Lista Indikatora Uspešnosti - Iso 11620

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Resources, Accessibility, and Infrastructure Performance Indicator Source User services staff per capita Amd.1 B.5.1.1 Definition Recommended Action

Number of workstation hours available per capita Population per public access workstation

TR 20983 B.1.6.1 TR 20983 B.1.6.2

The ratio of the number of full-time equivalent staff directly serving Delete as is/Replace with users to the population to be served. The number of staff is measured in staff per capita full-time equivalents. User Services includes the following functions: lending, reference, interlibrary lending, user education, photocopying, shelving and retrieving items. The number of hours that a workstation is available for a member of the Keep population to be served during a year. Workstations reserved exclusively for the use of staff are excluded. The ratio of the population to be served to the number of publicly accessible workstations. Workstations reserved exclusively for the use of staff are excluded. Libraries may wish to calculate separately the number of workstations connected to the Internet. The percentage of titles owned by the library that are immediately available to the users. Available means, for the purpose of this indicator, that copies of the titles are present at the library and at the disposal of the users, either for loan or in-library use. Copies to be retrieved from closed stacks are counted as being available. Copies taken out for processing, such as cataloguing, classification, bookbinding, reshelving etc, and copies missing because they are stolen, misplaced etc, are counted as not available but the titles are included in the total number of titles. Titles may for the purpose of this indicator include individual articles in journals or books, if they are included in the total number of titles as well. What is included has to be stated explicitly in each case. Keep/Revise to something such as public access workstations per 1000 users

Titles availability

11620 B.2.2.1


11620 Listing of Performance Indicators

June 10, 2004 1

Required titles availability

11620 B.2.2.2

The percentage of titles owned by the library and required by at least one user that are immediately available. Available means, for the purpose of this indicator, that one or more copies of the title are present at the library and at the disposal of the users, either for loan or in-library use. Copies to be retrieved from closed stacks are counted as being available. Copies taken out for processing, such as cataloguing, classification, bookbinding, reshelving etc., and copies missing because they are stolen, misplaced etc,, are counted as not available but the titles are included in the total number of titles. Titles may, for the purpose of this indicator, include individual articles in journals or books, if they are included in the total number of titles as well. What is included has to be stated explicitly in each case.

Revise to include electronic resources.

11620 Listing of Performance Indicators

June 10, 2004 2

Resources, Accessibility, and Infrastructure Performance Indicator Source Percentage of required titles in the 11620 B.2.2.3 collection

The percentage of titles, required by at least one user, that are already owned by the library. If a title has been published and ordered before the investigation, but has not been received by the library, it is counted as owned by the library. Titles may, for the purpose of this indicator, include individual articles in journals or books, if they are included in the total number of titles as well. What is included has to be stated explicitly in each case. The percentage of titles required by at least one user that are immediately available, or can be made available within a specified time period. Available means, for the purpose of this indicator, that copies of the titles are present at the library and at the disposal of the users, either for loan or in-library use, or can be made available within a specified period of time. Copies to be retrieved from closed stacks are counted as being available. Copies taken out for processing, such as cataloguing, classification, bookbinding, reshelving etc., and copies missing because they are stolen, misplaced etc., are counted as not available but the titles are included in the total number of titles. Titles may, for the purpose of this indicator, include documents made available through interlibrary loan as well as documents bought by the library as a result of user requests. Titles may also include individual articles in journals or books, if they are included in the total number of titles as well. What is included has to be stated explicitly in each case. The period used for measurement is fixed by the user of the indicator. This should be done in a way that reflects the mission and policies of the library.

Recommended Action

Required titles extended availability

11620 B.2.2.4


Shelving accuracy
11620 Listing of Performance Indicators

Amd.1 B.2.2.8

The indicator may be used to measure the percentage of required titles that can be made available over a series of successive periods (e.g. immediately, after 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months etc.). The percentage of documents recorded in the librarys catalogue that are Keep in their correct place on the shelves at the time of investigation. June 10, 2004 3

Correct answer fill rate Median time of document retrieval from open access areas Median time of document retrieval from closed stacks Speed of interlibrary lending

11620 B.2.6.1 11620 B.2.3.2 11620 B.2.3.1 11620 B.2.5.1

Documents, whose absence is accounted for in the librarys records, e.g. by being on loan, taken out for bookbinding or noted as missing, are not included in the sample The number of enquiries answered correctly divided by the total number Revise to include digital of enquiries handled. reference The median time elapsed between the end of a catalogue search and the Delete moment the document is found on the shelf. The median time elapsed between the request for a document placed in closed stacks and the moment it is available to the user. The proportion of requested documents not owned by the library that are made available from external sources to the user within specified time periods. The percentage of time that the system is available to the users and working to a specified standard of performance, as compared to the scheduled hours of availability in a specified period of time. The user of this indicator will have to provide specific criteria of acceptable performance, including methods of measurement and threshold values. The criteria should be based on the requirements of the library (users as well as library staff). The percentage of the facilities available at the time of investigation. Facilities reserved exclusively for the use of staff are not included. Items out of order, switched off (if the warming-up period is lengthy or elaborate), locked etc. are not counted as available, but included in the total number provided. The percentage of users' searches for titles registered in the catalogue that are successful. The percentage of titles in the catalogue matching the user's subject that are found by the user. The percentage of rejected sessions of the total attempted sessions for each licensed database during a specified time period. Sessions by library staff and for user training should be included. Sessions rejected because of incorrect passwords or user IDs are not included. Keep Revise to include electronic document delivery to something such as percentage of orders filled Delete

Automated systems availability

11620 B.2.9.4

(Non-workstation) Facilities availability

11620 B.2.9.1


Title catalogue search success rate Subject catalogue search success rate Percentage of rejected sessions

11620 B.2.7.1 11620 B.2.7.2 TR 20983 B.1.3.4

Delete Keep/Revise. Perhaps a combined indicator with B.2.7.1 Keep

11620 Listing of Performance Indicators

June 10, 2004 4

Use Performance Indicator Document use rate Source 11620 B.2.2.6 Definition Recommended Action
Delete The percentage of documents owned by the library that are in use. In use means, for the purpose of this indicator, that a document is on loan or being used in the library by a user. Documents taken out for processing, such as cataloguing, classification, bookbinding, reshelving etc., and documents missing because they are stolen, misplaced etc., are counted as not in use, but included in the total number of documents. Documents may, for the purpose of this indicator, include individual articles in journals or books, if they are included in the total number of documents as well. What is included has to be stated explicitly in each case. The total number of loans in the specified collection during a specified period of time, normally one year, divided by the total number of documents in the collection. The total number of loans in a year divided by the population to be served. The number of documents on loan at a specified point in time, expressed as a percentage of the total number of documents in the loan collection, and rounded off to one decimal point. The percentage of physical items in stock not used during a specified period (rounded off to the nearest integer). Used means for the purpose of this indicator that an item has been recorded as having been on loan, or has otherwise been registered as having been used in the library during the specified time period. In house use is included only when a library records it on a continuous basis. The period used for measurement is fixed by the user of the indicator. This should be done in a way that reflects the mission and policies of the library. In general, a period of one year is the minimum appropriate. The number of documents on loan in a specified period during the Delete year, divided by the number of persons in the population to be served. NOTE The specified period may be one specific day. June 10, 2004 5

Collection turnover Loans per capita Percentage of stock on loan Percentage of stock not used

11620 B.2.4.1 11620 B.2.4.2 Amd.1 B.2.4.6 Amd.1 B.2.2.7

Keep Keep Keep/Revise to include electronic resources Keep/Revise to include electronic resources

Documents on loan per capita

11620 B.2.4.3

11620 Listing of Performance Indicators

Number of documents downloaded per session

TR 20983 B.1.3.1 The number of documents and entries downloaded in part or in Revisee to number of documents

whole from each electronic resource, divided by the number of downloaded per targe population sessions on each service during a specified time period. Use of electronic resources by library staff and for user training is included as well in the number of sessions as well as in the number of documents and entries downloaded. The percentage of the target population using the library. Combine B.2.1.1 and B.1.1.1 A user is, for the purpose of this indicator, a person who has visited the library or used the services of the library in other ways during the last year. The number of users with registered loans may be used as an estimate of the number of users in the target population.

Percentage of target population reached

11620 B.2.1.1

Percentage of population reached by electronic services In-library use per capita Library visits per capita

Percentage of virtual visits to total visits Percentage of remote OPAC sessions Percentage of information requests submitted electronically (Non-workstation) Facilities use rate

A user may, for the purpose of this indicator, be an individual or a corporate body (an organization, institution or company). TR 20983 B.1.1.1 The percentage of the population to be served who have used any of the electronic services provided by the library during a specified time period. The number of library documents used in the library in a year 11620 B.2.2.5 divided by the population to be served. The total number of visits to the library during a full year divided by 11620 B.2.1.3 the total number of persons in the population to be served. For the purpose of this indicator, a visit is the act of entering the library premises in order to use one of the services provided by the library. The number of visits to the librarys web site from outside the TR 20983 1.3.6 librarys physical premises during a specific time period divided by the sum of the number of visits to the web site and the number of physical visits to the library during the same period. TR 20983 B.1.3.5 The percentage of sessions on the OPAC which originated from outside the library during a specified time period. TR 20983 B.1.4.1 The number of information requests submitted electronically during a specified time period as a percentage of the total number of information requests received during the same period. The percentage of facilities in use at the time of investigation. 11620 B.2.9.2 Facilities reserved exclusively for the use of staff are not included.

Combine B.2.1.1 and B.1.1.1 Keep Keep/Revise to include possible new definition of virtual visit Delete

Delete Keep Delete

Seat occupancy rate

11620 Listing of Performance Indicators

11620 B.2.9.3

Items out of order, switched off (if the warming-up period is lengthy or elaborate), locked etc. are not counted as in use, but included in the total number provided. The percentage of seats in use at the time of investigation. Keep/Revise June 10, 2004 6

Workstation use rate Number of user attendances at electronic service training lessons per capita User satisfaction

Seats reserved exclusively for the use of staff are not included. TR 20983 B.1.6.3 The percentage of workstations in use at the time of investigation. Workstations exclusively for the use of staff are not included. TR 20983 B.1.5.1 The number of attendances at user training on electronic services during a specified time period divided by the population to be served.

Keep Keep/Revise to include all training sessions Revise to include separate services for satiscation measurement

11620 B.1.1.1

The average rating, on a five-point scale, from 1-5 with 1 as the lowest value, by users of the library services as a whole or of different services of the library.

11620 Listing of Performance Indicators

June 10, 2004 7

Cost Efficiency Performance Indicator Cost per user

Source 11620 B.2.1.2

The total recurrent expenditure of the library in a full financial year divided by the number of users. A user is, for the purpose of this indicator, a person who has visited the library or used the services of the library in other ways during the last year. For libraries where loans are the principal activity, the number of users with registered loans may be used as an estimate of the number of users in the target population. A user may, for the purpose of this indicator, be an individual or a corporate body (an organization, institution or company). The total recurrent expenditure of the library in a full financial year divided by the number of visits to the library.

Recommended Action
Revise to refine definition/precision of cost

Cost per library visit

11620 B.2.1.4

Revise to include virtual visit

Cost per loan

11620 B.2.4.4

For the purpose of this indicator, a visit is the act of entering the library premises in order to use one of the services provided by the library. Total recurrent expenditure in a full financial year divided by the total Revise to include electronic resources expenditures number of loans in the same period. Recurrent expenditure is calculated in the way that is normally required in the context where the indicator is applied. To avoid misunderstandings, the user of the indicator should state explicitly what is included in the calculation. When used for international comparisons, value added taxes, sales and service taxes and other local taxes are not included in recurrent expenditure. The cost of providing a description of a document and its logical and coherent insertion into a catalogue file, divided by the number of titles catalogued. For the purpose of this indicator, the term cataloguing refers to the physical description of a document. Capture of authority records, subject analysis, indexing and classification are included. To avoid misunderstandings, the user of the indicator should state explicitly what is included in the calculation. The total number of loans for one full year divided by the number of full-time equivalent employees in the same period.

Cost per title catalogued

11620 B.3.3.1


Loans per employee

11620 B.2.4.5


11620 Listing of Performance Indicators

June 10, 2004 8

Cost per database session

TR 20983 B.1.3.2

The cost of each database divided by the number of sessions during a specified period. The cost of a database is the acquisitions, subscription or licensing costs paid by the library. Pay-per-view costs are not included in this definition, as the costs per session are evident.


Cost per document downloaded

TR 20983 B.1.3.3

This indicator applies only to priced databases. The costs of each electronic resource divided by the number of documents or entries downloaded in part or in whole from that electronic resource during a specified period. The cost of an electronic resource is the acquisitions, subscription or licensing cost paid by the library for that resource.. Pay per download costs are not included in this definition as the costs per download are evident. For the purpose of this indicator, an entry in an electronic resource or database is a downloadable information entity consisting of one or more data files, the essential information usually being full text. Downloading is achieved by requesting a document from a server, usually by means of a web browser. The number of full-time equivalent staff directly serving users expressed as a percentage of the number of full-time equivalent staff of the library.


User services staff as a percentage of total staff

Amd.1 B.5.1.2


Median time of document acquisition

11620 B.3.1.1

User Services includes the following functions: lending, reference, interlibrary lending, user education, photocopying, shelving and retrieving items Median number of days between the date of ordering a document and Keep the date it arrives at the library. Exclude documents acquired by gift or exchange, and documents ordered before publication. Median number of days between the day a document arrives at the library and the day it is available for the user (generally: on the shelves).

Median time of document processing

11620 B.3.2.1


11620 Listing of Performance Indicators

June 10, 2004 9

Potentials & Development Performance Indicator Source Percentage of expenditure on TR 20983 B.1.2.1 information provision spent on the electronic collection

The percentage of the library's total expenditure on information provision spent on the electronic collection. The electronic collection includes digital documents, electronic serials, electronic books, and databases. Expenditure on the electronic collection - for the purpose of this indicator - includes the library's acquisition, subscription and licensing costs. As an alternative, a library might decide to include pay-per-view and electronic document delivery costs with the costs of collection building. This should be stated clearly when publishing or comparing scores. Total acquisitions expenditure would exclude expenditure on binding. Expenditure on infrastructure, such as hardware, software or networking, and on digitisation of documents should not be included. Value added taxes, sales and service taxes or other local taxes are included. Their inclusion may affect international comparisons. The number of attendances of staff members at formal IT and related training lessons divided by the total number of library staff (number of persons, not FTE). In the sense of this indicator, IT and related training covers the development, use and management of library-related soft- and hardware and of electronic library services. Training is organised in pre-planned lessons which can be held in-house or externally and hosted by library staff or external experts. The indicator also assesses the number of attendances at training lessons. Number of library staff (FTE = full-time equivalent) planning, maintaining, providing and developing IT services and technically developing and improving the librarys web-based services, divided by the total number of library staff (FTE). Staff in information and help services, in user training dealing with electronic library services and in content-related work on the library's internet services is excluded.

Recommended Action

Number of attendances at formal TR 20983 B.3.1.1 IT and related training lessons per staff member

Revise to number of attendances at formal training lessons per staff member

Percentage of library staff providing and developing electronic services

TR 20983 B.3.2.1

Revise to clarify definition

11620 Listing of Performance Indicators

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Proposed Additions to 11620 Performance Indicator Ratio of Acquisition Expenditure to Staff Costs

Source Germany

The acquisition costs (including binding, licenses and pay-per-view) are divided by the expenditure on regular staff (staff in the position chart). For a given budget period, determine the librarys acquisition, subscription and licensing expenditure (including binding and payper-view). If the library joins in consortia or other over-all contracts, only the librarys own share in the contractual expenses should be counted. For the same period, identify the staff costs for regular staff (staff in the position chart). Staff paid by special grants and student helps are excluded. The Ratio of Acquisition Expenditure to Staff Costs is A B where A is the expenditure on literature and information B is the staff costs. To measure employee productivity in media processing. The number of acquired media is divided by the number of employees (FTE) involved in media processing (acquisition and cataloguing, no retrospective cataloguing). Count the number of media acquired in a certain period. For electronic periodicals and newspapers, an annual subscription is counted as one volume. Obtain the FTE of staff involved in acquisition and cataloguing (including the acquisition and cataloguing of periodicals, but excluding retrospective cataloguing). Consider temporary and permanent staff, as well as project staff. Because employees are sometimes involved in several tasks, the time they spend on each task should be logged during a representative period. Thus, the proportion of time that every employee dedicates to media processing can be calculated. If time logging is not possible, this proportion can, instead, be estimated. To calculate the FTE for part-time employees: Annual employment: Weekly working hours divided by the regular


Employee Productivity in Media Processing


11620 Listing of Performance Indicators

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working hours per week. Non annual employment: Weekly working hours divided by the regular working hours per week and then multiplied with the quotient (number of weeks employed / 52). The Employee Productivity in Media Processing is A B A B is the number of media acquired in a certain period is the FTE of staff involved in media processing. Revise to clarify definition

Percentage of Institutional Means Germany Allocated to the Library

Round off to the nearest integer. The percentage of institutional means (excluding third party funds) allocated to the library. The means of the library, in the sense of this indicator, are comprised of all funds received from the institution, including acquisition, material, and staff costs, capital expenditure, and one-time funds. Third-party funds and special grants and income generated by the library are excluded. Special grants are grants of a non-recurrent nature to fund (of partly fund) major projects. Determine the means of the library (including capital expenditure, and one-time funds received from the institution, excluding thirdparty funds and special grants, as well as income generated by the library) in a given budget period. Determine the means of the institution (without third-party funds) for the same period. The Percentage of Institutional Means Allocated to the Library is A x 100 B where A B is the library means is the institutional means.

Percentage of Library Means Received by Special Grants or

11620 Listing of Performance Indicators


Round off to the nearest integer. The percentage of library means received by special grants or income generated. June 10, 2004 12

Income Generated

The overall library means include means for capital expenditure. The means received by special grants or income generated include those means for capital expenditure that were not paid by the funding bodies. Determine the overall means of the library, including means for capital expenditure. As a subtotal, obtain the income generated by the library and special grants, including those means for capital expenditure that were not paid by the funding bodies. The Percentage of Library Means Received by Special Grants or Income Generated is A x 100 B where A is the library means received by special grants and income generated B is the overall means of the library.

Library Staff per 1000 members of the Population


Round off to the nearest integer. Divide the number of employees (FTE) including student assistants and project related employees by the number of persons in the population to be served. Multiply the resulting value by 1000. Obtain the number of employees (FTE) including student assistants and project-related staff. To calculate the FTE for part-time employees: Annual employment: Weekly working hours divided by the regular working hours per week. Non annual employment: Weekly working hours divided by the regular working hours per week and then multiplied with the quotient (number of weeks employed / 52). The Library Staff per 1000 members of the Population is A x 1000 B where A is the number of employees in FTE June 10, 2004 13

11620 Listing of Performance Indicators

is the number of persons in the population to be served.

Round off to the nearest integer.

Proposed Additions to

11620 Listing of Performance Indicators

June 10, 2004 14

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