Metamorphosis 1

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Incomplete metamorphosis

Incomplete metamorphosis are words used to tell about how some insects grow. It is also called hemimetabolism. Insects change how they look and what they can do when they grow. Some insects, the insects that have incomplete metamorphosis, have three different life stages. These insects start as eggs, which are sometimes so small you cannot see them. When the egg hatches, a nymph comes out. Nymphs are just baby insects. Most of the time, the nymph looks just like the adult, but it is smaller than the adult and does not have wings. After the nymph grows, it changes again, this time into an adult with wings so it can fly. Some insect nymphs are aquatic, which means they live in water. These nymphs usually have gills and look very different from the adults they will turn into. Nymphs that live in water are called naiads. Some insects that have a life cycle of egg-nymph-adult are:

cockroaches dragonflies grasshoppers true bugs

Incomplete Metamorphosis
About 12% of all insects go through incomplete metamorphosis. Incomplete metamorphosis has 3 stages.

Egg - A female insect lays eggs. These eggs are often covered by an egg case which protects the eggs and holds them together. Nymph - The eggs hatch into nymphs. Nymphs looks like small adults, but usually don't have wings. Insect nymphs eat the same food that the adult insect eats. Nymphs shed or molt their exoskeletons (outer casings made up of a hard substance called chitin) and replace them with larger ones several times as they grow. Most nymphs molt 4-8 times. Adult - The insects stop molting when they reach their adult size. By this time, they have also grown wings.

Complete Metamorphosis
About 88% of all insects go through complete metamorphosis. Complete metamorphosis has 4 stages:

Egg - A female insects lays eggs. Larva - Larvae hatch from the eggs. They do not look like adult insects. They usually have a worm-like shape. Caterpillers, maggots, and grubs are all just the larval stages of insects. Larvae molt their skin several times and they grow slightly larger. Pupa - Larvae make cocoons around themselves. Larvae don't eat while they're inside their cocoons. Their bodies develop into an adult shape with wings, legs, internal organs, etc. This change takes anywhere from 4 days to many months. Adult - Inside the cocoon, the larvae change into adults. After a period of time, the adult breaks out of the cocoon.

Visit the following insect websites. Write down whether each insect undergoes complete or incomplete metamorphosis. Many of these sites may not come right out and state if the insect's metamorphosis is complete or incomplete. You may have to infer that information from the facts that you find.

Types of Arthropod Metamorphosis Ametabolous = no metamorphosis. Little or no change between the immature and adult form except in size and development of the sexual organs.

Ametabolous metamorphosis of a silverfish

Gradual (Incomplete) Metamorphosis (immature forms are often called nymphs)

Nymphs resemble the adult in form except for being smaller and lacking fully developed wings and sexual organs. Partial change in wing and external genitalia development with each molt. Most adults and nymphs have the same habits and live in the same environment. Life Cycle: Egg --> nymphal instars --> adult Incomplete (gradual) metamorphosis of a dragonfly and grasshopper

Complete metamorphosis Immature forms are called larvae (larva, singular).

Larvae are very different in form from the adult. The pupal stage is a transition stage, when the larva is transformed to the adult. o Pupa does not eat and movement is very restricted. o Great metabolic changes occur.

Pupa molts to the adult form. Life Cycle: Egg --> larval instars --> pupa --> adult Complete metamorphosis of a butterfly

What advantages does metamorphosis give an insect? 1. Allows growth 2. Allows specialization between stages Incomplete metamorphosis is limited. Complete metamorphosis is very pronounced. Function of the different stages in insects with complete metamorphosis: Larva: To eat and grow. Adults: To reproduce.

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