#27 by Caroline Kaplan and Dakota Richardson

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#27 By Caroline Kaplan and Dakota Richardson

Based on Macbeth


EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD - NIGHT Everyone is lined up against the Leprachauns on the football field, the play is on 1 yard line. The score board shows they are down by 7. MARK BAKER (V.O.) The one thing you need to know about football is its not just a game, its a war. Intense tackling scene, MARK BAKER, #27 is seen crossing the goal line. The crowd erupts in cheers. Time out is called and Mark heads over to the sidelines to talk with coach. COACH Ok Mark, despite Duncans injury and MacWald leaving the team to play for the Leprachauns, tonight youve taken this team farther then anyone thought possible under these circumstances. Now, go out there and tie this up, so everyone here can walk out of this stadium knowing that Stirlings season remains undefeated. MARK BAKER Coach, if we tie, all anyones going to remember is that when MacWald left our team we werent good enough to beat him. I say we go for the two point conversion. I know I can get this done for us. Trust me! COACH Ok fine, its on you then. Go win this. Mark runs back to his team standing near the Leprachauns goaline. They line up to go for the two point conversion. (As this is happpening we hear the voice over) MARK BAKER (V.O.) Risk is an essential part of every war, because in risk there is honor. And in honor there is victory. And without the possibility of victory, you have to ask yourself, why are you even bothering to fight in the first place? (CONTINUED)



Mark gets ready to take the snap and everything goes quiet. Brian is positioned to Marks right. The ball is snapped to Mark who is in a shotgun position and Brain rushes to the right side of the field. Mark follows Brian who blocks on incoming player and then leaps into the end zone. They score the two-point conversion. Mark and Brian hug and celebrate together as the team rushes to hug them and the crowd erupts in cheers. CUT TO: The players are walking off the field. Brian and Mark are on their way to the locker room. BRIAN God that was awesome. You won us the game! MARK Dude, without that block I wouldve been dead. We won the game. Just like we did when we were in peewee, middle school, and JV. And just like were gonna be doing for the rest of our lives. Even in the Pros. BRIAN I hear that! Were gonna get so many girls because of this game. They are suddenly approached by 3 girls right before entering the locker room. BRIAN (under his breath) Speaking of... GIRL #1 Hey boys, great game tonight. GIRL #2 Yeah you guys were totally awesome. BRIAN We try.


CONTINUED: MARK What are you girls doing hanging around the boys locker room? GIRL #3 We were looking for you actually. Were working on the article for tomorrows sports section of the school paper. MARK Huh, I didnt even realize our paper had a sports section. BRIAN I didnt even know we had a school paper. GIRL #3 Well we do, though the sports section is mostly just our predictions for the upcoming games. BRIAN Oh yeah? So what do you predict about us? GIRL #3 Well, for starters, Mark, the coach is definitely going to have you take over MacWalds spot permanently. GIRL #1 Yeah, and youll probably be team captain too one day. GIRL #2 (agreeing) Maybe, but it definitely wont last. I give him one game, two at the most. BRAIN So I guess because you guys think youre "reporters" that makes it okay to be bitchy? Mark was a born leader. GIRL #1 Yeah ok, whatever you say Brian. I definiltey dont see any leadership in you either, but your little brother on the other hand...





GIRL #3 Oh you mean Malcolm? Yeah I totally see what you mean! He definitely has what it takes, and now that hes a starter on J.V. I predict hell be leading this team in no time. GIRL #2 (the girls link arms) Come on guys! We have articles to write. The three girls leave the field and Mark and Brian watch them walk away for a moment, then continue on to the locker room speaking as they go. BRIAN Well that was some bullshit. And linked arms, really? MARK (smirks) Yeah they were pretty ridiculous, its kind of sad the lengths people will go to at this school to validate themselves. I mean Duncans been the team captain since we were sophomores. I would never replace him. BRIAN Yeah, and my brothers only a freshman. Theres no way coach would ever even bring a freshman to varsity, let alone be team captain. MARK Agreed. INT. LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT (AFTER THE GAME) The boys enter the locker room and the team is celebrating. Everyone is having a good time and theres laughter all around. The depth charts on the team bulletin board have replaced MacWald with Mark, as the second string quarterback. Duncan is taping up his knee. Mark and Brain enter into the celebrations and Duncan gestures for Mark to come over and speak with him.


CONTINUED: DUNCAN Mark! Great game man, you have no idea how happy I am we beat that guy. MARK Yeah I heard about what happened...


CUT TO: EXT. PARKING LOT - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) Quick flash of MacWald punching Duncan in the face and then kicking his knee out. We hear a sickening crack as MacWald makes contact with the bone in Duncans knee. INT. LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT (AFTER THE GAME) MARK That was some pretty fucked up shit. DUNCAN Yeah, I cant fucking believe he would do that to his own teammate. His own friend. MacWald didnt give a fuck about the team, he only cared about himself. But you Mark, you get it. You understand what it means to truly be a part of this team. And its for that reason that coach wanted me to tell you that you got MacWalds spot permanently. Youre officially my new number two. MARK Holy shit, thats awesome! And man I just want to let you know, theres nothing more important to me than being a part of this team. DUNCAN Glad to hear it. You wanna come out and celebrate with me and the boys tonight? MARK Ok so there may be one thing more important. I got plans with Lorna tonight.




DUNCAN (laughing) Fair enough. See you later man. CUT TO: INT. LORNAS BEDROOM NIGHT Lornas room is filled with framed pictures of her and Mark together, with Brain in several of the photos as well. Lorna is dressed in a Cheerleading uniform when Mark enters. She immediately starts kissing him. LORNA You played so well tonight. Everyone finally got a chance to see how talented you are. Im so happy for you. Mark smiles and laughs as they continue to hook up, while moving to the bed. MARK Speaking of which, guess what? LORNA What? MARK BAKER The coach gave me MacWalds spot permanently! LORNA (shireking in excitement) Oh my god thats so awesome! MARK BAKER I know right! The weird thing was that these three girls I ran into right before I heard the news, they like already knew it was gonna happen. LORNA What do you mean? Who were they? MARK I dunno, some chicks who said they were like the editors of the sports section for our school paper?




LORNA So? They were probably just talking bullshit, the newspaper staff at our school is like super weird. Besides, it makes sense youd take MacWalds spot, especially after tonights game. MARK Yeah, youre probably right. I should just forget about the other stuff they told me. LORNA Whatd they tell you? MARK Well, they said that eventually I was going to become team captain, but that it would only last for one game and Brians little brother would take over. LORNA From J.V.? But hes tiny! MARK Im just repeating what they told me. But youre probably right, those girls are just weird. But itd be pretty awesome to be the team captain, and get any girl I wanted. LORNA (slaps him playfully) Hey! MARK Come on, you know Im kidding. Man, I dont even know what Im gonna do without you next year. I still cant even wrap my head around the fact that you got accepted early to Alabama State! LORNA Im sure youll get in there too. We have like practically the same GPA.


CONTINUED: MARK Yeah but its not like that would matter. Without a football scholarship Ill be off to community college next year so I can join everyone else whose too poor to leave this town. Ill just be that guy you went out with once. LORNA (joking) Mark dont say that. Ill at least throw you some pity sex when I come home... MARK (laughing) Oh yeah? Would you do that for me?


He starts tickling her and she laughs, their playfulness then turns into an intense make out session. LORNA (pauses, gazing into his eyes) You know even the thought of not being with you next year makes me sick to my stomach. We have to assume things are gonna work out. MARK You mean where we become one of those couples that marry their high school sweet hearts and end up resenting each other for the rest of our lives, with one of us developing a drinking problem, while the other one takes up knitting? LORNA Why does it always have to be knitting? Why I cant I do something cool like roller derbying MARK I just dont want to be holding you back. LORNA (She gets sad again) Mark you wont. I love you too much to let that happen. Trust me, things will work out.




MARK So what are we gonna do? LORNA You gotta get that football scholarship. MARK Not as the second string quarter back I wont. Duncan will get a scholarship for sure. He is the starter after all. LORNA Well, what if something were to happen to Duncan? MARK (laughing) What do you mean? LORNA (serious) I dunno, say something happened, and he got kicked out of school because of it. Or at least thrown off the football team. MARK (serious now) Lorna what are you talking about? Duncans a great quarterback, and hes our team captain. LORNA And you dont think you could lead the team? MARK I didnt say that. LORNA Well good. Because I think I have a plan. MARK Lorna, Duncans a good guy and hes a good team captain too. Hes been a good friend to me. LORNA Mark, dont you realize what your life is gonna be if you dont get (MORE) (CONTINUED)



LORNA (contd) this scholarship? Youll be stuck here forever, and Ill never forgive myself for letting the love of my life get away. He looks at her and realizes how much they love each other. Mark leans in to kiss Lorna. CUT TO: INT. LOCKER ROOM - DAY A police man enters with a dog who sniffs out Duncans locker and makes him open it. Duncan is confused and shocked at what hes accused of. The police man pulls out a large bag of cocaine and slams Duncan up against the lockers cuffing him. CUT TO: INT. LOCKER ROOM - DAY (HOURS AFTER DUNCAN WAS ARRESTED) Mark is being congratulated by the team. The depth charts now have replaced Duncan with Mark, and his teammates are giving him pats on the back. INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY Mark shares a passionate kiss with Lorna against her locker. Then they start walking down the hallway, while holding hands, as Mark wears his jacket with the large C stitched on. Everyone nods and smiles at him as he passes by. They continue down the hallway way. MARK BAKER (V.O.) Its funny what love can do to a person. How it can make you feel justified in your actions, in your unspeakable selfishness and then when your conscience starts to eat away at you, and you feel like you cant take the guilt anymore, all it takes is another kiss, another touch, and the feeling passes just like that. And then theres power. The feeling you get walking down the hall knowing youre in charge, that you are in command, its (MORE) (CONTINUED)



MARK BAKER (V.O.) (contd) almost more than one person can handle. I mean what do you do with yourself when you have everything you couldve ever wanted? The only thing left that you can do is to hold on to it as tightly as humanly possible, because when theres nothing left to gain, all that really means is that youve got everything to lose. EXT. STIRLING HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL FIELD - DAY Several of the team players are on the field in the late afternoon working on their own skills. Mark Baker is standing next to a mesh bag filled with footballs. He takes one out and throws it the target 30 feet away. He continues this process over and over. Closer to the side lines, Brian is training with his little brother Malcolm, as they always do. Malcolm is taking snaps, then dropping back and throwing to a receiver en route. Mark notices the quick foot work, the strong arm, and precision accuracy on Malcolms throw. He is worried about his spot and walks over to talk with Brian. MARK Hey, Malcolm good work out there kid. Your lookin like a solid JV Quarterback. You mind if I talk with Brian for a minute about the game? MALCOLM No problem, Mark. I was about to get some water anyway. Malcolm jogs away towards the water bottles on a sidelines table. BRIAN Whats up bro. MARK Shouldnt you be workin on your own game and not your brothers?


CONTINUED: BRIAN Were just training a bit. We always do. MARK Whats more important, his JV game or our Varsity game? BRIAN Relax, Ill be ready for the game. Besides, Coach talked to Malcolm about coming up on varsity to fill the back-up quarterback spot. How great is that! MARK He knows he wont ever play right? Sorry, I mean he doesnt expect to start or anything does he? BRIAN Dude, relax thats your spot. No ones taking it. MARK Good. BRIAN Malcolms just happy to be on Varsity. Hell do whatever the coach asks him to do. MARK (concerned by this) What if coach wants him to start? He knows thats my spot right? BRIAN If coach wants him to play then he probably will. He cant say no to the coach. MARK You and your brother would betray me like that? BRIAN Betray you? What am I doing? MARK Your the one training him. Fine, you know what, I gotta go. See you at the game tomorrow.





BRIAN CMon Mark, where you going. Lets take some snaps. Mark really? Mark storms off the field in anger and protest. Brian takes the ball hes holding and punts it wildy into the air out of frustration. Malcolm returns from getting water. MALCOLM You wanna run some routes? BRIAN (frustrated) No, look I got my own game to worry about. I gotta go, see you at home. INT. TEAM LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT Mark is pacing back and forth as the haunting words from the female reporters are echo over and over again in his head. He looks over at the depth charts and then begins to look away, but is troubled by something on the board. His face turns to a scowl, when he realizes that coach has moved Malcolm into the #2 quarterback spot for the game tomorrow. He has a complete break down and punches the board over and over again until his knuckles are bloody. Shaking, he takes out his cell phone and makes a call. MARK Hey, its Mark, quarterback for the Lions, look I know we dont like each other, but I think I have a way we can help each other out..... Good. Heres what you do... CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - NEXT DAY Brian is lying in the hospital bed severely bandaged, with breathing tubes coming out of his mouth. He lays in bed with his eyes puffed up and swolen. A Policeman enters the room. OFFICER Brian, I know this has been a traumatic experience for you but I need you to tell me exactly what (MORE) (CONTINUED)



OFFICER (contd) happened. If youre worried about your safety, I assure you that we can find whoever did this to you. BRIAN Pass. OFFICER Pass? really? Look Brian if you dont want me to go to the police then just tell me how this happened, so I know what I can do to help you. BRIAN Help me? HELP ME? The other doctor said I cant play football for at least another six months at which point the season will be over. So there goes any chance I had of paying for a decent college. My leg is broken, I can barely see out my right eye, and it hurts me to breathe. So how do you think you can help me? OFFICER Well, I know I cant do anything if you dont tell me what happened, but if I at least had a sense of how you got these injuries I could certainly try. BRIAN Alright then, fine. If you really think itll help, Ill tell you. It was a night like any other and I was returning home from football practice with my brother... CUT TO: EXT. STIRLING FOOTBALL FIELD PARKING LOT - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) The lights have just shut off on the field and Brian and Malcolm are walking out to their car. Everyone else has left already. The parking lot is almost completely dark, save for a few dimmed street lights. A Green Jeep slowly pulls into the parking lot. (CONTINUED)



The boys look confused, but continue on to their car, now only 20 feet away. The jeep cuts diagonally through the lined spaces towards the Brian and Malcolm. The Jeep comes to a hard stop adjacent to the Brians Nissan. Getting out of the car are SIX LARGE MALES. Brian quickly recognizes all six of them as part of the Westover Wildcats; the team they play tomorrow. The players start towards the two brothers with a look of evil consuming their faces. BRIAN (V.O.) Then we decided to go for a quick jog after our work out. Brian turns to yell at Malcolm and they both begin to run away with the 6 football players in hot pursuit. They run into the nearby woods and Brian trips over a branch. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY BRIAN And then I tripped. OFFICER You honestly expect me to believe you sustained all these injuries because you tripped? I mean what about your brother, he didnt try to help you? BRIAN Well, his training is very important to him and I told him to go on because it really wasnt that big a deal at the time. Plus he has his whole career in high school football ahead of him, he needs to focus on his game. CUT TO: EXT. FOREST ADJACENT TO PARKING LOT - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) BRIAN (yelling) Malcolm run! Go get help!




MALCOLM But... BRIAN Just GO! Malcolm runs away into the forest as Brian lays on the ground struggling to get up, when the 6 other team players approach him. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Malcolm enters the room urgently. BRIAN Speak of the devil! Here he is... my brother in the flesh. Malcolm goes over to Brian and sits beside him, immediately sobbing. MALCOLM I shouldnt have left you... I cant believe I would do that... BRIAN (to the cop) Hey sir, youre kind of intruding on a personal family thing here, would you mind leaving us, for like a while? OFFICER Visiting hours ended over an hour ago. Ill give you 5 minutes, and when I return youre going to tell me the full story. He exits. MALCOLM So what happened after I left? EXT. FOREST OUTSIDE OF PARKING LOT - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) They immediately start beating Malcolm, without mercy, as he lies helpless on the ground. PLAYER #1 Make sure you get his leg!




PLAYER #2 I am! PLAYER #1 No his left leg idiot! PLAYER #2 Okay, okay I got it. Malcolm moans and keels over in pain as we hear a sickening crunch from his leg, while they continue beating him. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Brian winces in pain at the memory as he attempts to move to get a glass of water. He cant reach it. Malcolm hands it to him and he takes a grateful sip. BRIAN It really wasnt so bad... I dont want you to beat yourself up over this. You need to focus on improving your game. MALCOLM Im sorry but I just cant get over the fact that the Wildcats would target us like that. I mean why us? BRIAN Yeah, about that. Theres something I need to tell you... something I need you to do for me... MALCOLM Anything. You name it. At this point the officer reenters. OFFICER (to Malcolm) Okay, gentleman, times up. You can come back tomorrow. MALCOLM Ill come back first thing tomorrow. Malcolm gets up to leave, with a last glance at Brian lying pathetically in a hospital bed. He shuts the door behind him.




OFFICER Now, Im not leaving this room until you tell me what happened. BRIAN Fine, but first just answer me this, do you have a best friend? OFFICER (slightly taken back) Well sure, I have many close colleagues at work and... BRIAN No no, Im not talking about work associates or colleagues, Im talking about true friendship. The friendship thats been forged practically since birth. The friend who you would do anything for. The friend that youve always looked up to and admired because no matter what, hes always been there when you need him. Im talking about the friend you would trust with your life. OFFICER Yeah, I have a few friends Ive known for a long time. I trust them. So. BRIAN Okay now what if they fucked up? What if they betrayed you, and as a result your career, everything you hoped for in the future became nothing more than just a dream? A dream that now could never come true? OFFICER I dont know. Thats never happened to me. BRIAN Well then, lets leave it at that. OFFICER So youre saying that your not gonna tell me what happened. I can help you if you just trust me.




BRIAN (gesturing to his leg) Im saying that this is nothing any doctor or police officer can fix. CUT TO: EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD - DAY Mark practicing throwing drills, doing wind sprints, and other football related practicing activities. While we see this we hear him talking to himself. MARK BAKER (V.O.) Football is all about control. Control of the ball, control of the game, control over the oponent. All it takes is one poorly executed throw, because once the ball leaves your fingertips it takes on a life of its own, spinning into this downward spiral, bringing the entire team down with it. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - NEXT DAY Malcolm sits by Brians bedside. BRIAN Malcolm, it wasnt the wildcats that did this to me. MALCOLM What do you mean? I was there, they came after us. BRIAN It was Mark. The wildcats knew to hit my left knee, and Mark was the only person, other than you, who knew about the surgery I had last year. MALCOLM I dont believe it. Marks been like a brother to us our whole lives. BRIAN Yeah, but the truth is, he isnt our brother. He feels you betrayed (MORE) (CONTINUED)



BRIAN (contd) him by moving up to varsity, and hes just gonna keep going after you until he knows that theres no chance you can take his spot. I need you to get to him before he can get to you. The person I trusted most in this world stripped me of any chance I had at leading a successful life. The only thing that will give me some peace of mind is knowing that his betrayal wont go unpunished. MALCOLM Youd know I do anything for you, but Im just a freshman. What could I possibly do to get revenge on Mark? BRIAN Dont worry, theres a way we can get this done. You may just need to bring in a little outside help. CUT TO: EXT. MICHAEL DUFFYS HOUSE - NIGHT Its raining hard. A modest, somewhat shabby looking house. The light in the house is on. Malcolm is wet from the rain and stands at Duffys doorstep ringing the bell furiously, attempting to escape the down pour. Michael Duffy answers the door. DUFFY (squinting through the rain) Malcolm? What are you doing here? MALCOLM Can you just let me in? Its important. INT. MICHAEL DUFFYS LIVING ROOM Duffy reluctantly opens the door to a living room with a couch, a T.V. set and a crib, where a baby is sleeping. Duffy checks on the baby and signals to Malcolm to be quiet.




DUFFY (quiet) Whats so important? I just put her down for her nap. MALCOLM (whispering) Its Mark. DUFFY What? MALCOLM Hes the one behind it all. Hes the one who put the drugs in Duncans locker and hes the one who got those guys to come after us the other night. Hes the reason Brians in the hospital, and Duncans at some military camp. Look, Duncan was your best friend, you knew the guy better than anyone. You and I both know he wasnt dealing drugs. DUFFY Mark and Brian have been best friends since forever. And Brians key to our defense. It doesnt make any sense. Why would he do that? MALCOLM I was supposed to be the main target of the attack because coach moved me up to varsity. Mark was afraid I was gonna take his spot. Marks made it obvious hell stop at nothing to be starting quarterback, hes completely lost sight of whats best for the team. We have to get rid of him, for Brian, Duncan, and the sake of our season. DUFFY Look man, I have more important things going on right now than whose playing starting quarterback. I have Sophie and the baby to worry about.




MALCOLM Speaking of, where is Sophie? DUFFY She went to that pregame party tonight. I offered to stay home for a while because I know she really needed to blow off some steam. And Mark agreed to drive her home, because we both know he never drinks the night before a game. MALCOLM Yeah, but hes tearing our team apart. DUFFY So youre fit to take over as quarterback? Team captain even? MALCOLM Yes. Im ready trust me. I know I can get the job done, as quarterback and even captain. DUFFY (quick glance at the baby) You think a freshman with no experience can lead the team. You think you really have what it takes. You need heart and passion to play for us. MALCOLM I knew you still cared. Look Im ready alright. And Ill always put whats best for the team before anything else. DUFFY Alright fine, Im sure most of the team would support you on this. I guess the only thing left to do is go to coach. INT. LORNAS BEDROOM - NIGHT As Lorna gets ready for the party, applying makeup in the mirror, Mark sits on the bed and looks around at all the photographs of him, Lorna and Brian. He starts pacing up and down.


INT. LOCKER ROOM - DAY (FLASHBACK) Duncan cleaning out his locker. EXT. PARKING LOT - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) Mark getting beaten up. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY (FLASHBACK) Mark lying helplessly in the bed. INT. LORNAS BEDROOM - NIGHT Mark sits down and puts his head in his hands, these images are taunting him. MARK It cant have been for nothing Lorna. It cant have all been for nothing. LORNA It wasnt. Youre going to start tomorrow and the scouts are gonna see how talented you are, and then youll get the scholarship you deserve. Everythings gonna work out. MARK How can you be so sure? LORNA Because I have faith in you. I have faith in us. MARK You know I love you more than anything, but faith just isnt enough for me. I cant stand to live with all this uncertainty. Ive got to go back to those sports editors. LORNA Well Im sure theyll be at the party. And (finishes with her make-up) Im ready to go.


CUT TO: INT. HOUSE PARTY - NIGHT The party is packed and drinks are everywhere. Loud music plays. As soon as they arrive Sophie spots Lorna and rushes over to her for a hug, Sophie is already a bit drunk. LORNA Oh my god Sophie! Im so glad you came out tonight! SOPHIE Yeah, I really needed it. Michael offered to stay home with the baby. You wanna drink? Theres vodka in the kitchen. LORNA Fuck yeah! Lets go! Mark? Mark suddenly spots the three sports editors from across the room. MARK Yeah Ill catch up with you guys in a bit. He makes his way over to the editors across the room. MARK (shouting to be heard over the music) Can I talk to you guys for a sec? I really need some advice about tomorrows game. GIRL #1 (cant hear him) What? MARK (still shouting) I said... He pulls them into the nearest empty bedroom. MARK (CONT) I need some advice.




GIRL #2 Oh so now you believe us? MARK Look just... please okay? What you said before... it turned out to be true and I just really need to win tomorrow. We ALL need a win tomorrow. The three girls exchange significant glances. GIRL #3 Okay Mark, well tell you some things. We were gonna post them on our blog tomorrow anyways. GIRL #1 First of all, you need to watch out for Duffy. Word is hes planning to go to coach about you not leading the team anymore. GIRL #2 Secondly, the only time you know youre really fucked tomorrow is if they decide to do a double reverse pass to the quarterback. MARK But thats completely ridiculous, thats like.... no one ever runs that play in a game. GIRL #3 Were just telling you what we think. Do you want our advice or not? MARK Okay okay. Go on. GIRL #3 Well lastly, the only person that can actually be a threat to you is someone who was born without a mother. GIRL #1 Now if youll excuse us They all get up to leave




GIRL #2 We need to get some beers before this party goes dry. They all exit the bedroom and Mark stands there more frustrated and confused than ever. He starts pacing back and forth. Lorna enters the bedroom. LORNA Mark what are you doing in here? My sister just called and she said shes on her way to pick me up now. Mark exits the room and enters the party and the music is once again very loud. The party is in full swing. Everyone is pretty wasted, including Sophie whos pouring herself another drink. MARK Yeah I have to go too. I need to watch some game tapes to prepare for tomorrows game. LORNA But the partys just getting started and Sophie wants to stay. She really needs this night off, and didnt you agree to drive her home? MARK Ill find her a ride. Lorna suddenly gets a text and looks at her phone. LORNA Thats my sister, shes waiting outside. See ya! She gives him a quick kiss and exits the party. Mark makes his way over to John, another player on the team, who is pumping the keg for another beer. He is clearly pretty buzzed. MARK Hey John you drove here right? Do you think you could give Sophie a ride back to Michaels? Sophie is playing pong and laughing with some of the cheerleaders.




JOHN Sure thing dude. And hey man, (puts his hand on Marks shoulder) Were counting on you for the win tomorrow. CUT TO: INT. MARKS LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Mark is watching game tapes intensely. EXT. STREET OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSE PARTY - NIGHT The party is over and it is still raining really hard. John, still kinda buzzed, opens the door for Sophie who is too drunk to do so herself and puts her sloppily in the passenger seat. He gets in his beat up car and drives away. He swirves a bit. Hes dirving messy, skidding, and trying to see through all the rain. EXT. BUSY INTERSECTION - NIGHT Suddenly a yellow light turns red as John is driving through the intersection. A heavy truck coming at full speed hits the side of the car. The passengers side of the car with Sophie in it is suddenly plowed into. Darkness. INT. MICHAEL DUFFYS HOUSE - NIGHT The digital clock reads 2 a.m. when suddenly the door bell rings. Michael is half asleep with his baby in his arms. He goes to the door holding his baby to find 2 police officers standing there. They tell him the bad news and he turns back into the house and puts the baby down. He sits on the couch and puts his head in his hands and has a mental breakdown. Out of anger he knocks over a lamp and the baby starts to cry.

28. INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY The hallway is crowded with students, its in between classes. Students are milling about their lockers, Mark is at his locker wearing his football jersey #27 because its game day. PA ANNOUNCEMENT (PRINCIPAL) Students, I have some unfortunate news to tell you. Last night, there was a car accident with two students at our school. The driver, John Lang, is currently in critical condition but the doctors expect him to recover. Unfortunately his passenger, Sophie Mills, passed away last night. She was an honored member of Stirling high and we have all suffered a great loss. In light of this tragedy school counseling will be offered to anyone who needs it. Tonights game will be dedicated to her, and I ask everyone partake in a moment of silence in her memory. Every one in the hallway stands silently, the cheerleaders are all crying. Tears are streaming down Lornas face. Mark is in shock. PA ANNOUNCEMENT (PRINCIPAL) Thank you. A vigil in her memory will be held after the game. The bell rings and, still in a state of shock, Mark numbly takes his books out of his locker and starts to head to class. Lorna goes over to him and grabs him, pushing him into an empty classroom, still crying. INT. EMPTY CLASSROOM - DAY Lorna pushes Mark hard. LORNA She was my best friend. Hitting him again. My best fucking friend! You were suppposed to drive her home last night. You were supposed to take care of her. How could you do this? (CONTINUED)



After hitting him repeatedly she eventually breaks down into a fit of sobs and collapses into his arms. He holds her tightly and then looks into her eyes. MARK Lorna, it was a mistake. I didnt mean for any of this to happen! LORNA I know, but its just too much. Its all too much. She runs out of the classroom crying, Mark left standing there in shock. EXT. SCHOOL PARKING LOT - DAY Lorna walking to her car and enters it. INT. LORNAS CAR - DAY Tears stream silently down her face. Memories flash through her head. Dance Recitals, sleepovers, and cheerleading. Then she sees Brian in the hospital. Shes at a bridge and pulls over. EXT. BRIDGE - DAY She gets out of the car, goes to the edge and jumps off. Its a high bridge. Kerploosh! A few bubbles reach the top of the water as she sinks and dies. CUT TO: INT. LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT Its right before the game and Mark storms into the locker room. MARK (frantic) Has anyone seen Lorna? I cant find her anywhere. COACH Mark, why dont you step into my office for a second. The principle (MORE) (CONTINUED)



COACH (contd) just got a call from Lornas parents and I have something to tell you. Mark goes into the coaches office, they can be seen talking through the glass window. Michael Duffy storms into the locker room. Malcolm and all the other players are lacing up sneakers and getting ready. Duffy goes over to Malcolm. MALCOLM Michael? What are you doing here? I thought youd be at home after what happened. MICHAEL (gesturing to Mark) That son of a bitch promised me hed drive her home. He looked me in the eye and promised me. How am I supposed to raise this girl without a mother? All I have now is this team, and that baby. Talking to coach isnt enough... MALCOLM Im behind you one hundred percent man, whatever you want to do. MICHAEL (looking over at Mark) Hes finished. INT. COACHS OFFICE - NIGHT COACH Mark, Im so sorry. Mark looks away. He flashes back to his relationship with Lorna. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Artsy shots of their first time having sex.


EXT. PARK - DAY Them laughing together on the swings. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD - NIGHT Him kissing her after winning a big game. INT. COACHS OFFICE - NIGHT A single tear trickles down Marks face. COACH Ill understand if you dont want to play tonight. MARK (wiping away the tear) No. Lorna wanted me to play in this game. We both did. Im doing this. He goes back into the locker room and begins to suit up for the game. The team runs out onto the field, we see the fans, the cheerleaders, the scouts on the sidelines, and the team lining up to play. We hear this voice over as this happens. MARK BAKER (V.O.) Sometimes things happen and it feels like the entire world just stops. Its like youre drowning and in that moment, you have a choice. You can either sink, into the pain and the loss, or you can fight to get your head above water. The only way to do this is by focus. Focus on the one thing you have left in youre life and give it everything youve got. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD - NIGHT Mark takes the snap and pitches the ball to Malcolm, who fumbles purposely. The ball is picked up by the other team and they score a touchdown. MARK (yelling) Come on, are you fucking kidding me?! What was that?




MALCOLM Our star halfback is in the hospital Mark, and hes never gonna play again. Mark winces and the coach calls him over to the sideline. Its almost halftime. COACH Malcolms right Mark. Without Brian weve got no chance of getting through their offensive line. Weve got to shake things up. Were going double reverse pass to the quarterback. You think you can execute that? Were getting slaughtered out there and we need to get ahead before the half. MARK (suddenly worried, remembering the prediction) Um, yeah coach I think I can get it done. COACH Dont think Mark. If youre leading this team, you have to know. He runs back out onto the field. The receiver gets the ball from the running back, who pitches it to another receiver in the back field. Malcolm launches a pass deep to the quarterback (Mark). Mark glances over to the cheerleaders and has a flash of Lorna still being there, distracted, he misses the ball. The crowd groans. Halftime. On the way in Duffy approaches Mark. DUFFY Hey Mark, come here for a sec, Ive got an idea for how we can beat these guys. Theres a hole in their defense I think we can get through, but I think I left the tape in my car. Just come with me and we can go watch it in the av room real quick. MARK Are you sure well have time?




DUFFY Yeah itll only take a few minutes. INT. LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT COACH (looking around) Wheres Baker and Duffy? MALCOLM Oh I think they just went to get something. EXT. DESERTED PARKING LOT OUTSIDE THE GAME - NIGHT Duffys car is the only one parked there. He takes out a baseball bat from the trunk. MARK What the fuck Michael? DUFFY You killed my girlfriend. Its your fault shes dead. You thought I wouldnt realize? You thought I wouldnt do anything? MARK Fight me then. Im not threatened by you. And when your mom asks why your face is all fucked, just remember you brought this on. DUFFY Fuck you! I dont have a mom. My dad had me artificially inseminated. With that Duffy begins to beat Mark. They struggle, but Mark ends up on the ground and Duffy bashes his head in with the baseball bat. INT. LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT Duffy returns with Marks helmet in his hands. The coach looks up as he enters DUFFY Coach, hes gone.




COACH Fine, Malcolm, looks like youre leading this team. Your QB #1. The team cheers and Duffy holds up Marks helmet in triumph. EXT. DESERTED PARKING LOT - NIGHT Mark lays on the ground dead, the blood spreading out from his head wound.

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