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Investigative and Enforcement Services

USDA APHfS, rES 4700 River Rood, Unit 85 Riverdale, MD 20737 Pnone: (301) 734-8884 Fax: 13(Jt)7$~28 f RESPONI1EWT:

'Settlement Agreement


St~\te University of Nel-'t' York

jUlla, ~U~ DownstateMoo~al Centc!r 1450.Ctarkso.n AVlmne, BQ~ 47



!Bro.oklyn,NY ~1263

Attending wterit1,lri;tn and adeqnat.e'wterinarv ~'t~r;;;At the time IIi' inspccrion rhere wow expired hags of sodium chlorid.:: solution in in"" ilwe.s.ti,gaw lah room 5&6-13.Out of dare med'icinesf:dru~s need to-be dls1.}tlrded. 9!e,aning, Snn~tAti.(rJ!. B()u~",~eepjng, ,UHf PrsI: CO.llit':OI; 1'0 worn 9'2!B. the ~iling joint scats art: tiplit with !I sepsrarion thni'l t11ewall and an urea of rho celling surface has peeling jYafnt. On tJm clean side of the cage washer ii bas areas of the 'ceiling that al'e also peel1tlg. :'I'here are ereas fll various moms that have trucked or peeling ceilings, Facilities need: to ~1.l$lJf'"Giling snr:fuc~ilT\') w~H 11lailm~im~r;j. aod .in fW1Xj repair. I CIMnil'lg. Sallita.Uon. tfouset.'lCl)ing. ~lnd Pe.stC()!1Jtot:Lighl C.ON in the corridor outside! of room 9-4:0 fs erackcdnn needs to be repaired. The area .lr01UlO the Ught frame in the comdor outside of roem 9'-2 is crac1d.llgal1dtbc ceitiug outside room 94 is peeling and
&.' '.


11 JAN 2009 I



a~lCking . Primam.roo.iJ1 9 .. -42 Il..nd 9.~~ has are."~iS Qf OJ11Ck{;,d., and peeUn.g ceo ilin. clean side. of l' Ibe cage washer bas anareaof'the cedll1g that IS c:r:adted, 'Ihese need to be repatre4.. p-rep room {If} theBv, floor has a ceiling tile with \."'~r!.cJ cirlll1;;ge and this room. is nris&in~ a. . ceiling tHe, both tile.s need ill be: addressed, Cage sJotage roorn 8'~24 iiaIi An area that is blistering QI'lG needs to be repaired. J CICltnirtg.~altitltti91l, Hou!\.kep!.mh~IHlJ)~f!t.C()nlr~lJ: Clean side offhe cage wasberl cOItfitmcs to hnvti 011area ofthc cdtiItg that is ct'aCk~ " _,_~ __



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1 ,. ml 21 of tl1~Uni () e autnorsse the Secretary of Ag.ricUlttlre, after providing nonce and opportunity fora hearing, to impose civil penalties and other sanctions to resolve violations.

Pnor to the issu.:aoce err a fc;>rma!complaint seakinq sanctions under the Act, The. Department may enter fnlo a.stlpulation to re. solve the accve-cescncec .. vtolations .. Your Rayment constmnes a waiver ot ybur ffght to ... a .. heanf1g, a thatlhe violations of law have OCC!)frOO, and settlement of suon violations.
Ii you do not pay the specmeo penalty 'Nithin the designated time or wrsn to exerctse your tight to a heating, this matter will be forward-eo to the Office of the General CQuns~1 for llti~tfon. The penalty offered in 11'11$stipulation is not relevant to U'iesartetlbns the Departn:'lent may seek, annat will be assesssd. upon issuance of formaJ cOmplaint! Signature of R(!Spondent:

om, 6'/t6' /f;

1'04 - Settlement Agreement



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