Ass Brief FTP 2013-14

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UNITS 4 & 7

Unit 7 Unit 4






Unit 7 Unit 4






Assignment brief
Unit number and title Qualification Start date Deadline Assessor Assignment title Units 4 & 7 Fitness testing, training & programming BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN SPORT 13th September 2013 20th September 2013 J Barraclough 1. Know a range of laboratory-based and field-based fitness tests

Scenario Fitness is vital to achieving success in sport and testing plays a valuable role in the development of fitness. Individuals who are serious about their sports performance will have fitness testing carried out in order to assess their strengths and weaknesses, predict performance and provide feedback on their training programme. Fitness testing is also carried out in health clubs. Many clients use health clubs to exercise for health reasons. Fitness testing enables them to assess their baseline measures, strengths and weaknesses and assess the effectiveness of their training programme. You are a strength and conditioning coach working with sports performers from several different sports. It is important that the individuals you are working with develop and maintain high levels of fitness and take their fitness training very seriously. In your role you need to have a thorough understanding of the fitness requirements of the sports you are involved with. Task 1 Part 1: For this task you are to complete a fitness testing induction for 2 specific clients. Present your clients with an information booklet outlining the tests they will be undertaking, and the advantages/disadvantages of each (in a format of your choice). Describe one test for each component of physical fitness and the advantages/disadvantages of each of test: Aerobic capacity e.g. multi-stage fitness (bleep) test, step test, maximal treadmill protocol Strength (static & dynamic) e.g. 1RM, hand grip dynamometer Flexibility e.g. sit and reach Power e.g. vertical jump, Wingate test Balance e.g. standing stork test Agility e.g. Illinois agility test Speed e.g. sprint tests Muscular endurance e.g. one-minute press up, one-minute sit up Body composition e.g. skinfold callipers, bioelectrical impedance analysis, hydrodensitometry Advantages and disadvantages of different tests: e.g. cost, time, issues with validity, issues with reliability Explain advantages/disadvantages of one fitness test for each component of physical fitness (P1 - unit 7) (M1 - unit 7)

Unit number and title Qualification Start date Deadline Assessor Assignment title Task 2

Units 4 & 7 Fitness testing, training & programming BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN SPORT 27th September 2013 11th October 2013 J Barraclough 2. Be able to use health screening techniques

Prepare an appropriate health screening questionnaire (research this via the internet and print off)

(P2 unit 7)

Devise and use appropriate health screening procedures for two contrasting individuals (P3 unit 7) Your two clients will need to complete the questionnaire prepared for P2. You will also need to describe the techniques you use when consulting with your client e.g. questioning, listening, non-verbal communication. Describe what informed consent is. Also, describe what coronary heart disease risk factors and medical referrals are. This will be in the form of a prepared written report. Safely administer and interpret the results of four different health monitoring tests for two contrasting individuals (P4 unit 7) Health monitoring tests: e.g. heart rate, blood pressure, lung function, skinfold callipers, bioelectrical impedance analysis Inform your two clients of their strengths and areas for improvement individuals using information from the health screening questionnaires and health monitoring tests for P4 (M2 unit 7) Evaluate (say how effective they were - good and bad points) health screening questionnaires and health monitoring test results and provide recommendations for lifestyle improvement (how they can improve their fitness) (D1 unit 7)

Unit number and title Qualification Start date Deadline Assessor Assignment title

Units 4 & 7 Fitness testing, training & programming BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN SPORT 18th October 2013 25th October 2013 J Barraclough 3. Be able to administer appropriate fitness tests

Task 3 Select and safely administer six different fitness tests for one client recording the findings Prepare: Design a record sheet for noting down the fitness test results of your client. On the same sheet write a description for your client of how you have prepared for the tests e.g. which tests you have chosen and why (which components you will be testing), how reliable these tests are, and how valid they are. Describe what benchmarking is, and how the tests will allow a more specific programme to be written according to each clients needs (based on their strengths and areas for improvement). You will need to describe any potential reasons to terminate testing. Your next task is to research and print the protocols for each of the tests below, which can then be laminated and taken into the testing area. You will be observed administering the tests to your two clients and the observer will provide you with a witness testimony. You will be assessed on the following: Administer: pre-test procedures; test sequence; test protocols; health and safety; recording test results for the following tests: MSFT (bleep test) Sit & Reach Vertical Jump Test 35m Sprint Test 1 minute Sit Up/Press Up Grip Dynamometer Illinois agility test Standing stork test

(P5 unit 7)

You will need to justify (say why you used them) the selection of these fitness tests to your observer commenting on suitability, reliability, validity and practicality (M3 unit 7)

Unit number and title Qualification Start date Deadline Assessor Assignment title

Units 4 & 7 Fitness testing, training & programming BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN SPORT 8th November 2013 15th November 2013 J Barraclough 4. Be able to interpret the results of fitness tests and provide feedback

Task 4 Complete a Video Feedback Consultation. In pairs, students to feedback to each other (as client/tester) Give feedback to your client, following fitness testing, describing the test results and interpreting their levels of fitness against normative data tables - compare and make judgements against e.g. population norms, norms for sports performers, norms for elite athletes Provide written feedback in the form of a fitness report which you also need to through verbally stating the tests carried out with results, their current levels of fitness, strengths and areas for improvement. (P6/M4 unit 7) Analyse (advantages and disadvantages of) the fitness test results. (D2 unit 7)

(Second part of D2 - suggestions for future improvements of fitness - will be evidenced in unit 4 - fitness training)

Unit 4 - Fitness Training & Programming Unit number and title Qualification Start date Deadline Assessor Assignment title Units 4 & 7 Fitness testing, training & programming BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN SPORT 22nd November 2013 29th November 2013 J Barraclough 5. Know different methods of fitness training

Scenario: Now you have tested your client for their strengths and areas for improvement, you will need to come up with a training plan to improve their overall fitness. Task 5 You have been asked by the club you work for to design an app that describes to clients how to train different components of fitness (complete this in a format of your choice) Flexibility e.g. static stretching, ballistic stretching, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) stretching Strength e.g. free weights, resistance machines Muscular endurance e.g. circuit training, core stability training, medicine ball training Power e.g. plyometrics, anaerobic hill sprints Aerobic endurance e.g. continuous training, Fartlek training, interval training Speed e.g. interval training, sport specific speed training (P1 unit 4) Explain (give reasons for) one method of fitness training for six different components of physical fitness (M1 unit 4)

Unit number and title Qualification Start date Deadline Assessor

Units 4 & 7 Fitness testing, training & programming BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN SPORT 6th December 2013 13th December 2013 J Barraclough

Assignment title Task 6

6. Be able to plan a fitness training session

In this section you are to produce a periodised 6 week training plan that incorporates the use of training methods (you need to describe and show macrocycles, mesocycles and microcycles) in a format of your choice for one of the following clients: elite, trained, untrained. This six week plan should be based on your clients goals from previous tasks (short, medium & long term SMART goals). These should be stated on your plan and linked to the cycles above. You will also need to mention lifestyle factors: medical history; physical activity history You need to take account of and describe the principles of training in relation to your periodised plan: SPORT principles (specific, progression, overload, reversibility, tedium); FITT principles (frequency, intensity, time and type) Your six week plan will include appropriate fitness tests included at the half way point (three weeks) and the end point (six weeks) as a method of checking for improvements in fitness. (P3 unit 4)

Unit number and title Qualification Start date Deadline Assessor Assignment title

Units 4 & 7 Fitness testing, training & programming BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN SPORT 20th Decemeber 2013 17th January 2014 J Barraclough 7. Be able to plan and review a fitness training programme

Task 7 Produce detailed session plans that cover the following methods: Cardiovascular training include: exercise intensities for different outcomes; how to monitor intensity, e.g. talk test, Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE), heart rate monitoring maximum heart rate, heart rate reserve/Karvonen formula; anaerobic threshold; work/rest ratios Resistance training include: choice of exercises; number of exercises (sets and reps); order of exercises; resistance; work/rest ratios; speed of movement; systems of training Flexibility training include: choice of exercises; number of exercises (sets and reps); order of exercises; time each stretch held Speed training include : time/distance; number of exercises (sets and reps); work/rest ratio Ensure your plan includes: SPORT (specific, progressive, overload, reversibility, tedium) & FITT principles (frequency; intensity; time; type) (P2/M2 unit 4) Justify (say why you selected what you did) the session plans demonstrating your research skills and providing evidence from text books, internet and journal articles to provide support and reasoning for you choices of activities (D1 unit 4) Training diary: You will then need design a training diary (in a format of your choice) for your client to monitor their performance and amend the plan if needed e.g. progression, motivation, links to goals, date and details of sessions, coach/instructor feedback and reviews, competition results. Your client will complete this as the programme progresses. This diary will need to be submitted as evidence. (P4 unit 4) Give feedback to an individual following completion of a six-week fitness training programme, describing strengths and areas for Improvement. You will use your own data (e.g. fitness test results from beginning, middle and end of session) and information from your clients training diary. This will follow the same format as task 4 (for unit 7 - fitness testing). You will complete a Video Feedback Consultation. In pairs, students to feedback to each other (as client/trainer) Review: extent to which programme has achieved goals set (and how this has been measured); any changes to the programme to achieve planned goals (P5 unit 4) For merit criteria you will be able to explain strengths and areas for improvement to your client following a six-week fitness training programme. (M3 unit 4) For distinction criteria you will be able to evaluate and justify the programme and performance to your client, providing critical analysis of performance using reference from appropriate articles. Provide recommendations for future activities. (D2 unit 4) Sources of information

Adams, M et al (2010) BTEC National Sport Level 3 Book 1; Pearson Gervis M (1999) Effective Coaching for Children; The Crowood Press Lyle., J (2002) Sports Coaching Concepts: a coaches framework; Routledge, Taylor and Francis Cassidy., T., Jones, R L., Potrac., P (2004)- Understanding sports coaching: the social, cultural and pedagogical foundations of coaching practice; Routledge Websites American College of Sports Medicine British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Human Kinetics Sport Science Sports Coach UK Brian Mac This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose Assessor Signature Internal verifier Signature Date J Barraclough J Barraclough Date

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