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5.07 Syllabus: Fall 2007

Course Syllabus: Lecture topics and exam dates are noted below on the course syllabus. The lecture schedule is subject to slight changes. Chapters/pages refer to Voet and Voet, Biochemistry, 3rd edition.


Lecture Topic

Reading Assignment
Chapter 1 pp. 317; Chapter 2 pp. 39-49; Workbook I & Problem Set I


Wed. 5 1. Composite biomolecules and their linking functional groups; molecules that are hydrophobic, hydrophilic, or amphiphilic; effect of charge and pKa on the hydrophilicity of biomolecules 2. Amino acids, primary structures and backbone conformations of peptides and proteins; Ramachandran diagrams 3. Peptide and protein secondary structuressheets and helices; structures of globular proteins; dimeric helical coiled coils; helical wheels as packing predictors 4. (Problem set I is due) Protein tertiary structure; energetics of protein folding; structural and energetic features of folded globular proteins; introduction to myoglobin, an oxygencarrying protein. DSK

Fri. 7

Chapter 4 pp. 6574; Workbook II


Mon. 10

Copy of last years Quiz I


Wed. 12

Answers to PS I V & V Chapter 8 pp. 219-255; Problem set II


Fri. 14

Mon. 17

5. Introduction to Chapter 10 pp. hemoglobin; quantitative 320-338 oxygen binding; Hill equation; R & T states. 6. Hemoglobin; quantitative See Lecture 5 cooperative oxygen binding; structures of R & T states. modulation of oxygen binding by hemoglobin, Bohr effect, BPG binding. transport of oxygen from lung to tissue. 20-Minute Quiz on Workbook & PS1 7. (PS II is due) Summary of hemoglobin biochemistry and biophysics; Introduction to lipids and membranes; quantitative oxygen binding Chapter 12 pp. 382-402; 407414; review questions on Chapter 10; PS III; Answers to PS II (see Lecture 7); 2002 HE II w/answers; summary of contents of HE I



Wed. 19


Fri. 21

8. Triacylglycerols, glycerophospholipids, lipid aggregatesmicelles and bilayers, Plasma membranes as lipid bilayersstructure and physical properties, cholesterol, structures and functions of membrane proteins HOUR EXAM I 9. Summary of membranes and lipids; Introduction to sugars -- structures, stereochemistry, acetal and hemiacetal linkages.


Wed. 26 Fri. 28

Workbook III; Chapter 11


Mon. 1 10. Monosaccharides and oligosaccharides; stereochemistry of the acetal linkage; glycogen and cellulose; glycoproteins; Introduction to kinetics of enzyme-catalyzed reactions 11. Enzyme kinetics; irreversible, competitive, noncompetitive inhibition 12. (PS III is due ) Summary of enzyme kinetics; acid and base-catalyzed mechanisms; base catalyzed ester and amide hydrolysis; enolization, the aldol condensation 13. Nitrogen chemistry imines and enamines; cofactor catalysis; PLP and TPP; analogies from simple bioorganic examples 14. (PS IV is due) Review of PLP and TPP catalysis; introduction to biochemical oxidation and reduction 15. Oxidation-reduction continued; biochemical hydride transfer; experimental distinctions between hydride and proton transfer; chemistry of NADH/NAD+ and their simpler bioorganic analogs Chapter 14 pp. 472-487 DSK

Wed. 3

(see Lecture 10)


Fri. 5

Answers to PS III; Workbook IV; Problem Set IV


Wed. 10

(see Lecture 12)


Fri. 12

(see Lecture 12)


Mon. 15

Answers to PS IV; Workbook V; Problem Set V


4 Wed. 17 16. (PS V is due) OxidationReduction continued; one and two-electron transfer chemistry of quinones and flavins and their simple bioorganic analogs; review of cofactor chemistry. 17. Bioenergetics HOUR EXAM II 18. Introduction to metabolism: High-energy compounds; glycolysis 19. Polysaccharide catabolism; optional endings for glycolysis 20. Pathways that intersect with glycolysis 21. (PS VI is due) Citric acid cycle 22. Citric acid cycle, continued; electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation (Q cycle, [Fe-S] proteins) HOUR EXAM III 23. ATP synthesis driven by proton gradients; lipid catabolism 24. ATP synthesis driven by proton gradients 25. (PS VII is due) Lipid catabolism 26. Lipid catabolism, ketone bodies 27. Anaplerotic reactions; Gluconeogenesis 28. (PS VIII is due) Anaplerosis and gluconeogenesis, continued; glyoxylate cycle Answers to PS V; DSK 2002 HE II with answers; summary of contents of HE II

Fri. 19 Mon. 22 Wed. 24

Chapter 3 pp. 51-60 DSK Skim pp. 549-565; read pp. 566-577 (Chapter 16), pp. 581-607 (Chapter 17) Read pp. 607-613 (Chapter 17), 626647 (Chapter 18); skim remainder of chapter Read pp. 765-794 (Chapter 21) Read pp. 797-839 (Chapter 22) Chapter 22 SL

Fri. 26


Mon. 29 Wed. 31


Fri. 2 SL

Mon. 5 Wed. 7 Fri. 9 Wed. 14 Fri. 16 Mon. 19 Wed. 21

Chapter 22 Read pp. 909-930 (Chapter 25) __ Read pp. 843-851 (Chapter 23) __ Read pp. 862-868 (Chapter 23)


5 Mon. 26 29. Pentose phosphate pathway HOUR EXAM IV 30. Light and dark reactions of photosynthesis (overview). Lipid biosynthesis 31. (PS IX due) Lipid biosynthesis; integration of metabolic processes 32. Integration, continued; Nucleic acid structure; replication 33. (PS X due) Replication, continued. RNA synthesis and post-translational processing 34. Regulation of gene expression 35. Protein synthesis Read pp. 11071113 (Vol. 2, Chapter 29); pp. 1135-1152 Skim 1152-1162; read 1216-1237 (Chapter 31); skim 1254-1264 Chapter 24 (skim); Read pp. 930-942 (Chapter 25); Chapter 27 SL

Wed. 28 Fri. 30


Mon. 3 SL

Wed. 5


Fri. 7


Mon. 10 Wed. 12

Skim 1295-1306; Read 1306-1337


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