WebCenter 11g Boot Camp VM Instructions

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Oracle Webcenter 11g Workshop

Instructions for the VMWare virtual machine (Day 1)

Copying the files 1. Copy the rar files in the VM directory to a location in your hard drive with at least 7Gb free 2. Use 7ZIP, WinRAR or equivalent tool to extract the RAR files to a location of your choice (e.g. C:\) with at least 18Gb of free disk space. You only need to point at the first file (part01), the other ones will be automatically extracted.

Starting the guest operating system on vmware 3. Make sure you have VMWare installed (any version will do: Player, Server, Wokstation, etc.). 4. Double-click the WebCenter11g.vmx file to start the virtual machine. Choose "Create" or I copied it if a dialog box appears.

Starting up WebCenter 5. Once the VM is up, log on to the operating system as oracle/oracle 6. Open a terminal window (use the dektop icon) and type ./start_all This will start the services needed for the hands-on lab (Oracle database and listener, UCM server, UCM Admin and WebLogic Server with WebCenter) Wait a few minutes while the services are started, you will know all services have been started when you see the WLS server status as 'RUNNING' on the terminal window Open a new terminal window and type su - -c ifconfig and then type oracle when prompted for the password 7. Write down the IP address in the eth0 section (after 'inet addr') e.g.

Accessing WebCenter Spaces from the host system 8. Edit the hosts file in your host system to add an entry for the VM with the IP address you obtained above and the host name oel5-vm.us.oracle.com . The hosts file is usually located in C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc on Windows systems. 9. Open a browser window and type the following URL http://oel5-vm.us.oracle.com/webcenter 10. Log in to Spaces with username weblogic and password weblogic1

Instructions for JDeveloper (Day 2)

1. Install JDeveloper by double-clicking the JDeveloper install file (jdevstudio11111install.exe) from the student kit your instructor provided. Follow all default options to complete the install 2. Start JDeveloper. If prompted, choose Default Role. Dismiss any prompts asking about migrating from previous version. 3. To install the WebCenter plug-in, go to Help Check for Updates on the main menu

4. On the Check for Updates window Step 1, click on Next 5. On Step 2, select Install from Local File and use the Browse button to locate the plugin zip file (oracle.webcenter.frameworks_bundle.zip) and select it. Click Next. 6. Click Finish in Step 3 and click on Yes when asked to restart JDeveloper. 7. You are ready once JDeveloper starts.

Questions or comments: Ronaldo Viscuso (ronaldo.viscuso@oracle.com)

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