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Student Number ___-___-___

Name _________ Page 43 Unit 3 Lesson 4

Environmental Concerns

Activity 1. What are the biggest problems the world is facing at the moment?

Activity 2. Note Taking from Video What When Where




Student Number ___-___-___ Name _________ Page 44 Unit 3 Lesson 4 Activity 3. With your partner match the words to the definitions below using the pictures on the next page to help you.

climate change (no picture) global warming extinction

greenhouse effect atmosphere natural variation

rises emissions eco-systems

1. The process in which gases in the atmosphere trap the sun's heat. 2. A change in the earth's climate over a period of time. 3. When the average temperature on Earth is getting hotter. 4. A verb or noun which is a synonym of increase. 5. Greenhouse gases caused by human activity. 6. A system of plants and animals living together. 7. When a type of plant or animal disappears completely. 8. The layer of gases surrounding Earth. 9. Normal or expected changes.

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Student Number ___-___-___

Name _________ Page 45 Unit 3 Lesson 4


Natural Variation




Greenhouse Effect

Global Warming

Student Number ___-___-___ Activity 4 Taking Notes.

Name _________ Page 46 Unit 3 Lesson 4

Read the article then look at the students notes underneath.

1) What is Climate Change? We must understand that weather and climate are different. Weather is the temperature, precipitation (rain, hail, sleet and snow) and wind, which changes over short periods, for example every hour and every day. Climate is the average weather and how it changes over long time periods, for example 10 years. The greenhouse effect is how Earth is kept warm. Earths atmosphere lets in energy from the Sun and stops it going back into space. The problem is that because of changes to the environment caused by humans the atmosphere is keeping in more of the suns energy, making Earth warmer and creating climate change.

Look at the notes two people took about the article. Which do you think are better and why? Example 1 or example 2? Discuss with your partner.

Example 1 We must understand that weather and climate are different. The greenhouse effect is Earths atmosphere letting in energy from the Sun and stopping it going back into space. Because of humans the atmosphere is keeping in more of the suns energy, making Earth warmer and creating climate change.

Example 2 weather/climate different short term vs. long term Greenhouse effect natural process, keeps earth warm enough! people changing balance climate change

Student Number ___-___-___

Name _________ Page 47 Unit 3 Lesson 4

Activity 5 1) Make notes to answer your question below; you must use the word(s) underlined. 2) Speak to other members of class to find the answers to the other questions.

2) How are we causing climate change? Human activities, like travelling by car, eating hamburgers or heating water in the home have led to an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, causing an enhanced greenhouse effect and extra warming. As a result, over the past century there has been an increase in average temperatures. Globally, the ten hottest years on record have all been since 1997.

1) What is climate change? climate change

weather/climate different short term vs. long term Greenhouse effect natural process, keeps earth warm enough! people changing balance climate change

2) How are we causing climate change? atmosphere green house effect 3) What will happen if we dont reduce emissions? eco-system extinction

4) But isnt the climate always changing? natural variation rises

5) Has global warming stopped? global warming

6) How can I help? emissions

Student Number ___-___-___

Name _________ Page 47 Unit 3 Lesson 4

Activity 5 1) Make notes to answer your question below; you must use the word(s) underlined. 2) Speak to other members of class to find the answers to the other questions.

4) But isnt the climate always changing? Yes. There is natural variation in Earths climate but the current climate change is very unusual as it is NOT part of a natural cycle. Natural factors include volcanic eruptions and aerosols. The natural climate has periods with little or no warming and other periods with very rapid warming. However, there is a trend of rising temperatures that is almost certainly caused by mans activities.

1) What is climate change? climate change

weather/climate different short term vs. long term Greenhouse effect natural process, keeps earth warm enough! people changing balance climate change

2) How are we causing climate change? atmosphere green house effect

3) What will happen if we dont reduce emissions? eco-systems extinction

4) But isnt the climate always changing? natural variation rising

5) Has global warming stopped? global warming

6) How can I help? emissions

Student Number ___-___-___

Name _________ Page 47 Unit 3 Lesson 4

Activity 5 1) Make notes to answer your question below; you must use the word(s) underlined. 2) Speak to other members of class to find the answers to the other questions.

3) What will happen if we dont reduce emissions? If emissions continue to grow at present rates, CO2 levels in the air will increase. Unless we limit emissions, global temperature could rise as much as 7 C by the end of the century and push many of the worlds great ecosystems (such as coral reefs and rainforests) to irreversible decline. Even if global temperatures rise by only 2 C, 2030% of animals could face extinction. We can expect to see serious effects on our environment, food and water supplies, and health.

1) What is climate change? climate change

weather/climate different short term vs. long term Greenhouse effect natural process, keeps earth warm enough! people changing balance climate change

2) How are we causing climate change? atmosphere green house effect

3) What will happen if we dont reduce emissions? eco-systems extinction

4) But isnt the climate always changing? natural variation rises

5) Has global warming stopped? global warming

6) How can I help? emissions

Student Number ___-___-___

Name _________ Page 47 Unit 3 Lesson 4

Activity 5 1) Make notes to answer your question below; you must use the word(s) underlined. 2) Speak to other members of class to find the answers to the other questions.

5) Has global warming stopped? No. The 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 1997. Global warming does not mean that each year will necessarily be warmer than the last but the long-term trend is for rising temperatures.

1) What is climate change? climate change

weather/climate different short term vs. long term Greenhouse effect natural process, keeps earth warm enough! people changing balance climate change

2) How are we causing climate change? atmosphere green house effect

3) What will happen if we dont reduce emissions? eco-systems extinction

4) But isnt the climate always changing? natural variation rises 5) Has global warming stopped? global warming

6) How can I help? emissions

Student Number ___-___-___

Name _________ Page 47 Unit 3 Lesson 4

Activity 5 1) Make notes to answer your question below; you must use the word(s) underlined. 2) Speak to other members of class to find the answers to the other questions.

6) How can I help? Over 40% of current CO2 emissions are caused by the choices we make as individuals. You can switch off electrical appliances when they are not being used, walk instead of drive, take the train instead of flying or use energy-saving light bulbs.

1) What is climate change? climate change

weather/climate different short term vs. long term Greenhouse effect natural process, keeps earth warm enough! people changing balance climate change

2) How are we causing climate change? atmosphere green house effect

3) What will happen if we dont reduce emissions? eco-systems extinction

4) But isnt the climate always changing? natural variation rises

5) Has global warming stopped? global warming

6) How can I help? emissions

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