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Hemiplegia is a condition which includes impairment of movement or paralysis of the

limbs on one side, most commonly found in aged people with a history of
hypertension and arteriosclerosis.

Differential diagnosis: Patients with a depletion of collaterals and blood vessels may
suffer from weakness of the limbs, numbness of skin, muscles, hands and feet, sudden
onset of deviation of mouth and eyes, slurred speech, drooling, edema of hands and
feet, poor appetite, incontinence of urine and stool, sallow or dull complexion, thin
and white tongue coating, and floating and rapid pulse. Patients afflicted with upward
disturbance of wind and Yang may suffer from stiff limbs, muscle contractions,
tinnitus, vertigo, insomnia, dreaminess, bitter taste in mouth, dry throat, flushed face,
short streams of dark urine, constipation, dark red tongue with thin and yellow coating,
and hard and strong pulse. Patients with cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral thrombosis,
cerebral embolism, spasm of cerebral artery, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and other
cerebrovascular diseases recognized by modem medicine as hemiplegia can be treated
by the following methods.


Foot massage: The massage is applied to head (1), frontal sinus (2), brain stem and
cerebellum (3), shoulder (10), hip joint (38), pituitary gland (4), adrenal gland (21),
kidney (22), heart (33), spleen (34), knee (35) and elbow joint (60) reflecting areas
(Fig. 39).

Foot acupuncture:

1) Meridianal acupoints: At J iexi (ST 41), Lidui (ST 45), Qiuxu (GB 40), Kunlun (BL
60), Pucan (BL 61), Shenmai (BL 62) and Yongquan (KI 1) acupoints the balanced
reinforce-reducing technique is applied and the needles are retained for 20 minutes;
moxibustion after acupuncture is applied for patients with a depletion of collaterals
and blood vessels.
2) Extra acupoints: At Xiakunhm (EX-F 3) and Dazhi J umao (EX-F 14) acupoints, the
balanced reinforce-reducing technique is applied and the needles are retained for 20
minutes; moxibustion after acupuncture is applied to patients with a depletion of
collaterals and blood vessels.

External application of drugs:
1) The powder of Quanxie (whole scorpion) 1 piece, Danshen (red sageroot) 5 gm,
Yanhusuo (corydalis tuber) 5 gm and Danpi (peony bark) 5 gm is mixed with liquor
and spread on sulfuric acid paper for application on the central area of both soles and
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affixed with adhesive plaster.
2) The powder of Taoren (peach kernel) 5 pieces, Zhizi (capejasmine fruit) 5 pieces
and Shexiang (musk) 0.2 gm is mixed and applied over the left sole for men and right
sole for women and affixed with adhesive plaster and changed once every three days.
Spicy food is prohibited for these patients.

Foot bath: For patients with apoplexy including muscle contractions of hands and
feet, Shenjincao (club-moss) 3 gm, Tougucao (spermakia) 3 gm and Honghua
(safflower) 3 gm are boiled in a basin with 2 kg of water for 10 minutes and the warm
decoction of 50-60 degrees centigrade is used to soak and wash the hands first and
then the feet for 15 to 20 minutes 3 times a day. The decoction may be reheated if it
becomes cool and the fingers and toes may move freely in the decoction.

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Extensive Reading
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Herbal Tea for Preventing Swine Flu!
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Mild Reminder
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Copyri ght TCMDi scovery Net Pl ease contact us i f you want to repri nt the arti cl es

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