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A Childs Confusion.

It was my first year in elementary school; my parents had lied to the principal of the school to get me in, that because I didnt know any English and it was needed since many classes were taught in English. I started then going to this school and at first I didnt understand anything, I just copied what was supposed to be the homework, but because I didnt understand what has to be done I used not doing it, so the next day I would hear the teacher asking me for the diary, where we write the homework and parents signed them. The teacher would write a note for my mother, the firsts were asking her to pay attention that I did homework, but it was so my custom of not doing them that the teacher then asked my mother to go to the school to talk with her. I didnt realize anything about what was h appening, I did really tried to pay attention but it was so difficult to understand and I was so lazy too to do homework, but I didnt thought that I was doing wrong. That day when my mother and I arrived home my mother started scolding me, Why arent you doing your homework? Havent you told me that you didnt had anything to do? So then I answered, But mom I dont understand the instructions . I said hesitating about the response I was giving, I was a bit afraid, but then my mother continued: Why didnt you ask anyone else about that homework? I dont know anyone Im new there, remember?, I said shyly. You have to be more responsibleI dont want your teacher asking me again to go to school! Did you hear me?! I dont want any other note about your homework in that dairy! If I ever read another note for me there Im going to punish you very severe, and I dont want any excuses, understood?!,said my mother almost shouting. Ow ok mom, Ill try, that was my last sadly response. So that day I did my homework, after a good scolding I knew that not doing homework wouldnt lead me to a good way. The next day I went to classes as always, I paid attention until I couldnt and looked out of the classroom, but everything was good, I wouldnt get puni shed because no notes would be in my dairy because all my homework was done, so I was relaxed; at least I was until noon. By that time, after the recess, a kid started

bullying me, so I answered to the bullying without noticing that the teacher was watching us. After a while of discussion about what I and the other kid had done, and me feeling not confortable about being scolded for something that wasnt my fault the teacher decided to ask for my dairy I felt in ruin I would be punished after all And what I decided to do is that I wouldnt give the dairy to the teacher. I ran to my seat and closed my backpack and sit over it. The teacher asked me for the dairy again and again I refused to gave her it, so the teacher started to struggle with me to get the tiny notebook. Finally the teacher got one of the edges of it, but I didnt let her have it, I grabbed the rest as strong as I could, I wouldnt disobey my mother.. and my mother told me she didnt want another note written by the teacher. After a while I got a bit exhausted and the teacher got the dairy, but I continued to fight for it, I even almost gave her a slap by mistake, because all I wanted was the damn dairy. I was jumping and jumping and I stretched myself as much as I could. I think that we were like that around twenty minutes. Finally the teacher got exhausted and left the classroom leaving me the dairy, I felt relived, I had won and wouldnt get punished because the teacher didnt wrote anything. I was happy. After two minutes, the teacher was back. And I was surprised with what she told me, she asked me to go to the principals office. I wasnt happy anymore; I knew it was a bad thing. I took my dairy, so the teacher wouldnt be able to write in it while I was out and went to the office. Once in the office, I took a seat, and then she asked me for the dairy, and again I refused. After this the principal said, If you dont give me your dairy I will call your mother I meditated for a while what to do and then I refused to give her the dairy. So you prefer that I call your mother? Are you ok with that?, the principal asked again. Yes, call her my mother just told me that she didnt want a note here, that was my response. The principal, in a frustrated mood, told me to go to the classroom again, so I went happily because nothing happened. When the classes ended my mother came, she asked me to wait because she had to talk with the principal and the teacher. And for me it was ok, so far, I was relaxed, feeling that everything was great because I had obeyed my mother, so I went to the backyard to play for a while. After like 20 minutes, finally my

mother was back. I waved my teacher and the principal saying good bye and left with my mother. Once in the car, my mother started asking me questions like, why didnt I gave the teacher my dairy and made so much noise and made the trouble even worse. In that moment I felt that I didnt understand anything so I said to my mother, But mom you just told me that you didnt want any note written in here I was just obeying you, its not my fault that the teacher didnt care about your orders. My mother started to laugh Mom, why are you laughing? What is funny?, I was getting even more confused.

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