Teamwork Training Outline

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1. INTRODUCTION Normally people work in small groups that seem to have common goals. Every member of the group has their own aspirations, skills and attitude towards their tasks. Due to the differences in educational background, mindset, values, races and culture, therefore people are reluctant to give their full support and cooperation to their peers. This programme is designed not merely to transfer skills and lessons to its participants, but to their organizations and colleagues, so that effective teamwork will become a hallmark of the areas institutions.

2. OBJECTIVES At the end of the programme, the participants will be able to: Understand the concept of teams Review the key concepts of effective teams Identify ways in how to synergize a team to achieve common objective Sharpen skills to be better coach and motivator

3. SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES The following are specific learning outcomes: Provide information, knowledge, skills and resources on team building and demonstrate the importance of teamwork in sustainable development To expose elements of effective teams To provide and experiential learning to the participants that synergy in team translate to higher achievements compared to individual effort To provide necessary skills on coaching and motivating others


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FORMING:Orientation, goal setting, clarifying expectation,acceptance of each other. Activities involve will be:o Ice Breaker o Initiative Games o Team Formation

STAGE 2 STORMING & NORMING: Issues of leadership, trust, control and influences are involved at this stage. Team may need to clarify roles, resolve conflicts, establish norms of behavioursnegotiate disagreements and form strong bond and trust within the team members. Activities involved in this program that will highlight:o Indoor Activity 1 -Dominoes o Indoor Activity 2 -Speedy Challenge o Indoor Activity 3 -Helium Rod o Indoor Activity 4 -Chain Reaction

STAGE 3 PERFORMING: Team members work together in constructive ways toachieve common goals;productivity and continued teamdevelopment are the primary issues. Activities involved will be:o Indoor Activity 7-Stage play

STAGE 4 TRANSFORMING: Team breaks up entirely and may have new vision and plans to apply their newly learnt skills and knowledge at their work place. Activities involved will be: o Group presentation on Team Declaration 5. METHODOLOGY

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Overall, methodology concept: indoor activities Lectures and Slide Presentation Facilitation Mental games Physical games Exercises Group Discussion Games and Debrief Pre and Post Programme Assessment 6. DURATION / DATE One day 4th November 2013

7. VENUE The Regency Hotel (Rajah Court)

8. TARGET PARTICIPANT Executive level and below from OBYU Holdings

9. FACILITATOR HENG CHIN SIONG Heng Chin Siong holds a degree (UNIMAS) in Human Resource Development and masters degree MSc(Hons) in Human Resource Development from from University Malaysia Sarawak).Heng C.S, started his career as s fulltime lecturer under Department of Human Resource Development, Heng Chin Siong had worked with Cahya Mata Sarawak Berhad, Yung Kong Galvanizing Industries Berhad and CH William Talhar Wong & Yeo. He had been working as HR Practitioners for more than 11 years in various industries and has been entrusted to handle and accomplished a few HR related projects. Apart from HR functions, he was given the opportunities to handle administration and security functions as well. The above exposure has equipped him with the holistic view of managing and developing human capital, both theoritically and practically. Some of the positions hold by Heng Chin Siong before he been promoted as Senior Human Resource Executive with job responsibilities covers the administration of the full spectrum of human resource function of CMS Clinker Sdn Bhd, are Policy Executive, HR Executive, Management Trainee and Surveyor. Apart from discharging his roles as HR Practitioners, he had been appointed as one of the Management Review Team (MRT) for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 too.

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