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20th Anniversary Outline By Patrick Caillouet

Michael Smith 21864 words N.C.I.S. 20th anniversary

Prologue Darahan, Saudi Arabia Feb. 25th, 1991 The sun was beginning to set, but there was still were soldiers out and about. There were men and women from all services. Two Marines are walking on the wooden sidewalk in front of a line of barracks. They are walking by themselves. To see them they look like any ordinary Marines stationed on the base. To look closer you can see that these two Marines are of the same height and built like heavy weight boxes. One was clearly 15 years younger. He had gold bars of a second lieutenant. The second Marine with him was his squad leader gunny sergeant Jack Lawson. As they were walking the two were speaking. Jack, have the men ready at 0600 hundred hours tomorrow for rifle practice. The Lt. said. His name is Steven. Sooner or later we are going to have to go to war. Aye sir. Lawson answered. The two men took a few more steps when suddenly the barrack to their left explored. The force of the blast was enough to knock Steve and Jack, as well as those around them, off their feet. When the smoke cleared and they came to their senses both Steve and Jack could see men coming out the barrack coughing and staggering. Both Steve and Jack ran over to the survivors and began to help those wounded. One wounded Corporal saw Steve and said, There are several men still in there, sir. And then he staggered away. Jack, Steve said. See to these men. Ill see how bad it is inside. Aye sir, Jack answered. Be careful in there Steve. Steve went inside the building. There was smoke and fire everywhere and bodies lying on the floor. Steve went into action. He began to check out the bodies. He came across several soldiers hurt, but in need of help to escape. He saw two soldiers lying on the floor a few feet from him and helped them up. He picked up one of the soldiers in his arms and the other one was able to get to his feet. Steve led them out of the building. When they made it to the sidewalk area Steve laid the injured man on the ground and the one beside Steve fell to the ground.

Several times Steve went into the building and would come out with a wound man. After a few times he came out to see both corpsmen and medics attending to the wounded. Steve looked up after bringing out his ninth man he could see the fire spreading through the barrack. The fire could be seen coming through the roof. From inside the building Steve could hear the cry of another soldier still trapped. Steve started to run into the building. Jack saw him running and yelled No, Steven. Its to late. Steve ran into the building. A minute later there was a cracking sound and suddenly the roof collapsed. A General came up to Lawson and asked, Who was that soldier that kept running into the building, Gunny. A hero sir. Lawson said. He saved these 9 men sir.

N.C.I.S. Headquarters Feb 26th, 2013 The morning team from N.C.I.S. Headquarters in Arlington, Va. came into work. It is 7:30 in the morning of 2/26/13. The first to arrive was the team leader Leroy Jethro Gibbs, who went to his desk. He was followed a minute later by the rest of the team. They went to their desks. Upon arriving at their desks each found a priory mailbox sitting on their desk were the mail usually goes. Each of the four wondered where the mailboxes came from. On each of the boxes was a mail label with the persons name on it and the statement Do not deliver before Feb. 25th. The return address was a book publisher in Boston. What gives with the packages? Tony DiNozzo asked. He was about to pick up his package when Gibbs said not to touch anything. Gibbs picked up the phone on his desk and called security and asked that supervisor on duty to come to his desk.

A minute later a security officer about the same age as Gibbs came over to his desk and stood there. What can I help you with Agent Gibbs? The security officer asked. You were the duty supervisor last night? Yes sir. What can you tell me about these boxes on each of our desks? They came in a couple of days ago to the mail room with instructions on the package not to deliver them until the 25th. They have already been x-ray and found to contain only books. They were deemed safe or they would have never been put on the desks. Thank you Mike. Thats all. Yes sir. Mike, the security officer, leave the desk area and went back to the security area. Gibbs opened the top drawer of his desk and took out a box cutter. He opened it and then cut along the tapeline. He opened the box to see what was inside. What he saw made him smile. He begins to think back. Feb 25th, 2011 Arlington, Va. It is early evening on Feb. 25th, 2011. Inside a bar in Arlington, were a number of patrons. They were mostly young men and women from the near by base at Quantico and the Naval Yard. On the television set situated behind the bar was tuned to a news channel. On the set was report about an event that had happened 20 years before on this day 2/25/91. Sitting at the bar was an older man in his 60s. He had light brown hair with a touch of grey, cut short, with green eyes. He was slumped over the bar, not from drink, because he was not a drinker, but from the weight of the world on his shoulders. He was looking up at the TV set watching the report on the event that had happened 20 years ago. On the TV screen showed a barrack that was in flames and the caption read American barrack, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, and the date 2/25/91.

Clearly it was a tape from 20 years ago and since it was an anniversary they were showing it on the TV news. The bartender came over and asked if he could help the older man whos name is Pat. Yes. Could you turn up the sound on the TV? Pat asked. I want to hear this report. I will, but youll have to order something to remain in that stool. Fine. Ill take a beer. The bartender hands Pat the remote. Pat turned up the sound. Meanwhile the bartender gets Pat his beer and places it on the counter in front of him. That will be two dollars, sir Pat takes his wallet from his front pocket. He opened it took out a couple of ones and placed them on the counter. The bartender picked them up and walked away. At this time two young men, barely old enough to drink, came into the bar and sat down next to Pat. The bartender recognized them and brought over a couple bottles of beer and placed them in front of them. Hey pop, the one next to Pat said. This is a sports bar. Turn the game on. After this report is over. I dont care about some report from 20 years old. I feel sorry for you boy. 28 soldiers died. One of those was my son. He saved 9 survivors before he was killed himself. They gave him the Medal of Honor. The young man, who name is Collins, gave a sound that sound like a laugh of disbelief. Pop, do you even know what a Medal of Honor is? Collins made a move towards the remote when Pat back handed him across the face. Collins was knocked off the barstool and on to the floor. Pat looked down at Collins and said, My son was a Marine, a hero. If you ever disrespect him again, boy, Ill break your neck. Collins got off the floor and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He made a move towards Pat when Collins bar mate got off his stool and grabbed him to keep him from making a mistake. By this time, the bartender came over to Pat, but was looking at Collins and said, I want to trouble in here Collins. Take your beef outside. To Pat he said, Why dont you finish your beer and go. I dont need any trouble in here.

Pat stood up from the bar. He looked at the bartender and said, In order to finish the beer as you call it I would have to start it first. Pat started walking out of the bar. He was saddened by the report from 20 years ago. He was more saddened by the fact that no one cared. Pat got as far as ten feet outside the bar when the door opened and out walked the young kid Collins and his friend Bateman. Hey old man. Im not finished with you. Collins shouted after Pat. Collins, leave him alone, Bateman, said. Cant you see that he is hurting over what happened 20 years ago. I dont care. No one hits me and just gets to walk away and I dont do anything about it. Collins ran up to Pat and while Pat had his back to the young Marine, Collins reached out with both hands and gave Pat a shove on his shoulder blades. Pat lurched forward a couple of feet and when he regained his balance turned and faced Collins. Dont make me fight you boy, Pat said. I may look old to you, but I am able to defend myself. By now Bateman had caught up with his friend and Collins said, Did you hear that Bateman. This old geezer thinks he can take on a couple of Marine Recon. Collins, its not worth it. Collins would not listen to his friend. He moved in on Pat and took at him. Pat blocked it and tried to step back, but Collins kept coming at him. When Collins took another swing at him, Pat was able to grab Collins arm and turning Collins around bend his arm behind him. Collins started to struggle. Pat said, Settle down boy or Ill break your arm. Let him go, Bateman said. I cant let you harm my friend. Pat let go of Collins arm and then pushed him towards Bateman. Collins turned to face Pat. There was a murderous look on his face. Collins tried to use martial arts against Pat. Collins didnt get far. Pat blocked Collins moves and then landed a shot on Collins chin. Collins went down unconscious. Bateman, seeing his friend go down, comes after Pat, but after a few seconds he was also on the ground unconscious. Pat stood over them for a minute and when neither one didnt move, relaxed.

From behind him Pat came an arm with a beer bottle in the hand. The bottle hit Pat in the back of his head. Pat reacted and then went down. It is morning, the next day at N.C.I.S. Headquarters. The man in charge, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, comes out of the elevator and walked over to his desk. Just as he was going to sit down his phone rang. He remained standing as he picked up the receiver and said, Special Agent Gibbs. Gibbs listened on the phone for about half a minute as it was explained to him what the phone call was about. The other three agents stood at their desks backpacks ready to move out when Gibbs finished with the phone call and they could go on assignment. A few seconds later Gibbs replaced the receiver back on the hook and looked at his team. He said, Stand down. Routine assignment. Quantico has a civilian in lock up. Seems he assaulted two Marines last night. Ziva, youre with me. The rest of you relax. Gibbs and Ziva left their desks and walked over to the elevator. When the doors opened they stepped in. The ride from N.C.I.S. Headquarters to the Quantico brig took only 30 minutes. When they arrived, both Gibbs and Ziva were taken to the brigs ranking officer. Once they were shown inside the officer, who was also a Marine said, Special Agent Gibbs, I am Lt. William Mackland. The two men shook hands and then Gibbs said, This is Special Agent Ziva David. Ziva and the Lt. shook hands also and then Lt Mackland got down to business. Last night, at a bar in downtown Arlington called the Foxhole, two Marine Recon students were attacked by a civilian we have in lock up. He claims that it was self defense and that the Marines attacked him first. Mackland opened the top drawer of his desk and brought out two items. One was zip lock bag with broken pieces of glass. The other was a military I.D. card partly burnt. He handed both of them to Gibbs who took them. Gibbs then placed the bag with the broken glass in an evident pouch, but kept the I.D. card out. Is this the person you have in lock up? Gibbs asked.

No. Its not his I.D. card. He says it belong to his son who was killed in the Gulf War. Why call N.C.I.S.? I dont have the man power to investigate this. Most of my personal are guards and patrolmen. I would like to speak with the suspect. Of course. If you two will follow me Ill take you to him. The three left Macklands office. They walked down the corridor to the cell area. In the first cell was the suspect. He was lying down on the bed facing away from the door. There was a Marine guard standing outside. He came to attention as he saw Lt Mackland come up to him. How is our guest? Mackland asked the guard. Very quiet sir, the guard answered. Except to use the head an hour ago, he hasnt moved. Mackland faced the cell as does Gibbs and Ziva. Mackland said, Sir, I have a couple of visitors who would like to speak with you. Pat rolled over to face the three. Then he sat up on the bed and then stood up. He came over to the cell door. Both Gibbs and Ziva could see that Pat was still a handsome man who looked like he was in his late 40s rather then in his 60s. Looking at him Gibbs could see that Pat did not look like the person on the I.D. card. Gibbs spoke first. He said, Im Special Agent Gibbs and this is Agent David. We are from N.C.I.S. N.C.I.S. again. Am I under arrest. Lt Mackland called us and asked if we could investigate what happen last night. I was in a fight with two Marines or least that is what Lt. Mackland told me and that I was found unconscious on the ground. Someone hit me with something. As Pat face the two men, Ziva could see the cut on Pats head. She brought to Gibbs attention. Gibbs, there is dried blood on the wound and it looks like the head was cut. There maybe bits of glass still in the wound. Ziva turned to Mackland and asked, Why wasnt he taken to the hospital? He refused treatment. Gibbs looked at Mackland and said, He should have been taken to the emergency room anyway.

While Gibbs was speaking with Mackland, Ziva took out her cell phone and flipped up the cover. She pointed at Pat asked him to look her way. He did so and she snapped a picture of him. Then she walked a few feet away and made a phone call. Once she was done with the call she closed the cover and puts the phone back in her pocket. Then she came back over to Gibbs and Mackland. She heard Gibbs ask, What did the Doctors say in their report on the two injured Marines. I havent gotten their report yet. How long have they been in sick bay? Since 2300 hours last night. Gibbs looked at his watch and said, Its 1000 hours now, Lt Mackland. It takes more than 11 hours to receive a report from sick bay. Agent Gibbs, we are very short staffed at the moment. I am currently the only officer in charge. The M.A.A. at night is a Gunny Sergeant. The only other personal I have is the Corporal here and two Lances who go out if there is any trouble. I an due three replacements in 7 days. They are two officers, who are investigators, and a senior master sergeant. Its no excuse, Agent Gibbs, but I try the best I can to stay on top of things with what I have. No one is blaming you, Lt. Mackland. Gibbs answered. I am going to take Pat with us. Gibbs continued. We have resources to get to the bottom of this mystery. Lt. Mackland motioned to the Corporal to let Pat out of the cell. The Corporal did so. The cell door opened and Pat walked out. Pat, we are going to transport you to N.C.I.S. Headquarters, Gibbs said. Then I am your prisoner? Pat asked. Youre not a prisoner. You are going to headquarters because we have the resources to clear up this mystery. Gibbs thanked Lt Mackland for his help. They shook hands once more. Then Gibbs, Ziva and Pat left the brig and walked over to the car in the parking lot.

Gibbs tells Pat to get in the back seat. Then he got in on the drivers side and Ziva in the passenger seat. Once they were settled in the car Gibbs said, if you feel dizzy or feel like lying down, do so. If you feel like youre going to heave let me know and Ill pull over to the side of the road. Ill be fine Pat says, youre going through a lot of trouble for a prisoner, Agent Gibbs. Right now youre not a prisoner, at worst youre a person of interest. At least a victim, well find out one way or another. Gibbs, he should see a doctor Ziva says. That wound on the back of his head is very serious. He could have a sever concussion. Hell see a doctor back at headquarters. What I would like to know is how a man of his age could defeat two marine recon. I cant remember Agent Gibbs. Only that they were on the ground at the same time I was. Ziva looked at Gibbs and said, while you were speaking with Lt. Mackland I took a picture of our passenger and forwarded it to Abby to see if she can get a match. When we get to the office, Ill have a set of Pats prints sent to AFISE also. Gibbs answered. He glanced at Pat in the rearview mirror and said we need your permission to do so. Why do you need my permission? As I said before, as of right now, youre someone who needs our help and if we can find out your last name, perhaps we can contact someone to come and help you. Its not as if I know anyone in high places, especially in the Navy. I use to know a couple of JAG officers but I cant remember their names. The rest of the way to NCIS was in silence. Gibbs pulled into the parking lot of headquarters. The elevator to the office area opened and the three walked out. Ziva went to her desk and sat down.


Gibbs and Pat went to another elevator on the other side of the office and when the door opened, they went inside. Tony looked at Ziva and said, who is that with Gibbs? He is the one that we were sent to pick up this morning. His name is Patrick. We dont know if its his first or last name. He cant remember or the fight that he was in last night. Perhaps he is covering up the fact that he did commit the crime by pretending he cant remember anything. And then hit himself behind his head with a beer bottle. If you had seen the injury to the back of his head you wouldnt have made such a stupid statement. The elevator that carried Gibbs and Pat stopped at the basement floor. The doors opened and they stepped out. Gibbs pointed to a set of doors across the way from them. They walked across the corridor and the doors parted as they approached. They walked in. The room to which Gibbs and Pat walked into was Autopsy. There were several metal tables in the middle of the room and for once there wasnt any dead bodies on any them. The room was so spotless it could put to shame many hospital operating rooms. Sitting at the desk at one end of the room was a man that, to Pat, looked about his age or a few years older than him with grey hair. He stood up upon seeing Gibbs and walked over to him. Gibbs said, Pat, this is Dr. Donald Mallard. Ducky, Pat. They shook hands. Gibbs said to Ducky for once Doc, you have a patient who can answer you when you speak to them. I told you Agent Gibbs, it isnt necessary to give me medical aid. Im going to insist Pat, because I need you alert. I have many questions to ask, and hopefully youll have the answers that will clear up this mystery. Going into his shirt pocket, Gibbs took out the partly burned green ID card, and handed it to Pat who took it. This is one mystery that you can clear up right now. This was found in your shirt pocket. Clearly it is not your picture on the card.


Thats my son Steven. Do you know where he is stationed? He died on February 25th 1991 at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, along with 28 others When the scud missile hit the barracks. Yes. Only he died pulling out the survivors that were hurt. He saved nine people before he died. They awarded him the Metal of Honor for it. I am sorry for your loss Pat. Thank you Agent Gibbs. May I have the ID card back? It has great value for me. I will Pat, but first I need to use it for one last thing. Let Dr. Mallard fix you up and we can talk later. Gibbs walks out of the Autopsy. Ducky went around Pat to where he could see the wound on the back of his head. He saw one look at the wound and said, My thats a nasty gash you have there. Sit on the table. When Pat didnt move, Ducky said, Doctors orders. Pat complied and sat on the table as gently as he could. Ducky began to probe the wound area. Even then, Pat grimaced in pain. I know it must hurt Pat. Ducky said, but I have to see how much damage there is to your head. Do what you have to do, Dr. Mallard. Pat answered What did Agent Gibbs mean when he said you finally have a patient who can answer you back when you talk to them? Jethro didnt tell you. This is the Autopsy Department and I am the M.E. who works on them. Oh great. Dont worry my boy. I have a full medical license. It is required to become an M.E. so I can help live patients as well. Even though we just met Dr. Mallard, I feel that I can trust you. Thank you. And please call me Ducky. My friends call me by that name. Before Pat could speak again the doors to the Autopsy Department opened and in walked young Jim Palmer. Ducky turned to see him coming in.


Ah Mr. Palmer, youre just in time. We have a live patient to treat and I can use your help. Palmer came over to Ducky and asked, What can I do to help you Dr. Mallard? Take a look at this wound on the back of Pats head and tell me what you think? While Palmer was examining the head wound Ducky said, Pat, this is my assistant, Jim Palmer. He has been working here eight years now. He knows a great deal about these kinds of wounds. Palmer looked around the wound for a minute or so. When he finished he said, Someone hit him pretty hard with a solid object. Are you sure he was hit with something or maybe he fell? My best guess Dr. Mallard, is that unless he was pushed or if he fell backwards he would have enough reaction time that his hands would help him break the fall. Palmer went to face Pat from the front. He took a hold of Pats wrists and turned then over to look at the palms. He saw no bruises or lacerations on them. Palmer said, his palms are free from cuts or bruises so, yes, my guess is that he was hit from behind. In this case you would be right Mr. Palmer. There is evidence to suggest that he was hit with a glass object, most likely a beer bottle since broken pieces of glass were found near the area where Pat was attacked. Mr. Palmer, get two pairs of surgical gloves, some antiseptic swabs, and scissors. Also bring over the portable x-ray machine. I want to make sure there is no glass imbedded in the wound or that there are no factures in the skull area. While Palmer went to gather what Ducky asked for Pat spoke, from your accent Dr. Mallard I would say you are from Scotland. I am from that country. I thought so. I had a friend from Scotland. Actually he was much older than me. He was more like a father to me. I lived in an apartment above his bookstore on Kenmore Square. Where is Kenmore Square?


You have never heard of it. It is a very famous street. The section I lived in is only a few blocks from the ballpark. What city is this street in? Boston. Ah Boston. Beautiful city, I have visited there a few times when I was younger. I walked the Boston Common area. There is a great deal of history in that area. Have you ever walked the Freedom Trail. I have taken my son and daughter along the trail many times. You lived near Fenway Park. That is the name of the ballpark is it not? Yes. I use to take Steve and Melissa, my daughter, to the park to watch the games. Sometimes my wife Melinda would join us. I made sure I had at least one day a week that was family only. Tell me about your friend from Scotland. He had retired from the R.A.F. and decided to live in Boston. He bought a used bookstore with the help of a lawyer friend of mine. He taught me how to fight and defend myself. His name was Michael Shorten. Before Ducky had a chance to answer Pat, Jim Palmer had returned with the portable x-ray machine and two plates. He handed the plates to Ducky who in turn placed one of the plates in the tray at the head of the exam table. While Ducky was setting up the x-ray machine, Palmer went to get the rest of the supplies to fix Pats head. When he had the machine set up, Ducky put on the lead lined vest that was hanging from the machine. He gestured to Palmer to come to him, which he did. Palmer placed the medical supplies on the tray beside the table. He put on the other vest. Then Ducky said to Pat, I want you to lie down on your stomach with your forehead on the end of the table. Pat did so, Ducky made adjustments to the x-ray machine. When he was finished, Ducky and Palmer went behind a screen near the back of the room. He shot the picture.


While Ducky and Palmer were examining Pat, Gibbs went to the Forensic Lab where he found Abby looking at her computer screen. She was deep in thought and did not hear Gibbs come in. Or maybe it was because of the ear buds she was wearing from an iPod clipped to the pocket of the lab coat she was wearing. In Gibbs hand was a large cup of Caf-Pow that Abby always drank. Gibbs came up and stood behind Abby. She still hadnt noticed him come in until a few seconds later when she sensed that somehow a presence other than herself was in the lab. She looked behind her and saw Gibbs. She had a shock! She brought her right hand hard to her chest, palm flat, and sucked in a deep breath. A second later, she balled the same hand into a fist and gave Gibbs a playful belt on his chest. And then she said, Gibbs, you could have given me a heart attack sneaking in like that. What have you got for me Abs? Nothing yet. I uploaded the picture Ziva sent me from her cell phone. Along with the photo recognition program. I also programmed the computer to find any pictures of our John Doe in any news papers from the east coast. Gibbs took out the military ID card that belonged to Pat and handed it to Abby. She looked at it and said, This cant be our John Doe. Even taking the picture Ziva sent me and regressing it to this age and this person looks like he is 19-21 years old, it wouldnt be a match. I know Abs. Our John Doe as you call him says his name is Patrick. He told me that the ID was his son Steven. He was killed during the Scud Missile attack that hit the barracks in Saudi 20 years ago. I want you to do a second photo recognition using this photo from the ID and see what you come up with. Do you know how many Stevens that were stationed during desert storm? Ill cut the odds down for you Abs. That is a Marine Corps ID. It says Navy Department on the back. It will still take a while Gibbs. Do what you can. One thing else, Abs, redo that photo on Pat, regressing that photo 20 years and see if you can find anything.


Will do Gibbs. Gibbs hands Abby the Caf-Pow and gave her a kiss on the forehead as he always does. Then he left the lab and headed back upstairs to his desk. When he arrived he went to Zivas desk and stood in front of it. Ziva, I have a long shot for you. See if you can pull up the records from 20 years ago on anyone named Steven who was awarded the Medal of Honor during Desert Shield or Desert Storm. Ziva began to type in the information on her computer and Gibbs went back to his desk and sat down. A minute later Ziva said, There were three Medals of Honor awarded in the Gulf War whos name was Steven. There was a Steven David Pierce, Steven Michael Robbins, and Andrew Steven McBride. We could eliminate the third once since Steven wasnt his first name. Not necessarily. Gibbs said. A lot of people go by their middle name. Ziva took one look at Gibbs and knew what he was talking about. Ill try to see if I can pull up any additional information on the three. Ziva says. An hour later while Gibbs was still at his desk, Ducky came into the bull pin area and stood at his desk. Gibbs looked up and upon seeing him, asked how the patient was doing. Resting at the moment. Is he ready to be questioned? Not yet. The wound to his head, though not serious, had to be cleaned. He didnt require any stitches but there were bits of glass imbedded in the wound. I couldnt give him anything for the pain because of the concussion. It might mask a serious problem later on. Thankfully, there is no skull fracture of any kind. He is resting on one of the tables. I left Mr. Palmer with him in case there are any emergencies. Did you talk with him? Yes. He talked a great deal and as his doctor I would be betraying a confidence if I repeated what he said. Jethro, he is not a criminal. I believe that very much.


I dont think he is either Doc, but if he told you anything that can help in any way, even if it means betraying the trust he has in you. He never invoked patient-doctor confidentiality. The only reason why I am going to tell you what he said is because it could help him. Before Ducky could go on, Gibbs asked the other three agents to join them. Consider this a briefing Ducky, Gibbs said. You have the floor. Very well Agent Gibbs. Pat and I did have a talk while I was fixing him up. He told me that he lived in Boston on a street called Kenmore Square. Did he say which part of the Square? Tony asked. It covers a lot of area. I believe there are a couple of colleges in the area. Why Mr. DiNozzo, I didnt know you knew the area so well. When I played basketball for Ohio State we played a few times against Boston College so I got to know the downtown area of Boston very well. He mentioned that he could see Fenway Park from the windows in his apartment and that the park was a few blocks away. He said that he use to take his son and daughter to the games when the team was in town. Sometimes his wife would go with them. I know the area he is talking about. Tony said. But it is completely a business area. There are no apartment buildings in that area. If you let me finish Tony, Ducky said. I was going to say that the apartment is over a bookstore that was owned by a friend he met in 1967. He has lived in that apartment for the past 45 years. He also mentioned the name of the owner of the bookstore. Pat knew that I was from Scotland from my accent and told me his friend was also from Scotland. He gave the owners name as Michael Shorten. Jethro, I knew a Michael Shorten when I was with the R.A.F. Now I know how Pat learned to fight and defend himself. Michael was later transferred to the S.A.S. and he was a self-defense instructor. And he would have taught Pat too well. Did you get this Michael Shortens address or phone number from Pat? We could call him and clear this up. Gibbs asked.


You cant Jethro. Michael Shorten died in 1996. Road trip, Boss? Tony asked. Yes. Take Mc Gee with you since you both know the area well. Get a copy of the picture of Pat from Abby. Ask around. If he really lived in that area for over 40 years, someone must know who he is. On it Boss, Tony, answered. Tony and Tim picked up their gear form their desk. They went to the front elevator and walked in when the doors opened. Jethro when you brought Pat into Autopsy, I thought I had seen him before. Back in 96, I attended Michaels funeral. Pat was much younger then. I was never introduced to him, so I dont know how I can help you. You have helped a lot Ducky, Gibbs said. Let me know when hes well enough to be questioned. It is now three hours later. The three, Pat, Gibbs and Ducky were sitting around a table in the conference room. It was Gibbs who spoke first. Are you feeling any better, Pat? Some, Pat answered. That sleep I got in autopsy room helped. Thank you, Dr. Mallard. Your welcome Pat. Ducky answered. I need to tell you that I told Agent Gibbs what you told me while I was treating you. Its all right Dr. Mallard. Dr. Mallard, has told me you are from Boston and that you live in an apartment over a book store. Can you tell me any more about the area you live in? Maybe we can find someone who knows you. None that I can remember at the moment, Agent Gibbs. I am trying. We know Pat, Ducky said. An injury such as yours will take sometime to heal and some more time to get back your memory, but it will come back. Why did you come to Arlington, Pat? Gibbs asked. To visit Steves grave on the 20th anniversary of his death.


Why did you go to the Foxhole in Arlington? Whats the Foxhole? It is a bar were you had the fight with the two Marines. I dont know Agent Gibbs. I dont remember being inside any bar. I dont even drink. Jethro, lets take a break for a minute, Ducky said. I dont want my patient getting aggregated.. He has been through enough. I would like to accommodate you Ducky, but I need to get the facts if we are going to help him. Do you think its ok to have some water, Doctor? Pat asked. Ducky stood up and walked over to the water cooler at the back of the room. While he was getting Pat a drink, Gibbs said, You mentioned that your son was awarded the Medal of Honor while he was in Saudi. I had Ziva look up any Stevens that was awarded the medal. There were three. So we may have to come up with three possible last names for you. They are Pierce, Robbins or McBride. Do those names mean anything to you. I dont believe so. Was Steven was sons middle name? I dont believe so either. Well Ziva is looking further. By the time Ducky had come back to the table with a coffee cup filled with water and handed it to Pat who took the cup. Pat drank the water with one gulp. When he finished Pat said, Thank you, Dr. Mallard. When was the last you ate, Pat? At least 24 hours ago. I am feeling a little hungry. Do you have a place to stay, Pat? Gibbs asked. No. Not that I can remember. Jethro, I can take him home with me. At least there I can watch him. No, Ducky. Ill take him to my place. There may be some more questions I need to ask. Agent Gibbs, you asked a while ago if there was anyone I knew in this area. I seem to remember a lawyer in JAG. Her name in Bree Bryce, but shes probably retired by now.


Ill check on it. All three stood up and left the conference room. Ducky went back to autopsy room while Pat and Gibbs went downstairs to Gibbs desk. When they arrived at Gibbs desk they still found Ziva at her desk still at her desk. Pat, why dont you wait by the elevator? I need to speak with Ziva for a minute. Gibbs said. Pat walked over to the elevator. Gibbs watched him go. When he knew that Pat was out of hearing range, Gibbs went over to Zivas desk. Anything more from the Medal of Honor Society on those three Stevens? Gibbs asked. No. They promised to fax me anything they find. I can wait a couple of hours to see if it comes in. If we had his serial number we could go to the Navy Department directly. I have an assignment for you. First, I need you to make a call to JAG Headquarters in Falls Church to the personal department and ask them if a Bree Bryce was assigned there and have them fax you the results. Then, I need you to go to a bar in Arlington called the Foxhole and see if anyone remembers Pat being there and what led up to the fight. Bring a picture of him. You can get a copy from Abby. No need. I still have his picture on my cell. After your done come back to the office and check to see if those faxes came in. Call if they do. Will do Gibbs. Ill see you tomorrow, Ziva. Are you taking Pat to your house right now. Yes, so you can get me there. Gibbs left Zivas desk and went to join Pat by the elevator. They went inside when the doors opened. Ziva watched them go. She picked up the phone and called over to JAG Headquarters.


It is now an hour later. Ziva is standing outside the bar called the Foxhole. She looked in the window and saw the bar was hopping. She walked in and went over to the bar and sat down on one of the stools. The bartender, the same one from the other night when Pat was there, came over to Ziva and asked what she wanted to drink. Ziva pulled out her wallet with her I.D. card and badge. She showed it to him. What can I do for N.C.I.S.? the bartender asked. Ziva took out her cell phone and flipped it open. She came to the picture of Pat and held it up to the bartender to look at and asked, Do you know this person? Yeah. He was here the other night. He demanded to watch a certain program on the T.V. Was he drinking? Yeah. He had quite a lot to drink and then picked a fight with two of my customers. Hit one of them. I thought he was going to bust up the place until I threw him out. He waited outside for the two Marines and proceeded to continue the fight there. Did you see who hit him over the head with a beer bottle? No. But whoever did saved those Marines lives. I thought he was going to kill them. Why didnt you try to stop him? Are you kidding and end up like those two kids. A big strong guy like you. You must have at least 50 pounds on him. Those Marines were strong too. Look what happened to them. Perhaps youre right. You should have stayed out of it. Listen lady. Im no coward. But I cant afford to get into trouble. I have a business to run and if Im in the hospital Ill have to shut the doors. Are you the one who called the Quantico Master At Arms? Yes. Now lady if you are finished with the questions either buy something to drink or leave. I have other customers to attend to. I could use a glass of water. And its Agent David, not lady.


The bartender took a glass and put some ice in it. Then he filled the glass with water and placed on the counter in front of Ziva. Then he walked away. Ziva replaced the cell phone back in her pocket. She picked up the glass and drank from it. She looked over at the bartender to see that he was paying attention to the other customers. She poured the rest of the water in another glass near her. She took out a zip lock bag and placed the glass in the bag. Ziva stood up from the stool and walked out of the bar. Another customer followed her a minute later. As she walked up to her car, Ziva sensed someone following her. She turned, ready to fight, but the follower held his hands up to signal no trouble. What you want? Ziva asked. I over heard what you and the bartender said in the bar. I was here the other night and witnessed what happened. That bartender lied. Ill tell you what really happened. It is now a couple of hours later. Pat is resting on Gibbs sofa. He looked over at the basement. The living room was dark and therefore he could see a light coming from the bottom of the door. Pat stood up and went over to the basement door. He opened the door and stepped inside closing the door behind him. Pat stood at the top of the stairs and saw Gibbs working on his boat. Good evening, Gibbs said. Didnt mean to wake you. I was already awake Agent Gibbs, Pat answered. He started coming down the stairs. Call me Jethro or Gibbs like everyone else does. Pat came over to Gibbs. He looked at the boat and saw that it was well built and said, It looks like it will be a great looking boat when its completed. I hope so. I guess building a boat is a lot like writing a book. Its like a work of art in itself. Are you writing a book?


I think so or at least I would like to. After all I told Dr. Mallard I lived in an apartment over a bookstore. I knew the owner. I must of read a great deal of the books he had for sale. Pat suddenly let out a groan and placed and placed a hand to his head and almost fell over as if he was having a dizzy spell. Gibbs came over to Pat and helped him to sit on one of the stools at his tool table. Do you need me to call Ducky? Gibbs asked. Im all right. Just felt a little dizzy for a second there. But Im all right now. While Gibbs and Pat were talking in the basement, Ziva had returned from Arlington to N.C.I.S. Headquarters. Except for a couple of security guards she was alone. Ziva went to her desk and put on the light. She went over to the fax machine in the back of the office There in the machine was a sheet of paper. She picked it up and looked it over. Then she pulled out her cell phone from her pocket. She flipped it open and began to dial Gibbs cell phone number. Back in the basement, Gibbs heard his cell phone ring. He went over to the tool table were it laid and picked it up and flipped it opened. Gibbs, its Ziva. I just got back to headquarters, she said. Rule 20, Ziva. There is someone with you. Yes. Ziva told Gibbs about what she found out at the Foxhole bar and the conversation she had with the bartender there and her suspicious about him. She also told him about the glass she had with the fingerprints on it. Leave it in Abbys lab with a note on it for her to find out who he really is. There is a witness who told me what really happened the other night. Did you get a statement from him? Yes. One other thing, JAG Headquarters faxed me the answer to your request. Bad news for Pat. There was no Bree Bryce ever stationed in Fall Church. There was a James Bryce


there. He retired in 1996, after three years as the head of JAG. Maybe Pat got the names mixed up? Maybe. Thank Ziva. See you in the morning. Ziva closed down her cell phone. She went to the elevator in the back of the office. The doors opened and she stepped in. Just as the doors were closing the fax machine started up again and a slip of paper came through and rested in the tray. Back in the basement, Gibbs closed the cover to his cell phone. He looked over at Pat. He caught the look on Gibbs face. Something wrong, Gibbs? That was Ziva. We got a fax from Fall Church. There was no Bree Bryce stationed. There was a James Bryce. Could you have gotten the names mixed up? Maybe. I knew Bree. She is as real to me as you are standing there. Im not lying to you. Never said you were. N.C.I.S. Headquarters the next day. Gibbs is at his desk. Ziva came over to her desk carrying her backpack. She set it down on the end of the desk. She opened the backpack and took out a folder. Then she walked up to Gibbs desk and handed him the report. This is my report on last night. In short the bartender says that Pat had been drinking heavily and it was he that started the fight with those Marines. The bartender said Pat left, but waited outside for the Marines and continues the fight. It was the bartender who called the Quantico Master At Arms, but also claims he doesnt know who hit Pat with the beer bottle. He decided to stay out of it for his own safety. Then there is the other witness who told me the opposite.. Whats your conclusion Ziva? Gibbs asked. What does you gut tell you? That the bartender is lying and he knows very well who hit Pat over the head and who may have taken his wallet. Ive put that in my report. Did you include the fax from JAG in your report? Yes.


Abby should have an answer on those fingerprints on the glass you left in her lab. The phone on Gibbs desk rang. He pick it up and said, Gibbs. He listen foe a few seconds and then said, Thanks Abby. Ill be down right away. He put the receiver down. He looked up at Ziva and said, Thanks, Ziva. Ill read the report over. Meanwhile, see if you can find any more information on that bartender especially his financial records. Will do Gibbs. Where is Pat now? Ducky took him down to autopsy to check him over. He brought a doctor friend of his who specialty is concussion cases. In the autopsy room, Pat sat on the same table as he had the day before. With Ducky was another man about the same age as him. Ducky introduces him. Pat, this is Dr. Jack Bryant. He is a specialist in concussion cases especially those that are sports related. Pat and Dr. Bryant shake hand. Then Bryant said, Dr. Mallard has told me that you were hit from behind with a bottle of some kind. Do you remember being hit.? I remember being hit, but didnt see who did it. Do you remember being in an altercation with two other persons. Yes. So I have been told. Do you remember your last name? No. Do you remember any family members? I had a wife named Melinda and a son named Steven. There is also my daughter. Her name is Melissa. Do you know were we can find your daughter? I cant remember. I know she is married to a Marine, but I cant remember his name or were he is stationed. One last question, Pat. Can you remember why you came to Arlington in the first place? I came to visit my sons grave. He died 20 years ago on the 25th.


Do you know what day it is today? I believe it is the 27th. Good. Bryant looked at Ducky, but before he can say anything, Pat spoke again. Last night, Dr. Bryant, while I was speaking with Agent Gibbs in his basement I experience a dizzy spell. They come and go. Thats good to know, Pat. Bryant answered. To Ducky he asked, Why isnt Pat in the hospital? It is clear he is suffering from a serve concussion. The memory lapses and the dizzy spells are a clear sign. I know Jack, but Pat refuses to be admitted. He needs a CAT Scan. The dizziness could be a sign of he has a hematoma. I took some X-Rays. I didnt see any signs of blood. I know its not conclusive. Lets take a look at the wound. Ducky began to peel the bandage tape from Pats head. Pat winced a couple of time. When the entire bandage was off Bryan looked at the wound, It looks like the skin was broken, but only on the surface. The thickness of the hair must have kept a lot of the glass shards from cutting into the scalp. There were some shards on the surface, but with the help of Mr. Palmer I was able to clean them all out. How is young Jimmy? To bad hes in class today. I would have like to see him. Ill tell him you were here. He would have like to see you too. To bad hes not into sports medicine. He would have made an excellent sports doctor. Ducky didnt answer him. Instead he said, Pat, Im going to have to clean the wound again. I trust you to do what is best, Dr. Mallard, as before. While Ducky was cleaning the wound and redressing it, Bryant stepped in front of Pat. He said, Pat, I would like you to come to my clinic to let me treat you. As Ducky told you I am tops in my field when it come to concussions. Thats why all the sport teams send me their players if they are in need of medical help.


You want to do that CAT scan? Yes very much. Do you agree, Dr. Mallard? Dr. Bryant is the expert, Pat. If he says that you need a CAT Scan then you can trust his judgment. Very well, Dr. Bryant. I put myself in your hands, At this time, Gibbs walked into autopsy room. The doors opened and Ducky and Bryant looked up to see him come in. Gibbs walked over to Pat still holding the report that Ziva had given him. Are you finished with Pat for the moment? Gibbs asked. Yes. Dr. Bryant wants to take Pat to his clinic for a CAT Scan, Ducky answered. That will have to wait, Doc. I have some important questions to ask him. Whats wrong Jethro? Last night Pat, I had Agent David call Falls Church to JAG Headquarters. I had her ask the personal office for any information on your Bree Bryce. They faxed over an answer. There was no Bree Bryce ever stationed at Falls Church or in the Navy at any time. There was a Rear Admiral James Bryce, who was head of JAG until he retired in 1996. Jim Bryce is her husband. Are you in the habit of calling Rear Admirals by their first name. Only when Ive known them over 40 years. What are you getting at Agent Gibbs? Do you think I have been lying to you? I dont know what to think any more, Pat. When you are finished with him Doctor, I want to see him in the conference room. Before Ducky could answer the cell phone in Gibbs pocket sounded off. He pulled it out and flipped open the lid. He said his name and then listened for a few seconds and then said, On my way Abs.


At this time, Agents DiNozzo and McGee arrived in Boston and pulled into the parking space near the bookstore on Kenmore Square. Both agents got out of the car and after closing the doors and standing on the sidewalk. That looks like the book store that Gibbs said might be the one where Pat lives, Tim said. Looking up over the store, Tony said, There does seem to be some sort of apartment above the store. Tony and Tim started to walk to the book store when from out of the alleyway a young Brunette stepped out and asked if they had a change they could spare. Do you always use this alleyway to ask for money? Tony asked. Why do you want to know? the girl asked. Tony took out his wallet and showed her his badge and I.D. Tim followed suit. The girl read the I.D.s and N.C.I.S. You must be Federal Cops. Im not breaking any laws. Didnt say you were. Tony answered. He and Tim put away their I.D.s. Tony went to his pant pocket and pulled out a $20. You can have this $20 if you can answer a few questions for us. Will it get anyone in trouble. I dont want to be known as a snitch who gets people into trouble. No one is in trouble. In fact you could be doing someone a great service. What can I do to help? Tim, show the young lady that picture we got from Abby. Tim pulled out a B@W photo of Pat from a folder he was carrying and handed it to the young lady who looked at it. Do you know him? Tim asked. Only by his first name. His name is Patrick. He lives in one of the apartments above the bookstore. He would give us some money from time to time. Do you know anyone else who might know him? You can ask the man and woman who run the bookstore since he lives above it. They should know his last name.


What is your name? Tony asked. Im Mary. As Tony handed the $20 to Mary, Tony said, Thank you Mary. You have been very helpful. Mary gave Tony a big smile as she put the $20 in her jeans pocket. Then she turned to Tim and said, Youre kind of cute Agent McGee. Next time youre in Boston I can show you around. Mary went back to the alleyway. As they watch her go, Tony and Tim could see that there were several others in the alleyway with her. As they walk toward the bookstore Tony said, That Mary is sweet on you Probe. You should take her up on her offer. When I was at M.I.T. I came downtown more time then I can count. They walked up the few steps that lead to the bookstore door. They entered. Once inside they into an old fashion bookstore that had shelves crammed with new and used books of all kinds. There was also books lined up against the walls six or seven feet high. Though the bookstore looked cramped with book, magazines and other items there was still pleny of room to walk around. At the front counter were two persons, 0ne male and one female, both in their middle to late 50s. Tony and Tim walked up to the front counter and pulled their I.D. cards and opened them for the couple to see. Im Agent Dinozzo, Tony said, My partner Agent McGee, N.C.I.S. It was the female who spoke in an English accent, I am Emma Winslett and this is my husband Geoff. What can I do for the Naval Criminal Investigation Service? You have heard of us? To many times. Emma answered. Tim pulled out the picture of Pat and showed it to Emma Winslett and asked, I understand you may know this person? Yes. His name is Patrick Hunter. He lives upstairs in one of the apartments. Has something happened to Pat?


Have you known him for long? Ive known Pat for nearly 40 years. My husband for the last 15 years. We took over the bookstore in 1996 when my father died. Can you tell me what happened to Patrick? A couple of days ago he was injured in an altercation with two Marines in Arlington, VA. Is Patrick all right? Except for some memory loss, he is fine. He has suffered a concussion. That is why we are here. To fill in the missing pieces, Tony answered. Is there a chance we could take a look at his apartment? Is there any reason why you need to see his apartment? Geoff asked. It would help to clear up some of the mystery surrounding this investigation. Ill let you in the apartment, Emma said. But I insist on coming with you. I wouldnt have it any other way. Tony remarked. Emma took a key from a hook on the back wall. She came from behind the counter and started for the back stairs heading up to the apartments, Come this way gentlemen. Emma said. Both Tony and Tim followed Emma as they went into the back room of the shop and up the stairs. When all three were out of sight, Geoff picked up the phone and punched in some numbers. A minute later, the three were inside Pats apartment. They stood in the living room. Tony saw two open doors. One led to the master bedroom and one to a back room. From what Tony and Tim could see was the back room serviced as as an office of some kind. Next to the master bedroom was a small room whos door was closed. Tony walked over to the room. Emma followed him. Why is this door closed? Tony asked. That was Stevens bedroom. That door has been closed for 20 years. Patrick will not allow anyone to disturb whats inside there.


Would you please open the door, Mrs. Winslett? Nothing will be disturbed I promise you. Against her better judgment, Emma opened the door. What Tony saw amazed him. It was a typical teenagers room with pictures and posters on the walls. The dresser top had several small picture frames and books as well as other items of childhood. But what was on the bed that surprised Tony. The bed was made up military style. On the pillow was an officers dress cover with the visor highly polished, but a sprinkle of dust. On the bed was a full dress Marine blues, but what was on the uniform that caught Tonys attention. Thats the Medal of Honor. Tony said. Yes. It was awarded to Steven for bravery. He saved a lot of lives after a missile hit the barrack in Saudi Arabia. Steven died saving those lives. From the look of the room, Pat expects Steven to come home and put the uniform on. There are two Medals of Honor in this room Agent Dinozzo. You can call me Tony. I would prefer not to. As you wish Mrs. Winslett. As I was saying there are two medals in this room. The second is on the wall on the other side of the door. That medal was awarded to Stevens father, who was killed in Viet Nam. I think we have intruded long enough Mrs. Winslett. Thank you letting me look. Tony closed the door to the room. He looked around, but didnt see Tim until he looked in the backroom office. He saw Tim sitting at the desk looking through a stack of papers. Where is Mrs. Hunter Tony asked. Wouldnt she be worried that Pat hadnt contacted her in the last couple of days? Patricks wife, Melinda, died in Feb. 2002. Emma and Tony move to the backroom. Once inside Tony looks around. On the wall were several framed pictures. Tony comes over to Tim at the desk


What do you have there Probe? Tony asked. It seems that Mr. Hunter is writing a book. It starts when he meets his future wife and he has gotten as far as Feb. 2002 when she died. He hasnt written anything after that period. You got all that in the few minutes you have been in here? I scanned the first few pages and the last few. From what I have read its very well written book. Tony could not help, but see the small 4 by 6 inch picture that stood on the middle of the desk.. In the picture were two females. One was older while the other was quite younger. To Tony, Mother and Daughter. The Mother, looked to Tony, to be about 40 with red hair and blue eyes. She was the most beautiful woman that he has ever seen. The younger female looked to be about 16 or 17 in Tonys mind. The daughter also had red hair and blue eyes well on her way to being as beautiful as her mother. Tony looked at the pictures on the wall on the other side of the room. Tony walked up to them. The picture in the middle was the one that Tony noticed the most. It was of three young men. The one in the middle was dressed in a Marine uniform. Tony surmised that this was Pats son Steven. But it was the other two men that caught his eye. One had blonde hair and looked to be Stevens age. The other has brown hair and looked a few years older. He looked closer at the picture. Tim look at this picture, Tony said. Tim looked up to see what he was looking at. What about it? Tim asked. I can see that the one in the Marine uniform must be Steven, but the other two. Surly it cant be? Before Tony could finish the sentence a voice from behind him was of a woman with a Tenn. Accent. The voice may have been soft, but it carried a great deal of authority. It was a voice that is used to being obeyed when heard. She said, If you wondering if its Matt Damon and Ben Affleck in the picture with Steven, you would be right.


When Tony and Tim looked towards the voice they saw another woman with deep red hair. The face was that of a person who looked to be in her late 40s or early 50s, but she is clearly older than that. I would like to know who you are and why you seem to invaded Mr. Hunters privacy? She demanded. It was Tony who spoke, I am Agent Tony DiNozzo and my partner Agent Tim McGee, N.C.I.S. You do have a warrant to search this apartment, I hope? We are searching more for an identity rather than for anything incrementing. Two days ago Pat, as we only knew him by, was involved in an altercation with two Marines and he hit over the head with a beer bottle. You have these two Marines under arrest. They are not the cause of his injuries. They were already unconscious on the ground when it happened. Then it is Pat who is under arrest. On what charges? As far as I know when we left headquarters yesterday he was only being questioned. We are mostly trying to find a next of kin since he seems to have a memory loss caused by the blow. Is he receiving medical treatment? Yes maam by our doctor at headquarters. What is this doctors name? Dr. Donald Mallard. I have heard the name, Bree said. But Dr. Mallard is an autopsy surgeon. He has a medical license. He has to by law to be an M.E.. Changing the subject she asked, Who is your supervisor? His name is Leroy Jethro Gibbs. Get him on the phone I want to speak to him. Yes maam.


While DiNozzo and Mc Gee were in Boston for proof of Pats identity, Agent Gibbs came into Abbys lab as requested by her. When he came in he saw several pictures on various computers. What have you got for me, Abs? Gibbs asked as he came up to her. No Caf-Pow. You said it was urgent. So I came right away. Abby went up to the first picture on the computer screen. She said, A match of the picture that was on the burnt I.D. card. Meet 2nd Lt. Steven David Pierce. So Pats last name is Pierce? You would think so. Abby said walking over to computer #2, which held two pictures. We come to the next picture. Gibbs looked at the pictures. The first showed a man on his knees at the side of a grave his left arm draped around the cross section of the cross. Behind him were two women. On the left was a woman wearing a Navy dress uniform of a high-ranking officer. On the right of her was another young woman. Both women had a hand on each of his shoulder. Standing to the mans side facing the grave was a little girl with her back to the camera. Can you bring up the name on the cross? Gibbs asked. Already have. All I could get was Capt. David Alan. The last name was covered by the arm. Zoom in on the shoulder of the woman in the Navy uniform. Abby did so. A close up showed a silver eagle on the shoulder. Shes a Captain, Gibbs said. A very young Captain. Youll like both of them, Gibbs. Theyre red heads as is the little girl. Gibbs looked at the little girl a second longer. Though he couldnt see her face he could swear that she was the same age as his daughter Kelly when she died. Gibbs looked at the 3rd picture. It was almost the same as the 2nd picture except the little girl is standing in front of the man and he is holding her close and tight, as if to let her go she would vanish.


You can see the last name on the cross in this picture. Abby zooms in on the cross section of the nameplate to see the last name Pierce. There is a caption with these photos. Abby said. At this time Ziva comes into the lab. She walks up to Gibbs and she also sees the pictures. Abby pages down and in view comes the caption to the first picture. Gibbs reads it. It says, Patrick Hunter, stepfather of slain 2nd Lt. Steven Pierce, kneels down before the grave of Captain David Pierce U.S.M.C. With Mr. Hunter from left to right are Captain Bree Williams, U.S.N. and Mr. Hunters wife Melinda, who was once married to Captain Pierce and mother of 2nd Lt Pierce, and daughter Melissa. Gibbs, Ziva said. I found this fax in the machine. She hands the paper to Gibbs. It must of come in last night after I left. Its from a Commander Bud Roberts over at Falls Church. I know Commander Roberts, Gibbs said. He states he was in the personal office last night when I made the request on any information on Bree Bryce. He remembers a lawyer at JAG named Bree Williams, who married another lawyer named James Bryce. Sorry I didnt get this sooner. It might have saved some trouble for Pat. Gibbs, there is one last picture, Abby said. She clicked the computer to show Pat standing in front of an older man, whos back is to the camera. The older man had just presented Pat with the Medal of Honor around his neck. In the background over each of Pats shoulder were two persons in Navy uniform. Though they were not in focus Gibbs could tell that the one was female and the other male. The person standing with his back to the camera giving the medal to Pat has to be the older Bush, Gibbs said. Abby, can you zoom in on the two Naval officers over Pats shoulder? Abby does so. It is the same woman who was in uniform in the 2nd picture. Captain Williams again, Gibbs said. I am willing to bet that the man beside her is Admiral Bryce. Abs, have a copy of these pictures made up. Its about time Pat was reintroduced to his past.


Will do Gibbs. Abs, did that photo of 2nd Lt Pierce come with his serial number? Yes it did. Give a copy of the photo to Ziva with the number. Will do Gibbs. Gibbs turned to Ziva and said, Print out a copy of young Pierces citation. I want to know exactly why he was awarded that medal. Will do Gibbs, Ziva answered. At this time a bell went off on the A.F.I.S.E. computer. It showed a match to the set of fingerprints, which Ziva had collected on the glass from the bar. Gibbs saw the name on the computer screen. He had a look that said he knew who this person was. Abby, print out a copy from the A.F.I.S.E. computer for Ziva. I want the complete Navy record on this person short though it may be. Will do Gibbs. Just as Ziva was receiving the print outs from Abby, Gibbs cell phone began to ring. He took it out of his pocket and saw that the caller was Dinozzo. He flipped it open. What do you got for me DiNozzo? Gibbs asked. McGee and I found the apartment. We are inside. We found out that Patricks last name is---- Hunter. I know and that Steven Pierce is his stepson. If you already knew why send us on a wild goose chase? Its what you do best DiNozzo. Thats why youre an excellent investigator. There is someone here who wants to speak with you. She claims to be Pats lawyer. 60s, red hair. Very beautiful? Yes. Put her on. DiNozzo handed the cell phone to Bree, who took it. Agent Gibbs? Bree asked.


Captain Bree Williams, I presume? Actually, I retired Rear Admiral. Why do you have agents invading my clients private quarters? And without a search warrant. If Im not mistaken Admiral Williams, the apartment is part of the bookstore and is owned by the children of the original owner and they gave permission to my agents to look around. I had to get the legal niceties out of my way, Agent Gibbs. How is Patrick? Hurting. He cant remember much of his past because of a blow to his head. We found some information on him from our computers only a few minutes ago. I was about to give him the good news. Im coming down to Washington. I want to see Patrick for myself. Ill have DiNozzo and McGee drive you down. Well be taking the corporate jet. Well be down there in the next few hours. Very well Admiral. If you phone me which airport you fly into Ill have someone waiting to pick you three up and bring you here. Agent Gibbs, when we get off the phone I will be phoning one other person. He is my son, Major Vincent Bryce. Patricks daughter, Melissa, is married to him. Where is he stationed? Hes head of Marine Recon Training at Quantico. Ill have a visitors badges ready for Major and Mrs. Bryce, as well as yourself. Thank you Agent Gibbs. May I ask you a personal question? You can ask. Doesnt mean Ill answer. Patrick is more than just your client and in law? Your very perceptive Agent Gibbs. Ive known Patrick Hunter for nearly 45 years. Hes not only a client and in law, but a dear friend. More like a brother and I love him dearly. Take good care of him Agent Gibbs. I will Admiral Williams.


Bree closed down the cell phone, but did not hand it back to Tony. Instead she punched in a series of numbers. When the phone at the other end answered by saying, Hartman and Associates. Private hanger. This is Mrs. Williams. Is Jerry Geer there? Yes maam. Ill connect you. Bree heard a few clicks and when a male voice came back on the line, it said, Jerry Geer. Jerry. Bree. What can I do for you, Admiral Williams? I need you to get the jet ready for a flight to Dulles in Washington, D.C. Can you file a flight plan? When do you want to leave? Within the hour. It will be cutting it close, but Ill have it ready. The jet is completely fueled, but I dont have anything in the way of food or drink. Its not a pleasure trip this time, Jerry. Do you have a co-pilot on hand? I can have one here before you arrive. How many will there be? Besides myself there will be two others. Well be ready. Thank you Jerry. Bree closed down the cell phone and handed it back to Tony. At this time Geoff Winslett came into the apartment. He has a cordless phone in his hand. Mrs. Williams, a call from a hotel in Arlington, VA. They say that Patrick hasnt checked into his room in the last 48 hours and he uses this number for emergencies. They want to know what to do. Ill take the phone, Geoff. Geoff hands the phone to Bree who takes it.. She says, My name is Bree Williams. Whom am I talking to?


I am the senior manager of the Arlington Inn, Mrs. Williams. As I explained to the person that answered the phone, Mr. Hunter has not checked into his room in the last 48 hours. I am aware of where Mr. Hunter is, sir. He was injured in an accident. I am sorry to hear that Mrs. Williams. What is your name sir? My name is Robert Morrison. What I need you to do, Mr. Morrison, is to have Mr. Hunters clothes and other items packed up and at your front desk. I will have someone pick them up. Have his bill ready and it will be paid for by my agent. Yes maam. He owns for three days. It will be paid. Very well, Mrs. Williams. It will be done. My son, Major Vincent Bryce, who is stationed with the Marines, will be there to pick up Mr. Hunters suitcases. He should be there in the next few hours. I will wait for his arrival, Mrs. Williams. Thank you, Mr. Morrison. Your welcome, Mrs. Williams. Bree closed down the phone. A second later she turned it back on and made a call to her sons office at Quantico. The phone was answered by his executive officer Captain Ben Cordell. Major Bryces office. Captain Cordell speaking. Captain, I need to speak with Major Bryce right away. Hes out over seeing training at the moment. Its an emergency Captain. Tell Major Bryce it has to do with his Uncle Patrick. Who shall I say is calling? My name is Bree Williams. He knows who I am. As I do Admiral Williams. Ill get him right away. Ill hold Captain Cordell and thank you.


Cordell places the receiver on the desk and rushes out of the office. He saw Vince Bryce was just pulling into the office parking space. Cordell comes over to Vince. Major, there is a phone call for you. It is your mother, Admiral Williams. She says its an emergency. Something to do with your Uncle Patrick. Vince rushes into the office and picks up the phone. He says, Major Bryce speaking. That was fast, Vince. Bree said. I was just pulling up to the office when Ben told me you were on the phone. He says that it has to with Uncle Pat. I need you to go N.C.I.S. Headquarters at the Navy Yard in Arlington. It seems Pat was injured in an altercation with two of your Marines. I know about the altercation. I received a report about it this morning. And you have done nothing about it? The report only mentioned a civilian, but not by name. Not that I know whom it is I know what must be done. First, I need you to stop at the Arlington Inn. Its were Pat was staying and pick up his suitcases. He owes for three days. Would you have enough to settle his bill? Ill reimburse you when I get down there. When will you arrive? Ill be coming down on the Corporate Jet. I should be there in a few hours. The agent in charge is named Gibbs. He will have a car at the airport to pick us up. Ill be traveling with two of his agents. Will do Mother. Thank you for calling. Melissa and I will meet you at N.C.I.S. Headquarters. Bryce replaced the receiver on the hook. He turned to see Captain Cordell standing by the office door. Everything all right, Vince? Cordell asked. I am going to have to travel to Arlington. I will be taking Melissa. It concerns her father. Do you think Jennifer can watch the boys? She might have to spend the night. I cant see any reason why not. Ill have her over at your quarters in half an hour.


Thank you Ben. Youll have to over see training for the next couple of days. Will do Vince. By the way. Are those two Marines still in sick bay? Yes. They should be released by tomorrow to be put on light duty for a few days. I want them restricted to barracks until I get back and then I want them to report to me. Aye sir. Vince Bryce left the office and went to his personal car, which was parked on the side of the building. Captain Ben Cordell went over to the desk and picked up the receiver. He made a call to his quarters. Outside the bookstore, Bree, Tony and Tim went to their cars. Brees car was parked in front of Tonys car. Tony took one look at the car and he gave out with a big smile. He asked, Is that a 64and Mustang fastback? It looks like it just came off the showroom floor. You know your cars Agent DiNozzo. Bree answered. Yes its a 64 and . I brought it brand new and have had it ever since. It has 150,000 miles on it and I only use 64 Mustang parts on it. Tony took a look around the Mustang. When he came to the front of the car, he noticed the license plate on the car. He said. Hon-Bon-Grl and looked at Bree with a puzzled look on his face. If youre a good boy Agent DiNozzo, Ill tell you the story on the way to Washington. I can hardy wait. Meanwhile, if the two of you will follow me to Corporate hanger, we will be on our way. Tony placed his hand in his pocket and pulled out the cars keys. He tossed them over to Tim, who caught them. You drive our car Probe. Tony said. Ill ride with Admiral Williams. Will do, Tim answered.


Shall we be going, Agent DiNozzo, Bree said. Tony opened the passengers side door and looked in. The interior looked as pristine as the outside and all original except for the seatbelts. Both Bree and Tony got into the front seat of the Mustang. Once the doors were closed, Bree started up the car. Behind them Tim got into the drivers seat and he, too, started up the car. Them both cars pulled out heading for Logan Airport. Outside Major Vince Bryces quarters, he pulled his car into the driveway, a red Ford in front yard. He shut the engine off and then exited the car. Bryce walked into the house to find Melissa, his wife, in the living room with a young brunette of 16 years. Melissa saw Vince coming into the house and went over to him and gave him a hug and a kiss. Then she said, Jennifer came over and said her father had asked here to baby sit the boys. Ill tell you in just a minute. Vince said. He looked at Jennifer and said, Jennifer, thank you for coming to sit on short notice. Did your father tell you the reason why we needed you tonight? Yes sir, he did. Could you give us the room a minute while I explain everything to Mrs. Bryce? Yes sir. There is Diet Pepsi in the fridge for you. Melissa said. Thank you, Mrs. Bryce. Jennifer left the living room and went into the kitchen. When she was out of hearing range, Melissa asked. What happened Vince? I got a call from Mother a half hour ago. She says that Uncle Pat came to Arlington two days ago and didnt tell anyone he was coming. Two days ago, the 25th. She brought his hand to his mouth. Oh my gosh. Its been 20 years. He came to visit Stevens grave. Why didnt he call us?


I dont know. According to Mother and a report I received from the Master At Arms this morning, Uncle Pat got into an altercation with two of my Marines. Is he all right? He only suffered a blow to the head, but my two Marines ended up in the hospital. Vince said. He continued, Anyway he is presently at N.C.I.S. Headquarters in Arlington. Mother wants us to go there for support. She is coming down from Boston. Give me a few minutes. Ill get ready. Go ahead. I have to change my uniform. Before Melissa and Vince could go upstairs to change, their son James, the older of the twin brothers, came into the living room. Are you really going to see Grandpa Pat, Mother? James asked. Yes. May Steve and I come with you? Not this time sweetheart. Something happened to Grandpa Pat and we have to pick him up. Perhaps, youll see him tomorrow. Meanwhile Jenny will be over here to watch you and your brother. O.K. At least she likes to play computer games. Melissa gave James a kiss on the forehead and then sent him on his way. 15 minutes later, both Melissa and Vince came back downstairs. Melissa had changed into dress instead of the slacks and blouse she was wearing. Vince had changed from his kakis to a class A uniform They came into the living room to see both James and Steve sitting on the couch with Jennifer between them. They were watching TV. Melissa said, Jennifer, you have both of our cell phone numbers in case of emergency? Yes, Mrs. Bryce. Nine oclock bed time boys. You still have school tomorrow. Make sure both of you have your homework done. Already done, they both said.


Melissa gave each of the boys a kiss on the forehead. She said to Jennifer, Dont let the boys give you any trouble. Yes maam. They never give me any trouble. Drive safety. Say hello to Mr. Hunter for me. Both boys said, Tell Grandpa Pat we miss him and want to see him. I will. With that said, Melissa and Vince left the house and headed for Arlington. At N.C.I.S. Headquarters, Gibbs had come from Abbys lab to the bullpen area. He had a folder in his hand that contained the photos that Abby had printed out for him. He came up to Zivas desk and asked if she had gotten the printout of the citation on Steven Pierces Medal of Honor and the Navy record. She handed him the citation, but said that personal record would be forth coming. I read the citation, Gibbs. Ziva said. Steven was a very brave young man. I dont know how many at his age would have the guts to run into a burning building to help save lives at the risk of his own. Gibbs took the citation and looked at it. What he saw at the bottom surprised him. When you get that personal and financial records on the Foxhole let me know. Will do Gibbs. Gibbs went up the stairs to the conference room. There he found Pat, Ducky and the specialist Dr. Bryant, sitting around the table. He went to the nearest chair next to Pat and sat down. He placed the folder on the table with the citation face down. Gibbs looked at Ducky and asked, How is Pat? Dr. Bryant and I considered that there is no permanent damage and that he will recover and hopefully his memory as well. Dr. Bryant wants to take Pat to his clinic to do a CAT scan. That is if Agent Gibbs will allow it, Dr. Bryant said. If he will release Pat to me for the day.


Mr. Hunter is not under arrest, Gibbs said. He is free to go any time he wants to. I only kept him here because he had nowhere else to go. I need to find out who he is and I have found what I was looking for. Gibbs picked up the folder and pulled out the pictures Abby gave him. One by one he placed them on the table in front of Pat. Do you remember these photos, Pat? Gibbs asked. Yes, Pat answered. The first photo is my son, Steven. The next two were taken at his burial at Arlington Cemetery in April, 1991. The last picture was at the award Ceremony when the older Bush presented me with Stevens Medal of Honor. I told him I would rather have my son than the medal. Do you recognize the three women in the photo? Yes. The one in uniform is Bree. The other two are my wife Melinda and my daughter Melissa. And the grave you are kneeling at? Its Stevens real father David Pierce. I made a promise to him to keep both Melinda and Steven safe. I failed. Steven was killed and Melinda died ten years later. She never forgave me for what happened to her son. In the photo three do you know the two persons in uniform behind you? Yes. It is Bree and her husband Jim Bryce. There is a third person behind them that you cant see. His name is Paul Hartman. Admiral Williams. She is very important to you? Very much, Agent Gibbs. I have loved only three women in my life. Bree, my wife Melinda, and my daughter Melissa. And in loving them I have hurt each one very deeply. If you dont mind me asking, Pat, Ducky asked. In what way have you hurt them deeply? How Dr. Mallard. In the worst way possible. I accused Bree of betrayal when there wasnt any. Here is a woman who befriended a 17-year-old kid, helped him find his way after a court martial in 67. When it was over, she could have walked away and never look


back. But at the risk of her own Navy career she helped me, first by finding my real mother. After that she would stay in touch. She became like a sister to me, protected me like a big sister would , even made sure no harm ever came to me And ten years ago I hurt her. She has long forgiven me, but I am sure it still hurt. Then there is Melinda. I took her only son from her. I encouraged Steven to follow his own way. Melinda didnt want him to be a soldier, but he wanted to be like his father; a Marine. I could have told Steve not to join the Marines after college, when Desert Storm happened, but I didnt step in and so Melinda lost her only son that day in Saudi and I lost a stepson whom I couldnt love anymore if he was my real son. And Melissa, losted her brother, whom she loved more than anything in this world and with Steven it was returned. He was 14 when Melissa was born. And like a big brother he protected her from harm from anyone, even me. These were events that you couldnt foreseen, Pat, Ducky said. As much as we like to protect those we love, we cant do it 100% of the time. We should consider ourselves lucky if we can do it 10% of the time. Something will always come along to stand in the way. We found your apartment in Boston, Gibbs said. DiNozzo and McGee have met with Admiral Williams. I spoke with her half an hour ago. She is flying down here and your daughter and her husband are coming from Quantico. Didnt anything I say get through to you? I have hurt them to much already. Maybe it is best that they live their own lives without me. You dont mean that, Pat. Ducky said. Despise what you have done to these people they still care for you or is that what you feel what they hold over you is just in your own mind. Gibbs said. How can you say that, Agent Gibbs? It was Ducky who answered, You say that you accused Bree of betraying you, yet from what Jethro just said, she is very concerned about you. That doesnt sound like a person who holds blame over you.


That would be like Bree. She may forgive, but she can never forget that day. She will remember every detail for the rest of her life. But you did reconcile. Who was it that helped you get back with Bree? It was Melissa and Vince. They have known each other since childhood. They grew up together. Maybe, Im wrong, but it sounds like a family who care very much about you. There are many who would wish they could have the family you have. I know that you are right, Dr. Mallard. What you must understand is that Melissa has her own life to live. She has two great sons, twins, named Steven and James and a husband who is second to none. I dont want to make the same mistake with them that I did with Steven. What makes you think that will happen? Maybe it wont. But if I stay away them nothing will happen. Im afraid you are wrong, Pat, Ducky answered him. What will mostly happen if you stay away is cause more hurt feeling. Ive never met your daughter or Bree, but they sound like two extraordinary women. Well know in a few hours when they get here. Gibbs said. Gibbs got up from the table and left the conference room. He went back down to Zivas desk. She looked up and Gibbs asked, Did you get that information I asked for? Right here. The Navy record came through a few minutes ago. Ziva picked up a folder from her desk and handed it to Gibbs. Gibbs opened the folder and looked at the first few pages. He closed it and said, After we are finished with Mr. Hunter Ill need you for one last assignment. Ill be ready. On the plane, Tony, Tim and Bree sat in their seats. Tony looked at Bree and asked, Is that really a true story on how you got that license plate? Every word Agent DiNozzo. If you can find a copy of the book James Bond Diary that Roger Moore wrote, youll find me in there.


And you brought that Mustang in 64 after watching Goldfinger? Yes. I had just graduated from Memphis State and was going to law school at Yale. Ive kept it ever since. A friend of mine who heads the largest Marine Agency in Washington is a car collector. He offered to buy the car since it is in pristine condition. But Ill never part with it. Bree looked over at Tim, who has been quiet since they have been on the plane. Bree said, And you Agent McGee. Youve been quiet the past few hours. Whats on your mind? Ive been thinking about those pages I read in Mr. Hunters manuscript. As an author I wouldnt want anyone to read what I havent published. Its very well written and it should be published. I would like to read the whole book when its finished. If Mr. Hunter doesnt have a publisher I could talk to mine. Im sure she would jump at the chance to publish it. Thank you, Agent McGee, Bree said. Ive already gotten Pat a publisher in Boston. The contracts are ready to be signed. Its a matter of getting Pat to sign them. The rest of the trip to Washington D.C. was in silence. A couple of hours later at N.C.I.S. Headquarters, both Ziva and Gibbs heard the ding of the elevator as it stopped on their floor. They look to see two persons coming out as the doors opened. Out stepped a man and a woman. The man was dressed in an olive green dress uniform of an officer, his cover tucked under his left arm. The female was wearing a red dress. Even from a distance they could see she had red hair and is very beautiful. Both came up to Zivas desk and the man asked for Agent Gibbs. Ziva pointed to the next desk. They walk over to the desk. As they came over, Gibbs stood up and came over to the front of his desk. Agent Gibbs, I am Major Vincent Bryce. My wife Melissa. Admiral Williams said you would be coming. Gibbs said. Gibbs shook hands with Major Bryce and then with Melissa.


I would like to see Melissas father, Vince said. I will take you both to see him as soon as your mother arrives, Major Bryce. This is her request. Knowing mother, it was more like an order. She does have that effect. How is my father? Melissa asked. He is hurting.. He faked a memory loss in hope that if he simply forgot who he was and disappeared you would get along with your lives. Why would he think such a thing? I dont know. It wouldnt have worked, Vince said. Mother would have moved heaven and earth to find Uncle Pat no matter were he would go. Yes. That is an unusual relationship between your mother and father in law. You have to understand, Agent Gibbs, that for the past 45 years since they met there has been a special kinship between the two. My father understood it. So did Melissas mother. But even with that friendship my mother would never betray my father nor Uncle Pat, Melissas mother. Pat did mention that at one time he did accuse your mother of betraying him, but didnt say what that betrayal was suppose to be. My mother had kept some information she had learned about Uncle Pats past. She never meant to hurt him. That secret was about Uncle Pats real father. Why would she keep that secret? Because the man who was Uncle Pats real father was a life long enemy who did everything in his power to destroy Melissas father, starting in 1967. When did he find out? Before Vince had a chance to answer a female voice from behind them said, I will answer that question, Agent Gibbs. All three looked to see Bree Williams come up Gibbs desk followed by Tim and Tony, who went to their desks.


Im sorry Mother, but Agent Gibbs asked and I saw no reason why he shouldnt know the truth especially if it will help Uncle Pat. Its all right Vince, Bree answered.. To Gibbs she said, How Pat founded out that his worst enemy was his father was in 2002, when his father was D.A. for Suffix County. He tried to have Pat convicted for 1st degree murder when Melinda died. In a shocked voice, Melissa said, How can you say such a thing, Aunt Bree. My father would never hurt my mother. He loved her very much. Of course your father loved her, sweetheart, but to this man what your father did, as far as he was concern it constituted murder. I never learned what happened that night after I left my mothers hospital room. Your father stayed with your mother all night. Towards morning, when the sun started to rise, your mother knew that those were to be her last moments. She asked your father to carry her over to the window so she could see the sun rise for the last time. Pat complied. After all it was her last wish. He went over and locked the door. For good measure he jammed the back of a chair under the doorknob. Then he proceeded to unhook all the equipment attached to your mother and picked her up in his arms. At that time she must of weighted less than a hundred pounds and carried her over to the window. Of course, this set off all kinds of alarms and the nurses and doctors ran to the room, but couldnt get in. It took a better part of an hour to pry the hinges off the door that they finally gained entrance. They found them still by the window holding Melinda in his arms. When Pat finally did allow the doctors to take Melinda he was arrested, but not for murder, but for damage to the door. The hospital only wanted restitution for the door, but it wasnt enough for the D.A. He was going to finally have his revenge for what Pat did to the D.A.s brother in law in 1967, who was Pats stepfather. In court I tried to have him removed for cause. When he refused I asked the judge for a conference in chambers with the D.A. present. I put forth the proof. It was a birth certificate given to me by Pats mother. I told the D.A., whom name was Alan Connors, that if he didnt step-down I would put him on the stand and expose him for who he is really is. He still


refused to answer my questions and he was forced by the judge to recuse himself from the case. From that point on the D.A.s office dropped the case. And that was betrayal Pat spoke about? Gibbs asked. Yes. No wonder my father was depressed for those two years, Melissa said. I thought it had to do with Mother dying. Aunt Bree why did you stay away. I know that Dad didnt really blame you. I know Melissa. But this was one time it had to be your fathers decision. But when you called me that night in Oct. 2004, I knew that it was time to act even if I had to make the first move. Yours and Vinces happiness was what mattered. And because of that move we became a family again. Bree faced Gibbs and said; Now you know everything, Agent Gibbs. Everything, except for one thing, Admiral Williams, who was the person that hit Pat two days ago, Could it have been this Alan Connors? As much as I would like to pin this on Alan Connors, I cant. Alan Connors died in 2007. That day in court cost him his career as a lawyer and destroyed his marriage. He had married into a very prominent Boston family, who can trace their line to the Mayflower pilgrims. The scandal was to much for them. Why does the name Alan Connors sound so familiar? Ziva heard Gibbs and typed the name into her computer. A second later she said, Alan Connors filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act, any reports N.C.I.S. had on Patrick Hunter for evident on an upcoming trial. The request was approved and signed off. Who approved the request? Gibbs asked. You did Gibbs, in March 2002, but it was never sent out. It seems that Mr. Connors never sent the final forms in to have us mail the reports to him. And now you know why Patrick may have faked a memory loss. The agency has invaded his privacy to many times. Even Connors has tried to use N.C.I.S. to get at me. And now Agent Gibbs we would like to see Pat. Follow me.


Gibbs took the three up the stairs to the conference room. Ever since Tony laid eyes on Melissa Bryce, he has had a strange look on his face. It was Ziva who caught it. Tony, you look like youve seen a spirit? Ghost Ziva. Seen a ghost. If you had seen the pictures on Pats wall and desk in his office you would have this look also. There was a picture on the desk of two women, both redheads. The older woman was Pats wife. If you want to know what she looked like, you only have to look at the daughter. They are like twins at the same age. Gibbs and his visitors walked into the conference room. When the door opened all eyes looked their way. When Pat saw Bree and Melissa walk in he put his head in his hands. Melissa went over to her father and leaned down putting her arms around his shoulders. Are you all right, Dad? Melissa asked. When Vince told me what happened I was worried about you. If you were coming to VA why didnt you call us? We would have loved to see you. Why did you come? Pat asked. Do you really have to ask us that question, Patrick? Bree asked. You know why we are here. We are family and as a family we care for each other. After all the hurt I have caused everyone of you. What hurt have you caused us, Pat? Bree asked. all I see is those of us who love you and care very much about what is happening to you. Melissa turned Pats chair to where he is now facing her. Then she kneeled down to where she is the same level, as Pat and they could look at each other, face to face. Why dont you come visit with us while you get better. The boys would love to see you. They keep asking when Grandpa Pat is coming to visit. They miss you very much. They love when you play catch with them and take them to see the Nationals play. I cant Why cant you?


Pat hesitated, so Bree spoke, Tell her Pat. You told me. Now tell her. Melissa has a right to know. Melissa looked up at Bree and said, What did he tell you Aunt Bree. I have a right to know. Yes, you do sweetheart, but Im not the one to tell you. It must come from your father. Melissa looked at her father and asked, What is Aunt Bree talking about? It had to do with the last time I took the boys to the ballgame. It was on the way back. A car had jumped the red light. If I had been a second slower in hitting the breaks the boys would have been injured or worst killed. Would you have ever forgiven me. Your mother never forgave me for what happened to Steven. Thats not true, Dad. Melissa said. Mother forgave you a long time ago. She told me so herself. When did she tell you? The night I visited her in the hospital. She told me that she forgave you that morning after we had come back from Maine. When we had visited Grandma Susan. She, also, told me that it is you who must forgive yourself. You have blamed yourself these 20 years since Stevens death. Why didnt see tell me? She tried in so many way , but you wouldnt listen to her. Tears began to form in Melissas eyes as she said, Ive lost Steven. Ive lost Mom. I dont want to lose you, Dad. I love you to much to stand by and let that happen. Vince could no longer stand by and watch Melissa pled with her father and getting nowhere. He said, Listen to her, Uncle Pat. Ive known you all my life. My father, you, Uncle Paul and Uncle Michael are the finest men Ive known. All you brought me up and it is the four that made me the man I am today. Then it was Brees turn to speak. Its time to let go, Patrick? I dont want to forget them. They were so much a part of my life. Before Bree or anyone else could answer him, it was Gibbs who spoke, To let go doesnt mean to forget. 20 years ago, when Steven was in Saudi, I was there too. I never met your


son, but from what Ive heard of him from all of you, he was the kind of officer I would have been honored to serve with. Gibbs picked up the Medal of Honor citation that was still lying face down on the table. He said, If you need anymore proof of what kind of man your son was, read the names at the bottom of this citation that approved his Medal of Honor. Pat took the citation in his hand and looked at the bottom of it, the signatures approving the Medal of Honor. Along with the older Bush as President were the signatures of no less than six other signers. They were the Commandant of the Marines, Chief of Naval Operations, as well as Senators Edward Kennedy and John Kerry of Mass and the Secretaries of the Navy and Defense. Your son was a hero Pat. Gibbs said. Always remember that. Pat placed the citation back on the table. He looked up at Gibbs. Gibbs said, One last thing you should know. While I was over in Saudi, my first wife, Shannon, and my daughter, Kelly, witnessed the murder of two Marines by a drug dealer. Instead of looking the other way they choose to testify against the dealer. They were under the protection of N.I.S. agents in San Diego. One day, the agent was driving them to a safe house, when the S.U.V. they were riding in was attacked. The agent was killed and the car crashed. They were killed in the crash. For a long time, I blamed myself for what happened to them because I wasnt there to protect them. But with the help of goods friends and family I was able to let go of the guilt. But in letting go, doesnt mean to forget. I miss Shannon and Kelly everyday. If Kelly was alive today she would be about Melissas age. I would like to think after meeting your daughter that if they had ever met they would have become good friends. Pat looked up at Gibbs. He stood up and Melissa stood up with him. Pat said, Perhaps your right, Agent Gibbs. It is time to let go. Melissa gave Pat a hug which he returned.. Bree came over and gave Pat a hug also. Why are you always saving my life, Bree? Pat asked. It was Melissa who saved it this time. She answered. Yes, she did. Ive been a fool all these years.


Not a fool. You have never been a fool. Maybe lost for a while and now you have found your way back. Welcome home Pat. Melissa, can you forgive me for all the hurt I have caused you. As Aunt Bree is always fond of saying, we are a family. There is nothing that is said or done that forgiven cant be sought and given. Will you come and stay Vince and me as well as the boys? For awhile. It was Dr. Bryant who spoke next, Will you come to my clinic in the next few days for that CAT Scan and treatment. Hell come Doctor, Vince said, Even if I have to get a company of Marine Recon to drag him kicking and screaming, hell be at your clinic. Then Vince turned to Pat and said, As for the two Marines that assaulted you. You dont have to court martial them. Im probably more to blame for what happened. Perhaps. But they should have shown some respect. I know just the right punishment for them. If they were to serve six month tour at Arlington National Cemetery on guard duty will teach them respect for the fallen. It was Ducky, who spoke next, I guess our work here is done. Not quite Ducky, Gibbs answered. There is one piece of the puzzle still missing and I know just were to find it. Everyone left the conference room. Pat had him arm around Melissa, who put hers around him. They went down to the bull pen area where the desks are located., Tim, Tony and Ziva are sitting at their desks. Ziva, Dinozzo, your with me, Gibbs said. We have one more job to do and then this case is over. Ziva stood up and said, The Foxhole. Yes. Alert Arlington Police to meet us there. Ziva picked up her phone and made the call. A minute later she replaced the receiver back on the hook.


Arlington Police will meet us at the bar. Detectives Martin and Briggs will be our contacts. McGee, will you escort our visitors to their cars and drive Admiral Williams to the airport. Yes sir. No need, Agent Gibbs. I think Ill spend a couple of days here and visit myself. Vince, do you think the boys would love a ride in the jet. You know they will. Gibbs looked at Bree and said, Its been an honor meeting you Admiral Williams. If I ever need a lawyer, I hope I can find one half as good as you are. Agent Gibbs, if you ever need a lawyer, you call me. Ill be glad to help. Gibbs and Bree shake hands. Then he shook hands with Vince and Pat. Melissa came over to Gibbs and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Thank you Agent Gibbs for giving me back my father. Your welcome. Gibbs, Ziva and Dinozzo head for the elevator and get in. McGee came up to Pat and says, I owe you an apology, Mr. Hunter. I read some of your book when Tony and I were in your apartment. As a writer, myself, I hate it when someone looks at what I wrote before its published, It is my hope that youll have your book published. Its a very moving story. I would buy a copy and be honored if you sign it. I am going to try, Agent McGee. Your book about Steven, Melissa said. Oh, Dad that would be great. Its not just about Steven, but all of us. Its time that everyone knows about Steven. Dad, there is something I need to tell you. Not even Aunt Bree knows this, only Vince. I wanted to come to Boston when the boys go on Spring Break and tell you both. I am going to have another baby. This time I am going to have a girl. I want to name her after Mother and Aunt Bree, if you two dont mind. Mind, Bree said. It is a great way to honor your mother,


Yes, I agree, Pat said. Lets go home Melissa. I have a lot to make up to all of you. A half hour later, the car with Gibbs, Dinozzo and Ziva pulled up to the Foxhole bar. There was a car in front of them. It was a standard Ford Taurus used by plain-clothes detectives. All three got out of the car and went up to the Taurus. Upon seeing the three in the side mirror the detectives got out of the Ford and stepped on to the sidewalk. Detective Martin? Gibbs asked. I am Martin, said the older man who was about Gibbs age. My partner, Joe Briggs. This is Agents Dinozzo and David, Gibbs said indicating the two behind him. Shall we close this case Detective. The five walked into the Foxhole. They came up to the bar at the far end from the door. When the bartender/owner was speaking with a couple of young ladies. The bartender looked up to see them coming. Excuse me ladies. I have some customers to attend to, the bartender said. He walked over to them and said to Ziva, So, little lady, you came back for that drink and brought some friends with you. I am not your little lady, Mr. Pippin. These gentlemen have great many questions to ask you. Pippin. Whos that? My name is Mason. That is what you may call yourself today, Gibbs said. 45 years ago, when you were dishonorably discharged from the Navy, it was Fred Pippin. You shouldnt have handle that glass in front of me the other night, Ziva said. That was your down fall. Now Mr. Pippin or Mason, Gibbs said. Do you want to revise the statement you made to the police about the attack outside your bar. Why should I. I told them the truth about everything that happened that night. All except who hit Mr. Hunter with the beer bottle. It was you who hit him wasnt it? Why should I want to hit him with a beer bottle. I dont even know this Hunter.


We checked into your financial records on the bar, Gibbs continued. A week ago you owed over $50,000 dollars and was behind on your payments to the bank. They were ready to foreclose, but the day after the attack you walked into the bank with all the money you owed and paid off the loan completely. Where did you get the money, Mr. Pippin? From the money and credit cards in Pat Hunters wallet. Where is the wallet, Mr. Pippin? Detective Martin asked. We can get a search warrant. It will only take an hour and well tear this place apart looking for it. Behind the bar, next to the register. I didnt have time to get rid of it, yet. Gibbs nodded to Tony. He went behind the bar and checked around the cash register and then in a few seconds found the wallet. He opened it up to see Pats drivers license. Got it boss. Tony said holding up the wallet. Agent Dinozzo, Martin said. Do you see a liquor license for the bar? Right here in a small picture frame. Bring it with you. On it Tony picks up the picture frame with the license and brings both of the items to the group. He hands the wallet to Gibbs and the license to Martin. Gibbs opened the wallet and sees the drivers license as well as several credit cards, one being an American Express Platinum card. Gibbs took out his N.C.I.S. I.D. wallet and badge and opened it. He held it up for the room to see. Then he said in a loud voice, N.C.I.S. All military personal are to vacate the business. This bar is now off limits until further notice. All others are also instructed to leave as well. Several men and women took a last sallow of their beers and then stood up and complied with Gibbs order. One blonde with her date walked by Gibbs and said to her boy friend, What right does he have to order us to leave? Hes N.C.I.S., honey., the boy friend answered. He can do whatever he likes. Once the bar was cleared, Martin went over to the door and locked it. He pulled down the shades and came back over to the group.


We found out who you really are Mr. Pippin, Gibbs said. And that you were dishonorably discharged from the Navy in 1967. For assault on a minor as well as making false statements to N.I.S. and JAG investigators. And then you made the mistake of perjuring yourself at the trail of Chief Fredricks. It must rankled you when Pat Hunter walked in here and he didnt even remember you. But you remembered him even after 45 years. Isnt that true, Mr. Pippin? That S.O.B. caused the death of my best friend that Ive known since grade school. And he destroyed the career of one of the finest chiefs that Ive ever worked with. Your best friend, Petty Officer Richard Welch, killed a Marine guard and then finding no escape turned the gun of himself. The only one responsible for his death is he. Before Pippin could respond it was Martin who spoke, Mr. Pippin, it is against state law for ex cons to process a liquor license. Martin faced Gibbs and asked, Agent Gibbs, what federal charges do you have against Mr. Pippin? None. Patrick Hunter was never military. So hes all yours Detective Martin. Fredrick Pippin, Martin said. I must inform you that you are under arrest. The charges are assault with a deadly weapon, grand theft, identity theft, illegal procession of a liquor license. There are a few other charges I am sure the D.A. can come up with. As Martin placed the handcuffs on Pippin, he read Pippin his Mirada Rights. When Martin was done and ready to lead Pippin away, Gibbs said, I could recommend a good lawyer Mr. Pippin, but I have a feeling Bree Williams would rather be on the prescutting side of the case. Pippin gave Gibbs a dirty look and then is led out of the bar. Memorial Day May 30th, 2011 It is early morning. The weather is clear and warm, but not hot. There were 25 persons surrounding the graves of Steven and David Pierce. There were two seven man honor rifle squads. There is an officer with a each squad.


Among those present were Bree Williams in her Navy dress uniform with the rank of Rear Admiral. There is Vince Bryce in his dress blues Marine uniform with his Medal of Honor around his neck. Gibbs was also there in dress blues uniform along with the two Marines who had the fight with Pat. Last there was Melissa with her two sons. The boys were looking at the grave of David Pierce. One of the sons, James, said to Melissa, Mom, the man in this grave has the same last name as Uncle Steven. That is because this man is Uncle Stevens real father, Melissa answered. You see Grandpa Pat is Uncle Stevens stepfather. We came here today to honor both Uncle Steven and his father. Like your father, Uncle Steven and his father were awarded the Medal of Honor, which is the highest award that this country can give to its soldiers for bravery. Both Jim and his brother, Steve, were awe struck by this. Meanwhile, Bree and Vince came up to each other. As custom, though Bree is the highestranking officer, saluted Vince first because of the medal. Vince returned the salute. Good morning, Major Bryce. Bree said. Good morning, Admiral Williams. He answered. Once this was finished and the hands came down to their sides, Vince said, I am glad you re here, Mother. I would not miss this, Vince. You know that. Yes I do. But still I am glad you came here for Uncle Pat. At this time the Navy Chaplin came up to the graves. The crowd became silent as the Chaplin began to speak. We are gathered here today as the other families around this place of fallen heroes to honor them for their service. Today, at the site of these two men, father and son, who were awarded the Medal of Honor are the families of these two men, who have come to honor them Also among this family there is a 3rd Medal of Honor reception. The stepfather of Steven David Pierce has asked that he say a few words. Would Patrick Hunter step up here.


Pat stepped out from the crowd. He had been standing between Melissa and Bree; He came up to Stevens grave. Pat stood in front of the cross for a second. He put his two fingers to his lips and then pressed them up against the name plate as if he was giving Steven a real kiss. Then he went behind the cross and stood next to the Chaplin. He shook hands with the Chaplin and then faced the crowd. He started to speak. I would like to thank Captain Watts for allowing me to speak at this solemn occasion. As we look around we see the families of those fallen. The sons and daughters, husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers, who gave their lives for this country. They did so willingly and Steven and David were no exception. 27 years ago, when I met Stevens mother, I also met this extraordinary young man, a young man whom I grew to love as much as if he was my own son. It was 20 years ago on that lonely Feb. night, while he was in Saudi Arabia, that I lost him. It was the night when the rocket hit the barrack. Steven had been walking by when the incident occur. Without any thought for his own safety he went to recuse his fellow servicemen because they were hurt and in trouble. He managed to recuse nine soldiers before the roof collapsed and he, himself, was trapped inside. For this heroic action he was awarded the Medal of Honor. In 1975, during the attack on the American Embassy in Viet Nam that was being evacuated, Captain David Pierce had manned a machine gun position to keep the enemy at bay while his fellow Americans and embassy civilians were being helicopter to safety. He was successful. But his position was soon over run and he would lose his life. I can say this for certain that his last thoughts were of his wife and son. For this heroic action, he too, was awarded the Medal of Honor. It is fitting that these two heroes, father and son lay side by side in this place of heroes from the civil war to present. Patrick stepped to the front of the cross and took out the burnt I.D. card that he has carried for the last 20 years. He bend down and placed it at the bottom of the cross sction, picture side up. Then he stood up and looking at the cross spoke again.


Steven, they say I must let you go and I am doing so, but in letting go, I shall never forget you. You live in my heart and soul to my dying days. You are with mother and father and hopefully your Uncles Michael, Paul and Jim are with you. And when that day shall come when I will no longer walk this planet, youll allow me to join all of you and once again we can be together. Tell your mother that I love her and give her a hug and kiss for me. Once again Pat brought his two fingers to his lips and then pressed to the name plate. With this done he walked back over and took his place between Bree and Melissa. The officer in charge of the first honor squad took over. He faced the five men and two women and said, Squad left face, They did so. Ready, aim, fire. The rifles went off. The officer repeated this order two more times. Then he said, At ease. This signaled for the second honor squad at David Pierces grave to repeat the process. Once this was done, a Marine Corporal, bugle in hand, stepped forward between the two honor squads. When he raised the bugle to his lips, all in uniform raised their right hands in salute and kept them there until the bugler finished playing taps. When the bugler finished taps the hands came down. The ceremony was done. The honor squads came to attention and marched away. Pat took Brees arm and Vince took Melissas arm and they walked towards Gibbs in dress blues with the rank of Gunny Sergeant. Gibbs saluted Bree and Vince and they returned same. It was Pat who spoke. Thank you for coming today, Agent Gibbs. Thank you for inviting me, Pat and please call me Jethro. I will. Youre a good man Jethro Gibbs. I wish I have known you earlier in my life. Are you going back to Boston? Yes. I have a book to be published and then a long vacation. I will be coming down this way from time to time to visit Melissa, Vince and the boys. Stop by N.C.I.S. any time and youll always be welcome. I will.


Once again Pat shook hands with Gibbs. Then he did the same with Bree, Vince and Melissa. Then he saluted Bree and Vince and they returned the salute. The four, along with the boys left Gibbs side and Vince directed them to the two lone Marines standing to one side of the graves.. The two enlisted men came to attention and saluted. Pat recognized them as the ones to whom he had the altercation in Feb. Uncle Pat, I believe these two gentlemen would like a word with you. Vince said. It was Bateman who spoke first, Mr. Hunter, I wish to apology for my actions last Feb. Though I didnt know it was the anniversary of your sons death there was no excuse for what I said and did. Accepted, Pat answered. Then the other Marine, Collins, said, I, also, wish to apology for my words and actions of last Feb. Accepted. Pat shook hands with the two Marines, but before he would let them go he said, If you really want to make the apology count do me this one favor? Anything, sir, they both answered. Do this one thing in the name of these two brave men lying here. Be the best Marines you possibly can. Make them, this country and the Marines proud. Do that and the apology will be worth accepting. We will sir. They both answered. It was Vince who spoke next, You two report back to Quantico on Wednesday to finish your training. Ill have orders cut for both of you releasing you from duty here. Aye sir, they both answered. Dismissed. The two Marines came to attention and saluted Vince and Bree. Then they did an about face and walked away.

N.C.I.S. Headquarters 2/25/13


The present came back to Gibbs. He took out the sheet of paper that was on top of the book that was in the box. The sheet of paper said. Dear Jethro, As you can see from the enclosed box, which I sent to each of you, is an advanced copy of the book, It is due on the shelves on Feb. 25th, the 22nd anniversary of Stevens death. I had these copies sent in advance so youll receive them on that date. Though it is slow going, I am getting better with each day with the help of Bree, Melissa, Vince and the boys. I will be down in your area in April to take Steve and Jim to the Nationals game on opening day. If you are a baseball fan, we would be glad for you to join us. If not I would like to come by and see you and the team if that is possible. Let me know. Best wishes always, Patrick Hunter P.s. Bree would like to know if Tony ever found that copy of James Bond Diary. If not, she has enclosed a copy in his box. Gibbs looked up at Tony and said, DiNozzo, did you get the book Admiral Williams included in you box? Dinozzo held up the copy of James Bond Diary and showed to Gibbs. She swears shes in the book. Tony said. Fade out. End of Story




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