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10/07/2009 Avon and Somerset Constabulary …

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What you need to know
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Crime Reduction and
Community Safety
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In your area What you need to know
Newsroom What is a Police Community
On-line services Support Officer?
Operations and PSCOs are Police Authority-
initiatives employed staff who can perform a
high visibility, patrolling role
Rec ruitment providing reassurance to the
Polic e Community communities they serve.
Support Offic ers
(PCSOs) They complement the work of
Debbie Charman police officers by foc using
Lisa Newman and predominantly on lower level crime,
Sharon Tarling disorder and anti soc ial behaviour.
They are an important weapon in
PCSO video
the Government’s drive to crack
PCSO video down on the types of anti-social
transcript behaviour and nuisance which so blight communities and make people’s lives a
What you need misery.
to know
Units and What powers do PCSOs have?
departments PCSOs do not have the same powers as a police officer, yet they are a visible
presenc e and an effective crime deterrent, espec ially with regard to anti-soc ial
Website resourc es

As well as being able to issue fixed penalty tickets for minor anti-social behaviour,
PCSOs c an also demand the name and address of a person acting in an anti-social

Other PCSO powers include being able to confiscate alc ohol being consumed in a
public plac e, c onfisc ate tobac co from young people, remove abandoned vehicles
and seize any vehicles that are being used to potentially harm other people. A full
list of PCSO powers can be found below.

What is the job specification for joining?

PCSOs have to be good communicators so excellent verbal and written
communication is essential. PCSOs spend their shifts working in communities so
previous experience of working with people within communities is preferred. It is
desirable to have a full UK driving lic ence and be computer literate. You may apply
for the position of Police Community Support Officer on reaching the age of 18.

What hours do they work?

PCSOs work shifts; they are mostly deployed between the hours of 7.00am and
3.00am, depending on the area in whic h they work. During their duty they will
normally be deployed on foot in allocated areas; they will not patrol in vehicles.

What uniform do they wear?

Avon and Somerset Constabulary PCSOs uniform consists of blue polo shirt, blue
jumper, blue fleece, black protec tive vest, blue waterproof jacket, blac k trousers
and blac k safety boots.…/ne… 1/3
10/07/2009 Avon and Somerset Constabulary …

What are they paid?

PCSOs c an expect to earn, following training, between £17,106 and £18,969 plus
allowances (shifts and weekend working).

Also for your information, if you are successful, you will be employed as a Police
Community Support Officer (PCSO) and will be a member of a Safer, Stronger
Neighbourhood team. With effect from 1 March 2009 it is a contractual
requirement of your employment that your photograph will be taken and published
on the internet and in other publicity material as a member of the team. Your
photograph/image c an also be used by the force for other education, awareness
or public ity purposes. The organisation retains the right to use the image
throughout the course of your employment unless a specific request has been
made in writing and ac cepted by a Chief Officer or the Head of Corporate
Communications. This does not affect your rights with external agencies or media.

Standard Powers -

From 1 December 2007 all PCSOs nationally have the following powers:
Environmental Powers

Power to issue fixed penalty notices in respect of offences under dog control
orders. (L/A FPNs)
Power of issue fixed penalty notices for littering.(L/A FPNs)
Power to remove abandoned vehicles

Transport Powers

Power to issue fixed penalty notices for cyc ling on a footpath.

Power to stop cyc les.
Power to c arry out road checks
Power to require name and address for road traffic offences.
Power to c ontrol traffic for purposes other than escorting a load of exceptional
Power to place signs.
Power to seize vehic les used to c ause alarm.

Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco Powers

Power to require persons drinking in designated places to surrender alcohol.

Power to require persons aged under 18 to surrender alcohol
Power to seize tobac co from a person aged under 16.
Power to seize drugs and require name and address for possession of drugs.

Powers to Tackle Anti-Social Behaviour

Power to require name and address for anti-soc ial behaviour.

Enforcement Powers

Power to require name and address.

Power to photograph persons away from a polic e station.

Security Powers

Power to enter and searc h any premises for the purpose of saving life and limb
or preventing serious damage to property.
Power to stop and search in authorised areas.
Power to enforce cordoned areas.

In addition to the standard powers, the Chief Constable is able to designate

a number of discretionary powers. In Avon and Somerset Constabulary, the
additional powers designated are:
Environmental Powers

Power of issue fixed penalty notices for dog fouling (L/A FPNs)
Power to issue fixed penalty notices for graffiti and fly-posting. (L/A FPNs)

Transport Powers

Power to stop vehic les for testing.…/ne… 2/3
10/07/2009 Avon and Somerset Constabulary …
Power to direct traffic for the purpose of escorting abnormal loads
Power to issue PND for throwing fireworks and trespassing on a railway and
throwing stones on a railway

Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco Powers

Limited Power to enter lic ensed premises.

Power to enforce certain licensing offences.
Power to issue PNDs for: sale of alcohol to a person under 18; purchase of
alcohol for person under 18; delivery of alcohol to a person under 18; buying or
attempting to buy alc ohol by an under 18; drinking in a designated area;
consumption of alcohol by person under 18 or allowing such consumption; selling
or attempting to sell alcohol to a person that is drunk.
Power to issue PND for drunk and disorderly behaviour; drunk in highway

Powers to tackle anti-social behaviour

Power to deal with begging.

Power to disperse groups and remove persons under 16 to their plac e of
residence (in designated dispersal zones only)
Power to issue PND for breach of fireworks curfew; possession of a category 4
firework; possession by a person under 18 of an adult firework; supply of
excessively loud firework.

Enforcement Powers

Power to issue fixed penalty notices for truancy.

Power to issue fixed penalty notices for excluded pupil found in a public place.
Power to remove truants to designated premises.
Power to enforce byelaws.
Power to remove children in contravention of curfew notices to their place of
Power to issue PND for destroying or damaging property (under £500), causing
harassment, alarm or distress.
Power to issue PND for wasting police time, giving false report, using public
network communications in order to cause annoyance; knowingly giving false
alarm to a person ac ting on behalf of a fire and rescue authority.

The discretionary powers not designated to PCSOs in Avon and Somerset

and cannot be used are:
Enforcement Powers

Power to detain.
Power to search detained persons for dangerous items or items that could be
used to assist escape.
Power to use reasonable forc e to prevent a detained person making off.
Power us use reasonable force in relation to detained person.
Power to seize drugs (extension to standard power that inc ludes the ability to
Power to search for alc ohol and tobacco.

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