a salary of Rs 2500 per month. A delegation of junior grade nurses said that after 14 years of tireless industry their regularization process is deliberately being put to hurdles and redtapism by the lower clerical staff in main branch of Health and Medical Edu Dept Civil Sectt Sgr. These officials are trying to take undue advantages of our helplessness. Either our files are being hidden or some minute queries are being raised for illegal gratifications as we do not meet their demands of lust and greed, they alleged.

Sham pays homage to Shaheed Bhagat Singh

Asks youth to contribute in nation building
JAMMU, SEPT 29- Youth Federation of Mishriwala, locals and panchayat members on Sunday paid rich tributes to Shaheed Bhagat Singh on his 106th Birth Anniversary. Minister for PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control Mr. Sham Lal Sharma was the chief guest on the occasion. Paying homage to Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Mr. Sham said that India was proud to produce a revolutionary who inspired lakhs of Indians to raise their voice against the foreign yoke and its exploitation. "Born to a Sikh family which had earlier been involved in revolutionary activities against the British Raj, as a teenager Shaheed Bhagat Singh studied European revolutionary movements", he added. Recalling his bravery and supreme sacrifices, Sham exhorted upon the youth to their chosen careers they would do well to be cognizant of their duties as responsible citizens enjoying vast freedoms. He said such meets should be organized frequently as these help in promoting brotherhood and amity besides providing opportunity to youth become a good citizens as well as Desh Bhagats. On the demand of locals, Sham announced that a park will be constructed in the name of Sheed Bhagat Singh at Mishriwala, the Minister assured that the demand would be fulfilled if the local would provide land for the purpose. Mr. Sham also presents the certificate and photo to international player of local Miss Retta and others. On the occasion, Sardar Amar Singh Chairman of Federation and Sarpanch Sardar Gurdeep Singh also spoke on the occasion.

Amrita University launches international programme 'live-in-labs'

NEW DELHI, SEPT 29: It's mission back to the villages to understand the rural population's problems in areas of health, hygiene, energy, water, waste and environment. Amrita University, Kerala in collaboration with University of California launched an experiential learning programme that encourages the youth to live and experience the problems in the country's villages. The varsity's Amrita Centre for International Programs floated its new 'Amrita Livein-Labs'. The scheme envisages students of Amrita as well as international students from some of the best universities of the world to live in Indian villages for six months to understand the rural India's problems. It also aims to define projects that seek to address the problems, devise solutions, implement, test and eventually demonstrate innovative solutions. The idea behind the Amrita Live-in-Labs came early this year when spiritual guru

follow his footsteps with a pledge to safeguard the honour of the nation. He asked them to contribute in the nation building as it would be a great service to the countrymen. He said that youth are the future hope of the country and the most significant need of the hour is to groom them

as true patriots and lover of humanity. "There is a need to transform the education system with a view to cultivate the basic values of humanism, democracy, socialism and secularism among the individuals" he added. Mr. Sham said that as the children grow up and take up

Mata Amritanandamayi, in her speech at the 150th birthday celebrations of spiritual leader Swami Vivekananda, suggested a way to ensure that at least one child from every family served in rural areas for one year after their graduation. She also recommended government funds for such a programme, saying the initiative would help awaken compassion in the youth besides uplift the poor and ensure a holistic growth of the nation. As part of the programme, Amrita University signed a memorandum of understand-

ing (MoU) with University of California (UC), San Diego, to enhance research and student exchanges. The signatories included UC executive vice-chancellor Suresh Subramani and Amrita University vice-chancellor P Venkat Rangan. The MoU will also facilitate exchanges of faculty, undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, joint research projects and publications, virtual labs, exchanges of publications, materials, and information; and special short-term programmes.

IIT-BHU students protest against new ordinance

VARANASI: The career of more than 100 students of B Tech third IIIrd and IVth years of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Banaras Hindu University (BHU) is at stake as an ordinance which was passed in November 2012 but not circulated prevents them from appearing in the back paper exams in the following semester examination, thereby delaying their degree by one to two years. Upset over the decision, around 150 students of different departments of IIT-BHU staged a sit-in stir at the director's office in the institute's premises on Saturday. As per the new ordinance, it does not permit the students to appear for the back paper along with the current semester exam. Instead, the students have to appear for the backlog next year. The students have alleged that the new ordinance passed by the IIT-BHU in November 2012 was not circulated to them and that it will delay their degree by a couple of years thereby affecting their careers. According to them, the new ordinance was passed after the conversion of Institute of Technology (ITBHU) into IIT-BHU. On the other hand, the third and fourth year students were admitted in the institute prior to this. Notably, students who are in the final year of the course with at least one back paper are the worst hit as they will not be able to sit for the job placement sessions which is likely to get started from year end. According to the students, the new ordinance also forces them to appear for only two supplementary papers at a time, thereby students who have three to four supplementary papers cannot complete their course in the current or next academic session. Students have also alleged that when they became aware of the new rule recently, they wrote to authorities asking them to roll back the decision for this semester on the grounds that the students were admitted prior to conversion of IT BHU into IIT. However, there was no proper communication from the authorities' side. The students have demanded that they should be allowed to appear for the back paper in the forthcoming semester examination which will get started from November 22 onwards.

IIM- A offers higher salaries to its faculty

AHMEDABAD, SEPT 29: The Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) is pushing for better compensation of its faculty members. At a media interaction, director Prof Ashish Nanda and A M Naik, chairman, board of governors and society emphasized on offering higher salaries to its faculty. Naik, who had also raised the issue during a meeting of the IIMs with the government earlier this year, said, "An average student from IIM-A starts with Rs 19 lakh salary, while the top 20% get over Rs one crore. It is ridiculous if a faculty with over 35 years of experience earns less than students." Citing the example of the five month-long wait for Nanda to be approved as the director by the HRD ministry, Naik also pitched for an easier selection process of faculty members. "In India, the bureaucracy and the loss of productive energy due to inertia is a shock for me," said Nanda, a Harvard professor. "We have to do something about faculty compensation to attract good professors," Nanda said. The institute recently slipped in its global rankings due to some parameters, including lesser number of women faculty members, women faculty board members and female students. "In terms of getting high salaries and good placements, IIM-A is ranked high but we have fallen in the parameters of having enough women as faculty members, students and on the board among other parameters like the internationalization of board and few international students. We have taken a few measures and our ranking will go up now," Naik said. Among the measures taken, IIM-A has appointed Prof Rekha Jain as one of the faculty representatives on the board and also called for more eminent people from around the world on the board. "The global ranking slip is also due to the average salaries going down. As for the pre-placement offers (PPOs), the softness in the market does have an impact on the offers but overall the PPOs are good," said Nanda.

Ministry of environment and forests invites nominations for Wildlife Fellowship Award
PUNE, SEPT 29: The ministry of environment and forests has invited nominations for the Dr Salim Ali National Wildlife Fellowship Award for the year 2013. The ministry had instituted Dr Salim Ali National Wildlife Fellowship Award and Kailash Sankhla National Wildlife Fellowship award for research and experimental projects on avian wildlife and mammalian wildlife respectively in 1995 and 1996 respectively. The awards were instituted to commemorate the memory of these wildlife conservationists so as to inspire and promote the younger generations of wildlife managers and scientists in taking up research/experimental projects aimed at conservation and development of the rich wildlife heritage of our country, a statement released by the ministry said. These awards have been conferred in alternate years. The Dr Salim Ali National Wildlife Fellowship Award is given in an odd numbered year and Kailash Sankhla National Wildlife Fellowship Award in an even numbered year. The ministry has also increased the fellowship amount from Rs 4000 per month to Rs 20000 per month and the contingency amount from Rs 18000 per year to Rs 1, 00,000 per year. The fellowships are awarded normally for a period of two years. In exceptional cases, it may be extended by one more year. The enhancement of fellowship and contingency amount is aimed at generating interest among young researchers towards wildlife management, said the statement. The details are available on the ministry's website

Slowdown woes for MBA test registrations

SEPT 29: Entrance examinations to get into the coveted management institutes across the country are facing slowdown pressures. Registrations for the Common Admission Test (CAT) 2013 saw a 9.3 per cent drop in registrations, while NMIMS Management Aptitude Test (NMAT) 2014 may also see 10-12 per cent drop in registrations. While, Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) 2014 may see a 5-10 per cent rise in the total applicants. There was a 25 per cent rise in the number of applicants for XAT 2013. Rohit Kapoor, convenor of CAT 2013 and chairperson, admissions at Indian Institute of Management, Indore, explained that the registrations have dropped since this is a phase of consolidation. "There has been a drop about 14,000-15,000 in total registrations. In my view, there are some candidates on fringes Industry experts pointed out that with rising costs and increasing fees, doing an MBA from a reputed institute was not viable for the Indian middle class. "Students are presently focussed on finding a job after pursuing their education. Doing a course from one of the top 10 institutes with a Rs 10 lakh plus fee does not compare well with their aspirations. Hence, students, especially from the smaller towns, do not wish to take a risk, by applying for MBA programmes," said a senior IIM professor. NMAT, which is the official entrance exam for Narsee Monjee Institute Of Management Studies (School Of Business Management) may see a marginal dip in registrations. NMIMS spokesperson said that till Sept 24, they had seen 55,000 students registering for the exam and the total registrations could touch 60,000 when the registrations close in first week of November. The All India Council for Technical Education's (AICTE) Common Management Admission Test (CMAT) is perhaps the only one which has seen an increase. For the CMAT held in February 2013, around 190,000 students registered for CMAT with 375,000 seats available with Bschools. In its first edition of tests, CMAT had seen registrations of around 70,000 students for the exam. Apart from these examinations, the Graduate Management Admission Council conducts the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) globally, which is accepted in more than 5,800 programmes at nearly 2,000 universities and organisations across the world.

HIV Aids awareness programme held at Dal Lake

SRINAGAR, SEPT 29: An awareness programme was organized today regarding sensitization of youth towards HIV Aids and benefits of Free Legal Aid Schemes available with District Legal Services Authority in the interior of Dal Lake area. The programme was chaired by Principal District & Sessions Judge, Srinagar, Mr. Mohammad Shafi Khan, who is also Chairman of District Legal Services Authority, Srinagar has sensitize the youth about the eradication of HIV Aids disease. He also appealed the people to keep their children away from drug abuses and advised them for their quality education. Among others, Chairman, Tehsil Legal Services, Chief Judicial Magistrate, Additional Mobile Magistrate, Municipal Magistrate, officials of District Legal Services Authority and large number of people from Dal Lake area were also attended the awareness programme on the occasion. A free medical checkup and free medicines were also provided to the needy people on the occasion by Family Planning Association of India, Srinagar and J&K Aids Control Society. The awareness programme was organized jointly by Judiciary and Health department.

who usually write CAT for the sheer experience. It is these candidates who have not applied this year, and hence the fall," he said. Kapoor added the macroeconomy also had a role to play. He explained that while it was earlier believed that an MBA is a ticket for getting a good job, with the weak market conditions, it no longer remains true. CAT, which is the common test for admis-

sion to the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and several other non-IIM business schools has a ratio of 1:20, wherein almost 120,000 candidates have applied for 10,000 seats. "It is a consolidated pool and the ratio of number of applicants to total seats is also good. Hence, this year's exam will be more competitive and having a consolidated pool of candidates is a

positive development," said Kapoor. XAT 2014, which will be held in January 2014 has seen a steady flow of applications. Professor Vishwa Ballabh, chairperson-admission, XLRI (the institute that conducts XAT) said that they are hoping to see a 5-10 per cent rise in number of applicants for the exam. XAT 2013 had seen 75,300 candidates appearing for the test.

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