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1) The heat addition process in an ideal Otto cycle is a. Constant pressure Heat addition b.

Constant volume heat addition c. Reversible Adiabatic heat addition d. Iso-thermal heat addition 2) The Compression process in an ideal diesel cycle is a. Constant pressure compression b. Constant volume compression c. Reversible Adiabatic compression d. Iso-thermal compression 3) Blowdown process occurs because a. The cylinder pressure is greater than the exhaust manifold pressure b. The cylinder pressure is lesser than the exhaust manifold pressure c. The cylinder pressure is high enough to quench the flame d. The cylinder pressure is greater than the inlet manifold pressure 4) The Wankel rotary engine suffer from a. Knocking problems b. Lower power outputs c. sealing and leakage problems d. can be used only for aircraft propulsion 5) Naturally aspirated engines are a. Ones with special passages for extra air intake b. Turbocharged engines c. Supercharged engines d. Conventional manifold air intake engines 6) Calculate the compression ratio of the engine, Given Bore= 70mm, stroke= 90mm, clearance volume= 20cc. (Write the formulas used)

. 7) The normal operating range for a conventional SI engine using gasoline fuel is a. 1<A/F<11 b. 12<A/F< 18 c. 18<A/F<25 d. 25<A/F<78 8) Engine specific weight is defined as .

9) SI engine flame is an example of a. Diffusion flame b. Pre-mixed flame c. Ionisation flame d. Adiabatic flame

10) The stoichiometric A/F ratio for ethanol is .. (write the balanced chemical reaction)

11) The fuel/air equivalence ratio is defined as ..

12) An engine working on air standard Otto cycle has a cylinder diameter of 10cm and stroke length of 15 cm. The ratio of specific heats for air is 1.4. If the clearance volume is 196.3 cc and the heat supplied per kg of air per cycle is 1800kJ/kg, then work output per cycle per kg of air is (a) 879.1 kJ (b) 890.2 kJ (c) 895.3 kJ (d) 973.5 KJ 13) In an air-standard Otto cycle, the compression ratio is 10. The condition at the beginning of the compression process is 100 kPa and 270 C. Heat added at constant volume is 1500 kJ/kg, while 700 kJ/kg of heat is rejected during the other constant volume process in the cycle. Specific gas constant for air =0.287 kJ/kgK. The mean effective pressure (in kPa) of the cycle is a. 103 b. 310 c. 515 d. 1032 14) In a spark ignition engine working on the ideal Otto cycle, the compression ratio is 5.5. The work output per cycle (i.e., area of the P-V diagram) is equal to 23.625 x 10 5 x Vc J, where Vc is the clearance volume in m3 . The indicated mean effective pressure is (a) 4.295 bar (b) 5.250 bar (c) 86.870 bar (d) 106.300 b 15) The stoichiometric air/fuel ratio for petrol is 15: 1. What is the air/fuel ratio required for maximum power? (a) 16 : 1 - 18 : 1 (b) 15 : 1 (c) 12 : 1 - 18 : 1 (d) 9: 1 - 11 :

16) At the time of starting, idling and low speed operation, the carburretorsupplies a mixture which can be termed as (a) Lean (b) slightly leaner than stoichiometric (c) stoichiometric (d) Rich 17) Compensating jet in a carburettor supplies almost constant amount of petrol at all speeds because (a) The jet area is automatically varied depending on the suction. (b) The flow from the main jet is diverted to the compensating jet with increase in speed. (c) The diameter of the jet is constant and the discharge coefficient is invariant. (d) The flow is produced due to the static head in the float chamber

18) Consider the following statements for a carburettor: 1. Acceleration jet is located just behind the throttle value2. 2. Idle jet is located close to the choke3. 3. Main jet alone supplies petrol at normal engine speeds Which of the statements given above are correct? (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3 19) What is the main objective of supercharging of the engine? (a) To reduce the mass of the engine per brake power (b) To reduce space occupied by engine (c) To increase the power output of engine (d) All of the above 20) In a variable speed S.I. engine, the maximum torque occurs at the maximum (a) Speed (b) brake power (c) Indicated power (d) volumetric efficiency 21) A 40 kW engine has a mechanical efficiency of 80%. If the frictional power is assumed to be constant with load, what is the approximate value of the mechanical efficiency at 50% of the rated load? (a) 45% (b) 55% (c) 65% (d) 75% 22) Write the equation of power in terms of torque .

23) Write the approximate mole fraction of oxygen in dry air 24) The enthalpy of formation of N2 is .. 25) Write the relationship between Higher heating value and lower heating value..

Answer Key

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 7) b


8) spe.wt= engine wt/rated power 9) b 12) d 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) D B D D B D D C C P=2piNT 20-21 0 QHHV=QLHV+ (MH20/Mf)hfg(H2O)

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