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By; Imani Davis & Dataysha Love

Artificial Intelligence History ~(^_^)~

By;Dataysha Love


A papyrus was bought in a Luxor antique shop by Edwin Smith in 1882, observations were stated in symptom diagnosis treatment. It was the first expert system, Ramon Lull invited the Zairja its a device that that generate ideas. Leviathan was written by Thomas Hobbes its was published so that people could know how to work there use of their machines. Leibnitz and Pascal invented mechanical computing devices. In 162 Pascal invited an eight-digit calculator called the Pascaline. In 1694 Leibnitz invited the Liebnitz computer which is still in use today.


Jonathan Swift anticipated an automatic book in Gullivers Travels. In 1805 Joseph Marie invited the first programmable device to drive looms with instructions. In 1832 Charles Babbage designed the Analytical Engine a mechanical programmable computer and created a different engine in 1822 he never finishing building. In 1847 George Babbage designed a mathematical logic which is manipulating and simplifying logical propositions. In 1879 Gottlob Frege went beyond Boole in his invention of predicate logic making it possible to prove general theorems from rules.


In 1890 Hand-driven mechanical calculators became known. Herman Hollerith his company Tabulating Machine company merged into what became IBM. In the late 1800s, Leonardo Torres y Quevedo invented a relay-activated that played and games in chess. In 1898 psychologist Edward Lee Thorndike Behaviorism was expounded in Animal Intelligence which involves idea in action, thoughts, or reflexes with humans reacting to higher form of stimulus.


In 1921 Karel Capek a Czech writer invented the term robot to describe intelligent machines that revolted against humans. 1928 John von Neumann introduced the minimax theorem is used for basis for game playing programs. In 1931 Vannevar Bush had a mechanical analog computer that was able to solve different equations.


In 1937 Alan Turing conceived of a universal Turing machine that could mimic the operation of any other computing machine. Alan Turing and Alonzo Church had the same thesis that all problems that human can solve can be reduced to a set of algorithms. In 1938 Claude Shannon showed that calculations could be performed much faster using electromagnetic relays and he applied Boolean algebra. In 1941 German aeronautical research center deployed the Zuse Z3 which is a general-purpose electromechanical computer.

In 1943 Vacuum tubes replaced electromechanical relays in calculators, these were used in 1943 in Colossus a faster successor to Robinson. Walter Pitts and Warren McCullock showed how artificial networks could compute. In 1945 John Von Neumann designed the basic computer in which the memory stores instructions as well as data. ENIAC which was to run 1,000 times faster than the relay operated computers and was ready to run in the late 1945. In 1956 symbolic artificial intelligence emerged as a specific intellectual field. This work helped clarify the concept that intelligence is the process of receiving and processing information to achieve goals.

In 1947 The transistor was invented by William Shockley, walter Brattain, and John Bardeen. In 1948 Nobert Winer published Cybernetics a landmark book on information theory. 1949 Donald O. Hebbs suggested a way networks might learn. In 1951 the first von Neumann computer was built called EDVAC. Marvin Minsky and Dean Edmonds build the first artificial network that simulated a rat finding its way through a maze.

In 1954 turing suicide in mysterious circumstances by eating a cyanide-laced apple following a conviction for homosexuality in 1953. In the 1950s it became clear that computers could manipulate symbols representing concepts as well as data. John McCarthy names the new discipline Artificial Intelligence for the Dartmouth conference. IBM released the 701 purpose electronic computer it was designed by Nathaniel Rochester. George Miller published The Magic Number Seven on limits of shortterm memory.

In 1956 two main themes emerge in Al which improved search methods in trial and error problems and making computers learn by themselves. Newell and Simon ran the General Problem Solver incorporating means end analysis. Edward Feigenbaum's provided a model of how people memorize nonsense syllables. Herbert Gelernter wrote the Geometry Theorem Prover which was the first to demonstrate model referencing. Noam Chomsky a linguist at MIT postulated that language could be analyzed without reference to its content or meaning. In 1958 John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky founded the Artificial intelligence Laboratory at the Massachusetts institute of Technology. John McCarthy developed the LISP program at MIT for AI work.

AI researchers concentrated on means of representing related knowledge in computers, to developing the ability of computers to learn. In 1961 Mortimer Taube authored the first Anti-Al book Computers and common sense but it didn't get enough attention. In 1962 The world's first industrial robots were marketed by a U.S company. Tom Evans created the program Analogy it was designed to solve problems that involved associating geometric patterns. 1963 The Stanford University founded the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory under John McCarthy.

Mid- 1970s

Herbert Dreyfus expanded his Alchemy and AI paper into an aggressively anti-AI book, What Computers Cant Do Sir James Lighthill advised the british government to cease most AI research in Britain. DARPA was cut drastically as a result of recent disappointing results.

- XCON the first commercial expert system was developed by John McDermott. It grew from containing about 300 rules in 1979 to more than 3000 and could configure more than 10 different computer systems.

Late 1970s

End of 1970s

Practical, commercial applications of AI were still rare. First meeting of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence held in Stanford, California. First industrial a fuzzy controller by Danish cement manufacturer

Early 1980s

A hydrostatic and rotary bacteriakilling cooker diagnosis program at Campbell's Soup based on Aldo Ciminos knowledge. A lathe and grinder diagnosis is analyzer at GMs Saginaw plant using Charlie Ambles skills at listening for problems based on sounds. FOLIO, an investment portfolio advisor. WILLARD, a forecaster of large thunderstorms.

-MITs Media Laboratory, dedicated to researching media-related applications using computer science and sociology. -Speech systems now able to provide any of the following: a large vocabulary, continuous speech recognition, or speaker independence.

Mid 1980s

1990s and 2000s

Automated mortgage underwriting system. Automatic investment decision makers Shopping bots on web Data mining tools Email filters Automated advice systems that personalize their responses

1997 2005

-Over 40 teams fielded teams of robotic soccer players in the first RoboCup competition. -iRobot founded by researchers at the MIT Artificial Intelligence lab.

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