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RF Network Design

Network Planning
• The high level life cycle of the RF network planning process can
be summarised as follows :-
•To help the
operator to
Comparative • Issuing of search
identify their RF
Analysis ring
Site • Cand. assessment
Realisation • Site survey,
• Optional
design, approval
• Discuss and agree
• Drive test
RF design
RF Design (optional)
assumptions and requirement
objectives with the • Frequency
customer RF Design plan
• Coverage Implementation • Neighbour list
requirement • RF OMC data
• Traffic requirement • Optimisation
RF Design
• Various level of
design (ROM to
detail RF design)
Comparative Analysis
• This is an optional step

• This is intended to :-
o Help an existing operator in building/expanding their network
o Help a new operator in identifying their RF network requirement,
e.g. where their network should be built

• For the comparative analysis, we would need to :-

o Identify all network that are competitors to the customer
o Design drive routes that take in the high density traffic areas of
o Include areas where the customer has no or poor service and the
competitors have service
Comparative Analysis

• The result of the analysis should include :-

• For an existing operator

o All problems encountered in the customer’s network
o All areas where the customer has no service and a competitor
o Recommendations for solving any coverage and quality problems

• For a new operator

o Strengths and weaknesses in the competitors network
o Problem encountered in the competitors network
RF Network Design Inputs

• The RF design inputs can be divided into :-

o Coverage requirements
 Target coverage areas
 Service types for the target coverage areas. These should be
marked geographically
 Coverage area probability
 Penetration Loss of buildings and in-cars
o Capacity requirements
 Erlang per subscriber during the busy hour
 Quality of service for the air interface, in terms GoS
 Network capacity
RF Network Design Inputs

• Available spectrum and frequency usage restriction, if any

• List of available, existing and/or friendly sites that should be included
in the RF design
• Limitation of the quantity of sites and radios, if any
• Quality of Network (C/I values)
• Related network features (FH, DTX, etc.)
Coverage Design Inputs by BSNL

• Coverage Thresholds
o Indoor Coverage : Signal Level measured at street better than –65 dBm.
Indoor coverage to be provided in commercial complexes,
hotels,technology parks etc.
o In Car Coverage: Signal Level measured at street better than –75 dBm.
In Car coverage to be provided in residential areas, highways, tourist
spots etc.
o Outdoor Coverage : Signal level measured at street better than –85
dBm. All remaining areas to be covered with Outdoor coverage.
o These are general guidelines for planning , specific areas not provided.
Capacity Design Inputs by BSNL

• Frequency spectrum available 6.2 MHz (31 channels).

• Average traffic per sub for RF design : 50 mErlang.
• Synthesizer frequency hopping can be used.
• GOS: 2%
• Existing network Database
o Total No. of sites with configuration
o Site details eg location(Lat-Long), Antenna height ,azimuth, etc.
RF Network Design

• There are 2 parts to the RF network design to meet the :-

o Capacity requirement
o Coverage requirement
• For the RF Coverage Design

CW Drive Databases Customer
Testing Requirements

Propagation Coverage Link
Model Design Budget
CW Drive Testing
• CW drive test can be used for the following purposes :-
o Propagation model tuning
o Assessment of the suitability of candidate sites, from both
coverage and interference aspect
• CW drive test process can be broken down to :-

• Equipment
required • Power setting
Test • Drive route planning
• BTS antenna
Preparation • Test site selection
• Channel selection
• Transmitter
• Drive test
Propagation setup
• Transmitter
Test • Receiver

Data • Measurement
Processing • Report generation
CW Drive Testing - Test Preparation
• The test equipment required for the CW drive testing :-
o Receiver with fast scanner
 Example : HP7475A, EXP2000 (LCC) etc.
 The receiver scanner rate should conform to the Lee Criteria of
36 to 50 sample per 40 wavelength

o CW Transmitter
 Example : Gator Transmitter (BVS), LMW Series Transmitter
(CHASE), TX-1500 (LCC) etc.

o Base Station test antenna

 DB806Y (Decibel-GSM900), 7640 (Jaybeam-GSM1800) etc.

o Accessories
 Including flexible coaxial cable/jumper, Power meter, extended
power cord, GPS, compass, altimeter
CW Drive Testing - Test Preparation
• Base Station Antenna Selection
o The selection depends on the purpose of the test
o For propagation model tuning, an omni-directional antenna is
o For candidate site testing or verification, the choice of antenna
depends on the type of BTS site that the test is trying to simulate.
 For Omni BTS :
 Omni antennas with similar vertical beamwidth
 For sectorised BTS
 Utilising the same type of antenna is preferred
 Omni antenna can also be used, together with the special
feature in the post processing software like CMA (LCC)
where different antenna pattern can be masked on over the
measurement data from an omni antenna
CW Drive Testing - Test Preparation

• Test Site Selection

• For propagation model tuning, the test sites should be selected so

that :-
o They are distributed within the clutter under study
o The height of the test site should be representative or typical for
the specific clutter
o Preferably not in hilly areas

• For candidate site testing/verification, the actual candidate site

configuration (height, location) should be used.

• For proposed greenfield sites, a “cherry-picker” will be used.

CW Drive Testing - Test Preparation
• Frequency Channel Selection
o The necessary number of channels need to be identified from the
channels available
 With input from the customer
o The channels used should be free from occupation
 From the guard bands
 Other free channels according to the up-to-date frequency plan

o The channels selected will need to be verified by conducting a

pre-test drive
 It should always precede the actual CW drive test to verify the
exact free frequency to be used
 It should cover the same route of the actual propagation test
 A field strength plot is generated on the collected data to
confirm the channel suitability
CW Drive Testing - Test Preparation

• Transmit Power Setting

• For propagation model tuning, the maximum transmit power is

• For candidate site testing, the transmit power of the test
transmitter is determined using the actual BTS link budget to
simulate the coverage
• On sites with existing antenna system, it is recommended that
the transmit power to be reduced to avoid interference or inter-
modulation to other networks.
• The amount of reduction is subject to the possibility if separating
the test antenna from the existing antennas
CW Drive Testing - Test Preparation
• Drive Route Determination
o The drive route of the data collection is planned prior to the drive test
using a detail road map
 Eliminate duplicate route to reduce the testing time
o For propagation model tuning, each clutter is tested individually and the
drive route for each test site is planned to map the clutter under-study for
the respective sites.
o It is important to collect a statistically significant amount of data, typically
a minimum of 300 to 400 data points are required for each clutter
o The data should be evenly distributed with respect to distance from the
o In practice, the actual drive route will be modified according to the latest
development which was not shown on the map. The actual drive route
taken should be marked on a map for record purposes.
CW Drive Testing - Propagation Test
• Transmitter Equipment Setup
o Test antenna location
 Free from any nearby obstacle, to ensure free propagation in both
horizontal and vertical dimension
 For sites with existing antennas, precaution should be taken to avoid
possible interference and/or inter-modulation

o Transmitter installation

o A complete set of 360º photographs of the test location (at the test height)
and the antenna setup should be taken for record
CW Drive Testing - Propagation Test
• Scanning Receiver Setup - HP 7475A Receiver Example

HP 7475A Receiver
CW Drive Testing - Propagation Test
• Scanning Receiver Setup
o The scanning rate of the receiver should always be set to allow at least
36 sample per 40 wavelength to average out the Rayleigh Fading effect.
 For example: scanning rate = 100 sample/s
 test frequency = 1800 MHz
 therefore, to achieve 36 sample/40 wavelength, the max. speed is =

o It is recommended that :-
 Beside scanning the test channel, the neighbouring cells is also
monitored. This information can be used to check the coverage
overlap and potential interference
 Check the field strength reading close to the test antenna before
starting the test, it should approach the scanning receiver saturation
CW Drive Testing - Propagation Test
• Drive Test
o Initiate a file to record the measurement with an agreed naming
o Maintain the drive test vehicle speed according to the pre-set
scanning rate
o Follow the pre-plan drive route as closely as possible
o Insert marker wherever necessary during the test to indicate
special locations such as perceived hot spot, potential interferer
o Monitor the GPS signal and field strength level throughout the
test, any extraordinary reading should be inspected before
resuming the test.
• Dismantling Equipment
o It is recommended to re-confirm the transmit power (as the pre-set
value) before dismantling the transmitter setup
Measurement Data Processing
• Data Averaging
o This can be done during the drive testing or during the data
processing stage, depending on the scanner receiver and the
associated post-processing software
o The bin size of the distance averaging depends on the size of the
human made structure in the test environment
• Report Generation
o For propagation model tuning, the measurement data is exported
into the planning tool (e.g. Asset)
o Plots can also be generated using the processing tool or using
o During the export of the measurement data, it is important to take
care of the coordinate system used, a conversion is necessary if
different coordinate systems are used.
Propagation Model
• Standard Macrocell Model for Asset
o Lp (dB) = K1 + K2 log(d) + K3 Hm + K4 log(Hm) + K5 log(Heff)
o + K6 log(Heff) log(d) + K7 Diffraction + Clutter factor
o where Lp, Diffraction, Clutter factor are in dB
o d, Hm, Heff are in m
o It is based on the Okumura-Hata empirical model, with a number of
additional features to enhance its flexibility
o Known to be valid for frequencies from 150MHz to 2GHz
o Applies in condition :-
 Base station height : 30 - 200 m
 Mobile height : 1 - 10 m
 Distance : 1 - 20 km
o An optional second intercept and slope (K1, K2) for the creation of a two-
piece model with the slope changing at the specified breakpoint distance.
Morphology Class
Link Budget

Link Budget Element of a GSM Network

BTS Antenna Gain Max. Path Loss Fade Margin

(optional) Penetration Loss

MS Antenna Gain,
Feeder Loss Body and Cable
ACE Diversity
Loss Gain Mobile Mobile
Transmit Receiver
BTS BTS Power Sensitivity
Transmit Receiver
Power Sensitivity
Link Budget
• BTS Transmit Power
o Maximum transmit power
o GSM900 and 1800 networks use radios with 46dBm maximum transmit
• ACE Loss
o Includes all diplexers, combiners and connectors.
o Depends on the ACE configuration
o The ACE configuration depends on the number of TRXs and combiners
Link Budget
• Mobile Transmit Power
o GSM900 : Typical mobile class 4 (2W)
o GSM1800 : Typical mobile class 1 (1W)

• Mobile Receiver Sensitivity

o The sensitivity of GSM900 and GSM1800 mobile = -102 dBm
Link Budget
• Diversity Gain
o Two common techniques used :-
 Space
 Polarisation
o Reduce the effect of multipath fading on the uplink
o Common value of 3 to 4.5 dB being used

• BTS Receiver Sensitivity

o Depends on the type of propagation environment model used,
most commonly used TU50 model
o BTS :-
 Receiver Sensitivity for GSM900 = -107 dBm
Link Budget
• Feeder Loss
o Depends on the feeder type and feeder length
o The selection of the feeder type would depends on the feeder
length, I.e. to try to limit to feeder loss to 3 -4dB.

• BTS Antenna Gain

o Antenna gain has a direct relationship to the cell size
o The selection of the antenna type depends on :-
 The morphology classes of the targeted area and coverage
 Zoning and Local authority regulations/limitations
o Common antenna types used :-
 65º, 90º, omni-directional antennas with different gains
Link Budget
• Slow Fading Margin
o To reserve extra signal power to overcome potential slow fading.
o Depends on the requirement of coverage probability and the
standard deviation of the fading
o A design can take into consideration :-
 both outdoor and in-building coverage, which utilises a
combined standard deviation for indoor and outdoor (Default
value = 9dB)
 Only outdoor coverage (Default value = 7dB)
 Pathloss slope used, 45dB/dec (Dense Urban), 42dB/dec
(Urban), 38dB/dec (Suburban) and 33dB/dec (Rural)
Link Budget
• Penetration Loss
o Penetration loss depends on the building structure and material
o Penetration loss is included for in-building link budget
o Typical value used for Asia-Pacific environment (if country specific
information is not available) :-
 Dense Urban : 20 dB
 Urban : 18 dB
 Suburban : 15 dB
 Rural : 9 dB

• Body Loss
o Typical value of 3dB body loss is used

• MS Antenna Gain
o A typical mobile antenna gain of 2.2 dBi is used
Link Budget

• Link Budget Example (GSM900)

• Antenna Selection
o Gain
o Beamwidths in horizontal and vertical radiated planes
o Frequency range
o Nominal impedance
o Radiated pattern (beamshape) in horizontal and vertical planes
o Downtilt available (electrical, mechanical)
o Polarisation
o Connector types (DIN, N)
o Height, weight, windload and physical dimensions
• The antenna selection process
o Identify system specifications such as polarisation, impedance
and bandwidth
o Select the azimuth or horizontal plane pattern to obtain the
needed coverage
o Select the elevation or vertical plane pattern to be as narrow as
possible, consistent with practical limitations of size, weight and
o Check other parameters such as cost, power rating, size, weight,
mounting capabilities, wind loading, connector types, aesthetics
and reliability to ensure that they meet system requirements
• System Specification
o Impedance and frequency bandwidth is normally associated with the
communication system used
o The polarisation would depends on if polarisation diversity is used
• Horizontal Plane Pattern
o Three categories for the horizontal plane pattern :-
 Omnidirectional
 Sectored (directional)
 Narrow beam (highly directional)
• Elevation Plane Pattern
o Choosing the antenna with the smallest elevation plane beamwidth will
give maximum gain. However, beamwidth and size are inversely related
o Electrical down tilt
o Null filling
Nominal RF Design

Link Budget
Propagation Coverage Traffic
model requirements requirements
path loss
Nominal RF • Recalculate the
Site radius Design site radius
(coverage) using the
• Standard hexagon
number of sites
Typical site site layout
from the traffic
• Friendly,
• Transmit Power candidate sites
• • Repeat the
Antenna • Initial site survey
configuration nominal RF
inputs Coverage site
(type, height, design
azimuth) count
• Site type (sector,
Traffic site Traffic > Cov.
Traffic Nominal site
requirements count Cov. > Traffic count
Nominal RF Design

• Calculation of cell radius

o A typical cell radius is calculated for each clutter environment
o This cell radius is used as a guide for the site distance in the
respective clutter environment
o The actual site distance could varies due to local terrain

• Inputs for the cell radius calculation :-

o Maximum pathloss (from the link budget)
o Typical site configuration (for each clutter environment)
o Propagation model
Nominal RF Design
• There are different level of nominal RF design :-
o Only using the cell radius/site distance calculated and placing
ideal hexagon cell layout
o Using the combination of the calculated cell radius and the
existing/friendly sites from the customer

The site distance also depends on the required capacity

• In most mobile network, the traffic density is highest within the CBD
area and major routes/intersections
• The cell radius would need to be reduce in this area to meet the traffic


Nominal RF Design

• Cell count based on traffic is derived based on capacity inputs:-

 Capacity requirements
 Spectrum availability
 Freq. Hopping techniques

• If the total sites for the traffic requirement is more than the sites
required for coverage, the nominal RF design is repeated using
the number of sites from the traffic requirement
o Recalculating the cell radius for the high traffic density areas
o The calculation steps are :-
 Calculate the area to be covered per site
 Calculate the maximum cell radius
 Calculate the site distance
Site Realisation

• After completion of Nominal design based on cell count (

coverage & capacity requirements) , search rings for each cell
site issued.

• Nominal design is done , with the existing network in

place(existing BTS). Existing site location remain unchanged ,
azimuth , tilts as per the new design requirements.

• Based on the search ring form physical site survey is

Site Realisation

Search Ring Form

• Site ID
• Site Name
• Latitude/Longitude
• Project name
• Issue Number and date
• Ground height
• Clutter environment
• Preliminary configuration
o Number of sector
o Azimuth
o Antenna type
o Antenna height
• Location Map & SR
• Search ring objective
• Approvals
Site Realisation

Release of Suitable Y Y Arranged All parties Y Produce Final

Candidates agreed at
Search Ring Candidates? Caravan RF Design
Approved? Caravan
Problem Next
identifying candidate
Caravan next
candidate candidate

N Exhausted
N Exhausted
Y candidates
Discuss Driveby, RF
alternative with suggest possible
customer alternative Y

N Candidate Y

Issue design Cell split Additional sites
change required required

Site Realisation

• Candidate Assessment Report-Site Survey Forms

o Site survey Forms for all suitable candidates for the search ring
o For each candidates :-
 Location (latitude/longitude)
 Location map showing the relative location of the candidates
and also the search ring
 Candidate information (height, owner etc)
 Photographs (360º set, rooftop, access, building)
 Possible antenna orientations
 Possible base station equipment location
 Information for any existing antennas
 Planning reports/comments (restrictions, possibilities of
approval etc.)
Site Realisation-Site Survey Form

• Final RF Configuration Form

o Base Station configuration
 Azimuth
 Antenna height
 Antenna type
 Down tilt
 Antenna location
 Feeder type and length
 BTS type
 Transmit power
 Transceiver
Traffic Engineering

Spectrum Reuse factor


Maximum number
of TRX per cell

Channel No of TCH Subscriber

Traffic offered
loading available supported
Traffic Engineering

• Traffic Requirement

• The Erlang per subscriber

• Grade of Service (GoS)

o GoS is expressed as the percentage of call attempts that are
blocked during peak traffic
o Most cellular systems are designed to a blocking rate of 1% to 5%
during busy hour
Traffic Engineering
• Frequency Reuse
o In designing a frequency reuse plan, it is necessary to develop a
regular pattern on which to assign frequencies
o The hexagon is chosen because it most closely approximated the
coverage produced by an omni or sector site
o Common reuse factor : 4/12, 7/21
Traffic Engineering
• Channel Loading
o As the number of TRX increases, the control channels required
increases accordingly
o The following channel loading is used for conventional GSM
o For services such as cell broadcast, additional control channels
might be required
Traffic Engineering
• After determining the number of TCH available and the traffic
requirements, the traffic offered is calculated using the Erlang B table
o For example, for a 2% GoS and 3 TRX configuration, the traffic offered is
14 Erlang
o If the traffic per subscriber is 50mE/subscriber, then the total subscribers
supported per sector = 280

• For a uniform traffic distribution network, the number of sites required

for the traffic requirement is :-
Traffic Engineering
• Erlang B Table
Traffic Engineering
• If a traffic map is provided, the traffic engineering is done together with
the coverage design
• After the individual sites are located, the estimated number of
subscribers in each sector is calculated by :-
o Calculating the physical area covered by each sector
o Multiply it by the average subscriber density per unit area in that region
o The overlap areas between the sectors should be included in each
sector because either sector is theoretically capable of serving the area
• The number of channels required is then determined by :-
o Calculating the total Erlangs by multiplying the area covered by the
average load generated per subscriber during busy hour
o Determine the required number of TCH and then the required number of
o If the number of TRXs required exceeded the number of TRXs supported
by the available spectrum, additional sites will be required

• Why do we need a swap plan?

To reduce mix of different vendor BTS within a large city/ area
o Reduce Inter MSC HO.
o Better maintenance efficiency

Swap Strategy
o No. of existing BTS sites with configuration known
o No. of new sites with configuration known.
For Example BSNL UP(W) Circle
UP(W) Circle Network Diagram
Saharanpur Uttaranchal


Meerut BTS
Nepal Ericcsson
Ghaziabad Moradabad BTS
All DHQ on
Pilbhit Nokia
Mathura Aligarh



UP(W) Circle Network Distribution
• Major Cities /SSA’s to be deployed on Nokia BTS
o DHQ of all SSA’s
o Meerut
o Agra
o Mathura
o Noida
o Ghaziabad
o Muzaffarnagar
o Aligarh
o Bulandshahar

• SSA’s except DHQ’s deployed on Ericsson BTS

o Bijnor
o Bareilly
o Moradabad
o Etah
o Etawah
o Rampur
o Pilbhit
o Badaun
o Mainpuri
o Saharanpur
HW & Rly Plan for UPW


Moradabad Nepal
Delhi Rampur 69 Ericsson HW
Bulandshahar Pilbhit Site
NH-02 Badaun Bareilly 56 Nokia HW Site
National HW
Etah Railways
State Highway
Agra UP(E)
Mainpuri District Border
Etawah NH-24

(A+D-B) (C-D+B) (E+F+G)

1 Agra 74 2 43 37 109 8 8 125

2 Aligarh 40 4 27 19 55 12 1 68
3 Badaun 16 10 11 3 9 18 1 28
4 Bareilly 45 11 27 17 51 21 2 74
5 Bijnor 39 32 16 3 10 45 0 55
6 Bulandshahar 27 3 17 12 36 8 1 45
7 Etah 17 12 10 3 8 19 3 30
8 Etawah 29 21 16 4 12 33 0 45
9 Ghaziabad 27 1 15 9 35 7 0 42
10 Mainpuri 22 17 12 2 7 27 0 34
11 Mathura 34 1 22 17 50 6 7 63
12 Meerut 68 5 30 26 89 9 11 109
13 Moradabad 73 35 33 16 54 52 9 115
14 Muzaffarnagar 48 10 17 13 51 14 3 68
15 Noida 12 0 8 6 18 2 0 20
16 Pilbhit 11 6 6 2 7 10 5 22
17 Rampur 20 13 11 3 10 21 0 31
18 Saharanpur 31 18 16 9 22 25 5 52
Total 633 201 337 201 633 337 56 1026
UP(W) Circle 24volt BTS Distribution
• Before Swap 24volt’s (40) BTS
o Agra – 9
o Aligarh – 2
o Bareilly – 5
o Mathura – 2
o Meerut – 3 • Out of 40 sites 31 have been
o Moradabad – 6 swapped to
o Saharanpur – 4 o Bijnor – 16
o Bijnor – 2 o Moradabad – 15
o Bulandshahar – 2
• Out of 40 sites 9 left as it is (No
o Etah – 1
o Etawah
• After –3
Swap 24volt’s (40) BTS status o Agra - 1
oo Agra – 1– 1
Pilibhit o Moradabad – 1
o Moradabad – 16 o Saharanpur – 1
o Saharanpur – 1 o Bijnor – 1
o Bijnor – 17 o Bulandshahr – 1
o Etah – 1 o Etah – 1
o Etawah – 3 o Etawah – 3
o Bulandshahr – 1
Advanced Network Planning Steps
Parameter Planning

• Parameter planning means creating a default set of BSS parameters.

• The most important parameters to plan for:
o frequencies
o handover control parameters
o adjacent cell definitions.
BSS Parameter

• Relevant BSS parameter for NW planning

o frequency allocation plan
o transmit power
o definition of neighbouring cells
o definition of location areas
o handover parameters
o power control parameters
o cell selection parameters
Handover Types
• Intracell same cell, other carrier or timeslot
• Intercell between cells (normal case)
• Inter-BSC between BSC areas
• Inter-MSC between MSC areas
• Inter- PLMN e.g. between AMPS and GSM systems


Handover Criteria
1. Interference, UL and DL 9. MS Speed
2. Bad C/I ratio
10. Better Cell, i.e. periodic
3. Uplink Quality
4. Downlink Quality check (Power Budget, Umbrella
5. Uplink Level Handovers)
6. Downlink Level 11. Good C/I ratio
7. Distance 12. PC: Lower quality/level
8. Rapid Field Drop
thresholds (DL/UL)
13. PC; Upper quality/level
thresholds (DL/UL)
Location Area Design 1/2
• Location updating affects all mobiles
in network
o LocUp in idle mode
o LocUp after call completion
• Location updating causes signallingmajor road
and processing load within the
network (international LocUpdate !)
Location area 2
• Avoid oscillating LocUpdate
• Trade-off between Paging load
and Location Update signalling

Location area 1
Location Area Design 2/2

• Different MSC can not use the same LAC.

• Location areas are important input for transmission planners
o should be planned as early as possible.
• Never define location area borders along major roads!
• Dual band or microcellular networks require more attention on LAC
o co-located DCS and GSM cells are defined to the same LAC
o same MSC to avoid too much location updates which would
cause very high SDCCH blockings
Network Optimisation
What is network optimisation?
Network Optimisation is:

• Improving network quality from a subscribers point of

• Improving network quality from an operators point of
What is network quality?
Overall Network Quality
• H/W Failure
• Network
• Network Traffic
• Spectrum
• Coverage yes/no
• Service Probability
• Quality
• Call Set Up Time
O C NETWORK • Call Success Rate
P • Call Completion
U Rate
E S • Mail Box, Data,
R T SERVICES Fax, etc.
A O • Customer Care
T • Faulty H/W or S/W
M • Mobile Quality
O E MOBILE • Misuse of
R R Equipment
H/W Costs
COST Subscription/Airtime
Additional Services
Network Equipment
Maintenance Costs
Site Leasing Costs
Tools for Optimisation

Cell Planning Tools

• Prediction
• Simulation

Network Management
Network Measurement Tools • Network configuration
• Propagation • BSS parameter data
• Drive test • Network performance
Performance Feedback
• Network is under permanent change
o ==> detect problems and symptoms early!


It´s far too field

late tests
when customer
customers complaint
complain! s
Optimize compared to what?
Key Performance Indicators, KPI
• KPIs are figures used to evaluate Network
o post processing of NMS data or
o drive test measurements data
• Usually one short term target and one long term target.
o check the network evolution and which targets are
• KPIs calculated with NMS data
o network performance on the operator side.
• KPIs from drive test
o performance on the subscribers side
• Usually turn key projects are evaluated according to
some predefined KPIs figures like drop call rate
Network Performance Evaluation with
• The most reliable KPIs to evaluate the network performance with
NMS are:
o SDCCH and TCH congestion
o Blocking percentage [%]
o Drop call rate [%]
o Handover failure and/or success rate
o Call setup success rate
o Average quality DL and UL
• The targets are always defined by the customer but the following
figures can be considered as satisfactory results:
 Item limit Target Lowest acceptable
 Dropped calls: <2 % 4 %
 Handover success >98 % 96 %
 Good Qual samples (0..5) >98 % 95 %
Drive Test Measurements
• Evaluate network performance from the subscriber point of view
• KPIs information:
o DL quality, call success rate, handover success rate, DL signal
o not statistically as reliable as NMS information
• Added value of drive test measurement :
o find out the geographical position of problems like bad DL
quality to look for a possible interference source in the area
o compare the performance of different networks
o display the signal level on the digital maps to individuate areas
with lack of coverage eventually improve the propagation model
o verify the neighbour list parameter plan
Optimisation Process

• There are not strict processes for optimization because the activity is
driven by the network evolution.
Optimisation Process: Young Network
• In a young network the primary target is normally the coverage.
• In this phase usually there is a massive use of drive test
o check the signal and
o the performance of the competitors

Optimisation Process: Mature Network
• Case
In a mature network the primary targets are quality indicators
drop call rate, average quality, handover failures.
• Important use the information from NMS
o a general view of the network performance.
• Drive test measurements are still used
o but not in a massive way
o in areas where new sites are on air
o where interference and similar problems are pointed out by NMS
data analysis.

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