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1. 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4. 5.1 5.2

C how Tanya saved her village. B Tanya A Courageous A Tanya and her family were poor. B Tanya was starving. B Adu Darko that the people of the village were starving. I want to save the village.

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

6. 7.1 7.2 8. 9.1 9.2 9.3 10. 11. 12.

13.1 13.2 13.3 14.1 14.2 15.1 15.2 16.

had been grazing for a while. D She ought to find a new house. A She should visit the hospital today. See assessment rubric attached. A alliteration. C life is fruitless. B metaphor. B teach readers about the worlds largest rodent. D Capybaras eat vegetation. A capybara is the worlds largest rodent. It is a vegetation eater. Its large incisors keep growing throughout its life. A capybara lives in large groups. It can give birth to six babies at a time.It can give birth to It can run, jump and swim. A capybara has eyes, ears and nostrils near the top of its head. It can dive deep and hold its breath. A water plant B Capybaras live in groups. Grasses are the main food in capybaras diet D To prevent them from growing Capybara like to be with others D although C The child is crying because she is hungry. Pigeons were used to send messages in the th 12 century. Kings used pigeons to get information from the battlefield. Pigeons were the fastest and reliable means of sending messages. Carrier pigeons differ from ordinary pigeons. Modern communication is taking over as the fastest means of communication.

2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 4

2 marks or 0 1 mark for correct punctuation marks 1 mark for correct pronoun and tense (both must be correct) 2 marks or 0

Mark out of 10 and convert to 5 marks

Any 4 points 1 mark for each point

1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3

Any answer with a similar meaning Any answer with a similar meaning

Any three points 1 mark for each point



Messages will be carried by pigeons to the soldiers far beyond the enemy lines. OR Messages will be carried to the soldiers far beyond the enemy lines (by pigeons). You wont believe what I did yesterday. I caught this really big fish. Its called a carp. I think it weighed about 2 kilograms! Tom and I went to the dam early in the morning.

2 marks or 0

1 mark for each correct answer

19. 20.

See assessment rubric attached. See assessment rubric attached.

6 8

Mark out of 12 and convert to 6 marks Mark out of 16 and convert to 8 marks

Assessment rubric for diary entry (Question 5)

MARKS 10 Format and length 3 marks Appropriate length. 3 marks Appropriate structure and tone. Variation of sentence types. Good use of language, grammar, spelling and punctuation with few errors. 4 marks Complete adherence to the topic. Outstanding achievement of purpose. Fairly appropriate length. 2 marks Mostly appropriate structure and tone. Complete sentences. Few grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors. 2-3 marks Adheres to the topic with minor deviations. Moderate achievement of purpose. Inappropriate length. 1 mark Inappropriate structure and tone. Incomplete sentences. Many grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors. 1 mark Mentions the topic with no adherence to it. Partial achievement of purpose. Far too long or too short. 0 marks Completely inappropriate structure and tone. Weak sentence structure. Numerous spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors. 0 marks Completely off the topic. 3 MARKS Complete adherence to format. 2 MARKS Good adherence to format. 1 MARK Partial adherence to format. 0 MARKS Very limited adherence to format.

Language 3 marks

Content 4 marks

Purpose not achieved.

Assessment rubric for paragraph writing (Question 19) 12 Marks Planning (3 marks) 3 marks Effective and correct sentence structure. All ideas in the mind map used. Effective introduction and conclusion. 2 marks Correct sentence structure. 1 mark Some errors in sentence structure. 0 marks Poor sentence structure.

Most ideas in the mind map used.

Some ideas in the mind map used.

No ideas in the mind map used.

Introduction and conclusion adequate. 3 marks Correct sentence structure.

Ineffective introduction, weak conclusion, 1-2 marks Some errors in sentence structure.

No introduction, no conclusion.

4 marks Language (4 marks) Effective and correct sentence structure. Use of a wide range of vocabulary. Correct language usage, spelling and punctuation. 5 marks Content (5 marks) Complete adherence to the topic. Outstanding achievement of purpose.

0 marks Poor sentence structure.

Use of a fairly wide range of vocabulary. Few errors in language usage, spelling and punctuation. 3 marks Adheres to the topic with minor deviations. Moderate achievement of purpose.

Use of adequate vocabulary.

Use of limited vocabulary.

Some errors in language usage, spelling and punctuation. 1-2 marks Mentions the topic with no adherence to it. Partial achievement of purpose.

Many errors in language usage, spelling and punctuation. 0 marks Completely off the topic.

Purpose not achieved.

Assessment rubric for paragraph writing (Question 20) 16 Marks Planning (4 marks) 4 marks Evidence of thorough planning. Effective introduction and conclusion. . 3 marks Evidence of planning. Introduction and conclusion adequate. . 1-2 marks Some evidence of planning. Ineffective introduction, weak conclusion. . 0 marks No evidence of planning. No introduction, no conclusion,

Language (6 marks)

6 marks Effective and correct sentence structure. Use of a wide range of vocabulary. Correct language usage, spelling and punctuation. 6 marks Complete adherence to the topic. Outstanding achievement of purpose.

4-5 marks Correct sentence structure.

2-3 marks Some errors in sentence structure.

0-1 marks Poor sentence structure.

Use of a fairly wide range of vocabulary.

Use of adequate vocabulary.

Use of limited vocabulary.

Content (6 marks)

Few errors in language usage, spelling and punctuation. 4-5 marks Adheres to the topic with minor deviations. Moderate achievement of purpose. .

Some errors in language usage, spelling and punctuation. 2-3 marks Mentions the topic with no adherence to it. Partial achievement of purpose.

Many errors in language usage, spelling and punctuation. 0-1 marks Completely off the topic. Purpose not achieved.

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