AMC Offering Support and Any Needed Assistance To Address Challenges Facing The Southern Chiefs Organization

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Winnipeg, MB October 1, 2013 Recent attention to internal issues has prompted many of the member chiefs of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) to consider the challenges facing the Southern Chiefs Organization (SCO). In light of the internal issues AMC Grand Chief Derek Nepinak is offering support and any needed assistance in addressing the challenges. The Southern Chiefs Organization has provided important leadership to southern Manitoba First Nations on many issues over several years. Through a Unity Accord signed in November 2011, we committed to work together to highlight and promote strengths with our respective organizations. It is my opinion that we should also provide support in challenging or difficult times. Clear lines of communication have to be established and consistently exercised along lines of financial accountability in political organizations. If there are gaps or challenges in ensuring strong lines of communication, AMC is willing to assist in any way we can to help address the matter, said Grand Chief Derek Nepinak. In November 2011, to promote political unity, AMC Grand Chief Nepinak invited the Grand Chiefs of Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO) and the Southern Chiefs Organization (SCO) and members the Executive Councils as well as the AFN Regional Chief to sign a Political Unity Accord between the organizations. The agreements were signed in sacred ceremony and were brought back to the Chiefs Assembly for ratification in February 2012. Since then, the three organizations have shared the responsibility in advocating for all First Nations in Manitoba on several matters. While there are three organizations representing First Nations in Manitoba, AMC recognizes Chiefs and Communities who fall under the membership of both SCO and MKO as they are also members of AMC. Despite the separation of the MKO & SCO organizations geographically, the three organizations collaborate on issues of significance to all of Manitoba's First Nations communities and oftentimes seek political support from each other on specific agendas.

-30 For more information please contact: Sheila North Wilson Chief Communications Officer 204-957-8450 (office) 204-805-1759 (cell)

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