Fluid Exp 7 PDF

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1. To determine the metacentric height of the floating body

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Block of wood Movable weight Set of weights Basin of water Marker Ruler

1. The metacentre is a point of intersection of the line of action of the center of buoyancy in its tilted position and the vertical axis of floating body through its center of gravity. Call this point M. 2. The original center of buoyancy is a point which is the center of the buoyant force acting on the submerged portion of the body when its axis is in the vertical position. Call this as Bo. 3. The center of gravity is the point where the weight of the whole body is concentrated. Call this as G. 4. The metacentric M and the center of gravity G are the two points where the forces of a couple will pass. The distance MG is called the metacentric height. 5. MBo is the distance from the metacentre M to the new center of buoyancy Bo. Consider the formula:

where: I = centroidal moment of inertia of the water line of floating object. The neutral axis of the area is the line of pivot when the floating body when it oscillate. The oscillating movement of the floating body may be caused by the force of the wave or shifting weight of movable weight on the body Y = volume of the submerged portion of the floating body b = the base or the width of the water line section D = the depth of flotation or the total submergence of floating body = the angle of tilt The other relation is expressed in the following formula: MG = MBo + GBo
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Measure the dimension of the block or scow. Determine the weight of the block, Wt. Determine the weight of the movable weight, LL. Place the movable weight at the center deck of the block. Determine the location of the center of gravity of the block with the movable weight. If the block is homogeneous, solve the centroid of the block and the movable weight. The reference distance of the centroid is the top deck of the block. If the block is not homogeneous then hold the block on one side by suspension. Adjust the location of grip to the block so that the axis of the scow is vertical. Note that the line of force of grip is vertically in line with the line of grip from one of the side of the scow. Repeat the process with the other side of the block. The line of intersection of the line of force is the location of the center of gravity of the scow. 6. Place the block with movable weight on top deck in water. 7. Mark the water line on the side of the scow, D. 8. Determine the depth of flotation, call it d1. Note d1 = D. Base point for measurement is the bottom of the scow. 9. Move the load to the side center-edge of the block. The scow will tilt to one side, thereby increasing the depth of flotation on one side and decrease the floatation on the other side. 10. Measure the new depth of floatation, call it as d2. The angle of tilt is based on the difference depth of floatation from initial position to the tilted position. 11. Compute the angle of tilt of the final position of the scow. tan = t/(b/2) = (d2-d1)/(b/2) 12. Compute Mbo, MBo and MG using the formula as discussed in theory 5 with angle of tilt . Since the location of the center of gravity is known, MG can be solved. MG = MBo GBo Point M can be located which is MG distance above the center of gravity. 13. The location of the buoyant force BF is x distance to the right of G expressed by the formula X = MGsin 14. Repeat the procedure as another set by changing the movable load in another position such as middle point or quarter points. 15. Mark the location of metacentre M on the pole of the scow.

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These photos exhibit the: (1) Diagram of the effect of tilt to the metacentre (2) basin where the experiment was performed (3) measuring of the height of initial draft (4) the body being submerged into the water

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1. The water should enter the block. The weight of the scow plus the movable weight must be equal to the weight of equal volume displaced. If there is a big discrepancy then check the intrusion of water to the side of the scow. 2. The position of the load must be symmetric with respect to the axis of tilting. 3. The position of the load must be symmetric with respect to the axis of tilting. The upper horizontal side or the deck must not be over flooded.

Dimension of scow: Length (L) Width (b) Height (H) Weight of movable weight Weight of the scow Weight of scow and movable weight Distance of G from top deck Initial draft, d1 Final draft, d2 Additional submergence due to tilting, d 2-d1 Angle of tilt ( ) = 30 cms = 19.8 cms = 4.9 cms = 0.4 kg = 1.88 kg = 2.28 kg = 2.45 cms = 1.2 cms = 2.1 cms = 0.9 cms ; MBo = = 27.345 cms = 3.1 = 30.445 cms = 2.8418

GBo MG = MBo +GBo X = MGsin

Group Observation
The group observed that in order to determine the center of buoyancy of the object, careful measurement of the height of tilt must be taken into consideration. The metacentric height of the body changes when the load is moved from the original center of buoyancy.

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In conclusion, the metacentric height is measured through the weight of the objects added and then measuring the displacement of water as well as the tilt based from the original position and calculating the metacentric height with the given data.

In order to determine the center of buoyancy of the object, the dimension of the scow must be known as well as the distance of the G from top deck, initial and final draft. The metacentre is the point of intersection of the line of action of the center of buoyancy in its tilted position.

The location of the load varies directly to the angle of tilt, as the distance of the load is farther to the center of gravity, the angle of tilt is greater. Also, the distance from the metacentre to the center of gravity varies from the angle of tilt.

As already know that floating bodies are subjected to an uplift force from liquid that is equal to the weight of floating body. However there is a relation between the center of gravity of floating body and the center this uplift force called buoyancy force.

This experiment further proved the effect of loads in a body to its metacentre. If the load is farther to the center of gravity, the tendency of the body is to have a larger angle of tilt. Buoyancy force acting towards the body adjusts at varying loads and their locations.

In determining the center of buoyancy on the tilted object, the angle of the tilt is determined by measuring the distance from the original center of gravity of the scow.

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