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Since May 2005

Volume 5 Issue 5 FREE July 10, 2009

Sullivan’s Island • Isle of Palms • Goat Island • Dewees Island

Infamous election
resurrected by warning 4th of July more on page 18

By Ali Akhyari Sullivan's

n the winter of 2007, the Isle of
Palms community was deeply
divided when nine candidates
campaigned for four City Council
seats. Livability, vacation rentals,
and the definition of community
were fiery issues which instigated
much debate. The Isle of Palms
Community Association (IOPCA),
made up mostly by business
owners, sprang up as a response
to the Isle of Palms Neighborhood
Association (IOPNA) and hired an
infamous political strategist by
the name of Rod Shealy. Shealy
made a name for himself when he
hired an unemployed black man
to run against a white incumbent
in an attempt to help his sister
win an election in 1990. It came
as no surprise, then, that some
sketchy tactics and muckraking
were used during the campaign.
Although the worst of the
campaigning tactics have more or
less been set aside as a dark time
in the island’s history, it is the
money Shealy was given that has
resurrected the brutal campaign.
On March 18 of this year,
the South Carolina State Ethics
Commission ruled that the
IOPCA Committee had been in
violation of three sections of the
Ethics Reform Act after formal
complaints had been filed in
May of 2008. The result was
a written warning and a $100

Isle of Palms
see Election on page 4
IOP photos by Linda Lovvorn Tucker

Inside Island Eye

Summer at the Poe page 6 IOP Beach Run page 7 Oli Nah page 11
2 July 10, 2009

Isle of Palms is
one Clean Beach
Provided by the Clean Beach Council

n July 1, the Clean Now in its tenth year, the program
Beaches Council released has been called the “LEEDS”
its annual list of beaches certification for beaches. To
which have been officially become certified, beaches adhere
certified as clean, healthy and to best management practices
environmentally well managed. in the following areas: water
The announcement was made quality, beach and intertidal
as families and beach-lovers conditions, hazards/safety,
around the country prepared to services, habitat conservation,
flock to the beach for the July erosion management, public
4th weekend, the biggest beach- information and education.
going weekend of the year. Seven tips for
This year, beaches in twenty family beach safety*
states and U.S. territories, 1. Keep kids within arms
including American Samoa, reach (especially in the sea,
California, Florida, Hawaii, but also on land).
Indiana, Maine, Maryland, 2. Don’t dive in (Two thirds
Massachusetts, Michigan, of catastrophic neck/head/
Mississippi, New Jersey, New spinal injuries occur in the
York, North Carolina, Oregon, ocean and sea).
South Carolina, Texas, U.S. 3. Knee deep is too deep
Virgin Islands, Virginia, (strong winds, waves and
Washington and Wisconsin, are currents create dangerous
on the list. But only two beaches rip currents that can sweep a
in South Carolina were certified child out to sea).
as a Clean Beach: Surfside 4. Know before you go (swim
Beach in Myrtle Beach and the near a lifeguard - know your
Isle of Palms. flags; red means stop/green
“Because of the recession, means go).
the summer travel season is 5. Take frequent breaks
expected to be lighter than it has (every hour take a sun,
been in recent years, according to bathroom, or water break).
the Travel Industry Association 6. Go with the wind (children
of America, but still, beaches tend to take the course of least
remain one of the most popular resistance - follow the wind to
destinations,” stated Walter find your lost kid).
McLeod, President of the Clean 7. Look but don’t touch
Beaches Council. “Even though (call local authorities to help
millions of Americans spend injured/stranded sea life).
time at beaches, there is still no *The Clean Beaches Council
easy way to determine which are has collaborated with Dr. Tom
clean and well managed. We hope Griffiths, Director of Aquatics
our program increases public at The Pennsylvania State
awareness of our individual University to produce the “7
responsibility to keep beaches Tips for Family Beach Safety.”
clean and safe.” This guide is meant to help
The Blue Wave is the first families make the most of their
environmental certification trip to the beach.
program for beaches in the U.S.
July 10, 2009 3

IOP City Council – June 23, 2009 L u cky D og Pu bl i sh i n g

of S C , L L C
Publisher of the Island Eye News, The
On the roads again the beach recovery plan. Amendments Island Connection and The Folly Current.
Council discussed the intersec- Council approved an amended
Lynn Pierotti
tion of Palm Boulevard and 41st C.O.W on the moooove budget for 2010 concerning a Publisher
Street. Mayor Cronin stated that City Administrator Tucker ex- project with CARTA to provide
he’s arranged to regularly meet plained that Motorola would the island with public transpor-
with the South Carolina Depart- be shipping a signal-boosting tation. Council also approved Kristin Hackler
ment of Transportation and, device from Texas to place on the amendments to an ordinance Editor
at the very least, discuss per- island for the two weeks around giving the Charleston County
manently closing off the end of the Fourth of July. The device, Parks and Recreation Depart- Swan Richards
Cameron Blvd. However, plans known as a C.O.W, may be the ment clarified authority in swim Graphic Designer
for a roundabout will have to first step in alleviating long zones. They agreed to extend the
wait, as the SCDOT didn’t take standing communication prob- definition of abandoned prop-
Ali Akhyari
into account closing Cameron lems on the island, although it erty to include volleyball poles. Assistant Editor
Blvd. in their first assessment. will largely depend upon its loca- Council voted and approved giv-
Council member Bergwerf tion. For Motorola, the problem ing a minimal payment of $10 to
noted that the school bus com- is the island’s existing inferior Dewees Island for the new bulk- Brittany Urbach
pany operating on the island communication infrastructure. head at the marina, as it techni- Reporter
needs to be updated about the Building a new one from the cally extends into their waters.
developments around 41st and ground up would be far easier, As long as the City maintains Chelsea Langan
Palm. Bus drivers had been but the lack of available land is insurance on the marina, the Advertising
stopping the bus to move the making site selection difficult. bulkhead can remain where it is.
barricades at Cameron on the 843-327-2662
way to their stops. New Public Safety building A sexy miscellaneous item
Mayor Cronin informed the Dave Johnson of Cole & Rus- With tongue in cheek, Mayor Interns
Micah Brown
Council that he had met with sell presented the Council with Cronin applauded the Isle of Chris Marchewka
Mayor Smith of Mount Pleas- a timeline for the recently com- Palm’s appearance in Maxim Ellie Smith
ant to discuss the bottleneck on pleted Public Safety building. Magazine as one of the nation’s •
the IOP Connector between the As of July 6, the building will be sexiest beaches. “I want to ac- Contributors
intersections at Rifle Range Road officially inspected and certified, knowledge we are one of the sex- Barbara Bergwerf
Dr. Lucas Cole
and Highway 17. While Mount after which move-in may begin. iest beaches. Concerning male Clean Beach Council
Pleasant expressed interest in July 10 marks the site comple- physique, the six pack is out and Bobby Cummings
expanding that stretch of road, tion date with the construction the keg is in”, Cronin said. Mary Gatch
due to funding issues, initial company, Mashburn. Eric Horan
steps won’t be taken until next Stacey Johnson
Cheers! IOP Rec Center
year. Dr. John Nelson
Congratulations to David Coehn, Poe Library
Concerned citizens who was approved by Council to Ashley Prentice
Isle of Palms resident Diane Oto- the Town Planning Commission. Mary Pringle
rik expressed her appreciation Of fourteen nominees he was
considered the best to fill the Published by
for Town Council’s expedient Lucky Dog Publishing
response concerning the beach opening left by Barbara Bergwerf of South Carolina, LLC
ordinance in the Windjammer after her election to Council. P.O. Box 837
section of Front Beach. She also Congratulations also go to Sullivan’s Island, SC 29482
thanked the Council for creating the Safety Sweepstake winners 843-886-NEWS
a prosperous environment for for the month: Marie Copeland,
Submit your letters to the editor to:
businesses on the island. Willie Powell, Brian Everett and
Island resident Dan Harvey April Hancock. Future deadlines:
requested sand fencing for the Mayor Cronin wished to pub- July 15 for all submissions.
beach directly opposite his house licly thank The Crabpot Players
at 104 Grand Pavilion. He said for their production of The Wiz- The Island Eye News, a wholly owned subsid-
there was an immediate need for ard of Oz. Feedback was excel- iary of Lucky Dog Publishing of South Carolina
accelerated dune renewal within lent and he looks forward to the LLC, is a free, independent newspaper pub-
the high density area and was next production. For updates on the 2009
turtle nesting season, visit lished every two weeks and is for and about
under the impression that sand the Isle of Palms, Sullivan’s Island, Goat Island
fencing was budgeted for within
and Dewees Island. Copies are mailed free of

Civic Calendar
charge to every active mailbox in our coverage
area and are also available at area businesses
and by subscription to non-islanders. Subscrip-
Isle of Palms ------------- DRB Meeting
886-6428 Sullivan's Island 6pm tions are $30 per year for non-residents and 883-3198 1610 Middle Street are available by sending a check to Lucky
Wednesday, July 15 Dog Publishing, LLC, P.O. Box 837, Sullivan’s
Tuesday, July 21 Island, SC 29482. Contributions of information,
Recycle Monday, July 13
Council Meeting pictures and articles are welcomed and are
Municipal Court Committees of Council- 6pm used according to space limitations and news
10am special date 1610 Middle Street value and cannot be returned except by special
1207 Palm Boulevard 7pm
1610 Middle Street request. Our editorial content is primarily
Wednesday, July 22 dedicated to the area of distribution; ad space
Tuesday, July 21 SI/IOP Disaster Prep Expo is open to all businesses who want to reach the
Tuesday, July 14 6pm
Board of Zoning Appeals - Island Eye News market. Complete ad creation
CANCELLED Municipal Court SI Fire Department
10am 2050 Middle Street is $50, however, changes of up to 30% of the
1610 Middle Street original ad are included at no extra cost. All
Ways and Means Committee
5:45pm Tree Committee Meeting advertising rates are listed at
Wednesday, July 15 7am under “advertising”.
1207 Palm Boulevard
Recycle 1610 Middle Street
4 July 10, 2009

seems to fit the crime as it was the IOPCA advance their candidates,” he said. “I firmly
Election from cover who received the judgment and not Shealy. believe any candidate who uses Rod Shealy
However, it may seem a bit anti-climactic should be questioned by the voters.”
administrative fee. Reactions to the result are
when weighted against the impacts of the Miles says that the Ethics Commission’s
campaign on the community. result is not worthy of being in the news and will
“While the Isle of Palms Neighborhood
“When a group hires someone who is only work to further divide a community that
Association did not initiate the complaint,
known to have broken the law and has been needs to be united. While the Neighborhood
we are satisfied that the IOPCA’s actions
convicted of a federal election law violation Association was not responsible for filing the
were judged to be illegal by the State Ethics
to influence the outcome of a local election, complaint which launched the investigation,
Commission; but we are disappointed that
they also bear responsibility for the negative Miles says that the “other side” was only
the punishment was minimal. That the
consequences,” Malloy says. “[The IOPCA] did trying to “stir things up” with a complaint in
state recognizes that the IOPCA’s actions
not have the welfare of the IOP community the first place.
were illegal is laudable but falls short,” says
at heart. In fact, their actions were meant to “I guarantee that we [IOPCA] could’ve filed
Catherine Malloy, President of the Isle of Palms
drive the residents away.” She says that the something if we looked in the fine print,”
Neighborhood Association, whose candidates
emotional remnants of the IOPCA’s decision Miles said. Any discussion on the matter only
were the target of the IOPCA. “Unfortunately,
to enlist Shealy remain with many residents works to keep the community fighting over
it does nothing for our organization and our
to this day. past issues instead of being united, he adds.
community which continues to experience
Mike Loftus, one of three candidates who But perhaps there can be some new bridges
the fallout from the IOPCA’s duplicity.”
survived the 2007 assault, has not forgotten built over the divides, and the Commission’s
The IOPCA Committee worked to influence
the damage left by the campaign. wrist-slapping decision will be the ribbon
the 2007 election by running negative ads
“Rod Shealy and the IOPCA headed by Larry cutting ceremony symbolizing a brighter day,
against candidates Jane McMackin, Brian
Pierson unfairly subjected the voters of Isle of where fire tempered emotions are set aside and
Duffy, Ralph Piening, and Mike Loftus, all of
Palms to wave after wave of misinformation residents can see each other as neighbors.
whom were supported by the Neighborhood
and in many cases pure lies, in order to
Association. One ad depicted McMackin as a
puppet master controlling Duffy, Piening, and
Loftus. Larry Pierson, a local real estate agent To the Editor:... and we’re trying to intermingle with others
and the IOPCA’s president at the time, said hoping for the best. Its something that we
that “humor” was being used in their mailings. Dear editor: as dog owners have no control over, and all
Other tactics included misrepresenting the we can do is keep working with them and
State’s Republican Party and taking political As a full time resident of Isle of Palms, I try to share the same enjoyments of living
responsibility for Governor Mark Sanford’s am frustrated with the lack of respect that in such a beautiful place as all the other
visit to the island. The State’s Republican dog owners have about obeying the local dogs and owners around here. We have
Party denounced the tactics and Sanford’s leash law on the beach. just as much right to walks and playtime on
office declared that the Governor had not Already, you’re probably thinking that the beach as everyone else. But it makes it
come on behalf of any political group. While I am not a dog lover, and someone who very difficult and sometimes impossible to
these tactics might have been considered shies away when a dog approaches. Quite do this when other dogs are running free.
shameful by some, it was the mishandling of the contrary! I just see it from another Please be considerate and think about
a relatively small amount of money that got perspective. We all, and our dogs, love being in my shoes next time you and your
the group in trouble. going to the beach, especially during the dog are on the beach. Thank you.
The Ethics Commission stated that Shealy morning time before it gets too hot. I am
deposited a $5000 check from the IOPCA for one of those people who love’s bringing my Greg Viehman
the Committee’s campaign into his personal dog to the beach, and I love seeing other Waterway Blvd, IOP
account and used it for flyers, road signs, people and their dogs enjoying a morning
and mailings. However, Shealy did not beach excursion as well. BUT PLEASE
keep a record of how the money was spent. Dear editor:
Furthermore, he said it would be impossible to
Let me explain the side that most dog
dissect his account as he was simultaneously I wanted to clarify that my absence from
owners don’t understand. Some dogs,
running other campaigns and that the the June Town Council meeting was due to
including mine, do not get along so well
expenditures could have been for multiple a long-standing conflicting obligation with
clients. The Ethics Reform Act requires that with other dogs. When your “friendly”
my leadership position with the Obesity
a detailed report of campaign expenditures dog comes charging up to my dog to say
Society, that I had notified the Mayor and
be kept. There is also a limitation of $3500 "hi", the reaction from my dog is not so
Council more than a month prior that I
that an organization can accept from a single pretty. I know that most dogs like to travel
would have to miss it, and that I also sent
entity in a calendar year. around and say "hi" to each other. But the
them an e-mail apologizing for my absence
Mel Miles was a participating member of problem is that even though your dog might
which I think was read at the meeting.
the IOPCA before it disbanded about a year be the friendliest dog in the world, some,
  The mention in the Island Eye twice
ago. Miles says that they did not purposely unfortunately, are not.
that I was absent, without further
break any laws and would not have given The common thought from most dog
explanation, may have inaccurately (if
more than $3500 if they had known it was owners is, “My dog is the sweetest, friendliest
inadvertently) conveyed the idea that I’d
wrong. Shealy, he said, did not give them any dog ever, they’re ok to be off the leash.” You
just ignored the meeting or abandoned
indication that the $5000 contribution was have to think beyond that. Others of us
my responsibilities.   Nothing could have
inappropriate. have been dealt a little tougher hand to deal
been further from the truth; I take my
“We didn’t have experience in setting this with. My dog was a rescue dog, and is NOT
responsibilities on Council very seriously,
up,” Miles said. He says that the Commission a breed that most people think of when they
chalked the violations up to an “administrative more than ever, and certainly would not
think about a “mean” dog. She is beautiful,
error”, which would explain the relatively have missed my swearing-in without a
kind of goofy looking sometimes, and if you
minor fine. It was Shealy who was responsible compelling reason.
saw or met her, you would think she is the
for filing with the Ethics Commission. sweetest dog ever. She is very caring and
Indeed, it is strange that a campaign veteran Thanks,
loving with all people, small kids, and even
like Shealy, who is so well versed in political Pat O’Neil
has a couple of other dog friends. I love
campaigns, would be unaware of the $3500 Sullivan's Island
her more than anything and wouldn’t give
limitation or the fact that he needed to keep her up for the world. But still, when an
track of campaign spending. Miles contends Editor’s note: The Island Eye News apolo-
unfamiliar dog approaches, she does not gizes for any misunderstandings we may
that they trusted Shealy to keep things in have the social skills to “play nice”.
order. have caused. The reasons for Council mem-
It’s a problem that I know other people bers' absenses are usually not a part of the
If indeed the violations were the results deal with as well. Its not that we have
of misplaced trust and/or the mistake of a public record, so we typically do not include
adopted a dog that was bred for fighting them in our Council minutes.
political strategist, then the minor punishment
6 July 10, 2009

Music at Fort Moultrie Summer events

at the Poe
he Poe Library is rocking with loads of fun activities this summer.
Recently, the library hosted Miss Matilda, a sweetgrass basket
artisan, who demonstrated how to make simple sweetgrass
baskets. The Plantation Singers also visited the Poe, sharing some
of their favorite Lowcountry and plantation songs. Upcoming events
include Turtle Day with Mary Pringle on July 14, Not a Box: box
puppets on July 21, Produce the
Perfect Pet on July 28 and the “Say So
Long” Celebration on July 30.

PHOTOS BY The Poe Library

The 246th Army Band performed a free concert
at Fort Moultrie this past June 30.

Surfing gator
on the IOP
lizabeth Smith Darrah of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, was
Photos by Leo Fetter

in for a surprise when she visited the Isle of Palms during the
last week of June. On their first full day at the beach, an animal
control officer pulled a “wayward gator” from the ocean next to the IOP
pier. Darrah, who snapped the picture of the alligator retrieval, said
it was quite exciting. “Our two week vacation continued,” she smiled,
“but the gator’s trip was cut a little short.”

PHOTO BY Elizabeth Smith Darrah

July 10, 2009 7

2009 Isle of Palms IOP Council

Beach Run tackles traffic troubles By Chris Marchewka

he 2009 Isle of Palms his summer has brought priorities,” Cronin said. “I and the
Beach Run will take place more than just heat to Council will stay on this because
Saturday, July 18, on the Isle of Palms. The it’s a problem that’s just going to
swelling number of beachgoers grow over time.”
the Front Beach behind the
understandably creates more Mayor Cronin and the Council
Windjammer on the Isle of Palms. also have another front on the
traffic, but delays in getting on and
Adult competitors can enter in off the IOP Connector have been traffic battle. The future of the
the following divisions: four mile exceptionally awful; noticeably intersection at Palm Boulevard
run or four mile walk. The race between the intersections at Rifle and 41st Avenue has been up in
begins at 8am. Youth fun runs Range Rd. and Hungryneck Blvd. the air since it was turned to a
start at 9am. Registration is This bumper to bumper waiting three-way stop last fall. Several
$15 for the run/walk and $7 for game has raised some concerns ideas were floated since then,
the youth fun runs. Registration with residents and City Council including a stoplight or even
opens at 6:30am the day of the is hard at work on finding a reverting back to a two-way stop.
race. The first 200 contestants solution. What seems certain is that the
“My concern is the safety end of Cameron Street will be
to register are guaranteed a
issue,” said Council member permanently closed. It’s added to
free t-shirt. Register at www. Mike Loftus, who’s aware of the the confusion at the intersection, at the Isle inconvenience of the traffic, but and residents of Cameron seem
of Palms Recreation Department, is more concerned about what it to be pleased with the change.
24 28th Avenue, or call 886- could mean in an emergency. “If “We’ve had some residents
8294. public safety officials need to get come before the Public Safety
on or off the island at a peak time Committee and actually say they
when a lot of people are leaving like it closed off. They were getting
the beach, it could become a a lot of bypass traffic down the
significant safety problem,” Loftus street, but with it closed off,
said. the traffic cleaned up and the
As the height of hurricane residents feel better about it,”
season approaches his concerns Mayor Cronin said. He’ll pursue
are certainly grounded, but plans formally closing off the street
to expand the congested area of with the SCDOT, as well as
the Connector to four lanes will explore the possibility of building
likely have to wait until next year. a roundabout in place of the
Though citizens would certainly intersection, although that may
prefer otherwise, coordinating prove to be a tricky operation.
a project like this with Mount Space is at a premium and the
Pleasant and the South Carolina minimum requirements to build
Department of Transportation a roundabout might include
(SCDOT) typically takes a long condemning property.
time. Mayor Cronin recently “I expect as a minimum we’ll
met with Mayor Smith of Mount finalize closing off Cameron after
Pleasant to discuss a possible the Department of Transportation
future lane expansion at the gets back to us and then proceed
trouble intersections. making permanent the two stop
“They [Mount Pleasant] have signs on 41st Avenue, to the
a lot more traffic problems than marina and from the marina, so
just the Connector, but they do we can clean up that intersection,”
realize that the road will ultimately Cronin said.
need to be widened to handle the Given the nature of decision
flow. It hasn’t reached the point making at the DOT, (something
of actual design or funding, so like the connector at five on a
we’re trying to encourage them to Saturday afternoon), Isle of Palms
move it higher up on their list of will just have to wait and see.
8 July 10, 2009

Oh, sweet mystery

By Dr. John Nelson
“By the time the rising sun had enough, this plant is a part of
gilded the tops of the towering the honeysuckle family. The
hills, the mountains and vales ovary will eventually form a
rang with the harmonious shouts
smooth little seed pod later in
of the pious and cheerful tenants of
the groves and meads.” - William the summer.
Bartram, Travels This beautiful shrub is
Some years ago I left the just one more example of
flatlands here in South the varied and spectacular
Carolina and went on a botany flora we have here in the
expedition to the Blue Ridge southeast, whether you are
of Virginia. As you know, in in cool and craggy mountains
setting off on such travels, or down along the sultry

PHOTO BY Gerry Bishop

there is a considerable change coast. It doesn’t matter where
in elevation and temperature. your summer travels take
It was a warm July even in you; there will be fascinating
western Virginia, but nothing plants no matter where you
like the steamy confines go.
of my beloved hometown, in Virginia’s Shenandoah with age. Look closely at John Nelson is the curator of
nestled on the banks of the National Park. In the one of these flowers and you the Herbarium in the Department
of Biological Sciences at the
mighty Congaree. In fact, mountains of North Carolina, will see that it is softly hairy
University of South Carolina. As
July evenings in Rockingham Georgia and Tennessee, it is with five stamens inside. a public service, the Herbarium
County were downright cool; replaced by a couple of other You might also note that the offers free plant identifications.
even chilly at dawn. So there very similar species. This is a flower somewhat resembles For more information, visit www.
I was, boots and all, ready plant that likes rocky, craggy the familiar and various or call 803-777-
to go early in the morning, places, and a lot of times you honeysuckles and sure 8196.
setting off from the eastern will see it if you pull over
end of the lovely town of at one of those scenic view
Answer: "Bush honeysuckle", Diervilla lanicera

Buena Vista. Driving east spots along the Blue Ridge

toward the Parkway was an Parkway. Otherwise, it will be
unworldly experience: the seen scattered in the rocky
farther and higher I went, the woods, often bordering hiking
harder it was to see due to the trails.
blanket of fog. At the top of the Its leaves occur two at a
mountain visibility was next time on the stem and they
to nothing, so I was inclined have short, slender stalks. (Its
to wait. Slowly the sun came relatives, which I mentioned,
up and it took about an hour have stalkless leaves.)
for the fog to lift. This is one Flowers are produced in thin
of the plants I saw: clusters toward the tips of the
It’s a northern shrub, branches. Each flower has a
found commonly in eastern decidedly inferior ovary, well
Canada and New England, below the thread-like sepal
and dribbling farther south lobes and corolla. The corolla
in the high elevations. The is attractive, opening up in
plant seen in this image a rich yellow and becoming
was photographed last week a bit orange, or even red,
July 10, 2009 9

High fashion in the Lowcountry

By Chelsea Langan

he fashion bug seems to paired with accessories, such can you save your extra cash Ashley also host fashion shows in
have bitten Charleston as thong sandals and aviator at a consignment shop, but collaboration with local vendors. 
good and hard.  In between sunglasses, were staples in both you can also generate an extra So, it seems there will always be
Charleston’s annual fashion the local and national label runway source of revenue if you have an imminent fun fashion event in
flagship, Charleston Fashion shows.  An interesting twist on enough quality goods to recycle.  Charleston these days.  However,
Week, a plethora of consignment the “southern gentleman” came If you have valuable garments, if you just can’t wait, a stroll down
boutiques and restaurants are in the form of the two handsome accessories, or jewelry you’re King Street should do it for you. 
hosting fashion shows all over young men in three piece suits, willing to part with, they’ll either King Street is a runway.  Express
town to keep the style vibe alive. sunglasses and sneakers, buy them directly from you or yourself.
It seems there will be a place to dutifully following a model down sell them for you.  You can shop
observe, evaluate, snub, sponge or the runway and back, carrying at the same time and think of it
scoff the latest trends throughout her accessories.  as more of a trade.  It’s a win, Victoria’s Consignments
the year in our quaint southern However, if you haven’t win, win.  They’re a great place 624 Long Point Rd
city. managed to attend a CFW event for classy vintage finds, as well.  Mt Pleasant, SC
Charleston Fashion Week in the past, alternative options You can most certainly find the 884-8577
(CFW) certainly came alive this abound.  Victoria’s Consignments, perfect way to express yourself
year, holding over 30 fashion Sunny’s Consignments, the in a classic, yet new way at a Sunny’s Consignments
shows in one week despite the Trunk Show, Harmony Project, consignment shop.   1952 Long Grove Dr # 5
economy and boasting their Butterfly Women’s Consignment Thrift stores are also excellent Mt Pleasant, SC 29464
strongest turnout ever.  CFW Boutique, the Children’s Cancer resources, as they allow you 856-6962
has quickly gained a remarkable Society Thrift Store, South to give back to the community
The Trunk Show
level of both local and national Carolina Thrift and Resale, and 100%. Any donations you make
281 Meeting St
recognition, and Ayoka Lewis is Consign Charleston are just a few are completely tax deductible
Charleston, SC 29401
the visionary behind it all.  Ayoka of the many consignment shops and the funds raised are used for
also ensured that CFW will not popping up all over Charleston many charitable causes, such as
celebrate fashion in vain in the and keeping the business of contributing to cancer research, Harmony Project
south: both MUSC’s Children’s high fashion fun, affordable, and as the Children’s Cancer Society 266 Meeting St
Hospital and the work-clothes- possible for those struggling in a Thrift Store does, or helping the Charleston, SC 29401
for-women-in-need charity, Dress high recession.  underprivileged learn work skills 577-2103
for Success, benefited from the For those who can’t or won’t and attain jobs, as it does with
proceeds. pay full price for designer labels, Goodwill industries. Butterfly Women’s
This year, vibrant island- consignment boutiques provide Chai’s restaurant downtown Consignment Boutique
inspired colors and floral prints ample opportunities.  Not only and Voodoo Lounge in West 624–H Long Point Road
Belle Hall Shopping Centre
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

Children’s Cancer Society

Thrift Store
835 Savannah Hwy
Charleston, SC 29407

South Carolina Thrift and

Resale Store
1670 Highway 17 N
Mount Pleasant, SC  29466

Consign Charleston
1119 Wappoo Rd
Charleston, SC 29407
10 July 10, 2009
Less gassy, more green
By Mary Gatch

n a previous column, we transportation, take up cycling lifespan of your tires. Keep your last 25 years.
summarized the top 10 (add baskets or panniers for car running efficiently with Greening your transportation
ways you can reduce your carrying items), and walk for periodic tune ups, including air clearly aligns your environmental
contribution to greenhouse gas nearby errands. Carpooling can filter and oil changes. and economic interests!
emissions. We covered some greatly reduce fuel consumption Use a fuel efficient vehicle: If Mary Gatch is an owner of
detail on the benefits of reduced (and in many areas, reduce your you have more than one car, use DwellSmart, a one-stop shop for
meat consumption. This column commute time by allowing you to the most fuel-efficient vehicle for healthy and environmentally-
focuses on tips for reducing fuel take advantage of carpool lanes). your needs. Use the one that gets friendly products. Mary lives on
consumption - the second most Try to combine errands into one the worst mileage only when you Sullivan’s Island with her husband
important step towards reducing trip to lower emissions even can fill it with passengers or cargo. James, daughter Julian, and son
greenhouse gas emissions. further. In addition to reducing If you’re in the market for a new Adam. You can contact her by
drive distance, combining trips car, make sure that fuel efficiency e-mail at marygatch@dwellsmart.
Here’s a recap of the Top 10: generally means you’re using your is high on your priority list. The com or by visiting the store at
• Eat less meat. car when the engine is warmed US Department of Energy has a 615 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mount
• Consume less fuel. up and running more efficiently. great website (www.fueleconomy. Pleasant (between Eco Fitness
• Support or switch to renew- Start smart: Shut off all power gov) for comparing fuel economy and Twin Rivers Bowling).
able energy sources. accessories before turning off for most car models made in the
• Lower heating and cooling your engine to reduce the load on
costs. your engine when starting your
• Buy local. car. Get rid of any unnecessary
• Use less water. weight in your car: each additional
• Improve lighting and appli-
100lbs. in your car can reduce
ance efficiency.
gas mileage by 2%.
• Reduce waste (e.g., packaging
Drive smart: Chill out and don’t
and disposable bags, bottles,
and cups). drive aggressively. Speeding,
• Recycle rapid acceleration and frequent
• Compost braking wastes gas. You can
increase fuel efficiency by 15%
The biggest direct contributors by slowing down, so stick to the
to our carbon footprints are speed limit. Speaking of chilling
transportation and household out, Consumer Reports’ found
electricity use. Each gallon of that using the air conditioner
gasoline burned by a car or truck reduces fuel efficiency by up to
releases 24 pounds of CO2 into 10%. Try to avoid using the air
the atmosphere. Conserving fuel conditioner at speeds below 40
may not be as hard as you think mph, but at higher speeds, the
and it will save you a lot of money increased wind-drag from open
over the long run while reducing windows makes using the AC
greenhouse gas emissions and more fuel efficient. When idling,
improving air quality in your area. follow the “30 second rule” –
In fact, you can improve fuel- if you’ll be stopped for half a
efficiency by as much as 30% just minute or longer, you’ll save gas
by maintaining your vehicle and by turning off your car.
driving responsibly. Take care of your car: Keep your
tires inflated to the recommended
Here are some pointers for pressure (check them once
“greening” your transportation: per month). Under-inflated
Drive less: The most obvious tires increase road resistance,
tip for consuming less fuel is compromise fuel-efficiency and
to park your car. Use public increase wear, reducing the
July 10, 2009 11

Not so far flung Floyd

by Chris Marchewka

o you know any “board people”? You when he settled down, he made sure it was to
probably do. They are those lucky do something he loved.
few who, when given a well-balanced, “If I can get this thing [OliNah] to pay it’s
streamlined slip of timber (surfboard, bills and pay for a little school and daycare
snowboard, skateboard, kiteboard, windsurf and kids’ stuff, that’s all I could hope for. I
board, ironing board, etc.), they move with feel like I get much more of a reward from
such grace and skill that the rest of us are left genuinely helping people enjoy the ocean,”
slack jawed, wide eyed and perhaps a little Floyd says.
jealous. Dan Floyd is one of these gifted few, Of course, Charleston’s prime kiteboarding
but he’s not the type to brag. Floyd runs a conditions offered some draw for Floyd.
small surf shop on the Isle of Palms, loves his Moderate wind and relatively mild winter
family and will gladly, in his words, “share temperatures are perfect for kiteboarders
the stoke” with you any day. and Charleston’s barrier islands offer miles
Floyd’s been in the water on a board in some of great waves. If stomping nosegrabs twenty
form or another for the greater part of his life, feet above the water doesn’t sound like your
traveling all over the Carolina coasts, Florida, style, Floyd’s newest interest might be the
Mexico, Tahiti, Hawaii and the Caribbean. most accessible to amateurs, but no less fun.
A few months ago he won Best Wave in a Paddleboarding uses a large board that can

PHOTO BY Owen Bayne

kiteboarding contest in Florida, beating other be moved through the water via hands or a
boarders half his age and winning a new paddle. As a sport, it’s existed for almost a
surfboard. It’s displayed in his shop, OliNah, century in the U.S. and has enjoyed renewed
located at 1204 Palm Boulevard. popularity in recent years as a great work out.
Although the name of Floyd’s shop has a Check one out at OliNah and see if it’s right
distinctively exotic quality, it isn’t exactly a for you, but remember; the ocean has a funny
Floyd demonstrates how an Indo board recreates the
real word in any language. The name of the way of holding on to people.
feel of balancing on a paddleboard.
shop is derived from his daughters’ names, “It has pretty much dictated where I’ve
Olivia and Hannah. The older of the two, settle back in Charleston. A South Carolina worked my whole life,” Floyd admits, “but it’s
Hannah, recently placed second in a surf native, Floyd graduated from the College also helped me get everywhere I’ve gone and
contest at the age of seven. of Charleston and worked for a time doing given me some great experiences.”
Even though he’s spent the bulk of his life geological studies for an environmental firm.
However, his passion eventually took him OliNah is located at 1204 Palm Blvd., for
traveling around the world participating in more information call 886-3337 or email at
surf competitions, Floyd is all too happy to away from the rocks and into the surf. And
12 July 10, 2009
Saturday, July 11
Is l a nd E y e
Home for children and Low-
Rhomboid Ripples country Pet Helpers, Grass on
Habitat Wall Raising event  Stroll with a naturalist to learn the Green takes place July 11
From 8am—4pm in Brownswood about causes of beach formations and 12 at Awendaw Green,
Place, 1104 Revelation Court,
Johns Island, join Lowcountry
Lutherans and volunteers, Sea
and mysterious sand patterns
such as swash marks and blister
next to Hidden Ponds nursery
at 4879 Hwy 17 N Awendaw. June 10 -
pockets.  A registered and paid Join us for a full schedule of
Island Habitat for Humanity staff chaperone is required for par- bluegrass and Americana mu-
and AmeriCorps members, local ticipants ages 15 & under.  Pre- sic, featuring over 30 of the
pastors and community leaders registration required. Meet at Isle Southeast’s finest acoustic talents. Friday, July 17
as they help raise the walls on a of Palms County Park at 9:30am. Noon – 10pm both days. Tickets: Fourth Annual Palette and
new home for the Wittrell family. Walk will end at 11am. Fee: $9. $20 both days/$15 one day at etix. Palate Stroll
The event is free and open to the Course #20581. To register or for com, Shem Creek Music, 52.5 on Fine art and food connoisseurs will
public. For more information or to more info, call 795-4386. King Street and at the Sewee Out- stroll through the historic streets
get involved with the build, please post. Respectful overnight camping of downtown Charleston, sampling
contact Molly Coffey at Sea Island Grass on the Green is welcome. For more info, 452- tastings from thirteen of the finest
Habitat for Humanity at 768-0998 A Benefit for Windwood Farm 1642 or email awendawgreen@ local restaurants in the beauti-
x112. ful setting of thirteen prestigious
galleries. The Palette and Palate
Stroll starts at 5:30pm and ends at
Tuesday, July 14 7:30pm. Tickets are $30 each and
Bastille Day reservations are required. Tickets
can be purchased by calling 819-
8006 or on-line at 

Battery Wagner reenactment at

Morris Island
On the 146th anniversary of the
Assault on Battery Wagner, volun-
teer reenactors from Company I,
54th Massachusetts Reenactment
Regiment will honor the men that
participated in that historic battle
on July 18, 1863.  The event will
occur on Morris Island and the
boat will leave at 3pm and return
at 5pm. Reservations: Joseph
McGill 408-7727. Cost: $25 each.

Wednesday, July 15
East Cooper Caregivers meeting
From 9:30-10:30am, at All Saints
Lutheran Church, 2107 Hwy 17
North.  These confidential support
sessions are designed to bring indi-
viduals together to share common
issues, concerns, problems and
solutions that may arise during the
course of providing care for some-
one with memory loss due to Al-
zheimer’s disease or a related form
of dementia.  For more info, please
call Ginger at 810-5576.
July 10, 2009 13
Sunday, August 2
e C ale n d ar
10am – 2pm.  No appointment 768-0998. 
necessary.  First come, first
serve.    For more information Friendship Day
about free skin cancer screen- Saturday, July 25 Tell someone how important they
are to you and how much their
- August 2 ings, call MUSC Health Con-
nection at 792-0878.
Shagging on the Cooper
From 7:30pm – 11pm, dance the friendship has meant to you. It
only takes a minute to make some-
night away under the stars at the
NEW Mount Pleasant Pier.  The one’s day.
Wednesday, July 22 Sneakers will be playing a variety
Saturday, July 18 Isle of Palms/Sullivan’s Island of beach, jazz, funk and blues sure
4th Annual Flip Flop Ball Disaster Preparedness Expo to get you in the dancing mood. 
Benefitting WINGS for Kids, will Starting at 6pm at the Sullivan’s Beverages are available for pur-
be held at Gold Bug Island from Island Fire Department, located at chase on-site.  Only 800 tickets
7 to 11pm. Charleston Bay Gour- 2050 Middle Street. will be sold for this event.  Tickets
met will be cooking the pig, Two 3 are $8 at the event.  No refunds or
Ways will be cranking the tunes exchanges.  Call 795-4FUN (4386)
and an open bar and beer kegs will Friday, July 24 for more info.
top it off. Tickets are $35 in ad-  Betsy’s Bash
vance and $40 at the door and are In honor of the rescued Stafford-
on sale at shire Terrier who was found with Sunday, July 26
and at Poe’s on Sullivan’s Island. a missing paw. From 6pm - 10pm Parent’s Day
This event is 21 and over; ID’s will at Necter Bar and Grille located
be checked at the door. at 951 Folly Road, James Island.
$10 donation/cover at the door, Wednesday, July 29
IOP Beach Run cash only. All proceeds will go Hands of Christ benefit concert
Starting at 8am at the Windjam- to Pet Helpers. Come party for a A concert to benefit “Hands of
mer. $15 registration beginning purpose and help save lives. Free Christ” will be held at 7pm, at
June 27. Fun Runs for ages 14 food, live music and amazing drink James Island Presbyterian Church,
years and under begin at 9am. specials! For more info, call Pet 1632 Fort Johnson Road. The con-
Registration for the Fun Runs is Helpers at 795-1110. cert will feature over 150 singers
$7 until the day of. T-shirts guar-
and musicians from James Island,
anteed to the first 200 that register Carolina Studios presents St. James, and Harbor View Pres-
(adults & children). Runners will Toots & the Maytals byterian Churches. No admission
use the newest chip technology for Carolina Studios is very excited to will be charged, but you are asked
an official timed run. Packet Pick announce that Grammy-award- to bring school supplies or mon-
up will be held Friday, July 17, winning and internationally known etary donations to help support the
from 3pm – 6:30pm at the Wind- reggae artist, Toots & The Maytals, ministry. For more information call
jammer. IOP Recreation Center: will headline their annual fund- 795-3111.
#24 28th Avenue, Isle of Palms. raising event at Patriot’s Point.
886-8294. The event will host a VIP charity
auction and will include open-
windjammer ing performances by children who
have excelled in the Carolina Stu-
dios media arts program. For more
details about the event, please visit or

Kicking it for Habitat

The Charleston Battery meets
the Carolina Railhawks in Black-
Free skin screenings at IOP baud Stadium in a match that will
County Park benefit area Habitat for Human-
Dermatologists on the MUSC Mo- ity organizations.  Kickoff is at
bile Health Unit – a fully equipped 7:30pm. Tickets are $15/ea. and
doctor’s office on wheels – will be can be purchased by contacting
at Isle of Palms County Park from Sea Island Habitat for Humanity at
14 July 10, 2009

The bucket that rescued a turtle

By Mary Pringle

uring the night on June 26, a female in sight since the sun had risen. Many lucky Carolina islands.
Loggerhead turtle crawled over the people stood by and escorted her to the water Nesting season is about halfway over and
dunes near the Isle of Palms County near the pier where she swam away at last. by the end of June we had twelve nests on
Park, looking for a place to lay her eggs. She had been out of the water for hours and the Isle of Palms and two on Sullivan’s Island.
Turtle Team members Glenn Rhodes and Lois was undoubtedly relieved to get back home The experts say that by July 1, we should
Klein found only one set of tracks leading into again. We did not find any eggs that morning, have approximately 55% of our total nests for
the dunes, but no tracks coming back out. but the for the next several mornings, tracks the season. If this holds true, then we should
They reported this and the rest of the team were found coming out of the water and going end up with around 25 nests, or a few less
arrived to investigate. After searching in the behind the primary dunes without a nest at than last year.
deep grass and wildflowers around the very 38th and 36th Avenue. At least those times the
old post-Hurricane Hugo sand fencing, we tracks went safely back to the
found a very exhausted 300 lb. turtle who water. She must be very picky
had not been able to find her way back out about a nesting site.
to the beach. She had ended up under the These “false crawls” are a
boardwalk where the showers for the park are common thing not only on
located. When your head is only a few inches developed islands such as
off the ground and your eyes are meant to ours, but also on deserted
focus underwater, seeing the ocean is not beaches all over the world.
easy! No one knows for sure why
We called the Isle of Palms Police and asked turtles make these practice
for some assistance from the Fire Department runs. Some speculate that
in carrying the heavy turtle over three rows of they are trying to fool nest
dunes and back to the beach. While we were predators, or that they see
waiting for the firemen to arrive and lift her, lights or people on the beach
Nicholas Johannes made several trips to the which scare them away before
water with a large bucket. He poured ocean they can nest. Or it could be
water over the Loggerhead’s head and back that they cannot find a dune
to keep her from becoming dehydrated. This that suits them, or maybe
either perked her up or alarmed her because their labor pains just stop and
she suddenly started to crawl. She kept going it’s a false labor. Whatever the
and by the time helped arrived, she was just reason, we’ve had just about
topping the primary dune closest to the ocean as many false crawls as we
and crawled onto the sandy beach. have had nests this
From there on it was easy because now she season; as have most
was on the downward slope and the ocean was of the other South

PHOTOS BY Barbara Bergwerf
July 10, 2009
Financial 15

Make a plan today for tomorrow

by Bobby Cummings, CFP, CFBS, CLTC

he 2008/09 financial net worth means estate taxes
meltdown is a stern reminder could become a problem.
that failing to plan for low Yes, developing a plan takes
probability events may lead to time, but the end result may help
very detrimental consequences. put you at ease and enhance
The large decline in the stock your quality of life. As Yogi Berra
market coupled with crippling once said, “If you don’t know
job losses was a double whammy where you are going, chances are
that took many households by you will end up somewhere else.”
surprise. For the unprepared, it Better to live your life by design,
was a very rude shock from which not default.
it may take years to recover. The * Asset allocation does not
best way to avoid a similar fate in guarantee a profit or protect
the future is to create a flexible against loss in declining
and comprehensive plan today. markets.
Most Americans lack a formal Bobby Cummings is the owner of
financial plan, according to the Lighthouse Financial of Charleston.
Certified Financial Planner Board He is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL
of Standards’ 2004 Consumer PLANNER TM
Survey. Yet the same survey finds and Certified Family Business
those with a written financial Specialist and has been in
questions such as: • A forced retirement or job business since 1990. Bobby’s
plan are more satisfied with how • How much do I need to loss.
their finances are managed, more focus is providing comprehensive
save so I can retire with my • An inheritance. financial planning and investment
confident about their financial desired lifestyle? • Starting or selling a
decisions, and less worried advice to business owners,
• What percent of my portfolio business. professionals, retirees, and people
about being financially secure at can I withdraw each year? Of course, there are many planning for  retirement. He lives
retirement. • Which assets should I tap other transitions, both expected on Sullivan’s Island with his wife
Deciding where to invest your first in order to minimize and unexpected, that could Kristin, son Tanner (6), daughter
money is only one of many parts my taxes? occur. The best way to deal Keenan (3), and recently born son,
of a comprehensive financial plan. • What is an appropriate with them is to have a plan that Banks.
You also need to consider asset investment mix based on covers the expected while being For more info, you can contact
protection strategies, liability my goals and tolerance for flexible enough to deal with the Bobby via email at rcummings@
management, cash flow analysis, volatility? unexpected. or by contacting his
and tax minimization strategies. • What insurance do I need Like a compass, your financial office at (843)884-9898. To find
A good plan will address to help protect my assets? plan keeps you pointed in the out a little more about Lighthouse
• What strategies can I put in right direction even as your life Financial please visit the following
place to help minimize my inevitably changes. What’s more, web address: www.lighthousefin.
estate and income taxes? the comprehensive nature of net
• How can I ensure that my financial planning should help Bobby Cummings is a registered
representative of and offers
assets pass to my heirs in you avoid major mistakes – from
securities, investment advisory,
the way that I desire? choosing a high-flying stock and financial planning services
• How should I title my with no regard for its risk, to through MML Investors Services,
assets? overestimating how much you can Inc. member SIPC (741 Johnnie
• What plans do I need to safely withdraw from your nest Dodds Blvd. Mt. Pleasant, SC
put in place now to help me egg. By presenting a broad view, 29464).
realize my special dreams your financial plan helps you Opinions expressed are subject
and goals? understand how each financial to change without notice and are
And don’t forget, this is not decision affects other areas of your not intended as investment advice
a static document. As your life finances. For example, suppose or to predict future performance.
changes, so should your plan. you receive an inheritance and use Consult your financial professional
Here are several examples of life it to pay off your mortgage. That before making any investment
changes that may cause a revision frees up more of your earnings decision. Past performance does
to your plan: to put into your retirement plan. not guarantee future results. The
• The need to take care of an But then your taxes rise because material in this article was drafted
aging parent. you’ve lost your mortgage interest for Bobby Cummings by Peak.
• Divorce or death of a deduction, and your expanding
16 July 10, 2009
Golf Doctor
When golf is a pain in your back...
By Dr. Lucas Cole

ne of the most common golf injuries is back), trying to limit any chest or upper body
low back pain (usually due to muscle movement at the same time. Make sure that
strains and sprains). Additionally, when you flatten your back, you should also
people who suffer from chronic or recurrent be drawing in your belly button or flattening
episodes of low back pain can be frustrated your stomach (not  sticking it out).  Repeat
because the pain hinders their ability to play this back and forth for about 30-60 seconds
golf. According to the Titleist Performance once per day.
Institute™, the top three swing faults that Although this is a great foundational
cause or aggravate lower back pain are: exercise, it is by no means a cure all for your
1: Reverse spine angle. This is any excessive swing. Consult a physician or trainer with
bend of the upper body towards the target experience in treating lower back conditions
during the backswing. 38.5% of amateur and golfing swing faults to find out what else
golfers have a reverse spine angle present at you can do to improve your game and your
the top of the backswing. lower back pain.
2: S-posture. This is caused by the player Dr. Lucas Cole maintains a private
creating too much arch in their lower back by chiropractic practice in Mt. Pleasant, SC, and
sticking their tail bone out too much in the is a Titleist Performance Institute Certified
setup position. 25% of amateur golfers have Golf Fitness Instructor. He helps his golfing
this type of posture at address. and tennis patients, whether they are in pain
3: Early extension. This occurs when the or not, play better and have more fun. He
hips and spine of a golfer straighten up too uses the protocols that touring professionals
early on the downswing. 64% of amateur prescribe to my patients with these problems rely on weekly to keep them at the top of their
golfers extend too early on their downswing. is the Pelvic Tilt Exercise Supine. game. He can be reached at 416-8593 or at
Exercises to strengthen and coordinate the Lie on your back with your knees bent and
action of the pelvis provide a foundation to feet flat on the floor. Try to tilt your pelvis back

The Silver girls

help eliminate these undesirable swing faults and forth (arch your
from your game. One of the first exercises I back and flatten your

Provided by Ashley Prentice

iann Bova, Abby Kent and Ashley Beth Prentice of Girl Scout
Troop 449 received their Silver Award on June 2 at Alhambra
Hall. As part of the requirements for receiving the Silver Award,
the girls organized an arts program for the Cainhoy Boy’s and Girl’s
Club. Dr. Theresa Thomas served as the girl’s mentor and provided
guidance in meeting the requirements.
July 10, 2009 17
Facts about the horn toad

Horned toads
• The horn toad is not actually a toad or a
frog. It is a lizard and a member of the ge-
nus Phrynosomatidae.

• There are 14 species of horned lizards in
ullivan’s resident Leo Fetter was North America, eight of which are native to
surprised to find this little guy hanging the United States.
out around the base of the Sullivan’s • At least four species of horn toads are able
Island lighthouse during the last weekend of to squirt blood from their eye as a defense
June. According to Fetter, “horn toads” have mechanism against predators.
not been seen on the island since Hurricane • Horn toads love to eat harvester ants, but
Hugo hit in 1989. “They used to be all over will occasionally munch on grasshoppers,
the place,” said Fetter. “But it’s great to see beetles, termites, and other small insects.
them out here again.” • Some Native American peoples regarded
horned lizards as sacred.
• The horned lizard is the state reptile of both
Texas and Wyoming.

Hi, Jennie! From Leo Fetter.

Exchange Club
welcomes officers PHOTOS BY: Stacey Johnson

n June 25, the IOP has served on the Isle of Palms
Exchange Club celebrated Exchange Club for 20 years.
the installation of the Recently retiring as acting
Club’s 2009-2010 officers. Building Manager, Mr. Stanley
Pictured from left to right (above) also served as President in the
are: Jim Raih, Immediate Past years following Hurricane Hugo,
President; Deborah Streetman, as well in as other Executive
Executive Board Member; positions with the Club. 
Stacey S. Johnson, Club
President; Tom Donohoe,
Club Treasurer; Dimi
Matouchev, President-
Elect; and presiding
Elizabeth Grantham, Club
Secretary and past District
Also honored at the
meeting was Exchange
Club member John Stanley
(shown to the right with
President Jim Raih), who

001 Louise Welch, Regional Ex-
ecutive Director of the Carolina Red
18 July 10, 2009

4th of
July 10, 2009 19

Photo of the month: July

by Eric Horan

inckney Island National bird is a success, but a couples shot,
Wildlife Refuge is a wonderful without disturbing their behavior,
place to visit year round, but I made my day.
particularly enjoy the springtime and Spring/early summer is a great
early summer. Most species of birds time of year for avian photography on
and animals are busy with domestic the Carolina Coast, with the shorebird
responsibilities such as nest building and neotropic migrants passing
and incubation, and then feeding and through, including an impressive
child rearing. Because of the great assortment of birds of prey that pass
job the refuge does maintaining a through or stay for all or part of the
diverse habitat, Bluebirds and other summer. So much is happening at the
songbirds are plentiful. I cannot recall same time it is often difficult to decide
seeing a Bluebird house unoccupied. what to focus on. Since the neotropics
Knowing this, I went to find one that are only here for the spring and part
had a nearby perch actively being of the summer season, it’s hard not
used on a regular basis. Before the to dedicate a chunk of time observing
birds enter their house or leave the them. Check in with your local pros,
area, they normally go to their favorite park guides, and employees with
perch. I picked a likely house with theDepartment of Natural Resources
a perch in good light and waited for for tips and guidance, then make a
the birds to appear, then I made slow plan, pack your gear, your sunscreen
but deliberate movements toward and bug juice and go after it.
the perch until I was in range with a To see more of Eric’s work, visit his
300mm lens. A good portrait of a single website at

Photo Tip: You may get an occasional great image by hitting the brakes in
the car and jumping out in time to capture a nice rainbow or the perfect
sunset, but your percentages of getting quality images of wildlife behavior will
increase drastically when you’ve done your homework and study a location
for light, seasonal wildlife movements and tides.
20 July 10, 2009

Celebrating the Fourth

o you know why we requested them when he
celebrate the 4th of became President in 1789.
July? It’s the date of Patriotic songs are usually sung
the writing of the Declaration during the fireworks display,
of Independence, a paper such as “My Country ‘Tis of
written in 1776 declaring the Thee”, “America the Beautiful”
thirteen colonies in America to or our national anthem “The
be free from England. It was Star-Spangled Banner”, a song
signed by representatives from which was written as a poem
Delaware, Pennsylvania, New by Sir Francis Scott Key after
Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, he watched British ships bomb
Massachusetts, Maryland, Fort McHenry in the Battle of
South Carolina, New Baltimore during the War of
Hampshire, Virginia, New York, 1812. The poem was later set
North Carolina and Rhode to a popular tune and made
Island. Several signers were the official national anthem in
famous patriots, like Benjamin 1931.
Franklin, and future Presidents
like John Adams. The signing
of the Declaration was an
important step in the creation of
our United States of America.
The first Independence Day
was celebrated in 1777 and it
was celebrated in much the same
way as we do today. There was
music, games, picnics, parades
and, of course, fireworks. In
fact, the fireworks were so
popular that George Washington

Eye Spy
Do you know what this is?

Kids, send your guess for this week’s Eye Spy to info@ or call 886-NEWS. Please include your
mailing address with your submission. The first one to send
in the correct answer will receive a coupon for a free ice cream
at Café Medley on Sullivan's Island.

Sydney Langley guessed last issue's

Eye Spy correctly as a Century Plant.
Congratulations! Send your guess for
this week's Eye Spy to
Isle of Palms Rec Center
IOP Recreation Center $10 per person New Class Opportunities Sports Conditioning
#24 28th Avenue Tuesdays & Thursdays
IOP Beach Run Hunter Education 5:15pm – 6:15pm
Visit or call 886- Saturday, July 18 July 25, 9am-5pm $7 walk-ins
8294 for more information on all 8am Must pre-register with SCDNR $40 for six week session
programs, events and activities. $15 registration
Fees may vary for individuals beginning June 27 American Red Cross Evening Yoga
that do not live on Isle of Palms. Fun Runs: ages 14 years and Babysitting Mondays & Wednesdays
under Saturday, July 11 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Summer Camps 9am 9am- 4pm $7 walk-ins
$7 registration Ages 11-14 years $60 for six week session
Lacrosse Camp beginning June 27 $65 resident/$70 non-resident
July 27 – 31 Register at or allsport- Bring pencil, paper & bag lunch Saturday Yoga
Ages 7 – 15 years w/drink Saturdays
9am – 12 noon T-shirts guaranteed to the first 10am – 11am
$125 registration fee 200 that register (adults & chil- Continuous Programs and $7 walk-ins
Register now! dren). Awards given to top 3 male Classes $30 for six week session
and female in each age category
Soccer Camp: ages 5 & 6 and overall winners. Children in Total Body Challenge Mat & Floor
August 3 – 7 the Fun Run will be given rib- Tuesday – Fridays Wednesdays
9am – 12 noon bons for participation. NEW THIS 8am – 9am 1:45pm – 2:45pm
$125 registration fee YEAR: Runners will use the new- $ 7 walk-ins or sign up for six Ages 50 years and older
Register now! est chip technology for an official week sessions. Prices vary. $10 per class
timed run. Packet Pick up will be Aerobic and exercise class that
Soccer Camp: ages 7 – 13 held Friday, July 17, from 3pm. provides different challenges Tae Kwon Do: 12 years and
August 3 – 7 each day! older
9am – 3pm 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament Lower Belts
$200 registration fee July 25 – 26 Canasta Mondays: 6:30pm–7:30pm
Campers should bring a bag Ages 16 years and older Tuesdays Wednesdays: 7pm- 7:45pm
lunch $35 per team (3 or 4 members) 11:30am – 2:30pm Brown & Black Belts
Register now! Captains meeting 12 noon FREE Wednesdays: 7:45pm - 9:15pm
Games begin at 12:30pm Come out and join in a game! Saturdays: 10am-12 noon
Theater Camp Register now: teams limited Registration is not required. $35 for monthly registration
August 3 - 14, 2 weeks
Ages 9-16 years Adult Softball Tournament Yoga Opportunity for four year olds
$150 residents/$155 non-resi- Monday, July 27–Saturday, Au- Tuesdays & Thursdays (must be four by September 1,
dents gust 1 12:30pm – 2pm 2009)
9am-12 noon Ages 16 years and older $10 walk–ins
$150 per team (up to 12 players) $80 for six week session Jump Start
Special Events Captains meeting 6pm Monday – Friday
Games begin at 6:30pm Line Dancing 9am-12 noon
Friday Night Hoops Register now: teams limited Fridays Holidays and teacher workdays
July 10, 6pm-8pm 1:30pm-2:30pm follow Charleston County School
Ages 7-12 Years $2 per class calendar and City of IOP Holiday
Everyone welcome schedules. Parents have option
Poe Library events Extra help for beginners’ at
of signing child up for two, three
or five days a week. Prices based
1921 Ion Ave Registration not required on number of days attending.
Sullivan’s Island Tuesday, July 28 at 12 noon SPACES STILL AVAILABLE –
883-3914 Produce the Perfect Pet. Ever ACT NOW!
Hours: want your own pet but parents
Mon & Fri: 2 - 6pm always said no because pets

All star baseball

Tues, Thur & Sat: 10 - 2pm  are too much work? Well here’s
Edgar Allan Poe Library sum- your chance to make your own
mer reading schedule pet (out of a rock!)

Summer story times Thursday, July 30 at noon The Isle of Palms Recreation Department All Star Baseball team
Tuesdays at 10:30am “Say So Long” Celebration. participated in the district tournament in Mount Pleasant. The team
Story time with Ms. Nana Come join us for music, merri- played hard and enjoyed playing against new teams at a different
Thursdays at 10:15am ment and cool refreshments as facility.
Story time with Ms. Patty we celebrate the end of another
successful summer reading
Summer specials program.
Tuesday, July 14 at noon
Totally Turtle Day. Mary Pringle
of the Lowcountry Turtle Team
will be on hand to share the
story of ‘Cara the Turtle’ and
to tell us all about sea turtles.
You’ll be able to make your own
turtle to take with you.

Tuesday, July 21 at 11:30am

Not a Box. What can you do
with a box? Join us for stories,
songs and games centering on
what creative things can be Back Row (L to R): Manager Jim Anderson, Blayze Pound, Jake Anderson, Harrison
done with just a simple box. Whatley, Coach Phil Charles, Katherine Harper, McCauley Bailey, Will Bridgham, Coach
Children will make their own Chet Clontz. Front Row (L to R): Chesapeake Charles, Adam Melin, Austin Clark,
box puppets. Ralston Smith, Victor Harper, Nicholas Shwartz.
Do You Know Your Charleston
22 July 10, 2009

The birth of rock and roll in Charleston

By David Farrow

TMA –AM (Tiger Radio) by a hoarse voiced disk jockey, “I joined the official Hound Dog House on upper King, where one
is celebrating its 70th Jack Gale, screaming in at the fan club and still have a square day he was visited by none other
anniversary this year. top of his lungs, while drums bumper sticker with its black than Augusta, Georgia, neighbor
Today, Richard Todd and Rocky-D furiously pounded and a hound border encompassing a bright James Brown and his Famous
rule the local talk radio scene dog periodically let loose orange circle in which Flames, who arrived in their
from fancy studios off I-526, horny howls and moans a crudely rendered equipment-saturated, eight-door
but I remember when one of the at the moon. Many of white canine with stretch white Chevy limousine
Swanson boys threw a firecracker the songs definitely were black spots musically with bright flames painted all
through the open window of the raunchy - especially the howls; ‘I’m a Rock along the sides. By now there
studio at the Dock Street Theatre. Annie series and almost & Roll Hound Dog’. was even a local television show
Doug Randall and Booby Nash anything else by the This was secured at playing some R & B, the late
were fixtures as prevalent as the Midnighters, as well as Carolina Instrument evening Talent Parade hosted by
Shirelles and Curtis Mayfield. I ‘Baby Don’t Drop It’, Service on upper eloquent D. Jack Moses.
was fortunate enough to be the ‘Rocket 69’ as well as King which sold the “Later we expanded our ‘must-
last local boy to have a show on others. These tunes were records played on listen’ list with station WAPE (“Big
drive-time local talk radio. Later, interspersed with some Charlestonian David Farrow. the show, and which Ape”) received directly over the
when writing the “Do You Know of the most outrageous we called the ‘Hound Atlantic from Jacksonville, Florida.
Your Charleston” column seven commercials imaginable, many Dog Record Shop’. This list was finally rounded off in
or eight years ago, I began to in jive rhymes. One I recall, even “The Hound Dog show the late ‘50s with pirate Station
compile people’s memories of the today, was for a shoe store where experiment on WTMA was over by WXERF beamed illegally from the
media. you could get your basic ‘leopard year’s end, however. Other local Mexican border side of Del Rio,
Along the same lines, John skin shoes with purple lizard stations had started regularly Texas, where Wolfman Jack was
Quincy, an institution of gizzard laces that glowed in the programming the music and I just getting started, and had the
Charleston radio since 1981, dark.’ would listen each evening and most outrageous of all the shows
began to scour the ether for “Hound Dog exuded an morning to ‘A Train’ on WUSN ever heard prior to the current
all things WTMA. Go to www. irreverent attitude that every and then spend the afternoons day array of crude radio morning The site red-blooded wannabe teenage and Saturday mornings at WPAL personalities.”
is an absolute gem. There is a rebel could adopt as their own with Big Bob Nichols’ ‘Blues As they are wont to say on
special place in heaven for John. I since it was guaranteed to totally and Boogie Show’ as he would Facebook, I’d like to continue
was humbled to find my columns repulse their parental units. The sophisticatedly articulate ‘I can this thread. What are your
about radio memories amid the show quickly became mandatory see you out there’. In fact, for the memories?
cooler stuff, and as I perused for many of my contemporaries next several years, the radio at Share your memories of
them, I came across one from - and, yes, most of us had to East Bay Playground was tuned Charleston past with David
my friend, the late, great Walker keep the radio volume way down to this show every afternoon and Farrow, either by emailing him at
Coleman. or use other subterfuges such Nichols himself often broadcast or visiting
Coleman wrote, “One day in the as overnights with friends to live on Saturday mornings from his website at davidfarrow.
spring of ‘55, I overheard some fake out disapproving parents, the front window of Fox Music
older schoolmates whispering many of whom actually forbade
and snickering about the offspring from listening to this

Bask in the Glory

audacious new ‘Hound Dog’ show ‘crude music’. Often, we even
on radio station WTMA which managed to stay awake all
played music so raunchy that the way until 2am sign off. I

at Fort Moultrie
you had to listen on the sneak. later learned that Gale was the
I vicariously [sic] tuned in the overall WTMA Station Manager
following Saturday evening at and experimenting at the time

10pm and was both surprised with several different broadcast
oin Park Ranger Donel history,” said Bob Dodson,
and delighted to experience the formats to improve ratings. I can
Singleton for a special superintendent of Fort Sumter
joyous, uplifting Rhythm and remember Gale telling us one
program on the 54th National Monument. “As one
Blues music I had heard earlier night that the music he played
Massachusetts Volunteer of the first African American
in my childhood on station WDIA would henceforth be called ‘Rock
in Memphis, Tennessee. Here it and Roll’ by him and many of his Infantry Regiment on Saturday, regiments called to duty during
was prominently accompanied fellow DJs. July 18, 2009. The 54th the Civil War, the men of the
spearheaded the July 18, 1863, 54th not only fought for their
assault on Morris Island’s country, they fought for the
Battery Wagner and were the freedom of all enslaved African
subject of the hit movie Glory. Americans and equal rights
This educational program is for those who were free. We
free and will take place in the continue to honor those men
Fort Moultrie Visitor Center. who risk their lives for a cause
greater than themselves.”
1–4pm: Living History with A unit of Fort Sumter National
Joseph McGill and the 54th Monument, Fort Moultrie is
Massachusetts reenactors.
located at 1214 Middle Steer,
2pm: Presentation by Park
Sullivan’s Island. The normal
Ranger Donel Singleton.
entrance fee of $3 is waived
2:30pm: Watch the battle
scene from the 1989 film Glory. for the weekend of July 18 –
19, 2009 as part of a National
“The men of the 54th are Park Service effort to provide
remembered for their bravery, affordable vacations for families
courage, pride, determination, across the nation. For more info,
and impact on American visit or call
July 10, 2009 23

Campers share some of their favorite parts of attending day camp at the Isle of Palms Recreation Center:

Kailee Sword (age 11): Kailee’s Emory Chitwood (age 7): Connor Geddings (age 8): Con-  Katelynn Gates (age 11):
favorite thing about camp is What is Emory’s favorite thing nor’s favorite game to play is Katelynn loves dodge ball and
the counselors because they’re at camp? She loves arts and dodge ball. His favorite place to arts & crafts because she likes
really nice. She loves going to crafts time, especially during go on a field trip is the Carolina to be crafty. She loved the
Blackbeard’s Cove because of Candyland week. She loves to Ice Palace because he gets to slides on the Splash Zone field
all the games inside. Her favor- swim and her favorite field trip ice skate. He loves any team trip and reading, swimming
ite color is pink and she loves is to Splash Zone. When she’s that plays for Chicago. Con- and drawing at Summer Camp.
all kinds of pancakes. When not in camp, you’ll find her nor can’t resist cookie dough Her favorite color is baby blue
she’s not at camp, you’ll find eating cookie dough, riding her ice cream and you’ll find him and she loves to eat macaroni
her swimming with the Wild bike and playing school with enjoying all sorts of sports at and cheese.
Dunes Dolphins swim team her sister. camp this summer.
and playing volleyball. She
also loves hanging out with her

in memoriam

Name: Oliver “Ollie” England

Partners: Jeri England and Grammy
Nita Byrum
Breed: Old English Sheepdog/Irish
Veterinarian: Dr. Carole Fulton
Favorite Food: london broil from
Grammy’s kitchen
broil and offered lots of conversation.
Ollie was a lucky dog because he
Ollie spent many wonderful
was rescued from an abusive situation
hours playing with his blind and
at an early age. I owned a kennel and
“neurologically impaired” feline
grooming shop at the time, and Ollie
companion “Weezie” and his Grammy’s
would go to work with me each day.
mate “Cooper”, but all of the cats and
There, he was socialized and gently
dogs in the neighborhood loved him.
groomed. After I sold the pet spa and
During the last walk of the day we
became associated with the Edgar Allan
would be followed by a single file of
Poe library, Ollie would occasionally
cats, each vying for his attention.
visit his reading friends, both young
Many knew him as my loyal
and old, where he would find many
companion and our golf cart Burble,
“high fives” and admiring associates,
or met him on walks in the part. He
loving hugs and whispering coos. Most
never met a stranger, nor jumped on a
of the time he was with his adoring
soul. This Lucky Dog will be missed!
Grammy, who daily prepared london

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