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Uranian Astrology for Beginners - Lesson 1

Beginning Lessons in Uranian Astrology: Lesson 1: Planetary Pictures Ruth Brummund, Dipl Psych Translation f rom German by L Blake Finley, M.A. Linguistics

W e have the chart data to enter into our computer program and now need to ascertain the correct time zone and whether hours are to be added or subtracted. To prepare f or our work, we will need 3 types of printout: 1) A data list showing the longitudes of the planets, transneptunians, and relational points, 2) a horoscopic chart in the 90 f ormat with space f or placing a 15-centimeter dial in the middle, and 3) a listing of the midpoints in the chart notated in the 22.5 system (16th harmonic). T hese printouts are available in the Aureas Special Uranian program, desgined specif ically f or use with our lessons. And to perf orm our work, we will need one of 2 things: either a) the Aureas Special Uranian program, which includes a versatile on-screen 90 dial chart, with f unctions that make midpoint analysis easier than when using a printed chart and dial manually, or b) a printed 90 chart, which the Special Uranian program also provides, and should be used with a 15centimeter 90 dial with either a pin or nut-and-bolt to secure it to a clipboard. Please contact if you need a 90 dial suitable f or our work. An illustration of the 90 dial can be seen here.

T he dial shows two rows of numbers. Starting at 0, we see the degrees marked in 5 increments, on both sides, around the outer circle of the dial, until we reach 45. T hen we take note of the second circle inside, which starts with 45 and continues up to 90. T hus we see 5 on the outer circle corresponding with 85 on the inner, 20 to 70, 30 to 60, and then 45 to 45. Because of this arrangement, we can easily detect symmetrical relationships within the chart. T he pointer (at 0 and 90 of the dial) can be set toward any given point on the chart. We will then note where each of the other f actors in the chart is located in relation to 0. At this point, I would like to relate a story. One day, Alf red Witte was sitting at the shore and threw a stone into the water. He observed how small circular waves emanated outward f rom where the stone f irst contacted the water. T hen, when he threw two stones into the water at the same time, he noted that at the central meeting point of the two circular patterns, a straight line was f ormed. We can also observe similar patterns in the movements of a boat. If it is stopped in a still harbor with the motor turned of f , it creates practically no waves. However, if someone starts the motor and the propellor begins to turn, continual circular motion is triggered in the surrounding water. Traveling outward, away f rom the shore, the boat arrives in proximity to other boats, and at the point where the waves created by each boat meet, we also see a straight line f ormed in the water. We can translate this undular motion into what would occur out in the cosmos. Every planet, due to its rotation, sends vibrational waves out into the atmosphere, and straight lines result when they meet up with the vibrations of other planets. T his motivated Alf red Witte to take note of the signif icance of midpoints. When the energies of any two planets intermix, they counteract yet ultimately complement each other in a remarkable manner.

In cases where a third planet lies at the midpoint of the f irst two we just considered, a "planetary picture" is f ormed. On page 54 of the German anthology "Man: A Receiving Station of Cosmic Inf luences", Alf red Witte wrote: "A planetary picture is f ormed by three planets when one of them is located at the midpoint of the other two. T hese three planets can actually exist in six possible sequences in relationship to each other; and within these six possible sequences, each of the three planets will lie at the midpoint of the other two in 2 of the 6 sequences"; and he continues: "the two outlying planets would together exert an inf luence on the planet occupying their symmetrical axis." Now, in a personal chart we will observe how planetary pictures are detected. T hus we will look at the natus of Bill Gates, born 1955.Oct.28 at 22h00 PST in Seattle (122W20 x 47N36). First, we set the 0 pointer of the dial on 0 Aries of the chart and look to the right and to the lef t f or symmetrical relationships. We ref er to this approach as investigation of the axis. We will f ind f actors to either side at approximately the same degrees, lef t and right. Since with the 90 dial we have a f ourf old magnif ication of the 360 dial, it is easier to recognize more precisely where the midpoints, as well as the individual f actors, are located. T he 90 dial is also easier on our eyes. In our later years in particular, we would all want to preserve our vision and protect the sensitivity of our eyes. At the distance of 3, we f ind Cupido to the lef t and Vulkanus to the right, notated as CU/VU. At 5 we f ind the MC to the lef t and Apollon to the right, actually closer to 6, notated as MC/AP. If we now go back to the concept of the planetary picture, incorporating the f actor in the middle, we note that AR=CU/VU=MC/AP, and we thus have 2 single planetary pictures. In order to f ind f urther pictures, we could also quickly glance at a printout listing the midpoints.

T he Sun, as the source of lif e and vitality, is the most important point in a chart. We now rotate the dial so that 0 points to the Sun and we look f or symmetries. We f ind at 22 and 23 Jupiter and Kronos on one side, and Poseidon on the other. T his can be notated as JU/PO, KR/PO. T his alone is the indicator of a unique personality in a special position. In working with the 16th harmonic, JU.KR.PO show up as being equal in value to the Sun, and this combination is theref ore a unif ying theme in all midpoints lying on this axis. Next, at 25 we f ind Mars and Z eus, or MA/Z E. T hus, as a unif ied or combined planetary picture, we have SU=JU/PO=KR/PO=MA/Z E=MO/ME, or in 22.5 notation, SU=JU=KR=PO=MA/Z E=MO/ME. We will consider the interpretations later. At this point, we want to f irst clarif y the technique. Similarly, when adjusting the dial to any given f actor, we can f ind a series of midpoints which altogether f orm a combined, or complex, planetary picture. T he only software program which effectively calculates the examples printed in these lessons is the 'Special Uranian' astrology program by Aureas Software of Paris, developed in cooperation with Ruth Brummund and Blake Finley (Click here for further information.) > Lesson 2: Solar Arc Directions Whoever has questions should direct them to: Ruth.Brummund@ URANIAN


-- Hamburg, 24 Jun 2001

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