Affidavit of Sankey Attoched To TRO Application of Major Cook Filed by Orly Taitz

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Case 4:09-cv-00082-CDL Document 1-6 Filed 07/09/2009 Page 1 of 3


The State of California

) S.S.
City of Simi Valley )

I, Neil SANKEY, of Simi Valley, California,, MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT:

1. I, Neil Sankey am over the age of eighteen years.

If called to do so, I could and would competently testify under oath as follows.

I am a Licensed Investigator in the State of California License number P.1. 10905. I have
been so licensed for twenty five years. I am a Naturalized American Citizen.
I am experienced in all types of Investigation, both Civil and Criminal, having spent
twenty years in the British Police, serving as a Detective Sergeant at New Scotland
Yard. In the interest of our Country I have been assisting with research and
investigation wherever necessary.

2. During the course of the work that I was doing in the latter part of 2008, regarding the
activities and qualifications of Mr. Obama, I have compiled a record of all of the
addresses in regards to which I have seen the use of his name. The records and
databases which I use are many and varied having been accumulated for many
different reasons but all are Public Record and the documents I have used are available
to the General Public with, or without the payment of fees.

3. On January 2, 2009 I forwarded to Doctor Taitz a complete list of my efforts to that

time. A true and complete copy of that document accompanies this document attached
and marked "Exhibit A".

4. On July 6, 2009, I forwarded to Doctor Taitz an updated version of that list, accurate
as of that date and having been updated, by me, during the weekend of July 4th and 5th
Case 4:09-cv-00082-CDL Document 1-6 Filed 07/09/2009 Page 2 of 3

2009. A true and complete copy of that document accompanies this document attached
and marked "Exhibit B"


BEFORE ME, on the

6th day of July, 2009


My Commission expires: __________,

Case 4:09-cv-00082-CDL Document 1-6 Filed 07/09/2009 Page 3 of 3


, ,
YSee Attached Document (Notary to cross out lines 1-6 below)

_ See Statement Below (Lines 1-5 to be completed only by document signer[sJ, not Notary)

---~. ~---~ ~---~. ~---- ..- - - - .

NO.1 Signat\J;€ o· O()cument Sigr18f No.2 {If ar'ty)

State of California
( \ ..
County of . 've,V)'tct /) LL-
Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this

day of _Jv..G i..~- M h
J 20cfi , by


proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence

to be the person who appeared before me (.) Y
It; Name of S:gr:er

proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence

to be ~WhO ~ppeared ~before me,)

Signa~' . ./

Place Notary Seal A.bove

fraudulent document.
Further Description of Any Attached Document

T·tle or Type of LJu(;U'!I'ern: ....~..'...l,.,~.LLcU..."_"_"_'___\_--.......- - - ..-~- .... ___ _

Document Date: _ _........ ~_'-- .....=.._I-'''''-..-'..---- Number 01 Pages ~l:::'

Signer(s) Other Than Nemeo Above: . - -..-.'--"'+f..""-=:...~.-- .... - - - - - ­

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