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1. Put the verbs in the correct past simple form: 1. (you/ meet) Sue yesterday? 2. The teacher (give) us a lot of homework for Wednesday. 3. (Tony/ sell) his car to his neighbour? 4. The weather (not/ be) as good as we (expect). 5. Who (come) around at 6:30? 6. I (turn) the TV off because the programme (be) really boring. 7. Some students (not/ do) the homework yesterday, so the teacher (get) really angry. 8. I (see) Mark at the library, but he (not/ see) me. 9. (you/ invite) Alan to the party? No, I 3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the past: simple or continuous: 1. While I (study), Sam (play) computer games. 2. Tina (lay) the table when the guests (arrive). 3. Sarah (wear) a nice fancy dress costume. 4. The sun (shine) when we (get up) this morning. 5. What (the children/ do) when the teacher (arrive). 6. My father (not/ feel) well yesterday, so he (not/ go) to work. 7. He (drink) a lot. Thats why he (have) problems at work. 8. People (think) that she (be) a good artist, but she (not/ be). 9. While Mary (sleep), the children (chat). 10. Who (tell) you the 2. Put the verbs in brackets in the past continuous tense: 1. I (revise) for the maths exam all night long. 2. My father (mend) the car after lunch. 3. Vince (listen) to music with me. 4. Who (make) so much noise at break? 5. Paul (not/do) the task, he (talk) to Sue. 6. Mum (cook) the whole morning. 7. (you/take) a nap at 5 p.m.? 8. The cat (not/play) with the baby. 9. Peter and Paul (fight) again! 10. (you/wait) for me on Sunday? 11. It (not/ rain) after 4. Say if the sentences are right or wrong. Correct the wrong ones. 1. While we waited for the bus, it was starting to rain. . 2. Did you went to the cinema last Friday? 3. Paul opened and door and was switching the TV on. 4. There was lots of people waiting for the singer. 5. Who did phoned a few minutes ago? 6. The concert was cancelling because the drummer wasnt feeling well. 7. Tom used to ate lots of pasta when he was a child.

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