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CEPOL Seminar 09/2012 Counter Terrorism Awareness

3- 6 July 2012, Athens Greece

Arrival Day Monday 02/07/2012 Day 1 Tuesday 03/07/2012 Day 2 Wednesday 04/07/2012 Day 3 Thursday 05/07/2012 Day 4 Friday 06/07/2012

09:00 - 10:00

Welcome speech from the Director of the Hellenic Police Academy Introduction Overview Expectations of Participants

10:00 - 11:00

Arrival of the Participants

CEPOLs LMS E-Net CEPOL GR EU Awareness Mr. Kleanthis Papagiannopoulos Mr. Dimitrios Giannakis Hellas Break

Chronology of the terrorism phenomenon in Greece: The cases of the terrorist organizations "17 November" and "Revolutionary Struggle" Mr. Panagiotis Arnaoutidis Mr. Konstantinos Gerekos Hellas & The change in firearms usage from the .45 pistol to the RPG Mr. Nikolaos Tsiatis Hellas Break and Group Photo

Conspiracy of Fire Cells: The emergence, the activity and the end (?) of a nihilistic anarchist group that has transformed to a terrorist organization with international range Mr. Vasileios Rodopoulos, Mr. Anastasios Koromilas Mr. Panagiotis Sietis Hellas Break 2009-2011: Two years of sequential arrests of members of the terrorist organization Conspiracy of Fire Cells Mr. Anastasios Koromilas Mr. Panagiotis Sietis Hellas & A secret hidden in tinny evidence Mr. Nikolaos Tsiatis Hellas Lunch

Introduction to the basic i.e.d circuit. Pressure cookers cases.-Ways of diffusion, based on field experiments Mr. Vlachakis Mr. Panagiotopoulos Hellas Dying to kill: A general view of suicide terrorism Mr. Apostolos Mironidis Hellas Break Conclusions / Discussion Evaluation of the Seminar

11:00 - 11:30

11:30 - 12:30

"Networked Security - The First Response Network (FRN) as the EU Law Enforcement response to major terrorist incidents" Mr. Peter Vergauwen Europol

The CTUs counterterrorism strategy for the successful confrontation of the current forms of domestic terrorism Mr. Panagiotis Arnaoutidis Mr. Konstantinos Kavrakis Hellas

Certificates and Closing Ceremony

12:30 - 13:30





Arrival Day Monday 02/07/2012 Day 1 Tuesday 03/07/2012 Day 2 Wednesday 04/07/2012 Day 3 Thursday 05/07/2012 Day 4 Friday 06/07/2012

13:30 - 14:30

Presentation of the CoPPra Project Mr Jean Pierre Devos Break The Anarchist pro-Insurrection Movement in Italy with focus on FAI - Informal Anarchist Federation & Italian approach on counterterrorism: preventive measures Mr. Nicola Falvella Italy The threat of AQ in the Maghred to Europe Mr. Francisco Campana Lazaro Carrasco Spain Evaluation of 1st day Free time Welcome Dinner Dinner at a Greek tavern

Use and misuse of Internet by Jihadist Terrorism Mr. Navarrete Paniagua Spain Break

Table top exercise Achilles heel Hellas Break

14:30 15:00

15:00 -16:00

Religiously motivated terrorism Mr. Theodoros Chronopoulos Mr. Nikolaos Koutsodimas Hellas

Table top exercise Achilles heel Mr. Nikolaos Stefanou Mr. Anastasios Koromilas Mr. Panagiotis Sietis Mr. Panagiotis Arnaoutidis Hellas Departure of the participants

16:00 -17:00

17:00 - 17:30 17:30 19:30 20:00

Evaluation of 2nd day Visit to the Acropolis Museum Dinner

Evaluation of 3rd day Free time Farewell Dinner

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