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1 - Registrar (Accumulator) AX The AX is the registered Registrar of choice for use in the calculations and logic, and data

transfer and dealing with memory and input and output ports. Generate and use a shorter programs and increases the efficiency of the program. Where it should, for example in the process of multiplying two numbers put the numbers in which a value is required with the development of the port of exit out to a specific place, and then read the value that is entered from the port of exit specified permanently. And generally are treated with the Registrar AX registers as the most important in the wizard. 2 - Registrar (Base Register) BX BX is used in the registered memory as it requires addressing some of the processes to deal with the memory index and the specific value of the index are changed to make a survey of a specific part of memory as we shall see later. 3 - Registrar (Count Register) CX The recorder is CX Kaadad to control the number of times to repeat a specific set of instructions. Also be used to repeat the process of turnover recorded for a specified number of times. 4 Registrar (Data Register) DX Is used in the operations of multiplication and division as well as being used as an indicator of input and output ports when the use of input and output.

5-Registered section of the program Code Segment Register (CS) This registered address section Program Code Segment Address where is determined by a particular section in the memory is put the program in it, then need to define the address of the processor where the program will be implemented; so you must specify the title of this section and place it in registered private calls recorder data segment Code Segment Register (CS) and the offset value is determined using the index registered Help Instruction Pointer, who will talk about later. 6-Registered data segment Data segment Register (DS) This contains the address of the registered data segment Data Segment Address is identified by the data handled by the program in a specific area of memory (called the data section) and is determined by the title of this section and place it in the recorded DS. Then it can address the memory and deal with different variables using other recorders contain the offset value is required. 7-Registered section Stack Segment Register (SS) Are selected portion of memory and deal with Kmikds where a stack in a way (Last In First Out (LIFO) issued in a range of processes the most important appeal process for sub-programs as we shall see later, is the use of group enrollment to contain the offset value is the most important indicator of the Stack Pointer (SP) . 8-Registered section Additional Extra Segment Register (ES) Is the use of this registrar to identify and address the section additional terms needed in some cases, the process of addressing more than one section at a time (such as the transfer of the amount of data in the memory of a specific place to another place in a section far and thus not enough data recorder only, but we need to registered additional to identify the other section are the use of the additional section (ES).Recorders, indicators and indexing Index and Pointer Registers (SP, BP, SI, DI)These recorders are used with recorders sections that we talked about in the previous section to communicate with specific

addresses in memory, and reverse sections recorders can perform arithmetic and logic on these recorders. 9-The stack pointer Stack Pointer (SP) Is recorded with the use of this section and the stack will be talking in detail about the stack in the coming quarters. 10-Index base Base Pointer (BP) This is used as a basis for the registered address with the data in the stack, but the opposite, where the stack pointer can be used to address memory in sections other than section of the stack. 11-Registered Source Index Source Index (SI) Uses this address recorded in the memory in the data section where the reference to the beginning (or end) a specific area of memory is required to deal with them; and change the value of this recorded in each time you deal with all this region of memory. 12-Registered indexing repository Destination Index (DI) This is the registered uses, such as Registered indexing the source SI indicates where the Registrar to the memory address in which to store data in it is usually done using a section of additional ES and there is a set of commands that deal with text, which assumes that the source address and the address of the warehouse to be identified in these two users. 13- Index instructions or orders Instruction Pointer (IP) All recorders that we talked about so far are used in the address data stored in memory. To address the program needs to know the processor is the first title in the program to be implemented, then the wizard to specify the title the following command and continues to implement the program. Are stored in the offset of the order to be implemented in the instructions or orders index Instruction Pointer (IP) where this is done in a section of the program Code Segment and thus the title of the desired command is executed CS: IP. Can not directly address the instruction pointer from within the program, but its value is changed indirectly, such as branching to a specific address is placed where the value of that address in the index instructions, in case of a branching process. 14-Registered Flags Register This recorded a set of flags (flags) are of two types: banners of the situation and the control. For the banners of the case illustrates the case of the processor after the implementation of each process to clarify the status of the result where it can be through these flags see the result (for example if Bayrakzero has been lifted, it means that the result of the last process is equal to zero) and therefore can test the flags right and take the appropriate decisions. The banners of control are used to notify the processor to do something specific for example, can be used to interrupt Interrupt Flag Bayrak and put a zero value and therefore we ask the wizard to ignore calls The district received from the keyboard, for example (that does not receive input from the keyboard)will be talking about these flags in detail later. The organization of memory in the PC Memory Organization Handles the processor 8088 with the memory length of 1Mbyte. Cannot use all the memory in which programs are written, but there are areas in memory are reserved for specific purposes, for example, we have the first part of the memory length 1KByte reserved addresses appeals of the province Interrupt Vector Table There are also sections dedicated to the programs of the Statute of the input and output

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