(May 21, 2012, Monday 04:30 AM. IST) : Today'S Hukamnama From Sri Darbar Sahib Sri Amritsar

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Sri Amritsar.
[May 21, 2012, Monday 04:30 AM. IST]
rwgu gUjrI vwr mhlw 5
<> siqgur pRswid ]
sloku m 5 ] AMqir guru AwrwDxw ijhvw jip gur nwau ] nyqRI siqguru pyKxw sRvxI sunxw gur nwau ] siqgur syqI
riqAw drgh pweIAY Twau ] khu nwnk ikrpw kry ijs no eyh vQu dyie ] jg mih auqm kwFIAih ivrly kyeI kyie
]1] m 5 ] rKy rKxhwir Awip aubwirAnu ] gur kI pYrI pwie kwj svwirAnu ] hoAw Awip dieAwlu mnhu n
ivswirAnu ] swD jnw kY sMig Bvjlu qwirAnu ] swkq inMdk dust iKn mwih ibdwirAnu ] iqsu swihb kI tyk nwnk
mnY mwih ] ijsu ismrq suKu hoie sgly dUK jwih ]2] pauVI ] Akul inrMjn purKu, Agmu ApwrIAY ] sco scw scu
scu inhwrIAY ] kUVu n jwpY ikCu qyrI DwrIAY ] sBsY dy dwqwru
dwqwru jyq aupwrIAY ] iekqu sUiq proie joiq sMjwrIAY ] hukmy
Bvjl mMiJ hukmy qwrIAY ] pRB jIau, quDu iDAwey soie ijsu Bwgu mQwrIAY ] qyrI giq imiq lKI n jwie, hau quDu
bilhwrIAY ]1]
somvwr, 8 jyT (sMmq 544 nwnkSwhI)

(AMg: 517)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw:
rwgu gUjrI vwr mhlw 5
<> siqgur pRswid ]
jy Awpxy gurU (dy ipAwr) ivc rMgy jweIey qW (pRBU dI) hzUrI ivc QW imldw hY [ mn ivc gurU Xwd krnw, jIB nwl
gurU dw nwm jpxw, A`KW nwl gurU vyKxw, kMnW nwl gurU dw nwm suxnwieh dwiq, AwK, hy nwnk! aus mnu`K pRBU
dyNdw hY ijs auqy myhr krdw hY, Ajyhy bMdy jgq ivc sRS
y t AKvwauNdy hn, (pr Ajyhy huMdy) koeI ivrly ivrly hn [1[
r`iKAw krn vwly prmwqmw ny ijnHW bMidAW dI mdd kIqI, auhnW aus ny Awp (ivkwrW qoN) bcw ilAw hY, auhnW
gurU dI pYrIN pw ky auhnW dy swry kMm aus ny svwr id`qy hn, ijnHW auqy pRBU Awp idAwl hoieAw hY, auhnW aus ny
(Awpxy) mnoN ivswirAw nhIN, auhnW gurmuKW dI sMgiq ivc (r`K ky) sMswr-smud
M r qrw id`qw [ jo aus dy crnW qoN
tu`ty hoey hn, jo inMdw krdy rihMdy hn, jo gMdy Awcrn vwly hn, auhnW iek pl ivc aus ny mwr mukwieAw hY [
nwnk dy mn ivc BI aus mwlk dw Awsrw hY ijs ismirAW suK imldw hY qy swry du`K dUr ho jWdy hn [2[ hy
prmwqmw! qyrI koeI ^ws kul nhIN, mwieAw dI kwl^ qY nhIN l`g skdI, sB ivc mOjUd hYN, AphuMc qy byAMq hYN, qUM
sdw hI kwiem rihx vwlw qy s`c-muc hsqI vwlw vyKx ivc AwauNdw hYN, swrI isRStI qyrI hI rcI hoeI hY (ies ivc
BI) koeI cIz &rzI (Bwv, mnGVq) nhIN jwpdI [ (ijqnI BI) isRStI pRBU ny pYdw kIqI hY (ies ivc) sB jIvW
dwqwr pRBU (dwqW) dyNdw hY; sB ie`ko hI (hukm-rUp) Dwgy ivc pRo ky (sB ivc aus ny AwpxI) joiq imlweI hoeI hY;
Awpxy hukm AMdr hI (aus ny jIvW ) sMswr-smuMdr ivc (PswieAw hoieAw hY qy) hukm AMdr hI (ies ivcoN) qwrdw hY
[ hy pRBU jI! qY auhI mnu`K ismrdw hY ijs dy m`Qy qy Bwg hovy; ieh g`l ibAwn nhIN kIqI jw skdI ik qUM ikho ijhw
hYN qy kyfw v`fw hYN, mYN qYQoN sdky hW [1[
English Translation:
SHALOK, FIFTH MEHL: Deep within yourself, worship the Guru in adoration, and with your tongue,
chant the Gurus Name. Let your eyes behold the True Guru, and let your ears hear the Gurus Name.
Attuned to the True Guru, you shall receive a place of honor in the Court of the Lord. Says Nanak, this
treasure is bestowed on those who are blessed with His Mercy. In the midst of the world, they are known
as the most pious they are rare indeed. || 1 || FIFTH MEHL: O Savior Lord, save us and take us across.
Falling at the feet of the Guru, our works are embellished with perfection. You have become kind,
merciful and compassionate; we do not forget You from our minds. In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of
the Holy, we are carried across the terrifying world-ocean. In an instant, You have destroyed the faithless
cynics and slanderous enemies. That Lord and Master is my Anchor and Support; O Nanak, hold firm in
your mind. Remembering Him in meditation, happiness comes, and all sorrows and pains simply vanish. ||
2 || PAUREE: He is without relatives, immaculate, all-powerful, unapproachable and infinite. Truly, the
True Lord is seen to be the Truest of the True. Nothing established by You appears to be false. The Great
Giver gives sustenance to all those He has created. He has strung all on only one thread; He has infused
His Light in them. By His Will, some drown in the terrifying world-ocean, and by His Will, some are
carried across. O Dear Lord, he alone meditates on You, upon whose forehead such blessed destiny is
inscribed. Your condition and state cannot be known; I am a sacrifice to You. || 1 ||
Monday, 8th Jayth (Samvat 544 Nanakshahi)

(Page: 517)

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